jquery each as 'named function' - javascript

I want to use this syntax
var x = function() {
//do something here
on an each function
$("#firstname, #surname").each(function( index ) {
if ($(this).val() == '') {
errors += 1;
Is this possible, and what is this called (I called it 'named functions' is this right)?
So something like this
var errors = $("#firstname, #surname").each(function( index ) {
if ($(this).val() == '') {
errors += 1;
return errors;
console.log("you have".errors()."errors");

When a function is used like this:
$(...).each(function() {
it is called an anonymous function or lambda function.
I have never heard the term "named function" but I guess you could call it like that, when you assign the function to a variable.
jQuery.each returns like nearly all jQuery-methods the first argument, which is the equivalent of $("#firstname, #surname"). This is very important to understand as it is one of the key-mechanics of jQuery and enables you to do cool stuff like method chaining, e.g. $("#firstname, #surname").each(do something).each(do even more). That means, you can not return your errors in the each method and pass it to a variable outside of the construct.
You could increment a global variable:
var errors = 0
$("#firstname, #surname").map(function() {
if ($(this).val() == '') {
console.log("you have" + errors + "errors");
Note the string concatenator +, not ..
Another idea might be to use the jQuery.map method, which indeed enables you to return a value:
var errors = $("#firstname, #surname").map(function() {
if ($(this).val() == '') {
return 1
return 0
But this would just leave you with an array of 1 and 0 elements which is more or less the same with what you have started. You would need to add another loop to summ the elements together.
Finally let's get to the jQuery.filter method, which should be just what you need:
var errors = $("#firstname, #surname").filter(function() {
return $(this).val() == "";
console.log("you have " + errors + " errors");
Filter will return only those elements where the passed function returned a truthy value, so in this case, all elements that had an empty value. You could not only count the elements but immediately highlight the empty form elements:
var errors = $("#firstname, #surname").filter(function() {
return $(this).val() == "";
}).css("background-color", "red").length;
console.log("you have " + errors + " errors");

Your example has a simple solution because you can just use filter and observe the length of the result, but in general, reduce() is the operation to use when you want to aggregate something about all of the items in a collection into a single value.
jQuery doesn't have a reduce() method, but ES5 arrays do, so you could use it like this:
var errorCount = $("#firstname, #surname").toArray().reduce(function(count, item) {
return count + ($(item).val() === '' ? 1 : 0);
}, 0);
As already stated, filter() is what you should be using here, but hopefully this will help you at some point in the future.


Difference between JQuery $.each loop and JS for loop [duplicate]

I want to return false and return from function if I find first blank textbox
function validate(){
if($(this).val() == "")
return false;
and above code is not working for me :(
can anybody help?
You are jumping out, but from the inner loop, I would instead use a selector for your specific "no value" check, like this:
function validate(){
if($('input[type=text][value=""]').length) return false;
Or, set the result as you go inside the loop, and return that result from the outer loop:
function validate() {
var valid = true;
if($(this).val() == "") //or a more complex check here
return valid = false;
return valid;
You can do it like this:
function validate(){
var rv = true;
if($(this).val() == "") {
rv = false; // Set flag
return false; // Stop iterating
return rv;
That assumes you want to return true if you don't find it.
You may find that this is one of those sitautions where you don't want to use each at all:
function validate(){
var inputs = $('input[type=text]');
var index;
while (index = inputs.length - 1; index >= 0; --index) {
if (inputs[index].value == "") { // Or $(inputs[index]).val() == "" if you prefer
return false;
// (Presumably return something here, though you weren't in your example)
I want to add something to existing answers to clear the behavior of $(selector).each and why it doesn't respect return false in OP's code.
return keyword inside $(selector).each is used to break or continue the loop. If you use return false, it is equivalent to a break statement inside a for/while loop. Returning non-false is the same as a continue statement in a for loop; it will skip immediately to the next iteration. Source
Because you're returning false, the loop breaks and the function ends up returning undefined in your case.
Your option is to use a var outside $.each or avoid using it altogether as #TJCrowder wrote.

Protractor - Issue in using one function value from another function

Hi I am new to protractor, I have below two functions, the first function is returning a promise, which I want to use in 2nd function to retrieve value from it and use it.
getColumnNumber(columnName) {
var colEle = this.GridsEleMap.get("HeaderTableHeaderRow").all(by.xpath(".//td//div[contains(#class,'text-content')]"));
return colEle.getText().then(function (text) {
var actIndex = text.indexOf(columnName) + 1;
logger.info("Column Index:" + actIndex);
clickRowElementUsingRowTextAndColumnName(rowText, columnName) {
var ele = this.GridsEleMap.get("BodyTable");
return this.getColumnNumber(columnName).then(function (result) {
logger.info("Text:" + result);
var cellEle = ele.all(by.xpath(".//tr//td[" + result + "]//div[#class='virtualLink']"));
logger.info("Result:" + cellEle);
return cellEle.filter(function (elem) {
return elem.getText().then(function (text) {
return text.trim() === rowText.trim();
}).each(function (element) {
Whenever I am trying to use "result" object of then function applied on first function in clickRowElementUsingRowTextAndColumnName, its value is coming as undefined. Please help me with it.
I have to pass this result value to form a xpath of particular column index and perform operation on it.
You should return properly the value from the first function.
You can try the following code for example:
getColumnNumber(columnName) {
return colEle.getText().then(function (text) {
return text.indexOf(columnName) + 1;
If you see, it returns the actIndex.
Pay also attention that you have few code not chained properly, all protractor methods return promises which need to be chained in order to be sure to keep the flow sync.
Then, just as suggestion, try to avoid the use of xpath locators.
They are unreadable and they bring to a decrease of performances.

addEventListener (and removeEventListener) function that need param

I need to add some listeners to 8 object (palms).
These object are identical but the behaviour have to change basing to their position.
I have the follow (ugly) code:
root.palmsStatus = ["B","B","B","B","B","B","B","B"];
if (root.palmsStatus[0] !== "N")
root.game.palms.palm1.addEventListener("click", palmHandler = function(){ palmShakeHandler(1); });
if (root.palmsStatus[1] !== "N")
root.game.palms.palm2.addEventListener("click", palmHandler = function(){ palmShakeHandler(2); });
if (root.palmsStatus[2] !== "N")
root.game.palms.palm3.addEventListener("click", function(){ palmShakeHandler(3); });
if (root.palmsStatus[3] !== "N")
root.game.palms.palm4.addEventListener("click", function(){ palmShakeHandler(4); });
if (root.palmsStatus[4] !== "N")
root.game.palms.palm5.addEventListener("click", function(){ palmShakeHandler(5); });
if (root.palmsStatus[5] !== "N")
root.game.palms.palm6.addEventListener("click", function(){ palmShakeHandler(6); });
if (root.palmsStatus[6] !== "N")
root.game.palms.palm7.addEventListener("click", function(){ palmShakeHandler(7); });
if (root.palmsStatus[7] !== "N")
root.game.palms.palm8.addEventListener("click", function(){ palmShakeHandler(8); });
I have two needs:
1) doesn't use an anonymous function on click event.
I wrote this code, but it doesn't work
root.game.palms.palm8.addEventListener("click", palmShakeHandler(8));
So this one works fine
root.game.palms.palm8.addEventListener("click", function(){ palmShakeHandler(8); });
But I didn't understand how remove the event listener.
I try this solution, but it doesn't work
root.game.palms.palm8.addEventListener("click", palmHandler = function(){ palmShakeHandler(8); });
root.game.palms.palm8.removeEventListener("click", palmHandler);
2) add and remove listener in a for cycle
I wrote the follow code but the behaviour is not correct.
for (i=1; i <= root.palmsStatus.length; i++){
if (root.palmsStatus[i-1] !== "N"){
root.game.palms["palm" + i].addEventListener("click", function(){ palmShakeHandler(i); });
the listeners was added but the value of the parameter passed to the palmShakeHandler is always 8.
Nobody could help me to fix these issues?
There is a actually, a perfect way to do that in JavaScript using the Function.prototype.bind method.
bind let you define extra parameters that will be passed, as arguments, of the function.
You should also keep in mind that bind creates a new function and doesn't modify the initial function.
Here is what it looks like:
function palmHandler(number) {
// your code working with `number`
var palmHandler8 = palmHandler.bind(null, 8)
// the palmHandler8 is now tied to the value 8.
// the first argument (here null) define what `this` is bound to in this function
This should fix your problem, and you will be able to remove handlers easily :)
Your code will look like this:
for (i=1; i <= root.palmsStatus.length; i++){
if (root.palmsStatus[i-1] !== "N"){
root.game.palms["palm" + i].addEventListener("click", palmShakeHandler.bind(null, i));
To be able to remove the handler afterward, you need to keep a reference to the function you create with bind. This would be the way to do this.
var boundHandler = handler.bind(null, i);
If you want to know more about the awesome bind method in JavaScript, the MDN is your friend :) https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_objects/Function/bind
BTW, the problem with you function always returning 8 is a very common question in JavaScript. This thread will explain everything (spoiler, it's a matter of scoping :) ) https://stackoverflow.com/a/750506/2745879
So in case your array of »palms« is very huge, it is basically a bad Idea to add a single event listener to each of them, because that causes performance flaws. So I would suggest a different approach:
var handlers = [function (e) {}, …, function (e) {}];
root.game.palms.forEach(functiion (palm, idx) {
palm.setAttribute('data-idx', idx);
<palmsparent>.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
var c = e.target, idx = -1;
while (c) {
if (c.hasAttribute && c.hasAttribute('data-idx')) {
idx = parseInt(c.getAttribute('data-idx'));
c = c.parentNode;
//here you also check for the »palm status«
if (idx >= 0) {
One event listener for all, much easier to remove and better for performance.
In your last solution you are pasing the same var to every function and that is what make al the functions work with 8 because is the last value of the variable.
To work arround that you can use "let" ( please at least use var, otherside that "i" is global and can be changed every where in the code) but since I dont know wich browser you target I propose other solution.
for (var i=1; i <= root.palmsStatus.length; i++){
if (root.palmsStatus[i-1] !== "N"){
root.game.palms["palm" + i].addEventListener("click", (function(index)
(return function(){
Since its look like You are targeting modern browsers I will use let.https://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es6/
for (var i=1; i <= root.palmsStatus.length; i++){
let index = i;
let intermediateFunction = function(){palmShakeHandler(index);};
if (root.palmsStatus[i-1] !== "N"){
root.game.palms["palm" + i].addEventListener("click",intermediateFunction);
root.game.palms["palm" + i].removeHandShake = function(){this.removeEventListener("click",intermediateFunction)};
So now you just need to call "removeHandShake" and will remove the listener,
I have code this right here so it ease some minor errors to pop

how to check the presence of the element in the array?

please help solve the problem.
live example is here: https://jsfiddle.net/oqc5Lw73/
i generate several tank objects:
var Tank = function(id) {
this.id = id;
Tank.tanks = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
new Tank(i);
Tank.tanks.forEach(function(tank, i, arr) {
console.log('summary tanks: ' + Tank.tanks.length);
after i delete tank with random index:
var tankDel = Math.floor(Math.random() * (3));
Tank.tanks.splice(tankDel, 1);
Tank.count -= 1;
Tank.tanks.forEach(function(tank, i, arr) {
console.log('summary tanks: ' + Tank.tanks.length);
i try check tanks massive. if tanks massive contain tank with property 'id' = 0 then i need display alert('tank with id 0 is dead').
but console output follow error message:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Illegal break statement
break is to break out of a loop like for, while, switch etc which you don't have here, you need to use return to break the execution flow of the current function and return to the caller. See similar post here: illegal use of break statement; javascript
Tank.tanks.forEach(function(tank, i, arr) {
if(tank.id == 0) {
tank0Dead = false;
if(tank0Dead == true) {
alert('tank with id 0 is dead');
jsfiddle : https://jsfiddle.net/oqc5Lw73/6/
You can't quit from forEach using break. Just remove break, and it will work.
P.S: honestly, it is better to refactor that code:)
Your only problem is that you can't use the break; statement in a forEach function.
But you can in a for() loop, so here is the equivalent code with a for :
for (var i = 0; i < Tank.tanks.length; i++){
if (Tank.tanks[i].id == 0){
tank0Dead = false;
But I agree with #dimko1 about the idea of refactoring the code
You can not break a forEach callback, simply because it's a function.
Here's updated working jSfiddle
If you really want to break it, you can use exception like code below.
try {
[1,2,3].forEach(function () {
if(conditionMet) {
throw Error("breaking forEach");
} catch(e) {
Otherwise you can use jQuery's each() method. when it's callback returns false it stops.
jQuery.each([1,2,3], function () {
if(conditionMet) {
return false;

storing a value in a variable in conjunction with if

I'm trying to create a talk page link that changes based on what namespace you might be in. For instance if you're in mainspace you'll be directed to Talk: if in category to Category_talk:. I have this so far:
var namespace = if (wgNamespaceNumber == '0') {
return ('Talk');
} else {
return (mw.config.get( 'wgCanonicalNamespace' ) + '_talk');
But it's just returning a syntax error, unexpected token if. I'm guessing you can't use if in this way?
return is for passing a value or object out of a function, not blocks like if/else.
var namespace;
if (wgNamespaceNumber == '0') {
namespace = 'Talk';
} else {
namespace = mw.config.get( 'wgCanonicalNamespace' ) + '_talk';
You guessed right. You can't assign an IF like that.
Change your code into
var namespace = null;
if (wgNamespaceNumber == '0') {
namespace = 'Talk';
} else {
namespace = (mw.config.get( 'wgCanonicalNamespace' ) + '_talk');
And it'll work.
You don't need to return anything. You can just set the value of the variable based on the condition. The function will however need to return a value.
var namespace = (wgNamespaceNumber == '0')
? 'Talk'
: mw.config.get( 'wgCanonicalNamespace' );
The condition above is called a ternary (MDN explains it better)

