IE8 changing GET request to POST: Angular $http - javascript

I am making call to a REST service from my AngularJS app using $http. The issue is whenever I make a GET request from IE8, it gets converted to POST request. Calls with other http methods (POST,PUT) work fine. This happens only with IE8.
Here is my code
var request = {method: method, url: url, data: payload};
var promise = $http(request) .then(function (response) {
return response;
Can someone please help. I have tried sending different types off data payload : null,undefined,empty object, some object. But nothing worked.

I think I have found the solution. We need to send empty string as payload. Or, use $http.get


window.fetch .then(), not waiting

Using window.fetch() in Firefox and Chrome to get data from a local JSON file, is proving troublesome:
var url = "";
var request = new Request(url, {
method: 'get',
mode: 'no-cors'
fetch(request).then(function(response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function(j) {
For whatever reason, the first .then() function is being called prior to the full AJAX response, resulting in promise object (response) being
<state>: "pending"
Which leads to an unwanted output as I'm not getting the data I wanted to get.
I've looked at multiple documents on I can't seem to find anything on my end that I'm doing incorrectly.
Any ideas?
The posted code is fine as it is. Replace the url with
var url =
({"greeting": "hello folks"}) to see it in action.
What appears to be missing is a .catch clause on the promise chain to report parsing errors in the .json file.
After a bit more Googling, I found this article by Google:
Looks like you have to build some extra functions to wait for the status to be resolved. This will then pass the response properly, as you'd expect.

<a href> Post request always returns to wrong URL Angular

Im trying to execute a like POST request with a in angular. The url gets filled in correctly as you can see
In the code it looks like this
But everytime it gives a 405 method not allowed ( and returns to
I do the exact samething with PHP without angular and this works
Anyone an idea?
Angular in not PHP. In order to solve this. you will need to use some service. Most popular are $http and $resource.
in case you choose $http service, you need to make
in somefile.html
in controller you will have something like this:
$scope.someFunction = function(){
$, data, config)
// success callback
// failure callback
I recommend you to try to find tutorial for this like:$http

AngularJS - Stuck Handling response after $ (expecting json)

Hello first of all thanks for your support,
I getting started with angular and I am trying to use conmsume data from an API for my app. I am having a few problems with this.
First of all CORS:
To run local http server I am using the one that comes with node.js (using http-server command).
I am using to test the app. I've generated differents (with headers I've found around the net that are supposed to fix it) response there to try to fix CORS (always getting preflight error) but nothing seems to work.
I have added this to my save method (inside a factory):
save: {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'
If I use a Chrome extension called CORS I can bypass that and receive response but then I am not able to manage the promise and get the data inside the response. I would like to be able to show the response's json on the view.
$scope.submitForm = function() {
var promise = null;
promise =$scope.partner).$promise;
$scope.result =;
This functions sends the data from the form to the factory and perform the request but then I am lost and do not know how to manage the data I need from the response.
Thanks in advance :)
Basically you need to put .then function over your save method call promise. So that will call .then function's once data save request gets completed.
$scope.submitForm = function() {$scope.partner).$promise
//it will called success callback when save promise resolved.
.then(function(data){ //success
$scope.result = data;
}, function(error){ //error

AngularJS $ firing get request instead of post

i building an API service in angular and laravel, when i firing a GET call to the API everythings work fine, but when i fire POST call the service still use GET method instead of POST.
that is my service:
function LeadsAPI($http,$q,BASE_URL)
this.updateLead = function (lead_data) {
var url = BASE_URL+"/leads/update/";
var deferred = $q.defer();
$ , lead_data).then(function(response){
return deferred.promise;
i call to this function from a Controller:
LeadsController.$inject = ['$scope', 'LeadsAPI'];
function LeadsController($scope , LeadsAPI)
LeadsAPI.updateLead({'lead_id' : res._id, 'the_lead': {'fist_name' : 'asd asd'}}).then(function (res) {
i tried pass the parameters as a string ("a=b&c=d...") and added header :
$['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8';
in the run function at my App module instantiation but yet, i keep getting 405 (Method Not Allowed) error.
any ideas why and how to solve it? thank you very much all! :)
Seems the question is old and unanswered but google led me here. I hope someone will find this answer useful.
I had the same problem. $http was set to POST but server was returning error from GET request.
After checking the headers in a web inspector it shows the browser actually did two requests:
update/ 301 text/html angular.js:11442
update 405 xhr
The first one is the one from $http and the second one is after a redirect.
As you can see the trailing slash URL is redirected to a non trailing one. With this redirect a POST request gets also changed to GET as well.
The solution is to change your request url to not contain trailing slashes:
url: BASE_URL+"/leads/update",
The GET works fine ... good
The POST returns 405 - Method not allowed
It sounds like it is doing a POST and the server you are posting to does not support POST requests to the endpoint in question
Can you please provide more information, such as the HTTP request and response headers when you make a GET request and the same for the POST request
You can access the header information via the NET tab in Firefox's Firebug or in Chrome console
Be sure that your API method is ready to handle a POST request. Maybe Angular is actually firing a POST request, but your method is expecting a GET.
If you are sure Angular is really firing a GET request instead of a POST for some reason, try to explicitly set the HTTP method on the $http object:
method: 'POST',
url: BASE_URL+"/leads/update/",
data: lead_data
}).then(function (response) {

transform request data with resource service in angular

I'm trying to send just the array of my data to the server. I found this post discussing how to send an array, but I can't get it to work.
AngularJS: ngResource and array of object as params to URL
The problem I am having is my resource gets sent back to me as JSON like this
Results: []
So when I ask for my resources,
var collaboratorResource = api.CollaboratorList.get({Id: Id });
but then, if I try something like
When I look at firebug, it shows that my data is being sent as
Results: []
when in reality, I don't want to send the data as an object with the array as a Results property. I want to send it just as an array []. I need to do that since the api is legacy and expects that.
I've been trying to see if transformRequest works, like if I did
collaboratorResource.$save({data: $scope.collaborators, transformRequest: function (data, headers) { return data.results; }});
collaboratorResource.$save({}, $scope.collaborators);
But that doesn't seem to work either. Is this even possible? As an aside, if I use $http like this, it works:
$http({ method: "POST", data: $scope.collaborators, url: collaboratorUrl });
I'm just not sure how to use the $resource service properly since I'd prefer to wrap everything in $resource if possible and not have a hybrid of both if possible. Thanks.

