Jquery - GET url value and store in a variable - javascript

I would like to GET the value from my url and store it in a variable the to use it in my sql query as a where statement. My admin_id is good, but the $x is not working.
here is what I got.
The URL http://localhost/ict138final/admin/Aviewrecords.php?edit=2
The Query
$query=mysql_query("DELETE FROM passed_deliverable WHERE deliverable_id={$id} && user_id={$x} ");
function Delete() {
lol = $('#wee').text();
var bayotmarkyu = "<?php echo $_GET['edit']; ?>";
data: {admin_id:lol,edit:bayotmarkyu},
success: function(data) {

Try this way to assign admin_id & edit using $_POST because you send AJAX call using POST method.
//on Adeletedeliverable.php file
print_r($_POST); //only for debug before assign
$query=mysql_query("DELETE FROM passed_deliverable WHERE deliverable_id={$id} && user_id={$x} ");
//On javascript funciton(Aviewrecords.php),so just $_GET['edit'];
function Delete() {
lol = $('#wee').text();
var bayotmarkyu = "<?php echo $_GET['edit']; ?>";
type:'POST', // see your ajax call method carefully
data: {admin_id:lol,edit:bayotmarkyu},
success: function(data) {

Your calling the "x" variable wrong.
Should be $x
and your get should be a post

U have to use $_GET instead of $_POST than.


unable to parse xml data with AJAX + Wordpress

Ok, I am officially stumped. I have been trying to find why my calls for specific items in a PubMed xml data file are not working... I can execute this one with my current coding:
$test = (string)$id_json->PubmedArticle->MedlineCitation->PMID;
but if I try to get a variable that is in a deeper array, it does not return a value. I have even tested with console.log(data) and I get my PMID returning but not my other, deeper values in the XML file. For example;
$test = (string)$id_json->PubmedArticle->MedlineCitation->Article->Journal->ISSN;
returns nothing for data in console.log(data)
Here is my function in wordpress:
function get_abstract(){
$id = $_POST['abstractid'];
$pubmed_api_call = 'https://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/efetch.fcgi?db=pubmed&retmode=xml&rettype=abstract&id='.$id;
$id_wpget = wp_remote_get($pubmed_api_call, array('timeout' => 20));
if( is_wp_error( $id_wpget ) ) {
echo "Error Contacting PubMed, please refresh page and try again";
$id_xml = wp_remote_retrieve_body($id_wpget);
$id_json = simplexml_load_string($id_xml);
$test = (string)$id_json->PubmedArticle->MedlineCitation->Article->Journal->ISSN;
if($test === ""){
echo "NOTHING";
echo $test;
and here is my javascript AJAX call:
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery('.reference_header').click(function(e) {
jQuery(this).find("i").toggleClass("arrow-down arrow-up");
var abstractid = jQuery(this).data("id");
url: get_abstract.ajaxurl,
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: {
abstractid: jQuery(this).data("id"),
action: 'get_abstract'
success : function(data){
jQuery('.'+abstractid).html("TESTING: "+data);
I cannot find out why it doesnt work... any help is greatly appreciated.
So I figured out the solution to the issue... you need to pass the string text as a json object to AJAX for it to read properly...
working code:
echo json_encode(array("result" => "$test"));
success : function(data){
jQuery('.'+abstractid).html("TESTING: "+data.result);

Pass JS var to PHP var

I need to have a "global" variable because I need to use it in different page and I want to modify it too: I think that I need to use $_SESSION
I need to change this variable, when the user click on dropdown or list.
I have this:
$('#list.test li').on('click',function(){
url: "PageB.php",
data: {word : choice},
dataType: "html",
success: function (data) {
echo $_SESSION['b']; // It works
PageC for verify the result
echo $_SESSION['b']; // Error !!
In my PageC, I have an error ( Notice: Undefined index: b )
Is it possible to update session variable with ajax ?
PageA: I want to passe the id JS var to PHP var
$('#list.test li').on('click',function(){
<?php $_SESSION['b'] ?> = choice; //<--- it is possible ?
url: "PageB.php",
data: {word : choice},
dataType: "html",
success: function (data) {
This solution doesn't work because AJAX and PHP are note in the same side (client/server).
Thank you
You can push data to cookies via JavaScript, smth like document.cookie = "key=value";
And receive it on back-end like $_COOKIE["key"];.
$_SESSION['b']=$_GET['projet']; should be $_SESSION['b']=$_GET['word'];

AJAX take data from POST with PHP

i have a little problem with my script.
I want to give data to a php file with AJAX (POST).
I dont get any errors, but the php file doesn't show a change after AJAX "runs" it.
Here is my jquery / js code:
(#changeRank is a select box, I want to pass the value of the selected )
$("#changeRank").change(function() {
var rankId = this.value;
//$.ajax({url: "/profile/parts/changeRank.php", type: "post", data: {"mapza": mapza}});
type: "POST",
async: true,
url: '/profile/parts/changeRank.php',
data: { 'direction': 'up' },
success: function (msg)
{ alert('success') },
error: function (err)
{ alert(err.responseText)}
$user = "test";
if($_SESSION["user"] != $user && checkPermission("staff.fakeLogin", $_SESSION["user"], $mhost, $muser, $mpass, $mdb))
$_SESSION["user"] = $user;
When i run the script, javascript comes up with an alert "success" which means to me, that there aren't any problems.
I know, the post request for my data is missing, but this is only a test, so im planning to add this later...
I hope, you can help me,
Greets :)
$("#changeRank").change(function() {
var rankId = this.value;
//$.ajax({url: "/profile/parts/changeRank.php", type: "post", data: {"mapza": mapza}});
type: "POST",
async: true,
url: '/profile/parts/changeRank.php',
data: { 'direction': 'up' },
success: function (msg)
{ alert('success: ' + JSON.stringify(msg)) },
error: function (err)
{ alert(err.responseText)}
$user = "test";
if($_SESSION["user"] != $user && checkPermission("staff.fakeLogin", $_SESSION["user"], $mhost, $muser, $mpass, $mdb))
$_SESSION["user"] = $user;
echo json_encode($user);
This sample code will let echo the username back to the page. The alert should show this.
well your js is fine, but because you're not actually echoing out anything to your php script, you wont see any changes except your success alert. maybe var_dump your post variable to check if your data was passed from your js file correctly...
Just return 0 or 1 from your php like this
Your PHP :
if($_SESSION["user"] != $user && checkPermission("staff.fakeLogin", $_SESSION["user"], $mhost, $muser, $mpass, $mdb))
$_SESSION["user"] = $user;
echo '1'; // success case
echo '0'; // failure case
Then in your script
success: function (msg)
window.location = "home.php"; // or your success action
So that you can get what you expect
If you want to see a result, in the current page, using data from your PHP then you need to do two things:
Actually send some from the PHP. Your current PHP redirects to another URL which might send data. You could use that or remove the Location header and echo some content out instead.
Write some JavaScript that does something with that data. The data will be put into the first argument of the success function (which you have named msg). If you want that data to appear in the page, then you have to put it somewhere in the page (e.g. with $('body').text(msg).

Using ajax to send a JS variable, but how can I use PHP variables afterwards to my main file?

How can I use some PHP variables from the ajax-send.php to the index.php file? I use AJAX as shown below. Do I have to replace AJAX with something else?
type: 'POST',
url: 'ajax-send.php',
data: { one: hash },
success: function(data) {
$token = $_POST['one'];
echo "ok"
$toINDEX = "use this in index.php"
Try this
type: 'POST',
url: 'ajax-send.php',
data: { one: hash },
success: function(data) {
var response = data;
//alert(data);To see what you have received from the server
$token = $_POST['one'];
echo "ok";
$toINDEX = "use this in index.php";
In PHP just echo variable or json_encode array. In JS do the following:
var result = $.ajax({
url: this.fileUrl,
type: "POST",
data: data,
async: false,
dataType: 'json'
Your vaiable is fully accessable.
take the variables in php sessions
//On page 1(ajax-send.php)
$_SESSION['token'] = $_POST['one'];
//On page 2(index.php)
$var_value = $_SESSION['token'];
You can simply echo the variable and then access it via javascript inside the success function.
But a better approach would be to json_encode the data. The beauty of this is that it will help you to pass multiple values/variables in a single echo. So
if(<all is okay>)
$toINDEX = "use this in index.php"
$data['result'] = 'ok';
$data['msg'] = $toINDEX;
$data['some_other_value'] = 'blah blah';
// notice how I'm able to pass three values using this approach
$data['result'] = 'notok';
echo json_encode($data);
type: 'POST',
url: 'ajax-send.php',
data: { one: hash },
success: function(data) {
if(data.result == 'ok')
// something went wrong
The important thing to note here is dataType:'json' which tells the function to expect the returned data in json format.
As per you comment, you could do this
$toINDEX = "use this in index.php";
// now use the variable here itself
mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE column = '$toINDEX'");
if(<all is okay>)
$data['result'] = 'ok';
$data['msg'] = 'anything you would like to show the user';
$data['some_other_value'] = 'blah blah';
// notice how I'm able to pass three values using this approach
$data['result'] = 'notok';
echo json_encode($data);

Header wont redirect when passedthrough ajax

Not sure if this is possible but I have a page that submits a form with AJAX and if it meets certain conditions it should automatically take the user to another page. NOTHING is outputted before the header tag its just a bunch of conditions.
Problem: Header redirect not working...
$('form').on('submit', function (e) {
type: 'post',
url: '_ajax/add.php',
data: $('form').serialize(),
success: function (data) {
$("input").val('Company Name');
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
$id = $row['id'];
header("Location: http://localhost/manage/card.php?id=$id");
Headers can only be modified before any body is sent to the browser (hence the names header/body). Since you have AJAX sent to the browser, you can't modify the headers any more. However, you can have the add.php script called via AJAX return the $id parameter. Then that parameter can be used in JavaScript to redirect the page: window.location = 'http://localhost/manage/card.php?id=' + id.
More info on PHP header(): http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.header.php
$('form').on('submit', function (e) {
type: 'post',
url: '_ajax/add.php',
data: $('form').serialize(),
success: function (data) {
window.location = 'http://localhost/manage/card.php?id=' + data;
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
$id = $row['id'];
echo $id;
You indicate in the question that under certain conditions, you want a redirect.
To do that, you would want to alter your javascript to contain an if condition, and to watch for certain responses.
I would recommend modifying your responses to be json, so that you can pass back different information (such as a success status, as well as a redirect url, or other information you might want).
$('form').on('submit', function (e) {
type: 'post',
url: '_ajax/add.php',
data: $('form').serialize(),
success: function (data) {
var response = $.parseJSON(data);
if (response.redirect) {
window.location = response.redirect_url;
} else {
$("input").val('Company Name');
As for your add.php file, you'll want to change this to be something more like so:
$json = array(
'redirect' => 0,
'url' => '',
if (...condition for redirect...) {
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
$id = $row['id'];
$json['redirect'] = 1;
$json['redirect_url'] = "Location: http://localhost/manage/card.php?id=$id";
echo json_encode($json);
You seem to have a miss understanding of how AJAX works. Introduction to Ajax.
The reason why your redirect appears not to working is because an Ajax call doesn't directly affect your browser. It's a behind the scenes call.
To get the data out from the AJAX call you need to do something with the returned data.
success: function (data) {
$("input").val('Company Name');
//You need to do something with data here.
$("#myDiv").html(data); //This would update a div with the id myDiv with the response from the ajax call.

