TransitionTo child path where parent has dynamic segment - javascript

As the title suggests I'm trying to transitionTo a child path from a action. The problem is that Ember says that it can't find any paths with that name. Looking at the Ember docs I've no idea what I'm doing wrong here. I'm hoping someone here might have the expertise to help me out.
Ember Error:
Uncaught Error: Assertion Failed: The route post.comments was not found
Application route definition:
this.resource('post', { path: 'post/:post_id' }, function () {
The transitionTo in the action:
route.transitionTo('post.comments', post_id);

Route post.comments doesn't exist because you define comments as resource instead of route. I guess this should work:
this.resource('post', { path: 'post/:post_id' }, function () {
route.transitionTo('post.comments', post_id);
However if you really need to declare comments as resource, use:
route.transitionTo('comments', post_id);


How to add dynamic component to Angular Router

I'm creating pluggable angular app.
I've found the following article:
Building an extensible Dynamic Pluggable Enterprise Application with Angular
Generally, everything works fine, but when I've tried to add angular router then I met some problems.
Currently, I'm not able to add the dynamically loaded component to the router.
I've tried something like this:
this.pluginLoader.load(pluginName).then(moduleFactory => {
const moduleRef = moduleFactory.create(this.injector);
const entryComponent = (moduleFactory.moduleType as any).entry;
const compFactory = moduleRef.componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(
path: `${pluginName}`,
component: entryComponent
But this code cause following error:
core.js:15723 ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: No component factory found for function(){this.x=!1}. Did you add it to #NgModule.entryComponents
I've tried also use loadChildren property instead of the component property but I don't know what path should I use.
How can I add the component to the component factory, or how can I find a proper path for such components?
I've found a solution, to add the dynamically loaded module to the angular router we have to use LoadChildren property, but directly from Route object. In this case, we have to create Route object first and then add it to the router config.
loadPlugin(pluginName: string) {
this.pluginLoader.load(pluginName).then(moduleFactory => {
const route: Route = {
path: `${pluginName}`,
loadChildren: () => moduleFactory

Correcting Invalid Route Naming

I'm currently working on a CRUD application - so far I've created an index route, a show route and create route and have moved on to creating an update method. I've gone ahead and added a route, template and a controller, but whenever I try to click on a link to my new template I receive an error letting me know the following:
This link-to is in an inactive loading state because at least one of its parameters presently has a null/undefined value, or the provided route name is invalid.
I'm linking to the update path through the show page and can confirm that the ID I'm passing into the link-to function exists. This being the case, I think that there's something likely wrong with my route name but can't figure out where I'm going wrong. I assume it's likely something wrong with the nested routes.
I've tried altering the order of my routes and have put console log statements in the controller I anticipated hitting once the link-to statement was hit - so far I haven't entered the controller.
import EmberRouter from '#ember/routing/router';
import config from './config/environment';
const Router = EmberRouter.extend({
location: config.locationType,
rootURL: config.rootURL
}); {
this.route('posts', function() {
this.route('show', { path: '/:post_id' });
this.route('edit', { path: '/:post_id/edit' });
this.route('destroy', {path: ':post_id/destroy'});
export default Router;
import Route from '#ember/routing/route';
export default Route.extend({
model(params) {
console.log('hit this when edit route is hit')
return'post', params.post_id);
<div class="jumbo show-posts">
<div class="col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-10">
<h3>{{#link-to "post.edit" post}}Update post{{/link-to}}</h3>
You have mentioned a wrong route name. It should be posts.edit according to your router.js. You should pass at least one params to the post.edit route.
Have a look at my working ember-twiddle
Since you have mentioned this.route('edit', { path: '/:post_id/edit' }), the route will be expecting at least one of its parameters :post_id is present.
Modify you {{link-to}} as below,
{{#link-to "posts.edit"}}Update post{{/link-to}}
You can access the post id in your controller through params.post_id,
model(params) {
console.log('hit this when edit route is hit')
return'post', params.post_id);

Parasails.js and using (Vue Router or virtualPages)

Parasails.js documentation mentions that it does support router and virtualPages, but does not actually specify how to interact with these options.
I am somewhat used to the normal Vue setup, of importing Vue, VueRouter and each individual component directly into the .vue file.
But with parasails.js, I feel that these parameters are expecting objects that are not defined in the documentation, so I'm just guessing at this point.
I have gotten to this point so far:
parasails.registerComponent('mainSearch', {
props: [
html5HistoryMode: 'history',
virtualPages: [
{ path: '/foo', component: 'page2' },
template: `
<div class="test">
<router-link to="/foo">Foo</router-link>
<router-view />
beforeMount: function() {
// Attach any initial data from the server.
_.extend(this, SAILS_LOCALS);
mounted: async function(){
beforeDestroy: function() {
But I am receiving the error:
TypeError: In the HTML template (during render): Cannot read property 'matched' of undefined
Has anyone successfully used router or virtualPages in parasails.js and can help me out?
Also, my next question is: When passing components to virtualPages, do I just supply the name of another parasails registered component as a string? Or do I have to include that component in the code, and pass it as an object as one would do in VueRouter?
Thanks for any and all help!
Using virtualPages on a parasails component apparently will not work.
But adding these properties to a parasails page seems to be the intended usage:
virtualPages: true,
html5HistoryMode: 'history',
virtualPageSlug: undefined,
virtualPagesRegExp: /^\/test\/?([^\/]+)?/,
Now, although I am no longer receiving errors, the <router-view></router-view> element is not being populated with the proper view when the <router-link to="/test/foo/">Foo</router-link> is clicked on the page.
I have added the following route to the project
'/test/foo/' : {
view: 'pages/test'
Any clues as to why my router-view is not being updated properly?
I think this documentation requires some serious updates as this is a pure guessing game every step of the way.
You're right, that link you provided does seem like its missing some info on how to set the virtual pages. I dont know much about using just parasails but in Sails v1 this is how I set virtual pages. (I use this mostly to have linkable modals.)
In your page script you define your data:
virtualPages: true,
html5HistoryMode: 'history',
virtualPageSlug: undefined,
virtualPagesRegExp: /^\/foo\/bar\/?([^\/]+)?/,
In your ejs file you can add this to a wrapping div:
v-if="virtualPageSlug === 'new'"
Routes file:
'GET /foo/bar/:virtualPageSlug?': { action: 'foo/view-bar' },

EmberJS: Change path to access a route

I have a defined to my application. I'm working with EmberJS AppKit architecture.
I'd like to access to my page "profile" using the following path:
But, the name of my route differ to this path, because it's call user-profile, so I did this:
var Router = Ember.Router.extend(); () {
this.resource('user-profile', { path: 'profile'}, function() {
//Some other things...
export default Router;
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model: function () {
When I launch my application, Ember is telling me that profile route doesn't exist, even though I defined the path:
Uncaught Error: Assertion Failed: Error: Assertion Failed: The URL '/profile' did not match any routes in your application
Do you know what's wrong with my code at this point?
I dont use ember appkit but perhaps try with underscore, ie 'user_profile' and rename your file too. Just a shot in the dark.
I would have to guess it is the way that you are designing your router and the namespace.
Typically a barebones Ember app requires:
window.App = Ember.Application.create({
}); () {
this.resource('user-profile', { path: 'profile'}, function() {
//Some other things...
In your example your router is not in the App namespace, or whatever your root object is named (It doesn't have to be 'App'). I would give this a try or maybe post more code if there are other factors I do not see here.
Also, typically you would name your route userProfile. While i dont think the dasherized name is a problem, it doesn't follow Ember naming conventions.
Hope this helps.

Ember.js: Nesting a resource in a route

I am trying to setup a route with the following: {
this.route('mlb.lineups', {path: 'tools/mlb/lineups'}, function() {
this.resource('site', { path: 'site/:site_id' });
The problem is, the nested resource 'site' route is not being recognized. If I change mlb.lineups to a type resource, that seems to have funky behavior as well. Ideally I have a root level /tools/mlb/lineups and then site specific URLs/resources such as /tools/mlb/lineups/site/1 /tools/mlb/lineups/site/2 etc.
resources/routes can not live under routes.

