Generate new hash for each user email using PHP and Javascript - javascript

I am using Bootstrap Data Table to generate a user table and I want to display each users avatar in the table which I have working now. I allow users to use gravatar, but I am also forcing the default to be the retro icon. The problem that I have is that it generates the same hash for each user causing their icons to be the same.
Here is my JS code:
function usernameFormatter(value, row) {
var id =;
var email =;
var avatarType = row.avatar_type;
var avatar = '../users/' + row.avatar;
if(avatarType == 'Gravatar'){
var retro = 'retro';
var urlencode = <?php echo urlencode( retro ); ?>;
var hash = '<?php echo md5( strtolower( trim( email ) ) ); ?>';
var avatar = '' + hash + '?d=' + urlencode;
return '<img src="' + avatar + '" style="width: 32px;margin-right: 5px;">' + value + '';
I am having trouble writing, for each email address use a different hash. Can someone guide me in the right direction? Any code examples you have is much appreciated.

var email = email;
var urlencode = <?php echo urlencode( retro ); ?>;
var hash = '<?php echo md5( strtolower( trim( email ) ) ); ?>';
The problem is you can't use a JS variable in PHP without passing it to the server first. When PHP is processing, it has no idea what email is.

how? can you explain? everything works fine. the only problem i have is the same hash is being generated.
<?php echo md5( strtolower( trim( email ) ) ); ?>
That's because you're working on the string 'email', not the value email. PHP variables are named with $, and you won't be able to access JavaScript variables in the manner you showed without using AJAX to communicate between the browser and the server.
If you run your code with warnings on, you'll get this message:
Notice: Use of undefined constant email - assumed 'email' in - on line ...
This is why the hash is the same at all times - your code is actually doing:
<?php echo md5( strtolower( trim( 'email' ) ) ); ?>

I ended up just using a JS equivalent MD5 like this:
var MD5=function(s){function L(k,d){return(k<<d)|(k>>>(32-d))}function K(G,k){var I,d,F,H,x;F=(G&2147483648);H=(k&2147483648);I=(G&1073741824);d=(k&1073741824);x=(G&1073741823)+(k&1073741823);if(I&d){return(x^2147483648^F^H)}if(I|d){if(x&1073741824){return(x^3221225472^F^H)}else{return(x^1073741824^F^H)}}else{return(x^F^H)}}function r(d,F,k){return(d&F)|((~d)&k)}function q(d,F,k){return(d&k)|(F&(~k))}function p(d,F,k){return(d^F^k)}function n(d,F,k){return(F^(d|(~k)))}function u(G,F,aa,Z,k,H,I){G=K(G,K(K(r(F,aa,Z),k),I));return K(L(G,H),F)}function f(G,F,aa,Z,k,H,I){G=K(G,K(K(q(F,aa,Z),k),I));return K(L(G,H),F)}function D(G,F,aa,Z,k,H,I){G=K(G,K(K(p(F,aa,Z),k),I));return K(L(G,H),F)}function t(G,F,aa,Z,k,H,I){G=K(G,K(K(n(F,aa,Z),k),I));return K(L(G,H),F)}function e(G){var Z;var F=G.length;var x=F+8;var k=(x-(x%64))/64;var I=(k+1)*16;var aa=Array(I-1);var d=0;var H=0;while(H<F){Z=(H-(H%4))/4;d=(H%4)*8;aa[Z]=(aa[Z]|(G.charCodeAt(H)<<d));H++}Z=(H-(H%4))/4;d=(H%4)*8;aa[Z]=aa[Z]|(128<<d);aa[I-2]=F<<3;aa[I-1]=F>>>29;return aa}function B(x){var k="",F="",G,d;for(d=0;d<=3;d++){G=(x>>>(d*8))&255;F="0"+G.toString(16);k=k+F.substr(F.length-2,2)}return k}function J(k){k=k.replace(/rn/g,"n");var d="";for(var F=0;F<k.length;F++){var x=k.charCodeAt(F);if(x<128){d+=String.fromCharCode(x)}else{if((x>127)&&(x<2048)){d+=String.fromCharCode((x>>6)|192);d+=String.fromCharCode((x&63)|128)}else{d+=String.fromCharCode((x>>12)|224);d+=String.fromCharCode(((x>>6)&63)|128);d+=String.fromCharCode((x&63)|128)}}}return d}var C=Array();var P,h,E,v,g,Y,X,W,V;var S=7,Q=12,N=17,M=22;var A=5,z=9,y=14,w=20;var o=4,m=11,l=16,j=23;var U=6,T=10,R=15,O=21;s=J(s);C=e(s);Y=1732584193;X=4023233417;W=2562383102;V=271733878;for(P=0;P<C.length;P+=16){h=Y;E=X;v=W;g=V;Y=u(Y,X,W,V,C[P+0],S,3614090360);V=u(V,Y,X,W,C[P+1],Q,3905402710);W=u(W,V,Y,X,C[P+2],N,606105819);X=u(X,W,V,Y,C[P+3],M,3250441966);Y=u(Y,X,W,V,C[P+4],S,4118548399);V=u(V,Y,X,W,C[P+5],Q,1200080426);W=u(W,V,Y,X,C[P+6],N,2821735955);X=u(X,W,V,Y,C[P+7],M,4249261313);Y=u(Y,X,W,V,C[P+8],S,1770035416);V=u(V,Y,X,W,C[P+9],Q,2336552879);W=u(W,V,Y,X,C[P+10],N,4294925233);X=u(X,W,V,Y,C[P+11],M,2304563134);Y=u(Y,X,W,V,C[P+12],S,1804603682);V=u(V,Y,X,W,C[P+13],Q,4254626195);W=u(W,V,Y,X,C[P+14],N,2792965006);X=u(X,W,V,Y,C[P+15],M,1236535329);Y=f(Y,X,W,V,C[P+1],A,4129170786);V=f(V,Y,X,W,C[P+6],z,3225465664);W=f(W,V,Y,X,C[P+11],y,643717713);X=f(X,W,V,Y,C[P+0],w,3921069994);Y=f(Y,X,W,V,C[P+5],A,3593408605);V=f(V,Y,X,W,C[P+10],z,38016083);W=f(W,V,Y,X,C[P+15],y,3634488961);X=f(X,W,V,Y,C[P+4],w,3889429448);Y=f(Y,X,W,V,C[P+9],A,568446438);V=f(V,Y,X,W,C[P+14],z,3275163606);W=f(W,V,Y,X,C[P+3],y,4107603335);X=f(X,W,V,Y,C[P+8],w,1163531501);Y=f(Y,X,W,V,C[P+13],A,2850285829);V=f(V,Y,X,W,C[P+2],z,4243563512);W=f(W,V,Y,X,C[P+7],y,1735328473);X=f(X,W,V,Y,C[P+12],w,2368359562);Y=D(Y,X,W,V,C[P+5],o,4294588738);V=D(V,Y,X,W,C[P+8],m,2272392833);W=D(W,V,Y,X,C[P+11],l,1839030562);X=D(X,W,V,Y,C[P+14],j,4259657740);Y=D(Y,X,W,V,C[P+1],o,2763975236);V=D(V,Y,X,W,C[P+4],m,1272893353);W=D(W,V,Y,X,C[P+7],l,4139469664);X=D(X,W,V,Y,C[P+10],j,3200236656);Y=D(Y,X,W,V,C[P+13],o,681279174);V=D(V,Y,X,W,C[P+0],m,3936430074);W=D(W,V,Y,X,C[P+3],l,3572445317);X=D(X,W,V,Y,C[P+6],j,76029189);Y=D(Y,X,W,V,C[P+9],o,3654602809);V=D(V,Y,X,W,C[P+12],m,3873151461);W=D(W,V,Y,X,C[P+15],l,530742520);X=D(X,W,V,Y,C[P+2],j,3299628645);Y=t(Y,X,W,V,C[P+0],U,4096336452);V=t(V,Y,X,W,C[P+7],T,1126891415);W=t(W,V,Y,X,C[P+14],R,2878612391);X=t(X,W,V,Y,C[P+5],O,4237533241);Y=t(Y,X,W,V,C[P+12],U,1700485571);V=t(V,Y,X,W,C[P+3],T,2399980690);W=t(W,V,Y,X,C[P+10],R,4293915773);X=t(X,W,V,Y,C[P+1],O,2240044497);Y=t(Y,X,W,V,C[P+8],U,1873313359);V=t(V,Y,X,W,C[P+15],T,4264355552);W=t(W,V,Y,X,C[P+6],R,2734768916);X=t(X,W,V,Y,C[P+13],O,1309151649);Y=t(Y,X,W,V,C[P+4],U,4149444226);V=t(V,Y,X,W,C[P+11],T,3174756917);W=t(W,V,Y,X,C[P+2],R,718787259);X=t(X,W,V,Y,C[P+9],O,3951481745);Y=K(Y,h);X=K(X,E);W=K(W,v);V=K(V,g)}var i=B(Y)+B(X)+B(W)+B(V);return i.toLowerCase()};
and then I set the hash var to this var hash = MD5(email.trim().toLowerCase());
This seems to have worked.


adding Advanced Custom Field to javascript

I have created an ACF option in the admin so a user can add cookie notice text via the admin...The javascript script I'm using creates the message within the javascript so I'm wanting to echo the ACF field within the javascript.
At the top of my cookie.js file I have: "<?php $cooke_msg = the_field('cookie_notice', 'option'); ?>"; and I'm echoing it within a var like so: var msg = "<?php echo $cookie_msg; ?>"; so the top of my file looks like this:
"<?php $cooke_msg = the_field('cookie_notice', 'option'); ?>";
//Change these values
var msg = "<?php echo $cookie_msg; ?>";
var closeBtnMsg = "OK";
var privacyBtnMsg = "Privacy Policy";
var privacyLink = "";
//check cookies
var cookieString = document.cookie;
var cookieList = cookieString.split(";");
// if cookie named OKCookie is found, return
for(x = 0; x < cookieList.length; x++){
if (cookieList[x].indexOf("OKCookie") != -1){return};
What I'm getting when I view the site is: <?php echo $cookie_msg; ?> and not the actual message from there a way of actually doing this?
Wordpress giving nice function to pass PHP variable data to js file.
Put this code in your theme functions.php page.
function mytheme_load_scripts() {
wp_enqueue_script('mytheme-script', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/mytheme-script.js');
wp_localize_script('mytheme-script', 'mytheme_script_vars', array(
'alert' => get_field("cookie_notice",$post_id)
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'mytheme_load_scripts');
And Create one js folder in your theme root directory. Inside that directory create the js file named mytheme-script.js file, & put the below code over there.
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
alert( mytheme_script_vars.alert );
Now visit any page of your site. Surely you will get an alert with the your desire field value. Make sure you will assign proper value to $post_id. I think this will help you. Codex reference link for more details: WP Localize Script Function

mysql query from php isnt working but it works in a different php file

I'm trying to make a query from my MySQL database here is the code
$link = new MySQLi('localhost','root','Rrtynt','copy');
$name = $_POST['id'];
$profile = 'profile';
$thestring = $name.$profile;
//echo $thestring;
$result = $link->query("SELECT Email,Name,idauth FROM user WHERE Email = '$name'");
echo $result;
the code for the query
$result = $link->query("SELECT Email,Name,idauth FROM user WHERE Email = '$name'");
works in a different php script the same exact code but it keeps giving me http 500 error, I'm using this to post from a javascript file
$.post("/getfirstfolder.php", { id: value1 }, function (data) {
cop = data;
console.log("Data: " + data);
if I take out
$result = $link->query("SELECT Email,Name,idauth FROM user WHERE Email = '$name'");
and just echo $thestring it works fine, I cant figure out the problem so thank you for your time and your help is greatly appreciated
The fact that you mentioned $thestring, makes me think that perhaps you should be using $thestring as the parameter to the query like this:
$result = $link->query("SELECT Email,Name,idauth FROM user WHERE Email = '$thestring'");

Set the value/text of a div using javascript/jquery - inside a php LOOP

I want to set the value/text of a div using javascript/jquery inside a loop but I don't know how to implement it. I need help with this one guys.
Retrieve data from database.
Set the value of an element using javascript/jquery (inside a loop) from the database.
Make the value a link
I have this a_link column from links table with the ff. values:
And here is my code:
$querylink = "SELECT * from links";
$resultlink = mysql_query($querylink);
while ($rowlink = mysql_fetch_array($resultlink))
$thelink = $rowlink['a_link'];
<div class = "row">
<span id = "linkhere"></span>
var link = "<?php echo $thelink; ?>";
function urlify(text) {
var urlRegex = /(((https?:\/\/)|(www\.))[^\s]+)/g;
//var urlRegex = /(https?:\/\/[^\s]+)/g;
return text.replace(urlRegex, function(url,b,c) {
var url2 = (c == 'www.') ? 'http://' +url : url;
// return '<span style = "color:blue;text-decoration:underline">' + url + '</span>';
return '' + url + '';
Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks.
#aimme is technically not wrong about using a different database library. Please read "Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP?" for reasons why not to use mysql_ and for some neat alternatives, some tutorials, and some good reads. (yes, all in the same page! just scroll down)
I think you're trying to:
display a <div> of class 'row'
with an <a> tag inside that uses the 'a_link' column of the 'links' table as the href and the label.
The href for the tag must always have a scheme (http://).
Just PHP and HTML
$querylink = "SELECT * from links";
$resultlink = mysql_query($querylink);
while ($rowlink = mysql_fetch_array($resultlink))
$theLink= $rowlink['a_link'];
$regexMatches = array();
// removed (what seemed to be) needless groups in regex
$urlFound = preg_match("#((https?:\/\/|www\.)[^\s]+)#",$theLink,$regexMatches);
if($urlFound === 1) {
// only add http:// if http:// was not detected
$href = ($regexMatches[2] === "www." ? "http://" : "") . $theLink;
<div class="row">
<?php echo $theLink; ?>
<?php }
This code won't echo a row if a_link doesn't contain either 'http://' or 'www.' in it. so will not be displayed.
Of note, as written, the regex will work on "urls" like ''. Don't know if that matters. Adding a '^' to the beginning of the regex may solve the problem (like so:preg_match("#^((https?:\/\/|www\.)[^\s]+)#",$theLink,$regexMatches);)
A (better|different) solution could use parse_url($url)
$querylink = "SELECT * from links";
$resultlink = mysql_query($querylink);
while ($rowlink = mysql_fetch_array($resultlink))
$theLink= $rowlink['a_link'];
$href = (parse_url($theLink,PHP_URL_SCHEME) === NULL ? "http://" : "") . $theLink;
<div class="row">
<?php echo $theLink; ?>
However, using parse_url() would mean any old string would be displayed (while the first solution would not display any links that didn't have either http:// or www.) but since your pulling from a table called 'links' it's probably safe to assume everything is a valid path.
That's not how it works, that's not how any of this works
Now let's assume that you really need to use Javascript to process your generated links (which is not).
You first need to separate your Javascript code from your PHP code. You will only use Javascript once you have fetched your data and generated some output.
I guess you just want some kind of working code
$querylink = "SELECT * from links";
$resultlink = mysql_query($querylink);
while ($rowlink = mysql_fetch_array($resultlink)) :
$link = $rowlink['a_link'];
<div class="row">
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
$('.row a').each(function() {
var urlified = urlify($(this).data('url'));
$(this).attr('href', urlified.url)
function urlify(text) {
var urlRegex = /(((https?:\/\/)|(www\.))[^\s]+)/g;
return text.replace(urlRegex, function(url,b,c) {
var label = (c == 'www.') ? 'http://' +url : url;
return {url: url, label: label};
First i want to advice that use PDO or mysqli instead of mysql. as it
is vulnerable to sql injection and its depreciated.
"I want to set the value/text of a div using javascript/jquery inside a loop but I don't know how to implement it. I need help with this one guys."
for that i would say Php is a server side language whereas javascript is a client side language. and Ajax is the way to manipulate client side from server vice versa, without refreshing the whole page.
below is just a demonstration that i edited little bit from your code to show the separation of server side and client side code and to just give an idea how it works.I don't know whether the code will work or not. haven't tested. php code (server side) will be executed first but could control the display of it using javascript(client side) functions inside document.ready() or window.load() to apply the affects as soon as possible.Through this we could bring changes to the links that we want before its being shown to the client . For each of the link retrieved and displayed you could use a specific class and jquery .each() function to apply certain fix to the selected link as Lyes BEN mentioned above or all the elements with a specific class could be manipulated as a whole without using .each.
$querylink = "SELECT * from links";
$resultlink = mysql_query($querylink);
while ($rowlink = mysql_fetch_array($resultlink))
$thelink = $rowlink['a_link'];
echo '<div class = "row">
<span id = "linkhere">
$("#linkhere a").html(urlify(link));
function urlify(text) {
var urlRegex = /(((https?:\/\/)|(www\.))[^\s]+)/g;
//var urlRegex = /(https?:\/\/[^\s]+)/g;
return text.replace(urlRegex, function(url,b,c) {
var url2 = (c == 'www.') ? 'http://' +url : url;
// return '<span style = "color:blue;text-decoration:underline">' + url + '</span>';
return '' + url + '';
You can implement this using php with parse_url function ( to get different components.
In parse_url, there is 'scheme' key for http or https.
Then to do this with php, just call formatUrl function to make the url
function formatUrl($url)
$urlData = parse_url($url);
if(!isset($urlData['scheme'])) {
$url = 'http://' . $url;
return '' . $url . '';
$querylink = "SELECT * from links";
$resultlink = mysql_query($querylink);
while ($rowlink = mysql_fetch_array($resultlink))
$thelink = $rowlink['a_link'];
<div class = "row">
<span id="linkhere"><?php echo formatUrl($thelink)?></span>

Access Wordpress PHP Variables within Plugin JS

edit: I'm now wondering how I can access post ID from within plugin (outside of loop). If I try to get the post id, it returns 0.
How does one access a specific page's PHP variables within a plugin JS file?
I originally had the JS in the page template file but have moved it to a plugin. Now I am unsure how to access that page's PHP variables. Maybe move the PHP logic to a plugin function?
content-course.php (JS)
$user_id = get_current_user_id();
$course_id = $post->ID;
$vimeo_progress = 0;
$vimeo_seconds = 0;
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
// Run WP query to retrieve user progress
$row = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table_name WHERE user_id = %d AND course_id = %d;", $user_id, $course_id) );
if ($row) {
$vimeo_seconds = $row->seconds_played;
$vimeo_progress = $row->progress_percent;
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
var progress = <?php echo $vimeo_progress; ?>;
var seconds = <?php echo $vimeo_seconds; ?>;
var userProgress = <?php echo $vimeo_seconds; ?>; //example user data retrieved
var lastUpdateProgress = <?php echo $vimeo_progress; ?>;
var videoUrl;
var courseID = <?php echo $course_id; ?>;
How would the JS script be able to access the PHP variables if moved to the plugin? Do I need to move the PHP above the script to a plugin function.. because then I am not sure how it would pass the data to the JS.
Wordpress have a classified function for the job
Take a look. It's very easy to do.

from mysql to javascript variable

Looking for a simple solution here, I have looked around but nothing seems to give me a simple solution. I want to get data FROM my mysql database and then into my javascript variables.
These two var items in my .js file named test.js and this file is called into my .html file.
var tag_name = 'example';
var client_id = '123456789';
In a .php file called call.php I use this method (PDO) to get the required data from MySQL:
$stmt = $db->query('SELECT * FROM data WHERE id=1');
while($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$tag_name = $row['tag_name'];
$client_id = $row['client_id'];
I want to try and achieve something along the lines of this in the .js file test.js - this obviously wont work but hopefully sheds some light on what I am trying to achieve:
var tag_name = '<?php echo $tag_name ?>';
var client_id = '<?php echo $client_id ?>';
Can I do this using an Ajax method? In my research I read that I need to use JSON? If the question has been asked before, please direct me to a post that is not just someone dumping 50+ lines of code.
Here you go:
The javascript part:
url: 'call.php',
dataType: 'json'
var tag_name = data[0];
var client_id = data[1];
The call.php file:
$stmt = $db->query('SELECT * FROM data WHERE id=1');
while($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$tag_name = $row['tag_name'];
$client_id = $row['client_id'];
echo json_encode(array($tag_name,$client_id));
create a php script that will generate your js and instead of linking your script tag to the .js file link it to the php script that generates the js
//mysql stuff up here
header('Content-Type: text/javascript');
//some js here
var tag_name = '<?php echo $tag_name ?>';
var client_id = '<?php echo $client_id ?>';
// some more js here
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
You can echo out your php variables as JSON and then consume them, but if you're just trying to set your js variables with data from php you might want to simply pass the variables in through a function call. Adding something like this to your php script to activate the Javascript you're trying to use for the page.
<script type="text/javascript">
setVariables('<?php echo $tag_name ?>', '<?php echo $client_id ?>');
and then creating that function in your .js file to utilize those values and do what you need.
function setVariables(name, id){
var tag_name = name
var client_id = id
//Operations that need these values.

