How do you manually mock one of your own files in Jest? - javascript

I'm trying to mock an object (which I created) in Jest so I can provide default behaviour within the react component (so the real implementation isn't used)
This is my react component ChatApp (it's very straight forward)
'use strict';
var React, ChatApp, ChatPanel, i18n;
React = require('react');
ChatPanel = require('./chat_panel');
i18n = require('../support/i18n');
ChatApp = React.createClass({
render() {
return (
<div className="chat-app">
<ChatPanel />
module.exports = ChatApp;
So I have a custom I18n dependency that does translations (I18n is something I've written that is a wrapper for node-polyglot).
So I want to do a basic test to see if the H1 has the correct word in it, but I don't want to set jest.dontMock() on my I18n object, because I don't want it to use the real object in the ChatApp test.
So following the basic instructions on the jest website, I created a mocks folder and created a mock file for i18n, which generates a mock from the original object and then overrides the t method and adds a method to allow me to set the return string for t.
This is the mock object
'use strict';
var i18nMock, _returnString;
i18nMock = jest.genMockFromModule('../scripts/support/i18n');
_returnString = "";
function __setReturnString(string) {
_returnString = string;
function t(key, options = null) {
return _returnString;
i18nMock.__setReturnString = __setReturnString;
module.exports = i18nMock;
Now in my ChatApp test I require the mock in a before each, like so:
'use strict';
var React, ChatApp, TestUtils, path;
path = '../../../scripts/components/';
jest.dontMock( path + 'chat_app');
React = require('react/addons');
ChatApp = require( path + 'chat_app');
TestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils;
describe('ChatApp', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
require('i18n').__setReturnString('Chat App');
var ChatAppElement = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<ChatApp />);
it('renders a title on the page', () => {
var title = TestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag(ChatAppElement, 'h1');
expect(title.props.children).toEqual('Chat App');
If i console.log the i18n object within the test then I get the correct mocked object, the __setReturnString also gets triggered (as if I console.log in that message I see the log).
However, if I console.log the i18n object within the actual React component then it gets a Jest mock but it doesn't get my Jest mock, so the t method is an empty method that doesn't do anything, meaning the test fails.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks a lot

I've had trouble getting the __mocks__ folder working as well. The way I got around it is by using the jest.setMock(); method.
In your case, you would jest.setMock('../../../scripts/i18n/', require('../__mocks__/i18n');
Obviously, I am not certain of the location of your mock and the location of the real library you're using, but the first parameter should use the path where your real module is stored and the second should use the path where your mock is stored.
This should force your module and all modules that yours require (including React) to use your manually mocked i18n module.

Jest does automatic mocking. Just i18n = require('../support/i18n') should be enough. That's why you usually have to call jest.dontMock in the first place.
You can find more information here:

What mattykuzyk mentions in his answer did not work at all for me :(
However, what I found out seemed to be the problem for me was the setup of jest: I used moduleNameMapper in the beginning, and for some reason these are never mocked...
So for me the first step was to instead move my module name mapped folder to the moduleDirectories to get anything to work.
After that, I could simply add a __mocks__ file adjacent to the actual implementation (in my case utils/translation.js and utils/__mocks__/translation.js).
As my translations.js default exports a translation function, I also default exported my mock. The entire __mocks__/translations.js is super simply and looks like this:
export default jest.fn((key, unwrap = false) => (
unwrap && `${key}-unwrapped` || `${key}-wrapped`
Although I haven't tested it, adding a __setReturnString should be easy enough, for me it was sufficient to actually return my translation key. Hope this helps!


Can't mock default export in tested file

I'm working on a Typescript project and I'm trying to add tests for functions that are sorting through MongoDB responses to get meaningful results. I've set up an in-memory mock of the database, now I just need to somehow get the test to use this mock database when running tests on the functions in my file.
I have a file called mongoClient.ts that is responsible for this MongoClient object that I need to mock:
import { MongoClient } from 'mongodb';
const client = new MongoClient(`${process.env.MONGO_CONNECT}`);
export default client;
The file that I need to test, called models.ts, imports mongoClient with an ES6 import statement:
import client from '../mongoClient';
In my test I have created a MongoMemoryServer (mongodb-memory-server), and I have made a class to handle the connection to this MongoMemoryServer:
class dbConnection {
async init() {
this.server = await MongoMemoryServer.create();
this.uri = await this.server.getUri();
this.connection = await new MongoClient(this.uri);
return this.connection;
connect() {
getClient() {
return this.connection;
getUri() {
return this.uri;
async stopIt() {
await this.server.stop();
I cannot seem to get the models object that I create in the test (with const models = require('../src/models');) to mock its import of 'mongoClient'.
I've tried the following:
let mock_db = new dbConnection();
jest.doMock('../src/mongoClient', () => ({
__es6Module: true,
default: mock_db.getClient()
I tried to use mock(...) earlier; that throws this error when I run the test:
The module factory of `jest.mock()` is not allowed to reference any out-of-scope variables.
In a beforeAll(...) I am able to fill this DB with dummy information so my functions in models will run correctly, but these functions can't see the mock in-memory database because I can't properly mock the mongoClient file that gets imported at the top of my models.ts. I don't want to have to change any code that isn't in a .test file to accomplish this, but I can't get this test environment to point at my mock in-memory database while running these tests. I must be missing something about the implementation of doMock, and I need some help to fix it.
- -EDIT_1- - I think this might have something to do with the order in which I'm declaring things. The class dbConnection is declared directly under my imports at the top of the test file. Then under that I instantiate the dbConnection class as mockDb and jest.doMock(... like in the example shown above. My tested function seems to be trying to use a mocked import that only contains the following:
The error message I'm getting at this point is ERROR --- _get__(...).db is not a function.
The problem with this could be that it's mocking the imported module correctly, but the default export used to mock (mockDb.getClient()) is undefined when it's declared in that doMock statement near the top of the file. I don't know where else to move that doMock, and it breaks if I move it into the top-level beforeAll or into the describe section for these tests or into the test itself.
- -EDIT_2- - Changing __es6Module to __esModule (because the compiled js file looks for __esModule) makes it so that undefined is the contents of the imported class in my code.
The compiled js code has the following at the top:
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
const mongoClient_1 = __importDefault(require("../util/mongoClient"));
- -FINAL_EDIT- - I've figured this out, it was an error on my part in how the order of the Jest tests were being executed. The default export client that I was mocking had not been initialized before the tests were being run. This required that I mock the default import in a beforeAll(...) statement inside of each 'describe' block of tests, and in each test I have to instantiate a new models at the start of the test with const models = require(...);. I have working tests now, and everything is good in life ;-)
I've figured this out, it was an error on my part in how the order of the Jest tests were being executed. The default export client that I was mocking had not been initialized before the tests were being run. This required that I mock the default import in a beforeAll(...) statement inside of each 'describe' block of tests, and in each test I have to instantiate a new models at the start of the test with const models = require(...);. I have working tests now

Importing / exporting Javascript Object Properties

I support a relatively complex legacy codebase, but am looking to modernise it a little by bringing in Webpack so that we'd have import & export capabilities in JS.
The problem I'm having is that we use a global object called App where we define and add different properties depending on the page. So for example we have the following file where we instantiate App (loaded on all pages):
const App = (() => {
const obj = {
Lib: {},
Util: {},
// etc
return obj;
Then in another file we add to App.Lib just for the specific page that needs it:
App.Lib.Lazyload = (() => {
// lazyload logic
We simply concatenate the files during the bundling process, but obviously this is not ideal as none of the files have no knowledge of what goes on outside of it.
Exporting only seems to work for the top level object (where the object is defined), so anything I add to it elsewhere cannot be exported again. For example if I add export default App.Lib.Lazyload; at the end of lazyload.js and then try to import it elsewhere it will not import the Lazyload property.
Is there any way to get this to work without major refactor? If not, would you have any suggestions about the best way to handle it?
I don't think you can import in JS. If you want to bundle specific packages (say Lazyload) for packages that need them, you might try:
export const LazyLoad = {
//lazyload logic
then somewhere else...
import {LazyLoad} from 'path/to/lazyload.js';
// assuming App has already been created/instantiated
App.Lib.Lazyload = LazyLoad;
Using Export Default...
const LazyLoad = {};
export default LazyLoad;
import LazyLoad from 'path/to/lazyload.js';
App.Lib.LazyLoad = LazyLoad;
You can find help with Imports and Exports at MDN.

How can I can a mock an external class using jest?

I currently have the following Vue page code:
// Button that when clicked called submit method
import { moveTo } from '#/lib/utils';
export default {
components: {
data() {
methods: {
async submit() {
moveTo(this, COMPLETE_ACTION.path, null);
and then I have a test file for this page. My issue is that Im trying to check and assert that the moveTo method is called with the correct parameters using Jest. It keeps showing expected undefined but received an object. Here are the key points from the test file:
import * as dependency from '#/lib/utils';
dependency.moveTo = jest.fn();
// I then trigger the button call which calls the submit method on the page
expect(dependency.moveTo).toHaveBeenCalledWith(this, COMPLETE_ACTION.path, null);
Im unsure what this is in this context and what I should actually be passing in. Just to note I am using the mount helper from vue test utils.
I solved my issue and it was the this param within the test. This was undefined in the test and was expecting to match against a VueComponent.
I used my wrapper and then accessed the VueComponent by referencing the vm property as per the documentation:
In turn I updated the following line and added wrapper.vm
expect(dependency.moveTo).toHaveBeenCalledWith(wrapper.vm, COMPLETE_ACTION.path, null);
You need to mock the module itself. In your case you are making an assertion on a spy function that is never called.
You can add a module mock by creating a "mocks/ subdirectory immediately adjacent to the module". For a node module "If the module you are mocking is a Node module (e.g.: lodash), the mock should be placed in the mocks directory adjacent to node_modules".
In your case (there are other approaches) you need to create a __mocks__ folder adjacent to the node_modules one and create a file at __mocks__/lib/utils/index.js and export the mocked function:
export const moveTo = jest.fn()

ES6 module import a function value [duplicate]

Is it possible to pass options to ES6 imports?
How do you translate this:
var x = require('module')(someoptions);
to ES6?
There is no way to do this with a single import statement, it does not allow for invocations.
So you wouldn't call it directly, but you can basically do just the same what commonjs does with default exports:
// module.js
export default function(options) {
return {
// actual module
// main.js
import m from 'module';
var x = m(someoptions);
Alternatively, if you use a module loader that supports monadic promises, you might be able to do something like
System.import('module').ap(someoptions).then(function(x) {
With the new import operator it might become
const promise = import('module').then(m => m(someoptions));
const x = (await import('module'))(someoptions)
however you probably don't want a dynamic import but a static one.
Here's my solution using ES6
Very much inline with #Bergi's response, this is the "template" I use when creating imports that need parameters passed for class declarations. This is used on an isomorphic framework I'm writing, so will work with a transpiler in the browser and in node.js (I use Babel with Webpack):
export default (Param1, Param2) => class MyClass {
console.log( Param1 );
import MyClassFactory from './MyClass.js';
let MyClass = MyClassFactory('foo', 'bar');
let myInstance = new MyClass();
The above will output foo in a console
Real World Example
For a real world example, I'm using this to pass in a namespace for accessing other classes and instances within a framework. Because we're simply creating a function and passing the object in as an argument, we can use it with our class declaration likeso:
export default (UIFramework) => class MyView extends UIFramework.Type.View {
getModels() {
// ...
UIFramework.Models.getModelsForView( this._models );
// ...
The importation is a bit more complicated and automagical in my case given that it's an entire framework, but essentially this is what is happening:
// ...
getView( viewName ){
const ViewFactory = require(viewFileLoc);
const View = ViewFactory(this);
return new View();
// ...
I hope this helps!
Building on #Bergi's answer to use the debug module using es6 would be the following
// original
var debug = require('debug')('http');
// ES6
import * as Debug from 'debug';
const debug = Debug('http');
// Use in your code as normal
debug('Hello World!');
I've landed on this thread looking up for somewhat similar and would like to propose a sort of solution, at least for some cases (but see Remark below).
Use case
I have a module, that is running some instantiation logic immediately upon loading. I do not like to call this init logic outside the module (which is the same as call new SomeClass(p1, p2) or new ((p1, p2) => class SomeClass { ... p1 ... p2 ... }) and alike).
I do like that this init logic will run once, kind of a singular instantiation flow, but once per some specific parametrized context.
service.js has at its very basic scope:
let context = null; // meanwhile i'm just leaving this as is
console.log('initialized in context ' + (context ? context : 'root'));
Module A does:
import * as S from 'service.js'; // console has now "initialized in context root"
Module B does:
import * as S from 'service.js'; // console stays unchanged! module's script runs only once
So far so good: service is available for both modules but was initialized only once.
How to make it run as another instance and init itself once again in another context, say in Module C?
This is what I'm thinking about: use query parameters. In the service we'd add the following:
let context = new URL(import.meta.url).searchParams.get('context');
Module C would do:
import * as S from 'service.js?context=special';
the module will be re-imported, it's basic init logic will run and we'll see in the console:
initialized in context special
Remark: I'd myself advise to NOT practice this approach much, but leave it as the last resort. Why? Module imported more than once is more of an exception than a rule, so it is somewhat unexpected behavior and as such may confuse a consumers or even break it's own 'singleton' paradigms, if any.
I believe you can use es6 module loaders.
System.import("lib/math").then(function(m) {
You just need to add these 2 lines.
import xModule from 'module';
const x = xModule('someOptions');
Here's my take on this question using the debug module as an example;
On this module's npm page, you have this:
var debug = require('debug')('http')
In the line above, a string is passed to the module that is imported, to construct. Here's how you would do same in ES6
import { debug as Debug } from 'debug'
const debug = Debug('http');
Hope this helps someone out there.
I ran into an analogous syntax issue when trying to convert some CJS (require()) code to ESM (import) - here's what worked when I needed to import Redis:
const RedisStore = require('connect-redis')(session);
ESM Equivalent
import connectRedis from 'connect-redis';
const RedisStore = connectRedis(session);
You can pass parameters in the module specifier directly:
import * as Lib from "./lib?foo=bar";

is there any way to obtain a reference to (and use) an es6/2015 import in the same expression? [duplicate]

Is it possible to pass options to ES6 imports?
How do you translate this:
var x = require('module')(someoptions);
to ES6?
There is no way to do this with a single import statement, it does not allow for invocations.
So you wouldn't call it directly, but you can basically do just the same what commonjs does with default exports:
// module.js
export default function(options) {
return {
// actual module
// main.js
import m from 'module';
var x = m(someoptions);
Alternatively, if you use a module loader that supports monadic promises, you might be able to do something like
System.import('module').ap(someoptions).then(function(x) {
With the new import operator it might become
const promise = import('module').then(m => m(someoptions));
const x = (await import('module'))(someoptions)
however you probably don't want a dynamic import but a static one.
Here's my solution using ES6
Very much inline with #Bergi's response, this is the "template" I use when creating imports that need parameters passed for class declarations. This is used on an isomorphic framework I'm writing, so will work with a transpiler in the browser and in node.js (I use Babel with Webpack):
export default (Param1, Param2) => class MyClass {
console.log( Param1 );
import MyClassFactory from './MyClass.js';
let MyClass = MyClassFactory('foo', 'bar');
let myInstance = new MyClass();
The above will output foo in a console
Real World Example
For a real world example, I'm using this to pass in a namespace for accessing other classes and instances within a framework. Because we're simply creating a function and passing the object in as an argument, we can use it with our class declaration likeso:
export default (UIFramework) => class MyView extends UIFramework.Type.View {
getModels() {
// ...
UIFramework.Models.getModelsForView( this._models );
// ...
The importation is a bit more complicated and automagical in my case given that it's an entire framework, but essentially this is what is happening:
// ...
getView( viewName ){
const ViewFactory = require(viewFileLoc);
const View = ViewFactory(this);
return new View();
// ...
I hope this helps!
Building on #Bergi's answer to use the debug module using es6 would be the following
// original
var debug = require('debug')('http');
// ES6
import * as Debug from 'debug';
const debug = Debug('http');
// Use in your code as normal
debug('Hello World!');
I've landed on this thread looking up for somewhat similar and would like to propose a sort of solution, at least for some cases (but see Remark below).
Use case
I have a module, that is running some instantiation logic immediately upon loading. I do not like to call this init logic outside the module (which is the same as call new SomeClass(p1, p2) or new ((p1, p2) => class SomeClass { ... p1 ... p2 ... }) and alike).
I do like that this init logic will run once, kind of a singular instantiation flow, but once per some specific parametrized context.
service.js has at its very basic scope:
let context = null; // meanwhile i'm just leaving this as is
console.log('initialized in context ' + (context ? context : 'root'));
Module A does:
import * as S from 'service.js'; // console has now "initialized in context root"
Module B does:
import * as S from 'service.js'; // console stays unchanged! module's script runs only once
So far so good: service is available for both modules but was initialized only once.
How to make it run as another instance and init itself once again in another context, say in Module C?
This is what I'm thinking about: use query parameters. In the service we'd add the following:
let context = new URL(import.meta.url).searchParams.get('context');
Module C would do:
import * as S from 'service.js?context=special';
the module will be re-imported, it's basic init logic will run and we'll see in the console:
initialized in context special
Remark: I'd myself advise to NOT practice this approach much, but leave it as the last resort. Why? Module imported more than once is more of an exception than a rule, so it is somewhat unexpected behavior and as such may confuse a consumers or even break it's own 'singleton' paradigms, if any.
I believe you can use es6 module loaders.
System.import("lib/math").then(function(m) {
You just need to add these 2 lines.
import xModule from 'module';
const x = xModule('someOptions');
Here's my take on this question using the debug module as an example;
On this module's npm page, you have this:
var debug = require('debug')('http')
In the line above, a string is passed to the module that is imported, to construct. Here's how you would do same in ES6
import { debug as Debug } from 'debug'
const debug = Debug('http');
Hope this helps someone out there.
I ran into an analogous syntax issue when trying to convert some CJS (require()) code to ESM (import) - here's what worked when I needed to import Redis:
const RedisStore = require('connect-redis')(session);
ESM Equivalent
import connectRedis from 'connect-redis';
const RedisStore = connectRedis(session);
You can pass parameters in the module specifier directly:
import * as Lib from "./lib?foo=bar";

