Handling missing images without jQuery - javascript

I would like to create a clean solution for handling missing image on the client
using <img src="image.gif" onerror="handleErrors()">
so far the handleErrors looks like this:
function handleErrors() {
image.onerror = "";
image.src = "/images/noimage.gif";
return true;
But I feel this is not scalable enough and the no image is also not accessible for screen readers.
What could be a more scalable and accessible solution for this problem?

Try using the alt text attribute for your images.
They are more accessible for screen readers.
Also you can create a module which on error hides the images and
replaces them with their alt text
Here is a module I wrote for handling such issues:
function missingImagesHandler() {
var self = this;
// get all images on the page
self.pageImages = document.querySelectorAll("img");
self.ImageErrorHandler = function (event) {
// hide them
event.target.style.display = 'none';
// replace them with alt text
self.replaceAltTextWithImage = function (imageElement) {
var altText = imageElement.getAttribute("alt");
if (altText) {
var missingLabel = document.createElement("P");
var textnode = document.createTextNode(altText);
imageElement.parentNode.insertBefore(missingLabel, imageElement);
} else {
console.error(imageElement, "is missing alt text");
self.attachErrorHandler = function () {
self.pageImages.forEach(function (img) {
img.addEventListener("error", self.ImageErrorHandler);
self.init = function () {
// NodeList doesn't have forEach by default
NodeList.prototype.forEach = Array.prototype.forEach;
return {
init: self.init
var ImgHandler = new missingImagesHandler();

<img id="myImg" src="image.gif">
document.getElementById("myImg").onerror = handleErrors();
function handleErrors() {
document.getElementById("myImg").src = "http://blog.stackoverflow.com/wp-content/uploads/stackoverflow-logo-300.png";
return true;
Give an ID to image and use this for call your function:
document.getElementById("myImg").onerror = handleErrors();
Giving an ID is more suitable way.


The simplest JS for lazy load for images only? (no dependencies please)

Looking for a simplest way for:
lazy load JS to load images only on a portfolio site.
Should be work on any browser, no jquery please, but simple pure js coding.
Have CSS class called ".image-box" where are the img.
Site is responsive but don't use different image source files for different responsive sizes.
Thanks for help me.
here the js code, i trying this but can't see a progressive image loading:
function init() {
var imgDefer = document.getElementsByTagName('img');
for (var i = 0; i < imgDefer.length; i++) {
if (imgDefer[i].getAttribute('data-src')) {
imgDefer[i].setAttribute('src', imgDefer[i].getAttribute('data-src'));
window.onload = init;
How can i use this on html?
Ok, load the script and then?
Here's my custom lazy loader that I've been meaning to release as open source, but didn't get around to do so yet.
It's dependency free and only uses the regular DOM API.
It might not be perfect, but it should get you started. Please let me know if you need pointers on how to implement the missing imports.
import {registerViewportChangeCallback, unregisterViewportChangeCallback,
elementInView} from './viewportHandler';
import {querySelectorAllCached} from './index';
let lazyCache = {};
let lazyCacheList = [];
let imgElements = null;
let allLoaded = false;
function removeEventListeners (el) {
el.removeEventListener('load', onLoad);
el.removeEventListener('error', onError);
function onLoad (e) {
function onError (e) {
function updateImages () {
if (allLoaded) {
if (!imgElements) {
// Find all images on the page and sort them top to bottom
// so that we can start preloading the topmost images first
imgElements = querySelectorAllCached(
'img[data-src], img[data-srcset]')
.sort((a, b) => {
const aTop = a.getBoundingClientRect().top;
const bTop = b.getBoundingClientRect().top;
if (aTop < bTop) {
return -1;
} else if (bTop > aTop) {
return 1;
return 0;
for (let i = 0; i < imgElements.length; i++) {
if (lazyCache[i]) {
const el = imgElements[i];
if (!elementInView(el)) {
function loadImage (i) {
const el = imgElements[i];
lazyCache[i] = true;
lazyCacheList = Object.keys(lazyCache);
if (el.src.indexOf('mno_0643') !== -1) {
// debugger;
el.addEventListener('load', onLoad);
el.onLoad = onLoad;
el.addEventListener('error', onError);
el.onError = onError;
if (el.parentElement.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'picture') {
for (const src of
Array.from(el.parentElement.querySelectorAll('source'))) {
if (src.dataset.srcset) {
src.srcset = src.dataset.srcset;
delete src.dataset.srcset;
if (src.dataset.src) {
src.src = src.dataset.src;
delete src.dataset.src;
if (el.dataset.srcset) {
el.srcset = el.dataset.srcset;
delete el.dataset.srcset;
if (el.dataset.src) {
el.src = el.dataset.src;
delete el.dataset.src;
if (lazyCacheList.length === imgElements.length) {
function onAllLoaded () {
allLoaded = true;
export function initLazyload () {
Is an Intersection Observer cheating?
window.addEventListener("load", function (event) {
var images = document.querySelectorAll('#lazy-img');
//if the browser doesn't support IO
if (!('IntersectionObserver' in window)) {
} else {
}, false);
function createObserver(images) {
var options = {
//root defaults
root: null,
rootMargin: "0px",
//threshold is how much of the element is intersected before firing callback
threshold: .01
//create an observer, add the options and callback function
//then add each image to the observer.
var observer = new IntersectionObserver(handleIntersect, options);
images.forEach(function (image) {
//load the smallest image for old browsers
function LoadImagesOldWay(images) {
images.forEach(function (image) {
var url = image.getAttribute('data-src');
image.setAttribute('src', url);
function handleIntersect(entries, observer) {
// Loop through the entries
entries.forEach(function (entry) {
//if this entry is intersecting whatsoever
if (entry.intersectionRatio > 0) {
var image = entry.target;
//we get our responsive image set
var url = image.getAttribute('data-src');
//and set them as the actual source
image.setAttribute('src', url);
//we unobserve (Separate) the image entirely
console.log('lazy-image loaded!:simpleIO.js line 49 to remove this!');
I like IO because it is extremely robust and open-ended. You could lazy load anything with the intersection observer.
Check out an example with responsive images on my github
edit- wow missed all of the downvotes you got. Not sure why someone saw -1 and thought it need to be even worse. I thought it was a good question, just worded poorly. Don't let em get to you. :D

Modular way to use jQuery selectors

Is there a way to use jQuery selectors in modular way:
var logo = $('.logo', function() {
function show () {
console.log('logo has appeared');
function hide() {
console.log('logo has been removed');
I want to be able to assign selector to variable and have some functions within it that I could be able access from outer it's scope.
NOTICE, that is pseudo code, I just drew you a picture of how I see it.
var selector = $('.someclass',
# here goes functions that I could access from outside;
var parallax = function() {
var images = ["http://localhost:8000/static/assets/images/hero-image-welcome.jpeg"];
var selector = $('.parallax-module');
var reload = function() {
$(selector).each(function(index) {
var image = {};
image.element = $(this);
image.height = image.element.height();
$(this).css('background-image', 'url(' + images[index] + ')');
return {
images: images,
reload: reload()
// This goes without error, but isn't right;
var sParallax = $('.parallax-module');
// This would cause error;
In this case I can use parallax public properties and methods, but I can't use selector (as I did in the beginning) without creating a new link to it. I know I can use public properties to access selector, but it's not the way I looking for.
You can just set the variable with your desired selector and then just add functions to that variable
var logo = $('.logo');
logo.show = function () {
console.log('logo has appeared');
logo.hide = function () {
console.log('logo has been removed');
You can access through this:
logo.prevObject[0].show()//or hide()
I think I found the way, but it does not look right to me, it is working thought:
var parallax = function() {
var images = ["http://localhost:8000/static/assets/images/hero-image-welcome.jpeg"];
var selector = $('.parallax-module');
var reload = function() {
$(selector).each(function(index) {
var image = {};
image.element = $(this);
image.height = image.element.height();
$(this).css('background-image', 'url(' + images[index] + ')');
return {
images: images,
reload: reload()
With selector reference in the end it is now valid to use parallax variable as simple link to DOM element, as well as to access functions that within it.

Eventhandlers in a separate document

I'd like to keep all my JavaScripts in a separate document and I like it that way. Now I've had problems with the last bit of code to move from my HTML-code into my separate JavaScript document.
I got two eventhandlers that looked like this:
<a href="http://www.commercial.se" onclick="confirmLeave()" target="_blank">
<IMG SRC="folder/pic_small.jpg" alt="Description" onClick="view(this);">
This is the javascript code for the two eventhandlers:
function confirmLeave()
if(confirm("Vill du lämna Blomstermåla-Bladet?")) {
return true;
} else {
if(window.event) {
window.event.returnValue = false;
} else {
return false;
function view(img) {
imgsrc = img.src.split("_")[0] + "_big.jpg";
viewwin = window.open(imgsrc,'viewwin', "width=790,height=444,location=0");
I've managed to solve my problem of not having the javascript code in my HTML document for the first onClick eventhandler by changing my HTML to this:
<a href="http://www.commercial.com" id="external-link" target="_blank">
And adding this to my javascript document:
function init()
var link = document.getElementById("external-link");
link.onclick = confirmLeave;
window.onload = init;
I've tried adding a similar solution to the other eventhandler but I can't figure out the code I need to use for it to work. I would like to know how to add that event handler into the init function as well.
Try this
<a href="http://www.commercial.com" class="external-link" target="_blank">
<IMG SRC="folder/pic_small.jpg" alt="Description" id = "external-image">
function init() {
var link = document.getElementById("external-link");
var links = document.getElementsByClassName("external-link");
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
links[i].onclick = confirmLeave;
var image = document.getElementById("external-image");
image.onclick = view;
window.onload = init;​
Instead of img in your function just use this
function view() {
imgsrc = this.src.split("_")[0] + "_big.jpg";
viewwin = window.open(imgsrc,'viewwin', "width=790,height=444,location=0");
If you don't want to change the view function, you can do something similar, with the slight difference that you need to pass the image as an argument to the view function. You can do this by setting an anonymous function as the click handler.
<IMG SRC="folder/pic_small.jpg" alt="Description" id="some-img">
function init()
var img = document.getElementById("some-img");
img.onclick = function(){

Help converting JavaScript click function to onLoad

I'm trying to convert a JavaScript function that ran off a click event to launch on page load and window resize. As you can see below, I commented out the section governing the click event and added the last line "window.onload," and manually added the class="resizerd" to the element it was working with.
The function isn't running at all. Chrome's Dev tools are showing "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'prevWidth' of undefined" Did I mess up the syntax somewhere? Any advice for how to launch this on load?
Thank you!
//var clicked = document.getElementById("buttonImportant")
var resizeeContainer = document.getElementById('video_container');
var resizee = resizeeContainer.getElementsByTagName('video')[0];
if( resizeeContainer.className.lastIndexOf("resizerd")>=0 ){
myResizerObject.prevWidth = resizee.offsetWidth;
myResizerObject.prevHeight = resizee.offsetHeight;
myResizerObject.prevWidth = resizee.offsetWidth;
myResizerObject.prevHeight = resizee.offsetHeight;
var RESIZER = function(){
this.prevWidth = resizee.offsetWidth;
this.prevHeight = resizee.offsetHeight;
this.resizee = resizeeContainer.getElementsByTagName('video')[0];
this.resizeeContainer = resizee.parentNode;
this.resizeeStyle = this.resizee.style;
var ratio = this.resizee.offsetHeight/this.resizee.offsetWidth;
var that = this;
this.Init = function(){
if( that.resizeeContainer.className.lastIndexOf("resizerd")>=0 )
var resizeeContOffsetWidth = that.resizeeContainer.offsetWidth;
var resizeeOffsetWidth = that.resizee.offsetWidth;
var resizeeContOffsetHeight = that.resizeeContainer.offsetHeight;
var resizeeOffsetHeight = that.resizee.offsetHeight;
if(that.prevWidth!= resizeeContOffsetWidth)
that.prevWidth = resizeeContOffsetWidth;
var desired = resizeeContainer.offsetHeight/resizeeContainer.offsetWidth;
that.resizeeStyle.left = -1*(resizeeOffsetWidth-resizeeContOffsetWidth)/2+'px';
that.prevHeight = resizeeContOffsetHeight;
var desired = resizeeContOffsetHeight/resizeeContOffsetWidth;
if(desired>ratio){ console.log(ratio);
//that.resizeeStyle.top = '0px';
that.resizeeStyle.left = -1*(resizeeOffsetWidth-resizeeContOffsetWidth)/2+'px';
that.resizeeStyle.width = resizeeContOffsetHeight*desired+resizeeContOffsetHeight/desired+'px';
that.resizeeStyle.top = -1*(resizeeOffsetHeight-resizeeContOffsetHeight)/2+'px';
var myResizerObject = new RESIZER();
window.onresize = myResizerObject.Init;
window.onload = myResizerObject.Init;
Did you try to execute the function through the <body> tag?
<body onload="myfunction();">
Try calling the entire resize javascript function in the OnLoad="myfunction();" event of the Body of the page. I have done this to resize the page everytime it loads and it works just fine.
You have this line:
myResizerObject.prevWidth = resizee.offsetWidth;
That is probably giving the error. You've done nothing to declare myResizerObject so it cannot have a property prevWidth.
Somewhere down there you do
var myResizerObject = new RESIZER();
I suspect you want those lines in a more reasonable order :)
Such code should work just fine:
var myResizerObject = new RESIZER();
function UpdateResizerObject() {
var resizeeContainer = document.getElementById('video_container');
var resizee = resizeeContainer.getElementsByTagName('video')[0];
myResizerObject.prevWidth = resizee.offsetWidth;
myResizerObject.prevHeight = resizee.offsetHeight;
window.onload = function() {
window.onresize = function() {
Have it after you define the RESIZER class though.
Your mistake was calling the object instance variable before creating it.
Edit: some basic debug.. add alerts to the function like this:
this.Init = function(){
alert("Init called.. container: " + that.resizeeContainer);
if (that.resizeeContainer)
alert("class: " + hat.resizeeContainer.className);
if( that.resizeeContainer.className.lastIndexOf("resizerd")>=0 )
And see what you get.

Checking for multiple images loaded

I'm using the canvas feature of html5. I've got some images to draw on the canvas and I need to check that they have all loaded before I can use them.
I have declared them inside an array, I need a way of checking if they have all loaded at the same time but I am not sure how to do this.
Here is my code:
var color = new Array();
color[0] = new Image();
color[0].src = "green.png";
color[1] = new Image();
color[1].src = "blue.png";
Currently to check if the images have loaded, I would have to do it one by one like so:
color[0].onload = function(){
//code here
color[1].onload = function(){
//code here
If I had a lot more images, Which I will later in in development, This would be a really inefficient way of checking them all.
How would I check them all at the same time?
If you want to call a function when all the images are loaded, You can try following, it worked for me
var imageCount = images.length;
var imagesLoaded = 0;
for(var i=0; i<imageCount; i++){
images[i].onload = function(){
if(imagesLoaded == imageCount){
function allLoaded(){
Can't you simply use a loop and assign the same function to all onloads?
var myImages = ["green.png", "blue.png"];
(function() {
var imageCount = myImages.length;
var loadedCount = 0, errorCount = 0;
var checkAllLoaded = function() {
if (loadedCount + errorCount == imageCount ) {
// do what you need to do.
var onload = function() {
}, onerror = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < imageCount; i++) {
var img = new Image();
img.onload = onload;
img.onerror = onerror;
img.src = myImages[i];
Use the window.onload which fires when all images/frames and external resources are loaded:
window.onload = function(){
// your code here........
So, you can safely put your image-related code in window.onload because by the time all images have already loaded.
More information here.
A hackish way to do it is add the JS command in another file and place it in the footer. This way it loads last.
However, using jQuery(document).ready also works better than the native window.onload.
You are using Chrome aren't you?
The solution with Promise would be:
const images = [new Image(), new Image()]
for (const image of images) {
image.src = 'https://picsum.photos/200'
function imageIsLoaded(image) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
image.onload = () => resolve()
image.onerror = () => resolve()
Promise.all(images.map(imageIsLoaded)).then(() => {
alert('All images are loaded')
Just onload method in for loop does not solve this task, since onload method is executing asynchronously in the loop. So that larger images in the middle of a loop may be skipped in case if you have some sort of callback just for the last image in the loop.
You can use Async Await to chain the loop to track image loading synchronously.
function loadEachImage(value) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
var thumb_img = new Image();
thumb_img.src = value;
thumb_img.onload = function () {
resolve(value); // Can be image width or height values here
function loadImages() {
let i;
let promises = [];
$('.article-thumb img').each(function(i) {
promises.push(loadEachImage( $(this).attr('src') ));
.then((results) => {
console.log("images loaded:", results); // As a `results` you can get values of all images and process it
.catch((e) => {
// Handle errors here
But the disadvantage of this method that it increases loading time since all images are loading synchronously.
Also you can use simple for loop and run callback after each iteration to update/process latest loaded image value. So that you do not have to wait when smaller images are loaded only after the largest.
var article_thumb_h = [];
var article_thumb_min_h = 0;
$('.article-thumb img').each(function(i) {
var thumb_img = new Image();
thumb_img.src = $(this).attr('src');
thumb_img.onload = function () {
article_thumb_h.push( this.height ); // Push height of image whatever is loaded
article_thumb_min_h = Math.min.apply(null, article_thumb_h); // Get min height from array
$('.article-thumb img').height( article_thumb_min_h ); // Update height for all images asynchronously
Or just use this approach to make a callback after all images are loaded.
It all depends on what you want to do. Hope it will help to somebody.
try this code:
<div class="image-wrap" data-id="2">
<img src="https://www.hd-wallpapersdownload.com/script/bulk-upload/desktop-free-peacock-feather-images-dowload.jpg" class="img-load" data-id="1">
<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin loader-2" style="font-size:24px"></i>
<div class="image-wrap" data-id="3">
<img src="http://diagramcenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/image.png" class="img-load" data-id="1">
<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin loader-3" style="font-size:24px"></i>
<script type="text/javascript">
var allImages = jQuery(".img-load").length;
var image = jQuery(this);
jQuery('<img />').attr('src', image.attr('src')).one("load",function(){
var dataid = image.parent().attr('data-id');

