How to get values of dynamically created input fields (Json) - javascript

input fields are created via jquery depend on user input
If user type Quantity : 5 then i m created 5 input fields
for example if user give Quantity = 3 then this is how the html created dynamically using Jquery
<tr id = "tr_1">
<td><input type="text" name="cont_no1" id="cont_no1" /><td>
<td><input type="text" name="cont_size1" id="cont_size1" /><td>
<td><input type="text" name="cont_type1" id="cont_type1" /><td>
<tr id = "tr_2">
<td><input type="text" name="cont_no2" id="cont_no1" /><td>
<td><input type="text" name="cont_size2" id="cont_size2" /><td>
<td><input type="text" name="cont_type2" id="cont_type2" /><td>
<tr id = "tr_3">
<td><input type="text" name="cont_no3" id="cont_no3" /><td>
<td><input type="text" name="cont_size3" id="cont_size3" /><td>
<td><input type="text" name="cont_type3" id="cont_type3" /><td>
now i need to store all this input fields values in json.
var jsonObj= jsonObj || [];
for(var i=1; i<cont_qty; i++)
item = {};
item ["cont_no"] = $('#cont_no'+i).val();
item ["cont_size"] = $('#cont_size'+i).val();
item ["cont_type"] = $('#cont_type'+i).val();
i tried like this but its not working the please someone help me. ThankYou
for your refrence here is full code, var auto_tr value is aligned here(with enter) for your purpose .
$( "#cont_qty" ).change(function()
var itemCount = 0;
var cont_qty = this.value;
for(var i=0 ; cont_qty>i; i++)
// dynamically create rows in the table
var auto_tr = '<tr id="tr'+itemCount+'">
<input class="input-medium" type="text" id="cont_no'+itemCount+'" name="cont_no'+itemCount+'" value="">
<select class="input-mini" name="cont_size'+itemCount+'" id="cont_size'+itemCount+'">
<select class="input-mini" name="cont_type'+itemCount+'" id="cont_type'+itemCount+'">
<select class="input-medium" name="cont_tonnage'+itemCount+'" id="cont_tonnage'+itemCount+'">
<option>24000 Kgs</option>
<option>27000 Kgs</option>
<option>30480 Kgs</option>
<option>Super Heavy Duty</option>
<input class="input-medium" type="text" id="cont_tare'+itemCount+'" name="cont_tare'+itemCount+'" value="">
<input class="input-medium" name="cont_netweight'+itemCount+'" id="cont_netweight'+itemCount+'" type="text" value="">
<input class="input-mini" name="yom'+itemCount+'" id="yom'+itemCount+'" type="text" value=""></td>
<select class="input-medium" name="cont_condition'+itemCount+'" id="cont_condition'+itemCount+'">
<option>CARGO WORTHY</option>
$("#getButtonValue").click(function ()
var jsonObj= jsonObj || [];
for(var i=1; i<cont_qty.value; i++)
item = {};
item ["cont_no"] = $('#cont_no'+i).val();
item ["cont_size"] = $('#cont_size'+i).val();
item ["cont_type"] = $('#cont_type'+i).val();

did small loop mistake :)
for(var i=1; i<=cont_qty.value; i++)
item = {};
item ["cont_no"] = $('#cont_no'+i).val();
item ["cont_size"] = $('#cont_size'+i).val();
item ["cont_type"] = $('#cont_type'+i).val();
in previous one i<cont_qty.value this one used now just changed as i<=cont_qty.value
so the loop ran 3 times when qty is 4. now just added <=
ThankYou for your answers friends

Make sure you call your function after you created the html via jquery.
createHtml(); // function to create the html
storeValuesToArray(); // Your function to store data to array
Also make sure you properly close your tags <tr></tr>. And put <tr> inside a <table> tag.
And make sure your cont_qty is set to a value

After you created the html and added all the fields necessary, you can catch all elements by using a selector like:
var jsonObj= jsonObj || [];
var i ='cont_no')[1];
var item = {};
item['cont_no'] = $(this).val();
item['cont_size'] = $('[name="cont_size'+i+'"]').val();
item['cont_type'] = $('[name="cont_type'+i+'"]').val();


Select only checkboxes that are checked in a column

I have an html table that has 5 columns. 2 columns are checkboxes (entry and high) and the other 3 are data. I have 2 buttons, one is called entry and the other high. When a user clicks on the high button, I'm trying to check the column (high) only and get all that is checked, take those values and average them.
The same with entry, when the entry button is clicked, check only the checkboxes in column (entry) and take those values and average them.
So far I have a function to check both columns but not sure how to separately check and separate the columns to each button function only. I have tried the below, but the GetHigh function doesn't work.
Any points in the right direction would be appreciated!
<td><input type="checkbox" class="entry" id="entry" value="{{$sup->entry}}" name="rows[]"></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" class="high" id="high" value="{{$sup->high}}" name="rows[]"></td>
<td><span style="color: #007E33">{{$sup->entry}} </span></td>
<td><span style="color: #007E33">{{$sup->high}} </span></td>
<td><span style="color: #007E33">{{$sup->days}} </span></td>
<a href="#here" class="btn btn-primary btn-pill w-10" id="entry" onclick="GetEntry()">
Entry Average
<a href="#here" class="btn btn-primary btn-pill w-10" id="high" onclick="GetHigh()">
High Average
function GetEntry() {
//Create an Array.
var selected = new Array();
//Reference the Table.
var supTable = document.getElementById("supTable");
//Reference all the CheckBoxes in Table. I WANT ONLY THE ENTRY COLUMN
var entry = supTable.getElementsByTagName("INPUT");
// Loop and push the checked CheckBox value in Array.
for (var i = 0; i < entry.length; i++) {
if (entry[i].checked) {
// alert("Average: " + calculate(selected));
$(".text-message").text("Average: " + calculate(selected)).show();
function GetHigh() {
//Create an Array.
var selected = new Array();
//Reference the Table.
var supTable = document.getElementById("supTable");
//Reference all the CheckBoxes in Table. I WANT ONLY THE ENTRY COLUMN
var entry = supTable.getElementsByName("High");
// Loop and push the checked CheckBox value in Array.
for (var i = 0; i < high.length; i++) {
if (high[i].checked) {
// alert("Average: " + calculate(selected));
$(".text-message").text("Average: " + calculate(selected)).show();
getElementsByName is used to select HTML where their name="" attribute matches what you've entered, in this case 'High'. But your HTML in the example shows a different name.
You want to use querySelectorAll('high') to get all of the elements that have class="high" set.
You can use a css selector to get the cells of your table
const getCheckboxes = columnIndex =>document.querySelectorAll(`tbody td:nth-child(${columnIndex}) input:checked`);
Or add a common class and select by the class to the checkboxes
const getCheckboxes = className =>document.querySelectorAll(`tbody .${className}:checked`);
Basic example:
const getCheckedCheckboxesClassName = className => document.querySelectorAll(`tbody .${className}:checked`);
const getCheckedCheckboxesByIndex = columnIndex =>document.querySelectorAll(`tbody td:nth-child(${columnIndex}) input:checked`);
const sumValues = cbs => [].reduce((total, cb) => total + +cb.value, 0);
const getTotal = (group) => {
const cbs = getCheckedCheckboxesClassName(group);
const value = sumValues(cbs);
const getTotalIndex = (index) => {
const cbs = getCheckedCheckboxesByIndex(index);
const value = sumValues(cbs);
<button type="button" onclick="getTotal('low'); getTotalIndex(1)">low</button>
<button type="button" onclick="getTotal('high'); getTotalIndex(2)">high</button>
<td><input class="low" type="checkbox" value="1" /></td>
<td><input class="high" type="checkbox" value="10" /></td>
<td><input class="low" type="checkbox" value="2" /></td>
<td><input class="high" type="checkbox" value="20" /></td>
<td><input class="low" type="checkbox" value="3" /></td>
<td><input class="high" type="checkbox" value="30" /></td>
<td><input class="low" type="checkbox" value="4" /></td>
<td><input class="high" type="checkbox" value="40" /></td>
<td><input class="low" type="checkbox" value="5" /></td>
<td><input class="high" type="checkbox" value="50" /></td>

Rewriting JavaScript code with consequent numbers in the names of ids

I'm trying to apply a function to input field with ids that contain consequent numbers (ie. price1, price2, price3), etc.
There's no problem with the first row of field that are defined for a start. But further input fields are dynamically added by a jQuery function and their number is not known in advance.
I hoped it would be an easy loop to apply:
var i=1;
$("#quantity"+i).keyup(function() {
var price= $("#price"+i).val();
var quantity= $(this).val();
var value= price*quantity;
var value=value.toFixed(2); /* rounding the value to two digits after period */
value=value.toString().replace(/\./g, ',') /* converting periods to commas */
So far so good - the outcome of the multiplication properly displays in the id="value1" field after the "quantity" field is filled up.
Now further fields should follow the pattern and calculate the value when the quantity is entered - like this:
[price2] * [quantity2] = [value2]
[price3] * [quantity3] = [value3]
So the code follows:
$('#add_field').click(function(){ /* do the math after another row of fields is added */
var allfields=$('[id^="quantity"]');
var limit=(allfields.length); /* count all fields where id starts with "quantity" - for the loop */
for (var count = 2; count < limit; count++) { /* starting value is now 2 */
$("#quantity"+count).keyup(function() {
var cena = $("#price"+count).val();
var quantity= $("#quantity"+count).val();
var value= price*quantity;
var value=value.toFixed(2);
value=value.toString().replace(/\./g, ',')
The problem is that all further "value" fields are only calculated when "quantity2" is (re)entered and the "value2" is not calculated at all.
I guess there's a mistake while addressing fields and/or triggering the calculation.
How should I correct the code?
Just in case the "add_field" function is needed to solve the problem:
var i=1;
$('#offer').append('<tr id="row'+i+'">
<td><input type="text" name="prod_num[]" id="prod_num'+i+'" placeholder="Product number (6 digits)"></td><td><input type="text" name="prod_name[]" disabled></td>
<td><input type="text" name="cena[]" id="price'+i+'" placeholder="Enter your price"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="quantity[]" id="quantity'+i+'" placeholder="Enter quantity"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="value[]" id="value'+i+'" disabled></td>
<td><button type="button" name="remove_field" id="'+i+'" class="button_remove">X</button></td></tr>');
Incrementing IDs is a lot more trouble than it is worth, especially when you start removing rows as well as adding them.
This can all be done using common classes and traversing within the specific row instance.
To account for future rows use event delegation.
Simplified example:
// store a row copy on page load
const $storedRow = $('#myTable tr').first().clone()
// delegate event listener to permanent ancestor
$('#myTable').on('input', '.qty, .price', function(){
const $row = $(this).closest('tr'),
price = $row.find('.price').val(),
qty = $row.find('.qty').val();
// insert a copy of the stored row
// delegated events will work seamlessly on new rows also
const $newRow = $storedRow.clone();
const prodName = 'Product XYZ';// get real value from user input
<script src=""></script>
<button>Add row</button>
<table id="myTable">
<td class="prod-name">Product 1</td>
<td>Qty:<input type="number" class="qty" value="0"></td>
<td>Price:<input type="number" class="price" value="0"></td>
<td>Total:<input type="text" class="total" value="0" readonly></td>
<td class="prod-name">Product 2</td>
<td>Qty:<input type="number" class="qty" value="0"></td>
<td>Price:<input type="number" class="price" value="0"></td>
<td>Total:<input type="text" class="total" value="0" readonly></td>
Understanding Event Delegation
The first thing to consider is that you can get the length of a selector. So for example:
var count = $("input").length;
If there is one, value here would be 1. if there are four, the value would be 4.
You can also use .each() option to itereate each of the items in the selector.
var allFields = $('[id^="quantity"]');
allFields.each(function(i, el){
var c = i + 1;
$(el).keyup(function() {
var price = parseFloat($("#price" + c).val());
var quantity = parseInt($(el).val());
var value = price * quantity;
value = value.toFixed(2);
value = value.toString().replace(/\./g, ',');
$("#value" + c).val(value);
You could also create relationship based on the ID itself.
$(function() {
function calcTotal(price, qnty) {
return (parseFloat(price) * parseInt(qnty)).toFixed(2);
$('#add_field').click(function() {
var rowClone = $("#row-1").clone(true);
var c = $("tbody tr[id^='row']").length + 1;
rowClone.attr("id", "row-" + c);
$("input:eq(0)", rowClone).val("").attr("id", "prod_num-" + c);
$("input:eq(1)", rowClone).val("").attr("id", "price-" + c);
$("input:eq(2)", rowClone).val("").attr("id", "quantity-" + c);
$("input:eq(3)", rowClone).val("").attr("id", "value-" + c);
$("button", rowClone).attr("id", "remove-" + c);
rowClone.appendTo("table tbody");
$("table tbody").on("keyup", "[id^='quantity']", function(e) {
var $self = $(this);
var id = $self.attr("id").substr(-1);
if ($("#price-" + id).val() != "" && $self.val() != "") {
$("#value-" + id).val(calcTotal($("#price-" + id).val(), $self.val()));
<script src=""></script>
<button id="add_field">Add Field</button>
<br />
<tr id="row-1">
<td><input type="text" name="prod_num[]" id="prod_num-1" placeholder="Product number (6 digits)"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="prod_name[]" disabled></td>
<td><input type="text" name="cena[]" id="price-1" placeholder="Enter your price"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="quantity[]" id="quantity-1" placeholder="Enter quantity"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="value[]" id="value-1" disabled></td>
<td><button type="button" name="remove_field" id="remove-1" class="button_remove">X</button></td>

How do I pick multiple items out of a dynamically generated list in javascript & html?

I'm looking to add multiple products to a table from a dynamically generated list, where each item has a button to add it to the table. It's not working now because when I click a product, it adds it to the table and then if I click another item in the list, it just replaces the first item in the list. This list is dynamically generated because it's coming from a database.
<form action="insert.php" method= "POST" name = "productsForm">
<th><label>Customer Name:</label></th>
<th><label>RO | PO:</label></th>
<td><input type="text" name="txtCustomerName" id = "txtCustomerName"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="txtPhone" id = "txtPhone"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="txtEmail" id= "txtEmail"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="txtRopo" id= "txtRopo"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="txtAddress" id= "txtAddress"></td>
<th><label>Product Name:</label></th>
<th><label>Retail Price:</label></th>
<th><label>List Price:</label></th>
<td><input type="text" name="txtSKU" id = "txtSKU"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="txtProductName" id= "txtProductName"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="txtQuantity" id= "txtQuantity"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="txtRetailPrice" id= "txtRetailPrice"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="txtListPrice" id= "txtListPrice"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="txtSKU1" id = "txtSKU1"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="txtProductName1" id= "txtProductName1"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="txtQuantity1" id= "txtQuantity1"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="txtRetailPrice1" id= "txtRetailPrice1"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="txtListPrice1" id= "txtListPrice1"></td>
<th><label id = "lblTotal">Total:</label><input type="text" name="txtTotal" id = "txtTotal"><input type="button" value= "Add" id = "addTotals"></button> </th>
<button type="submit" name="submitOrder">Submit</button>
JavaScript - this function makes the list:
function populateProductList(jsonArr){
var html = "";
html += `<ol id="myULProducts">`;
for(var x = 0; x < jsonArr.length; x++){
html += `
<li SKU = "${jsonArr[x].SKU}">
<a href="#" class="products">
<strong>Product SKU:</strong> ${jsonArr[x].SKU}
<br><strong>Product Name:</strong> ${jsonArr[x].product_name}
<br><strong>Retail Price:</strong> ${jsonArr[x].retail_price}
<br><strong>List Price:</strong> ${jsonArr[x].list_price}
<button type="button" class="btnAddProductToOrder">Add to Order</button>
html += `</ol>`;
var ul = document.createElement("ul");
ul.innerHTML = html;
var tableContainer = document.getElementById("product-list-container");
tableContainer.innerHTML = "";
tableContainer.addEventListener("click", function(evt){
var target =;
//if statement to see if the classList has a button edit
//get the id of the card group clicked
var selectedId = target.closest("li").getAttribute("SKU");
//get the card group attached to that id and pass it the rest of the json Array of objects
var selectedProduct = getProductId(selectedId, jsonArr);
JavaScript - this function adds the clicked item in the list to the product table below
function populateOrderFormProducts(jsonArr){
document.getElementById("txtSKU").value = jsonArr.SKU;
document.getElementById("txtProductName").value = jsonArr.product_name;
document.getElementById("txtQuantity").value = 1;
document.getElementById("txtRetailPrice").value = jsonArr.retail_price;
document.getElementById("txtListPrice").value = parseFloat(jsonArr.list_price);

Adding to a value declared in another function

It is hard to explain, you can see a DEMO HERE
I have a products table that dynamically creates/deletes new lines of products. I also have a totals table that totals up the totals of each line together.
In that totals box, I have a travel box I want to add to the grand total, but the issue I am having is the travel input is outside the table that is totaling all the values. I can replace the total with a new total, but I can not seem to call the sub total, add the travel and output a grand total.
<table class="order-details">
<td><input type="text" value="" name="" placeholder="Work Description" class="wei-add-field description 1"/></td>
<td><input type="text" value="" name="" placeholder="QTY" class="wei-add-field quantity 1" /></td>
<td><input type="text" value="" name="" placeholder="$0.00" class="wei-add-field unit-price 1"/></td>
<td><input type="text" value="" name="" placeholder="$0.00" class="wei-add-field price-total 1" id=""/></td>
<td> </td>
<div class="wei-add-service">Add Item</div>
<table class="wei-add-totals">
<td width="50%">Sub Total</td>
<td width="50%" class="wie-add-subtotal"> </td>
<tr class="alternate travel">
<td><input type="text" value="" placeholder="0.00" class="wei-add-field travel" /></td>
<td><input type="text" value="" placeholder="0.00" class="wei-add-field wie-total-taxes" id="wei-disabled" disabled/> </td>
<tr class="alternate total">
<td><input type="text" value="" placeholder="0.00" class="wei-add-field wie-grand-total" id="wei-disabled" disabled/></td>
var counter = 1;
var testArray = [ 2,3,4,5];
var newRow = jQuery('<tr><td><input type="text" class="wei-add-field description ' + counter + '"/></td><td><input type="text" class="wei-add-field quantity ' + counter + '" /></td><td><input type="text" class="wei-add-field unit-price ' + counter + '"/></td><td><input type="text" value="" name="" placeholder="$0.00" class="wei-add-field price-total ' + counter + '" id=""/></td><td>X</td></tr>');
jQuery('table.order-details').on('click','tr a',function(e){
var table = $(this).closest('table');
jQuery(this).parents('tr').remove(); table );
jQuery('table.order-details').on("keyup", "tr", reCalculate);
function reCalculate() {
var grandTotal = 0;
jQuery(this).closest('table').find('tr').each(function() {
var row = jQuery(this);
var value = +jQuery( ".unit-price", row ).val();
var value2 = +jQuery( ".quantity", row ).val();
var total = value * value2;
grandTotal += total;
jQuery( ".wei-add-field.price-total", row ).val( '$' + total.toFixed(2) );
jQuery(".wie-add-subtotal").text( '$' + grandTotal.toFixed(2));
I don't think, given the task of creating this, I would have chosen to do it in the way you did.
However, using your existing code you can bind the Travel value on change, paste, or keyup and run a function on any of those actions. Within that function I have removed the special character ($) from ".wie-grand-total" using a regex and converted the value of ".wie-grand-total" to a float using parseFloat. I also converted the Travel value to a float using parseFloat. I then added them together and made the sum your new value for "wie-grand-total".
//Add to your HTML New table
<table class="order-details">
<td><input type="text" value="" name="" placeholder="Work Description" class="wei-add-field description 1"/></td>
<td><input type="text" value="" name="" placeholder="QTY" class="wei-add-field quantity 1" /></td>
<td><input type="text" value="" name="" placeholder="$0.00" class="wei-add-field unit-price 1"/></td>
<td><input type="text" value="" name="" placeholder="$0.00" class="wei-add-field price-total 1" id=""/></td>
<td><input type="text" id="travelHid" value=""></td>
<td> </td>
var travelVal = 0;
function updateTravelVal(travelVal){
var travelVal = travelVal;
$("#travelVis").bind("change paste keyup", function() {
var noChars = jQuery(".wie-grand-total").val().replace(/[^0-9.]/g, "");
var newTot = parseFloat(noChars) + parseFloat($(this).val());
jQuery(".wie-grand-total").val( '$' + newTot.toFixed(2));
//added error checking
var checkError = jQuery(".wie-grand-total").val( '$' + newTot.toFixed(2));
//if the value that would go in input is NaN then use travelVal
//since there is no value in .wie-grand-total yet
if (typeof checkError !== "string") {
jQuery(".wie-grand-total").val( '$' + travelVal.toFixed(2))
} else if (typeof checkError === "string") {
jQuery(".wie-grand-total").val( '$' + newTot.toFixed(2))
A fiddle for demonstration (now with hiddenVal per comment)
Only potential problems here are it only runs when you change, paste, or key up the value in #TravelVis.
It the html I added a td with input. Input id="travelHid". I then make that invisible by applying jQuery method .hide(). I then exposed travelVal to global scope an initiated it with a value of zero then created a function to update that value.
Within that function I set the value to the argument travelVal or to 0 if there are no args. I then immediately call it.
Then, I added a call to that function with the arg travelVal from our bind function to update it if a value is present.
And finally:
Just add a row to the table with preset value of Travel and Quant 1.

Sum of an checkbox list of items

I have a checkbox list of items. I want everytime I check items, to be able to display the price of the item and the sales tax for it, sum a subtotal of each value (price and tax) and sum the total cost. This is what I've done so far (the code is a mix from scripts I' ve found online):
function UpdateCost() {
var sum = 0;
var gn, elem;
for (i=1; i<3; i++) {
gn = 'item'+i;
elem = document.getElementById(gn);
if (elem.checked == true) { sum += Number(elem.value);
document.getElementById('totalcost').value = sum.toFixed(2);
<table border="1px" align="center">
<td>List of Items
<td><input type="checkbox" id='item1' value="10.00" onclick="UpdateCost()">item1
<td><INPUT TYPE="text" id='price1' SIZE=5 value="">
<td><INPUT TYPE="text" id='tax1' SIZE=5 value="">
<td><input type="checkbox" id='item2' value="15.00" onclick="UpdateCost()">item2
<td><INPUT TYPE="text" id='price2' SIZE=5 value="">
<td><INPUT TYPE="text" id='tax2' SIZE=5 value="">
<TD><INPUT TYPE="text" id="subtotal1" value="" SIZE=5>
<TD><INPUT TYPE="text" id="subtotal2" value="" SIZE=5>
<td>Total Cost:
<td><input type="text" id="totalcost" value="" SIZE=5>
<td><input type="reset" value="Reset">
Here is a working implementation using Knockout.js. The fiddle is here:
The ViewModel and Item functions define your data structure and logic. Bindings to properties in the view-model are done in the HTML and Knockout will update those dynamically. These are two-way: I left the price values as inputs to illustrate this. If you check an item and change its price, you will see that change reflected in the rest of the model and view (after the input loses focus).
This approach allows for clean separation of concerns and much more maintainable code. Declarative bindings in Knockout and similar libraries help you avoid manual DOM manipulation as well.
If you want to change your dataset, all you have to do is add or remove items in the initialization code:
var items = [
new Item('item1', 10.00),
new Item('item2', 15.00)
With the old approach, you would have had to update the DOM as well as all of your logic. This data could even be loaded dynamically from a web service or anywhere else.
I also cleaned up the markup a bit and moved the size definition of input elements to CSS. It's better practice to define styles there.
If you want to learn more, just go to the Knockout website. There are a number of helpful demonstrations and tutorials.
//Main viewModel
function ViewModel(items) {
var self = this;
self.items = ko.observableArray(items);
self.priceSubtotal = ko.computed(function() {
var i = 0;
var items = self.items();
var sum = 0;
for(i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
//Only add up selected items
items[i].selected() && (sum += parseFloat(items[i].price()));
return sum.toFixed(2);
self.taxSubtotal = ko.computed(function() {
var i = 0;
var items = self.items();
var sum = 0;
for(i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
//Only add up selected items
items[i].selected() && (sum += parseFloat(items[i].taxAmount()));
return sum.toFixed(2);
self.totalCost = ko.computed(function() {
return (parseFloat(self.priceSubtotal()) + parseFloat(self.taxSubtotal())).toFixed(2);
self.reset = function() {
var i = 0;
var items = self.items();
var sum = 0;
for(i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
//Individual items
function Item(name, price) {
var self = this; = ko.observable(name);
self.price = ko.observable(price);
self.selected = ko.observable(false);
self.taxRate = ko.observable(0.06);
self.taxAmount = ko.computed(function() {
return (self.price() * self.taxRate()).toFixed(2);
//Initialization with data- this could come from anywhere
var items = [
new Item('item1', 10.00),
new Item('item2', 15.00)
//Apply the bindings
ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel(items));
<table border="1px" align="center">
<td>List of Items</td>
<!-- ko foreach: items -->
<input type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: selected" />
<span data-bind="text: name"></span>
<input type="text" data-bind="value: price"/>
<span data-bind="text: selected() ? taxAmount() : ''"></span>
<!-- /ko -->
<span data-bind="text: priceSubtotal"></span>
<span data-bind="text: taxSubtotal"></span>
<td>Total Cost:</td>
<span data-bind="text: totalCost"></span>
<input type="button" value="Reset" data-bind="click: reset" />

