Need an OrgChart using Highcharts [closed] - javascript

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Closed 3 years ago.
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For all the charting requirements Highcharts has been truly awesome...
Has anyone tried building organization chart. We need to build Org Chart.
I don't want to use some other library for Org Chart !!

Try this
It is simple tree and customised for a specific purpose. Anyways, it can be easily extended to whatever you need.

Organization chart is not build-in, but you can use our API and use renderer to creat a chart.

As of 2019, Highcharts has an organization chart built-in:


How Can I Download The Browser Generated Svg To Png Or Pdf Using Java Script Or Jquery [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am working on an application where i need to show the data in graph's like(line,bar,scatter,..etc)
I want to give an option to user to download the Image(i.e. Graph) to PNG or PDF?
How can i achive this?
I am using nvd3 Charts to generate the Graphs..
Thaks for the help in Advance.
The following URl Resolves My Question..For your reference here i am posting the jsfiddle link

Javascript | HTML | Pie chart status [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am interested in creating a progress bar in a form of a circular chart (almost like a 2D Pie chart)
An example of what I want to acheive can be seen at: (The circle chart at the left)
I am not certain on what the best compatible way to do this will be.
Things I have Tried:
Researched canvas, but didnt lead me far.
check out - not sure how compatible it may be though with older browsers...

search a location and plot to map using leaflet? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Requirements: search a location and plot to map using leaflet?
I have a location that will be plot to the map as a marker using leaflet ie search option
L.geoSearch is a great plug-in that allows for geocoding addresses. Might help you with this.

AMCharts candlestick chart, show entry/exit arrow [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Is it possible to show a little arrow at a specific price and time, indicating entries and exits in an AMChart? Something like:
If not, is there at least a way of creating custom drawing elements in the chart (circles, lines, squares) similarly to this but using a candlestick chart, not a line chart?
If none of that is possible, does anybody know about a JS library that's capable of doing so?
Thank you!
You can use events for this purpose:
In the demo it's line chart,but events can be used with candlesticks as well.

Is there any tool that can convert line drawings to path matrices? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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This is a follow up of this question: Puzzle - How to 'colorify' part of an image from PHP?
Basically I want to create an interactive map that will colorify certain areas based on certain conditions. I have been able to find a tool called Raphael. However I am completely lost on how I can generate path matrices with it. An example of a path for Victoria in the Australia map demo looks like:
aus.vic = R.path("M252.869,203.121l-0.873-0.643l-1.721-0.121l-8.182-4.065l0.178-1.349l-0.354-1.082l-0.722-1.028l-0.566-1.235l0.204-1.168l-1.433-0.73l-0.899,0.326l-0.711,0.295l-0.74,0.111l-1.083,0.354l-1.451,0.408l-1.961-0.461l-1.037-0.603l-0.896,0.327l-0.658,0.666l-1.164-0.204l-1.223-0.571l-0.925,0.139l-1.434-0.729l-1.85,0.28l-0.823-0.444l-0.741,0.11l-0.471,0.638l0.223,1.481l-1.295,0.195l-1.619-0.701l-1.277-0.943l-0.379-1.268l-1.973-1.783l-1.619-0.701l-1.138-0.018l-1.444-2.054l-0.604-2.748l-1.008-0.413l-1.721-0.119l-0.98-0.232l-1.055,0.539l-0.045,0.953l-1.092-0.971l-0.492-2.009l-1.73-1.44l-2.12-0.248l-1.748-0.305l-1.024,0.723l-1.834-0.86l-1.109,0.168l-0.08,0.038v28.152l0.436,0.031l2.342,1.916v1.065l0.64-0.214l0.638,0.427l1.278-1.491l2.556,1.278l1.703-0.427l7.881,4.261l3.193-3.195l2.557-1.704h1.49l0.428-1.275l-1.492,0.425l-0.853-0.64h1.063l2.771-2.129l1.277,2.555l-1.277,1.703l-1.917-0.424l1.917,1.702l1.277-0.852l0.64,0.213l0.211-1.703h1.492l0.426,1.276l-0.852,0.214l-0.215,1.276l1.49,1.065l1.491-0.213l0.214,0.426l-0.639-0.213l1.064,1.916l0.851-0.64l0.853,0.427l-0.213-0.64l0.854,1.705l1.064,1.063l0.426-2.769l-1.277,0.852l-0.426-1.703h2.13l2.526-0.843l4.074-4.269l2.768-1.703l-3.406,1.489l1.917-1.278l-0.071-0.07l-0.568-0.567l1.492,0.427l1.703-0.64l-0.213,0.427l9.371-0.853l1.915-1.703l-0.638-0.64H252.869z")
Does anyone know any tool that can do this or even something similar?
With a bit of research, I found this handy little tutorial:
They were able to find an SVG of the map they wanted on wikipedia and just pull the path info from that. If you are unable to find an SVG of the map you're looking to colorize, use an application that will create an SVG and just make it yourself - Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, so on.

