Using JavaScript to cycle through elements with numbers in the ID [duplicate] - javascript

This question already has answers here:
JavaScript closure inside loops – simple practical example
(44 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I'm interested in cycling through some div's I have on my page that have numbers in the ID.
This is what I have so far...
var count = 1;
while(count != 12) {
$('#logo-'.concat(count).concat(' > img')).click(function() {
if($('#info-'.concat(count)).hasClass('dropdown-active')) {
} else {
return false;
The count seems to stop working when it reaches the if statement.
So the ID's on the page are logo-1, info-1, logo-2, info-2, etc...

You can do this more cleanly as follows:
while(count != 12) {
$('#logo-' + count + ' > img').click(function() {
var origin = $(this).parent(),
targetId = '#info-' + origin[0].id.substring(5),
target = $(targetId);
if(target.hasClass('dropdown-active')) {
} else {
return false;
But it would be preferable to give all your logos the same class (say, "logo"), and then you can ditch the while loop:
$('.logo > img').click(function() {
var origin = $(this).parent(),
targetId = '#info-' + origin[0].id.substring(5),
target = $(targetId);
if(target.hasClass('dropdown-active')) {
} else {
Edit: As Karl-André Gagnon points out in the comments, you could also use $('[id^="logo-"]') as an alternative to giving them a class, and still use the no-while-loop approach.
One alternative to parsing the numbers out of the IDs would be to store the number in a data-num attribute:
<div class='logo' data-num='1'>...</div>
And then instead of that var origin... stuff with the substring method, you would have:
var num = $(this).parent().data('num'),
target = $('#info-' + num);

While JLRishe's answer is preferable, here's a largely academic demonstration of doing it with closures:
var count = 1;
while(count != 12) {
$('#logo-'.concat(id).concat(' > img')).click(function() {
if($('#info-'.concat(id)).hasClass('dropdown-active')) {
} else {
return false;
By calling a function and passing the value as a parameter, you create a new scope and thus id will maintain it's value in the click function. I wouldn't necessarily recommend this approach (there are many inefficiencies in your code besides), but hopefully it's an interesting demonstration of closures and scope.


jQuery to Vanilla JS - querySelector issues

I'm going through some code and working to change all of the jQuery to vanilla JS. However there is one section and I keep getting an error in my console that says either:
TypeError: document.querySelectorAll(...).toggle is not a function pr
TypeError: document.querySelectorAll(...) is null
Below is my code, the top part you can see is where I am trying to change the jquery to vanilla js (I have commented out the jquery) :
for (let i = 0; i < shipmentNumbers.length; i += 1) {
let sNumber = shipmentNumbers[i];
function getHistory(event) {
document.querySelectorAll('#shipment' + sNumber + '' + sNumber).toggle();
// $('#shipment' + sNumber + '' + sNumber).toggle();
document.getElementsByClassName('overlay-line' + sNumber).style.display = 'table-row';
// $('.overlay-line' + sNumber).css({
// "display": "table-row"
// });
if (flag == false) {
let shipmentNumber ='status', '');
console.log('shipmentNumber=', shipmentNumber);
callHistoryApi(clientId, shipmentNumber);
$(this).find('.expand' + sNumber).html("▼");
flag = true;
} else {
$(this).find('.expand' + sNumber).html("►");
$('.overlay-line' + sNumber).css({
"display": "none"
flag = false;
Can someone explain why this isn't working, and how I can get it working using vanilla js?
I find that writing these two functions can really help when moving from jQuery to native JS.
function domEach(selector, handler, context) {
return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector), handler, context);
// If you get a TypeError "Array.from" is not a function, use the polyfill
// found on MPN.
This gets you around issues where you relied on implicit loops that jQuery uses.
// Instead of these:
document.querySelectorAll('#shipment' + sNumber + '' + sNumber).toggle();
document.getElementsByClassName('overlay-line' + sNumber).style.display = 'table-row';
// Use these:
domEach('#shipment' + sNumber + '' + sNumber, function (tr) { = === "none"
? ""
: "none";
domEach('.overlay-line' + sNumber, function (el) { = 'table-row';
For a list of techniques to use instead of the jQuery functions, you can check You Might Not Need jQuery
Edit: more information about the code above
jQuery uses implicit loops. That is, when you do this:
jQuery does this behind the scenes:
var elements = document.querySelectorAll("#one");
var i = 0;
var il = elements.length;
while (i < il) {
i += 1;
This leads to some confusion when going from jQuery to vanilla JavaScript since you have to manually loop over the results of querySelectorAll.
Array.from will loop over an array or array-like structure. querySelectorAll will return a NodeList - this is an array-like structure (it has numerical indicies and a length property). The domEach function allows us to pass a CSS selector to the function and will loop over the results of finding matching elements.
The ? : syntax is called a ternary operator. It's a short-cut for if ... else.
// Ternary operator = === "none"
? ""
: "none";
// Equivalent if/else statements
if ( === "none") { = "";
} else { = "none";
I hope that helps clarify things.
You must add check in whenever you do this, as .querySelctor/All() is going to return "null" if no elements are found.
var myCollection = document.querySelectorAll("selector");
if (myCollection.length > 0){, function(element){
if(typeof element.toggle === "function"){
More or less this will help you achieve your goal. However if you don't have method "toggle" defined on your elements - nothing will happen. :)

Javascript - Selecting an element in a list

How do I select an element from a list using Javascript. Here is some of my code:
var score = 0;
var bin = 0;
var question = -1;
var answers = ['higher', 'lower', 'higher', 'lower', 'higher'];
function answer_question(response) {
if (response == 1) {
if (answer[question] == "higher"){
score ++;
} else {
bin ++;
console.log("Bin: ");
else if (response == 0) {
if (answer[question] == "lower") {
score ++;
} else {
bin ++;
console.log("Bin: ");
However it doesn't work, I think this is due to the
answer[question] == "higher"
Thanks for your help!
This is because of three things:
answer is not defined. I suspect you meant answers. This could be just a typo.
Even if you did answers[question], well, question = -1, and answers[-1] returns undefined in Javascript. JS does not have the concept of negative indexing, so you can't use negative numbers as index subscripts. Use any number between 0 and answers.length - 1 instead, like so:
answers[0] // returns 0th (first) element of answers array
You never increment or change question. Every time you run this code, answers[question] always returns the same thing. In that case, why do you even have that line?
To answer your question as stated, however, array elements can be accessed by index like so: array[index]. index can be any integer between 0 and one less than the length of the array.

Dynamic event attachment not working correctly [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
JavaScript closure inside loops – simple practical example
(44 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
var smartActionsId = ['smartActions1','smartActions5','smartActions10'];
for (var i in smartActionsId) {
console.log("smartActionsId ="+smartActionsId[i]);
$('#' + smartActionsId[i] + ' select').change(function () {
var value = $(this).val();
var disableValue;
var ruleIndex = smartActionsId[i].substr(11);
console.log("smartActionsId ="+smartActionsId[i]+" i ="+i);
if (value === '0') {
disableValue = true;
onRuleToggle(disableValue, ruleIndex)
else if (value === '1') {
disableValue = false;
onRuleToggle(disableValue, ruleIndex)
I'm creating change event dynamically for a multiple switch slider items using the above JavaScript code. But problem I'm facing is, when I click on any switch 'i' value gets replaced with the last value i.e. in smartActionsId I have 3 elements, which ever switch I change it effects for last switch (smartActions10).
Could you please help me resolving this issue?
Other answers here fixed your problem, but I think you can refactor your code a little and make it much more understandable.
First, I don't like IDs. in your scenario, you have multiple ids which needs to be treated the same. Why not use one mighty class?
Also, ruleIndex calculated from element's ID? smells rotten.
If it tells you something about the element, it should be in an attribute or a data-* attribute.
The first bit of code fixes the markup by adding ruleIndex as data attribute and adding a .smart-actionable class. (Maybe you can even move this part to the server-side, to provide yourself with easier markup for JS).
Now, this makes the event handling quite simple.
var smartActionsId = ['smartActions1','smartActions5','smartActions10'];
for (var i in smartActionsId) {
$('#' + smartActionsId[i])
.data('ruleIndex', smartActionsId[i].substr(11))
$('.smart-actionable').on('change', 'select', function() {
var value = $(this).val();
var disableValue = (value === '0');
onRuleToggle(disableValue, $(this).data('ruleIndex'));
Hope it will help.
You don't want to attach event listeners inside a for loop because the variable that tracks the index is used by each loop cycle. If you do that, the i variable will always equal the length of the array minus 1. Use Array.prototype.forEach() instead to prevent that.
var smartActionsId = ['smartActions1','smartActions5','smartActions10'];
smartActionsId.forEach(function (identifier, index) {
console.log("smartActionsId ="+identifier);
$('#' + smartActionsId[index] + ' select').change(function () {
var value = $(this).val();
var disableValue;
var ruleIndex = smartActionsId[index].substr(11);
console.log("smartActionsId ="+smartActionsId[index]+" index ="+index);
if (value === '0') {
disableValue = true;
onRuleToggle(disableValue, ruleIndex)
else if (value === '1') {
disableValue = false;
onRuleToggle(disableValue, ruleIndex)
Please Note: IE8 and down does NOT support Array.prototype.forEach().
You cant use in this case. Please try the code below:
var smartActionsId = ['smartActions1', 'smartActions5', 'smartActions10'];
for (var i = 0; i < smartActionsId.length; i++) {
console.log("smartActionsId =" + smartActionsId[i]);
$('#' + smartActionsId[i] + ' select').change(function() {
var value = $(this).val();
var disableValue;
var ruleIndex = smartActionsId[i].substr(11);
console.log("smartActionsId =" + smartActionsId[i] + " i =" + i);
if (value === '0') {
disableValue = true;
onRuleToggle(disableValue, ruleIndex)
} else if (value === '1') {
disableValue = false;
onRuleToggle(disableValue, ruleIndex)
I've always use names like smartActions_1. If you can use it, then in your .change function you can use
// if 'smartActionsId' is global variable
// and if you need to get position in 'smartActionsId' array
var numInArray = $.inArray(, smartActionsId );
// this - your select DOM object
var ruleIndex = parseInt( "_" )[ 1 ] );
And remember that this in .change function its select which have no id and you must use this.parentNode or $( this ).parent() to get it's holder (I think its div or somethink like that).
#Jack in comments is right: select may not be a direct child. Then you can use this code:
var parent = $( this ).closest( "[id^=smartActions]" );
var numInArray = $.inArray( parent.attr( "id" ), smartActionsId );
var ruleIndex = parseInt( parent.attr( "id" ).split( "_" )[ 1 ] );

JQuery for loop stuck at last index [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
JavaScript closure inside loops – simple practical example
(44 answers)
jQuery Looping and Attaching Click Events
(4 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I have function process_row that appends tags to html, and those tags are chained to a function upon clicked. (in this case, simply alert(i), its position in the result array).
But however, upon being clicked, the newly generated alerts the length of the entire result array. I have tried many, many changes to try and make it work, but it doesn't.
Strange thou, fab_div.attr("id", result_data[0]); works fine !! In Chrome inspect element the id tags are displayed as they are, but the click function points everything to the last element in the array.
for example, if I do, () { alert(result_data[0]) });, I get the name of the LAST element in the array, doesn't matter which element was clicked.
can anyone please explain to me... WHY??
I think it may have something to do with $("<div>") where JQuery thinks it's the same div that it's assigning to. Is there any way around this? The 's are generated dynamically and I would not want to let PHP do the echoing. Plus the content may be updated realtime.
Example dataset :
After many, many changes, still not working:
function process_row(data){
result_array = data.split("#");
if(result_array.length > 0){
result_data =result_array[0].split("#");
for(i = 0; i < result_array.length; i++){
result_data =result_array[i].split("#");
var fab_text = result_data[1] + " " + result_data[2]
var fab_div = $("<div>");
fab_div.attr("id", result_data[0]);
// () { alert(i) });
// ^ not working, try appending list of id's to id_list
for(j = 0; j < id_list.length; j++){
$('#' + id_list[j]).click(function () { alert(j) })
Original Attempt:
function process_row(data){
result_array = data.split("#");
if(result_array.length > 0){
result_data =result_array[0].split("#");
for(i = 0; i < result_array.length; i++){
result_data =result_array[i].split("#");
var fab_text = result_data[1] + " " + result_data[2]
var fab_div = $("<div>").append(fab_text).click(function () { alert(i) });
fab_div.attr("id", result_data[0]);
If you must use an alert, then you can encapsulate the click handler in a self executing function and pass the index to it. Like,
(function (index) { () {
Although, this is not a clean way to do it. Otherwise, if you are looking to just manipulate the div element is any way, then adding any method directly will also work. Like, () {
You can refer a jsFiddle here
Wonky Solution, but it worked! Haha! Big thanks to Kevin B.
function process_row(data){
result_array = data.split("#");
if(result_array.length > 0){
result_data =result_array[0].split("#");
for(i = 0; i < result_array.length; i++){
result_data =result_array[i].split("#");
var fab_text = result_data[1] + " " + result_data[2]
var fab_div = $("<div>").append(fab_text);
fab_div.attr("id", result_data[0]);
$("#ls_admin").children(this).each(function( index ) {
$(this).append($(this).click(function () { alert($(this).text()) }));

For Loop/Each Loop variable storage and comparison (jQuery or Javascript

I have an each loop with jquery (I wouldn't mind using a for loop if the code works better) and it's cycling through all divs with the class="searchMe". I would like to store the current div in a variable that I can use in the next iteration of the loop to compare a value with the new current div. Some code is removed (all working) to simplify things, but here's my code:
var id = $(this);
sortUp += 1,
sortDown -= 1;
if (test) {
id.attr("name", ""+sortUp+"");
else {
id.attr("name", ""+sortDown+"");
if ( id.attr("name") > lastId.attr("name") ) {
lastId = id; //this doesn't work, but illustrates what I'm trying to do
Everything is working properly except the last 3 lines.
is this possible with an each/for loop?
I don't know why sort up is needed when you are comparing backwards alone. you can replace the last three lines with...
if ( parseInt(id.attr("name")) > parseInt(id.prev().attr("name")) ) {
you can use index in $.each()
var id = $(this);
sortUp += 1,
sortDown -= 1;
if (test) {// don't know what is test, let it is predefined
id.attr("name", sortUp);// no need to add ""
else {
id.attr("name", sortDown);
if ($('.searchMe').eq(index-1).length && id.attr("name") > $('.searchMe').eq(index-1).attr("name") ) {
Or Alternatively you can define lastid like
var lastId='';// let it be global
var id = $(this);
sortUp += 1,
sortDown -= 1;
if (test) {// don't know what is test, let it is predefined
id.attr("name", sortUp);// no need to add ""
else {
id.attr("name", sortDown);
if (id.attr("name") > lastId.attr("name") ) {
lastId=id;// assign here the current id
Read eq() and $.each()

