Nested 'for' loop - array undefined - javascript

I am working on a JS where I want to create a simple game that starts by chosing number of players, name of each player and whether a player is a dealer or not. There can be only one dealer for each game:
function player(playerName, playerDealer) {
this.playerName = playerName;
this.playerDealer = playerDealer;
var playerNumber = prompt('Nr of players?');
var playersArray = [];
for (i = 0; i < playerNumber; i++) {
var j = i + 1;
var dealerAssigned = false; // control variable to check whether dealer has been assigned
var inputName = prompt('Name of player nr ' + j);
var inputDealer = prompt('Is player ' + inputName + ' also a dealer? (yes/no)');
playersArray[i] = new player(inputName, inputDealer);
for (k=0;k<playerNumber;k++){ // I want to go through the players array to check if dealer has been assigned
if (playersArray[k].playerDealer == 'yes') {
if(dealerAssigned){ //if dealer has been assigned, don't add the current player to the array and continue with the next iteration
alert("already assigned");
I need to include a simple test into the loop that would check if the dealer has been appointed. If so, I want the script only to alert 'already assigned' and skip to the next player. But I am constantly getting the following error
TypeError: playersArray[k] is undefined
Can anybody explain why is it undefined?/What am I doing wrong?

The bug you're specifically asking about appears to me to be that you're iterating over undefined array values, as the error you're getting suggests.
You're getting the number of players you want in line
var playerNumber = prompt('Nr of players?');
Then, you proceed to have two iterations (one nested in the other), in which the inner loop is trying to access values that haven't yet been assigned since the outer loop hasn't gotten there yet:
for (i = 0; i < playerNumber; i++) {
playersArray[i] = new player(inputName, inputDealer);
for (k=0; k < playerNumber; k++) {
if (playersArray[k].playerDealer == 'yes') {
It appears to me that the logical error here is the nested loop. I recommend just initializing all players in one loop, then verify that all players have an assigned dealer afterward.
I should add that I'm being intentionally myopic here and focusing very narrowly on the question asked and overlooking other issues I see.

Your for loop inside a for loop is iterating over an array that hasn't been filled yet.
First iteration playersArray[j] = new Player(...) makes the array [Player] or an array of one element! Yet the second loop is looking for an array of many elements. once you look for playersArray[1] but there is only playerArray[0] you get undefined and so undefined.playerDealer causes a TypeError.

`This is your structure stipped-down:
for (i = 0; i < playerNumber; i++) {
playersArray[i] = new player(inputName, inputDealer);
for (k=0;k<playerNumber;k++)...{
//anything with index k > i is undefined, since your outer loop
//hasn't initialized it yet.
It seems that your i-loop is trying to insert elements for the size of the array to be, but your k-loop is trying to also access the entire array instead of just the initialized portions. Limit this to for (k=0; k<i+1 ;k++) so you only check the previously initialized values of you playersArray


Code is getting stuck somewhere in a succession of for-loops and I'm not sure why

EDIT - I changed the code to correctly declare variables below but nothing seems to have changed
I've written code using a for-loop that has to satisfy a number of criteria before executing what's within it. The problem is that, somewhere along the way, the code is getting stuck inside one of the loops, causing the computer to crash.
I've tried breaking the loop but this doesn't seem to help.
function compareKeypoints(varifiedKeypoints) {
outer_loop: for (i = 0; i < varifiedKeypoints.length; i++) {
let initialKeypoint = varifiedKeypoints[i];
for (j = 0; j < varifiedKeypoints.length; j++) {
let comparisonKeypoint = varifiedKeypoints[j];
if (initialKeypoint.part != comparisonKeypoint.part) {
if (Math.abs(comparisonKeypoint.position.x - initialKeypoint.position.x) <= 20
&& Math.abs(comparisonKeypoint.position.y - initialKeypoint.position.y) <= 20) {
if (keypointsCompatible(initialKeypoint.part, comparisonKeypoint.part)) {
console.log("Activating part: " + initialKeypoint.part);
console.log("Activated part: " + comparisonKeypoint.part);
let keypointPair = {
point_1: initialKeypoint.part,
point_2: comparisonKeypoint.part
console.log("Pushing parts!");
console.log("breaking loop!");
break outer_loop;
console.log("Loop NOT broken!!");
if (activeParts.length > 0) {
function keypointsCompatible(keypoint_1, keypoint_2) {
var outcome = true;
if (activeParts.length > 0) {
compatibility_loop: for (i = 0; i < activeParts.length; i++) {
if (Object.values(activeParts[i]).includes(keypoint_1) && Object.values(activeParts[i]).includes(keypoint_2)) {
console.log(keypoint_1 + " and " + keypoint_2 + " are not compatible because they already exist as " + activeParts[i].point_1 + " and " + activeParts[i].point_2 + " respectively");
outcome = false;
break compatibility_loop;
console.log("Compatibility NOT broken!!");
console.log("Compatibility outcome is " + outcome);
return outcome;
The code is suppose to take two values in the same array and compare them. If a number of conditions are met, including if they're a certain distance apart from one another, they will be pushed into a secondary array. If the values already appear in the secondary array, which the keypointCompatible function is suppose to determine, the loop should either continue looking for other candidates or stop before being called again. For some reason, however, the code is getting stuck within the keypointCompatible function when it detects that the values have already appeared in the secondary array and the console will repeatedly print "Compatibility is false" until the browser crashes.
Working Solution
Use let or const instead of var or nothing. Your issue may be related to closures and variables reused between loops. Make sure you use let or const in your loops too. for (let i=0).
When you use let or const, the runtime will create a new instance every time the block or loop iterates. However, using var will reuse the internal allocation.
So what happens with the standard var is the multiple closures or loops each use the same instance of the variable.
Unless you want the var behavior, always use let or const.
Another Solution
Put a newline after the label compatibility_loop
Still Another Solution
The first function is pushing into activeParts. The second function is looping activeParts. This can go on forever, or longer than expected. Pushing into the array could possibly make the loop limit never reached.
Put a log on the length of activeParts in the second function to see if it is growing out of control.
Your code should be OK if varifiedKeypoints.length has reasonable value. And all internal variables are declared properly!
You have two loops (this inner can start at j=i+1 to save time and multiple calculations) with few conditions inside.
function compareKeypoints(varifiedKeypoints) {
outer_loop: for (let i = 0; i < varifiedKeypoints.length; i++) {
let initialKeypoint = varifiedKeypoints[i];
for (let j = i+1; j < varifiedKeypoints.length; j++) {
let comparisonKeypoint = varifiedKeypoints[j];

counter variable is holding 2 values on 2nd pass of the function

I'm making a typing game. When multiple players play the game it runs through the same set of functions again. I'm using the variable j as a counter to advance words when they are typed correctly. For some reason, on the second pass on each upkeystroke, it logs j = 1 & j = whatever the value of the previous players last word + 1 is. When each player plays, I want each set of words they are typing to be the same, so that it is fair. I can't figure out why this is happening or even how the variable has 2 values at the same time?!?!?
What gives?
Here's the code in question, but there's a bunch of callbacks that could be involved, although the only place this variable is called is inside this function.
//advances ship on correct typing
function runRace() {
var j = 1;
//BUG HERE !! Works fine on first iteration but on second
//iterations value jumps beteween 1 and whatever the next
//one is. It's like on every keystroke it reassigns var j
//back to 1, then back to the element number it was on
//last time
//!!! j has 2 values !!!it's keeping the value from the
//prior running of run race
var targetWord = $(".toType").text();
var typedWord = $("#word").val();
//while (j < gameWords.length){
console.log("j = " + j);
if(typedWord === targetWord){
$(".player").css({left: "+=15px",});
targetWord = $(".toType").text(gameWords[j]);
}else {
If you need to see the rest of the code to figure this out, it's here. Eventhough it's not running right on jsfiddle for reason, it works other then the bug, locally
As i mentioned in my comment you're creating multiple listeners everytime runRace() is called.
You could try something like this instead (please note, this isn't the best way to do this, i'm just demoing. Global variables like j in this case aren't a clever idea.:
var j=1; // global because its outside of your function
var targetWord = $(".toType").text();
var typedWord = $("#word").val();
//while (j < gameWords.length){
console.log("j = " + j);
if(typedWord === targetWord){
$(".player").css({left: "+=15px",});
targetWord = $(".toType").text(gameWords[j]);
}else {
//advances ship on correct typing
function runRace() {
j = 1;

deleting an item from array and add it to another array

I'm trying to delete an item from an array and add it to another array. The array states consists of a list of 50 states. User needs to enter the name of a state and the state must get deleted from states array and get added to the array correctState. Here is my code
function searchString()
var total = 50;
var string = document.getElementById("txtState").value;
var element = document.getElementById("status");
for (i=0; i < states.length; i++)
if(states[i].toUpperCase() == string.toUpperCase())
count = count + 1;
//element.innerHTML = "CORRECT!!!"
addElem = states.splice(i,1);
/*for (j=0; j < correctState.length; j++)
if(correctState[j].toUpperCase() == string.toUpperCase())
element.innerHTML = "Already Submitted. Try another State";
document.getElementById("score").innerHTML = count +"/"+ total;
Enter State : <input type="text" name="txtState" id="txtState"><span id="timer"></span><br /><span id="status"></span>
<button type="button" name="btnPlay" id="btnPlay" accesskey="s" onClick="searchString()"><u>S</u>ubmit</button>
I'm not able to achieve what I need. I'm new to javascript and need help.
Re these lines:
addElem = states.splice(i,1);
splice doesn't return the element that you remove, it returns an array of those elements. So your code is pushing array instances onto correctState. I'd do this:
correctState.push(states[i]); // First push the matching state onto `correctStates`
states.splice(i,1); // ...then remove it
Alternately, you could do it in the order you showed, you just have to get the removed element out of the array you get back
addElem = states.splice(i,1);
// Here -----------------^^^
but again, I'd do it by pushing first, then removing.
Separately, I'd use the debugger built into your browser to single-step through that code and watch it run. I suspect you'll find that you want to move some things around, and you almost certainly want to stop looping once you've found that string matches something in the array.
My guess is that it's the fact that you're modifying your states array while you are still enumerating.
So say you're states array is [AR, LA, CT] and the user entered LA. So your for loop goes like this
i = 0 (length is 3 so i < 3)
string not found
i = 1 (length is 3 so i < 3)
string found, remove it from states
i = 2 (length is 2 so i < 2 fails and there's no final loop)
What you probably want is just something like this
function moveAllInstancesBetweenArrays(val, source, destination) {
var indexOfVal = { return s.toUpperCase() })
if(indexOfVal == -1)
source.splice(indexOfVal, 1);
moveAllInstancesBetweenArrays(val, source, destination); //continue until all matching are moved
moveAllInstancesBetweenArrays(yourSearchVal, states, correctStates);

Array reads, then stops- error: Cannot set property '0' of undefined

I'm trying to read in a csv string to a 2D array and for some reason it stops when it gets to the second iteration of the first loop.
Here's the Fiddle and the code:
var lay = [[]];
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = value;
bits = value.split(',');
elm = bits.length/4;
console.log(bits[6]); //here it reads but won't assign to the array
for (i=0; i<=elm; i++)
for (j=0; j<=4; j++)
{ console.log('j:' + j);
console.log('count:' + count);;
lay[i][j] == bits[count];
count = count + 1;
console.log('bit value:' + bits[count]);
The value for the next element reads and displays, but when I try to assign the data to the array it errors out.
Fixed Code
added the redeclaration of the array in the first loop
That made the error go away.
Something wrong with u'r lay array I think.
Is this element set? lay[i][j]
I think I solved it
I've made two changes:
Declared the `lay' value outside the loop
var lay = Array();
And updated it at the start of the first loop
lay[i] = Array();
And now it runs without errors.

Dynamic array using variable

I am trying to dynamically access arrays, otherwise I would have to duplicate my code, when in reality the only difference would be buildablesets1 and buildablesets2.
var buildablesets1 = [""];
var buildablesets2 = [""];
var buildablesetsx = "buildablesets" + playerturn;
for (var i = 0; i < set.length; i++) {
if (doesOwnSet('player'+playerturn, set[i])) {
if(playerturn===1) buildablesets1.push(set[i]);
if (buildablesetsx.length > 1){
var b = $("#buildsets"+playerturn);
for (k = 1; k < buildablesetsx.length; k++){
b.append("<option value='" + buildablesetsx[k]+ "'>" + buildablesetsx[k] + "</option>");
The code pushes any sets owned by the player to buildablesetsX. Then the dropdown box #buildsetsX is populated with all the owned sets.
1. How do I get the effect of buildablesetsX where X depends on the players turn.
2. I want to depopulate the dropdown box on each turn otherwise it will duplicate, since it is appending. (would apreciate a better way of doing this, ideally I want to populate the dropdown box only if there is a new set).
Plus sorry I understand that this question has been asked before, but I didnt understand the answers or the question exactly.
Any time you find yourself creating variables with sequential numbers, and wanting to access them dynamically, what you really should be using is an array. In this case, you should use a two-dimensional array:
var buildablesets = [[""], [""]];
The first dimension is the player number, the second dimension is the list of sets that player has built.
To access a particular player's sets, do:
buildablesetsx = buildablesets[playerturn];
The rest of your code will work as you've written it, with the above variable assignment.

