I am implementing server-side sorting and pagination, and I need to pass the current page that the user is on so that if they sort and are on a page different than the first page (ex. sort by "least votes" on page 5 does not show the resorted results from page 1 on page 5 but shows the resorted results that should be on page 5). Basically, I need in place sorting but can't figure out how to get the current page.
Server side paging is working without issue, and I believe I am missing something simple here.
HTML (please note that I am using this custom directive: https://github.com/michaelbromley/angularUtils/tree/master/src/directives/pagination)
<tr dir-paginate="article in articles | itemsPerPage:articlesPerPage" total-items="totalArticles" current-page="currentPage">
<div class="col-md-1 voting well">
<div class="votingButton" ng-click="upVote(articlevote);">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up"></i>
<div class="badge badge-inverse">
<div class="votingButton" ng-click="downVote(articlevote);">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down"></i>
<td><a ng-href="#article/{{article.id}}/{{article.articlelink}}">{{article.articletitle}}</a></td>
<dir-pagination-controls on-page-change="pageChanged(newPageNumber)"></dir-pagination-controls>
$scope.articles = [];
$scope.totalArticles = 0;
$scope.articlesPerPage = 10; // this should match however many results your API puts on one page
$scope.currentPage = 1;
// sort options
$scope.sortoptions = [
label: 'Most Votes',
value: 'articlevotes desc',
label: 'Least Votes',
value: 'articlevotes asc',
var sortBy = $scope.sortoptions[0].value;
var currPage = $scope.currentPage; // Get current page
// Initial page load
getResultsPage(1, sortBy);
$scope.update = function (articleSortOrder) {
// get value of sort and log it
sortBy = articleSortOrder.value;
// log current page and pass as parameter
getResultsPage(currPage, sortBy); // need to make dynamic so it gets current page
$scope.pageChanged = function (newPage) {
getResultsPage(newPage, sortBy);
function getResultsPage(pageNumber, sortorder) {
// currently skipping by page number * articles per page
pfcArticles.query({ $skip: (pageNumber - 1) * $scope.articlesPerPage, $top: $scope.articlesPerPage, $orderby: sortorder, $inlinecount: 'allpages' }, function (data) {
$scope.articles = data.results;
$scope.totalArticles = data.count; // Can change to hard number to reduce total items instead of LimitTo
The problem is that you are assigning:
var currPage = $scope.currentPage;
So currPage is set to 1 as your controller is instantiated, and is then never changed. So when you reference currPage later in the controller, it remains 1.
You should instead directly reference the $scope.currentPage value, which will get updated by the pagination directive.
So try changing the "update" method to this:
$scope.update = function (articleSortOrder) {
sortBy = articleSortOrder.value;
getResultsPage($scope.currentPage, sortBy);
This should pass the correct current page value to your service.
I explain myself: I have a Sharepoint custom list and I'm using AngularJS to call this list. With the data I obtain from the list, I'm making a "single bar chart" for each item in this list. I'm using jquery.lineProgressbar.js to make the charts.
I'm doing the table with ng-repeat. And I need to provide a different ID name to each "chart div", otherwise the jquery.lineProgressbar.js won't work. Here's my HTML:
<td>Productivity percentage</td>
<tr ng-repeat="item in items">
<!-- The "ng-attr-id" provides the div a different ID depending the name they introduce. i.e.: "chart-Person1" -->
<div ng-attr-id="{{'chart-' + item.Name}}" data-percentage="{{item.Productivity_x0020_percentage}}"></div>
and my main problem, the SCRIPT:
//I need to call each chart, one by one like this:
//and I need to make this automatically,
//because people will submit new items whenever they want,
//and I can't be updating the script each time someone uploads something.
function chartFunction(elementID) {
var dataPercentage = $("#" + elementID).data('percentage');
//this calls the chart code
$("#" + elementID).LineProgressbar({
//it says that the div selected will have a "percentage" equals to the percentage they wrote in the list.
percentage: dataPercentage
I have a Plunker. It is a little different because it has a function which runs the charts only when they're in the viewport, and it doesn't use AngularJS. But it's only so you can see how it works: my Plunker
So, as I said in my code, I need to call each new element added to the sharepoint list, but I can't be creating new calls in my code each time someone uploads an item. Thanks in advance for your help.
I've found the solution to this.
I needed to do it directly in the call of the list (in the Angular code).
var myApp = angular
.module('myApp', [])
.controller('myController', function ($scope, $http) {
//first I call the Sharepoint List with AngularJS
method: 'GET',
url: "SiteURL/_api/web/lists/getByTitle('Employees List')/items?$select=*",
headers: { "Accept": "application/json;odata=verbose" }
}).then(function onSuccess(response) {
//If the call is successful I create an empty Array called "peopleArray"
//Here I will store the names of the divs which will run the chart's code
$scope.items = response.data.d.results;
var theItems = $scope.items,
peopleArray = [];
//I run a loop to go through all the items in the Sharepoint list
//I assign a name for each person in the "peopleArray"
for(var i=0; i<theItems.length; i++) {
var currentItem = theItems[i];
peopleArray.push('chart-' + currentItem.Name);
//I run another loop, this one goes through the "peopleArray"
//each item executes the function below with the div name assigned in the previous loop
for(var z=0; z<peopleArray.length; z++) {
//and this is the function to make the charts for each person
function chartFunction(elementID) {
var dataPercentage = $("#" + elementID).data('percentage');
$("#" + elementID).LineProgressbar({
}).catch(function onError(response) {
//In case of Error, it will pop an alert
alert("Error! The charts can't be loaded.");
Hi Im attempting to build functionality around the length of a filter in angularjs, and although its working as it should in the view, in the controller the variable seems to stay outdated...
When I click on the div below it filters a list and calls the filterby function. The output of the length of the newly filtered list updates in the view correctly. However in the function itself I have a log set and it is still showing the old length when I click on the div.
<div ng-repeat="filter in filters" ng-click="filterby(filter.filter_type)">{{filter.filter_type}}</div>
<li ng-repeat="event in filtered = (events | filter:query) | orderBy:'-event_date' ">
<span >{{event.event_date}},{{event.event_name}}, {{event.event_venue}}, {{event.event_description}} </span>
<br />Length of filtered items {{filtered.length}}
And my view....
$scope.filterby = function(filterby) {
if (filterby == 'ALL') {
$scope.query = '';
else {
$scope.query = filterby;
My filter data:
$scope.filters = [
{'filter_type' : 'ALL'},
{'filter_type' : 'Macnass'}
EDIT: Ok its not that it nots working at all, its just showing the previous value, as if its one click behind all the time, so its something to do with the fact that the variable in the view is updated after the list is made. but Im not sure how to go about insuring the variable in the controller is the latest value.
Plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/u7KpqYx8gDwaaXEvGeMn?p=preview
check out the plunker
added below
$scope.filtered = $filter('filter')($scope.events, $scope.query)
in $scope.filterby function
I have a table with ng-grid, and the problem is that i'm not sure how to collect the selected row(s) id or variable to pass into my delete function.
here is a quick mockup of what i'm trying to do
the following code is from my html, a clickable delete button that takes in 2 parameters, the array of checkbox ids and the index at the corresponding table. This delete method was obtained from this tutorial : http://alexpotrykus.com/blog/2013/12/07/angularjs-with-rails-4-part-1/
<div class="btn-group">
<button class="my-btn btn-default button-row-provider-medical-services" ng-click="deleteProviderMedicalService([], $index)">Delete</button>
<div class="gridStyle ngGridTable" ng-grid="gridOptions">
The following code grabs the json data from a url, queries it and returns it. It also contains the delete function that gets called from the controller in the html page.
app.factory('ProviderMedicalService', ['$resource', function($resource) {
function ProviderMedicalService() {
this.service = $resource('/api/provider_medical_services/:providerMedicalServiceId', {providerMedicalServiceId: '#id'});
ProviderMedicalService.prototype.all = function() {
return this.service.query();
ProviderMedicalService.prototype.delete = function(providerId) {
this.service.remove({providerMedicalServiceId: providerId});
return new ProviderMedicalService;
The following is my controller(not everything, just the most important bits). $scope.provider_medical_services gets the json data and puts it into the ng-grid gridOptions.
After reading the ng-grid docs, i must somehow pass the checkbox ids from the selectedItems array and pass it into html doc to the delete function. Or, i'm just doing this completely wrong, as i hacked this together. Solutions and suggestions are greatly appreciated
(function() {
app.controller('ModalDemoCtrl', ['$scope', 'ProviderMedicalService', '$resource', '$modal', function($scope, ProviderMedicalService, $resource, $modal) {
var checkBoxCellTemplate = '<div class="ngSelectionCell"><input tabindex="-1" class="ngSelectionCheckbox" type="checkbox" ng-checked="row.selected" /></div>';
$scope.provider_medical_services = ProviderMedicalService.all();
$scope.deleteProviderMedicalService = function(ids,idx) {
$scope.provider_medical_services.splice(idx, 1);
return ProviderMedicalService.delete(ids);
$scope.gridOptions = {
columnDefs: [
cellTemplate: checkBoxCellTemplate,
showSelectionCheckbox: true
field: 'name',
displayName: 'CPT Code/Description'
field: 'cash_price',
displayName: 'Cash Price'
field: 'average_price',
displayName: 'Average Price'
data: 'provider_medical_services',
selectedItems: []
i think the easiest option is pass an (array index) as data-id to your dom, which u can pick it from there.
{{$index}} is a variable you can use in ng-repeat
======= ignore what i said above, since i normaly writes my own custom stuff ======
I just had a look at ng-grid, i took their example. i've added a delete all selected function, as well as someone elses delete current row function ( these is pure angular way ) to see the code, hover over the top right corner < edit in jsbin >
Honestsly i don't like it this way, you would be better off use something like lodash to manage your arrays and do your own custom grid. Using foreach to find the row index isn't good performance.
In their doc, it says you can change the row template, and which you should, so you can add the {{index}} to that row, and filter your data through that index rather which is a little bit better. anyway beware of deleting cells after you have filter your table.
I don't quite get much your question, but you can access to selectedItems of ng-grid as following: $scope.gridOptions.$gridScope.selectedItems (see ng-grid API for more information, but technically this array holds the list of selected items in multiple mode - or only one item in single mode)
For your case, the deleteAll() function could be someething like this:
$scope.deleteAll = function() {
$scope.myData = [];
The delete() function which delete selected items can be:
$scope.delete = function() {
$.each($scope.gridOptions.$gridScope.selectedItems, function(index, selectedItem) {
//remove the selected item from 'myData' - it is 2-ways binding to any modification to myData will be reflected in ng-grid table
//you could check by either name or unique id of item
I am trying to dynamically build the structure of a kendo-angular grid. My problem is that the grid options are not known when the k-options attribute is evaluated, so the grid is binding to ALL of the columns on the datasource.
Here is the HTML:
<div kendo-grid k-options="{{gridModel.options}}"
And here is the javascript in the controller:
// this is called after the api call has successfully returned with data
function getSucceeded(){
$scope.gridModel.options = function(){
// function that properly builds options object with columns, etc.
// this is just shown for example... the data is properly loading
The data is properly loading, but because gridModel.options was evaluated in the HTML prior to being set by the success method, it is essentially ignored and all of the columns from the datasource are being rendered.
This works like a champ when gridModel.options is static.
How can I defer the evaluation of k-options and/or force a reevaluation after they've been set by the controller?
I was able to figure it out. I had to do four things:
Update my version of angularjs (I was on 1.08 which does not have the ng-if directive). I updated to 1.2.0rc3.
Wrap my kendo-grid div in an ng-if div
Invoke my function! I was just setting $scope.gridModel.options to a function - I needed to actually invoke the function so I'd be setting the variable to the value returned from the function.
I had to update my angular.module declaration to include ngRoute (based on it being separated into it's own module in 1.2.x).
Here's the updated HTML:
<div data-ng-if="contentAvailable">
<div kendo-grid k-options="{{gridModel.options}}"
And here's the updated controller (not shown: I set $scope.contentAvailable=false; at the beginning of the controller):
// this is called after the api call has successfully returned with data
function getSucceeded(){
$scope.gridModel.options = function(){
// function that dynamically builds options object with columns, etc.
}(); // <----- NEED to invoke function!!
// this is just shown for example... the data is properly loading
$scope.contentAvailable=true; // trigger the ng-if
I actually moved the function into a config file so I'm not polluting the controller with too much configuration code. Very happy to have figured this out.
Here is a sample using 'Controller As' syntax, dynamic columns and paging.
var app = angular.module("app", ["kendo.directives"]);
function MyCtrl() {
var colsList = [{
name: "col1"
}, {
name: "col2"
}, {
name: "col3"
}, {
name: "col4"
var gridCols = [];
var iteration = 1;
var vm = this;
vm.gridOptions = {
columns: gridCols,
dataSource: new kendo.data.DataSource({
pageSize: 10
pageable: true
vm.buildGrid = function() {
var data = {};
vm.gridOptions.columns = [];
for (var x = 0; x < colsList.length; x++) {
if (iteration % 2 === 0 && x === colsList.length - 1) continue;
var col = {};
col.field = colsList[x].name;
col.title = colsList[x].name;
data[col.field] = "it " + iteration + " " + (1111 * (x + 1));
// add one row to the table
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://cdn.kendostatic.com/2015.1.318/styles/kendo.common.min.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://cdn.kendostatic.com/2015.1.318/styles/kendo.default.min.css" />
<script src="http://cdn.kendostatic.com/2015.1.318/js/kendo.all.min.js"></script>
<body ng-app="app">
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl as vm">
<button ng-click="vm.buildGrid()">Build Grid</button>
<div kendo-grid="grid" k-options="vm.gridOptions" k-rebind="vm.gridOptions"></div>
We can use the k-rebind directive for this. From the docs:
Widget Update upon Option Changes
You can update a widget from controller. Use the special k-rebind attribute to create a widget which automatically updates when some scope variable changes. This option will destroy the original widget and will recreate it using the changed options.
Apart from setting the array of columns in the GridOptions as we normally do, we have to hold a reference to it:
vm.gridOptions = { ... };
vm.gridColumns = [{...}, ... ,{...}];
vm.gridOptions.columns = vm.gridColumns;
and then pass that variable to the k-rebind directive:
<div kendo-grid="vm.grid" options="vm.gridOptions" k-rebind="vm.gridColumns">
And that's it when you are binding the grid to remote data (OData in my case). Now you can add or remove elements to/from the array of columns. The grid is going to query for the data again after it is recreated.
When binding the Grid to local data (local array of objects), we have to somehow postpone the binding of the data until the widget is recreated. What worked for me (maybe there is a cleaner solution to this) is to use the $timeout service:
vm.gridColumns.push({ ... });
vm.$timeout(function () {
}, 0);
This has been tested using AngularJS v1.5.0 and Kendo UI v2016.1.226.
I am new to Knockout and I am building a Simple POC for using knockout to build SPA(Single Page Application).
What I want to do is to show "Business Units" when the app loads and on selection of a business unit show all "Front End Units" under that business unit and on selection of a front end unit, show all "Sales Segments" under that front end unit.
All this will happen in a single page using the same view and the viewmodel will bind the model based on selected business unit or front end unit.
The issue I am facing is that, I have 5 business units that get bound properly first on document ready, but on selection of business unit, the front end units get repeated 5 times each. In this case, I have 2 front end units and each is shown 5 times. Same issue on selection of front end unit.
You can see this issue mimicked in the following jsFiddle sample - jsFiddle Link
Let me know if you can't access the jsfiddle link. In this sample, I have used arrays, but in actual I will be getting the data through async call to the oData service.
This is the view HTML:
<div id="divbu">
<h4 data-bind="text: Heading"></h4>
<ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true" data-bind="foreach: Collection">
<li data-role="list-divider" data-bind="text: EntityName"></li>
<a href="#" data-bind="click: $root.fnNextLevel">
<table border="0">
<label style="font-size: 12px;">Bus. Plan: </label>
<label style="font-size: 12px;" data-bind="text: BusinessPlan"></label>
<label style="font-size: 12px;">Forecast: </label>
<label style="font-size: 12px;" data-bind="text: Forecast"></label>
<label style="font-size: 12px;">Gross Sales: </label>
<td colspan="3">
<label style="font-size: 12px;" data-bind="text: GrossSales"></label>
This is the model and view model:
function CommonModel(model, viewType) {
var self = this;
if (viewType == 'BU') {
self.EntityName = model[0];
self.BusinessUnit = model[0];
self.BusinessPlan = model[1];
self.Forecast = model[2];
self.GrossSales = model[3];
} else if (viewType == 'FEU') {
self.EntityName = model[1];
self.BusinessUnit = model[0];
self.FrontEndUnit = model[1];
self.BusinessPlan = model[2];
self.Forecast = model[3];
self.GrossSales = model[4];
} else if (viewType == 'SS') {
self.EntityName = model[2];
self.BusinessPlan = model[3];
self.Forecast = model[4];
self.GrossSales = model[5];
function ShipmentReportsViewModel(results, viewType) {
var self = this;
self.Collection = ko.observableArray([]);
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
self.Collection.push(new CommonModel(results[i], viewType));
if (viewType == 'BU') {
self.Heading = "Business Units";
self.fnNextLevel = function (businessUnit) {
self.Home = function () {
} else if (viewType == 'FEU') {
self.Heading = results[0][0];
self.fnNextLevel = function (frontEndUnit) {
self.Home = function () {
} else if (viewType == 'SS') {
self.fnNextLevel = function () {
alert('No activity zone');
self.Heading = results[0][0] + ' - ' + results[0][1];
self.Home = function () {
You can see the complete code in the jsFiddle link.
I have also tried this with multiple views and multiple view models, where I apply bindings by giving the element ID. In this case, one flow from business unit -> sales segment is fine, but when I click on home or back button and I do binding again to that element, I face the same issue. (home and back button features are not done in jsFiddle example).
Let me know if more details are required. I did look into lot of other links in stack overflow, but nothing addressing this particular problem.
Any help is deeply appreciated. Thanks in advance.
The problem here is that you call your ko.applybindings TWICE and there is a foreach binding that iterate within 5 items, therefore the data are duplicated five times.
you should not call a ko.applybindings more than once on the same model.
Your model is always the same even if it's parametrized.
I had the same problem here: Data coming from an ObservableArray are displayed twice in my table
the fact that you have you business logic inside your viewModel is something that could be discussed, and it makes it not easy to fix this.
Make 3 classes, put them in a common model without logic inside. Then once you have applyed the ko.applyBindings once, you just have to modify the array like this:
Here is the fiddle with the amended code: http://jsfiddle.net/MaurizioPiccini/5B9Fd/17/
it does not do exaclty what you need but if remove the multiple bindings by moving the Collection object scope outside of your model.
As you can see the problem IS that you are calling the ko.applybindings twice on the same model.
Finally, I got this working. Thanks to #MaurizioIndenmark.
Though I have removed multiple call for ko.applybindings, I was still calling the view model multiple times. This was causing the issue.
Now, I have cleaner view model and I have different function calls for different actions and modify all the data required to be modified within these functions(events). Now, everything is working as expected.
This is how the view model looks now -
function ShipmentReportsViewModel(results) {
var self = this;
self.Heading = ko.observable();
self.BusinessUnits = ko.observableArray();
self.FrontEndUnits = ko.observableArray();
self.SalesSegments = ko.observableArray();
self.Home = function () {
var bu = FetchBusinessUnits();
self.Heading("Business Units");
self.fnFeu = function (businessUnit) {
var feu = FetchFrontEndUnits(businessUnit);
self.fnSalesSeg = function (frontEndUnit) {
var ss = FetchSalesSegments(frontEndUnit);
self.Heading(ss[0].BusinessUnit + ' - ' + ss[0].FrontEndUnit);
To see the entire working solution, please refer this jsFiddle
Thanks for all the valuable suggestions in getting this work.