Correctly plot time series in Highcharts/Highstock - javascript

I have large collection of data in the format [1421065200000, 1.72], where the first parameter is time in milliseconds and the second parameter is the value at that specific time. I have data array consisting of such data in large size. Now I want scrollable graph containing plot of such time and value data. Here is my javascript implementation to do so,
var dataArray; //This contains my data array i.e. ([[t1, v1],[t2, v2],...])
var minDate = dataArray[0][0];
var maxDate = dataArray[dataArray.length - 1][0];
var chartOption = {
chart: {
type: graphType,
renderTo: 'graph-container',
zoomType: 'x',
useUTC: false
title: {
text: 'Data from last 24 hours'
credits : {
enabled: false
xAxis: {
title: {
text: null
type: 'datetime',
dateTimeLabelFormats: {
second: '%Y-%m-%d<br/>%H:%M:%S',
minute: '%Y-%m-%d<br/>%H:%M',
hour: '%Y-%m-%d<br/>%H:%M',
day: '%Y<br/>%m-%d',
week: '%Y<br/>%m-%d',
month: '%Y-%m',
year: '%Y'
allowDecimals: false,
ordinal: false,
min: minDate,
max: maxDate
yAxis: {
title: {
text: null
plotOptions: {
series: {
pointStart: minDate,
pointInterval: 5 * 60 *1000
series: [{
name: parameterName,
data: dataArray
exporting: {
enabled: false
parameterChart = new Highcharts.Chart(chartOption);
The chart shows incorrect data, the time value on x-axis doesn't match the value at y-axis. What is the most correct and efficient to show such time series. Should I use Highcharts or Highstock. Please guide me through this, with suggestion or maybe with solution.

What I did was, I used HighStock instead of HighCharts (since I needed scrollbar along x-axis for large collection of data). I was passing the date in my local time zone format, whereas the chart was using UTC. So, I disabled the use of UTC (alternative: I could have provided data in UTC and drawn the graph using the same, In my case I needed my local labels). I gave the minimum and maximum range to the x-axis through x-axis min and max configuration. Here is the sample of my code,
//dataArray contains the array of data [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ...]
//x is Date, y is temperature value (say)
var minDate = dataArray[0][0];
var maxDate = dataArray[dataArray.length - 1][0];
//Disable use of UTC
global: {
useUTC: false
//Create graph options
var chartOption = {
chart: {
type: graphType, //line, bar, column, etc
renderTo: 'graph-container', //div where my graph will be drawn
zoomType: 'x' //Making x-axis zoomable/scrollable
title: {
text: 'Data from last 6 hours'
subtitle: {
text: document.ontouchstart === undefined ?
'Click and drag in the plot area to zoom in' :
'Pinch the chart to zoom in'
xAxis: {
title: {
text: null
type: 'datetime', //For time series, x-axis labels will be time
labels: {
//You can format the label according to your need
format: '{value:%H:%m}'
min: minDate,
max: maxDate,
minPadding: 0.05,
maxPadding: 0.05
yAxis: {
title: {
text: null
scrollbar: {
enabled: true
series: [{
name: "Temperature", //Name of the series
data: dataArray
exporting: {
enabled: false
credits : {
enabled: false
//Finally create the graph
var myChart = new Highcharts.Chart(chartOption);


Highcharts - cannot force x axis to stop on a certain date

I am using highcharts/highstock and I send some data to the client.
I tried various sets of settings, but I cannot force x axis to stop on a certain date.
For example, I create a chart that has data from 20/3/2019 to 25/3/2019. The interval must always be 5 minutes.
The starting point is correct, it starts in 20/3/2019.
But the last point is always a day more. Its about 35 more points of 26/3/2019, instead of stopping at 25/3/2019.
*if this changes anything, the starting point should be 20/3/2019 00:00 , but it actually starts at 20/3/2019 03:00 in highcharts.
My data are
boost: {
enabled: true,
useGPUTranslations: true
chart: {
type: "line",
zoomType: 'x'
title: {
text: item.title
xAxis: {
type: 'datetime',
tickInterval: 5 * 60 * 1000 , /*5 min */
max: pointStop,
labels: {
dateTimeLabelFormats: {
second: '%H:%M:%S',
minute: '%H:%M',
hour: '%H:%M',
day: '%b. %e',
week: '%b. %e',
month: '%b. %y',
year: '%Y'
yAxis: {
title: {
text: item.title
series: [
boostThreshold: 150,
name: item.title,
pointStart: pointStart,
pointInterval: 5 * 60 * 1000,
data: item.array,
approximation: 'average',
What am I doing wrong?
It sounds like an issue setting the tick count. The documentation states
If a tickAmount is set, the axis may be extended beyond the set max in order to reach the given number of ticks. The same may happen in a chart with multiple axes, determined by chart. alignTicks, where a tickAmount is applied internally.
You need to disable oridinal option, which is enabled by default in Highstock:
xAxis: {
ordinal: false,
Live demo:
API Reference:

Highchart group chart points with same date

I have a chart with two yAxis. And I want both to be grouped by date. But in my chart the last value of both series are ending up in differnt xAxis line. I assume this is because of the time differences. I need to group these points based on the date so that the last points of both series will align in the same line of xAxis. This is my javascript code.
Highcharts.stockChart('container', {
yAxis: [{
title: {
text: 'y axis 1',
opposite: false,
showEmpty: false,
title: {
text: 'y axis 2',
opposite: true,
showEmpty: false,
series: [{
yAxis: 0,
data: series1,
yAxis: 1,
data: series2,
And this is my jsfiddle. Can anyone please help me?
You can loop through your data and round timestamps to the nearest date:
function roundDate(timeStamp) {
timeStamp -= timeStamp % (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); //subtract amount of time since midnight
return new Date(timeStamp).getTime();
function loopThroughData(data) {
data.forEach(function(el) {
el[0] = roundDate(el[0])
Live demo:
Useful thread: Round a timestamp to the nearest date

Highcharts marker alignment not matched with Axis gridlines

options passed like below:
var chartOptions = {
chart: {
backgroundColor: 'white',
title: {
xAxis: {
tickWidth: 0,
type: 'datetime',
dateTimeLabelFormats: dateTimeLabelFormats
yAxis: {
tickAmount: 5,
title: {
text: null
xDateFormat:'%e %b, %Y',
You need to have the same value for tickInterval and pointInterval in order to display tick synced with series' points. When points have irregular intervals, then you can use tickPositions array.
API Reference:
Example: - using the same tickInterval and pointInterval - using tickPositions

highcharts - 2 date picker questions

1) I am wondering how I can remove the date picker from the right side of the chart? I really only need the left rangeSelector buttons i.e. 24 hours, 6 hours...
2) is there anyway to turn off the dataLabels when you click on one of the rangeSelector options as well?
When zoomed in to show 5 minutes worth of data the dataLabels are handy, but when looking at 24 hours worth they make the chart quite unusable due to crowding. It would be nice if they could be automagically turned off when I zoomed out.
Huge thanks for your help, if this is indeed possible.
For the second option, i'm looking to toggle the visibility of
plotOptions:{series: {
Fiddle Link
After customization of range selector from Highstock Example
* Load new data depending on the selected min and max
function afterSetExtremes(e) {
var chart = Highcharts.charts[0];
chart.showLoading('Loading data from server...');
$.getJSON('' + Math.round(e.min) +
'&end=' + Math.round(e.max) + '&callback=?', function (data) {
// See source code from the JSONP handler at
$.getJSON('', function (data) {
// Add a null value for the end date
data = [].concat(data, [[Date.UTC(2011, 9, 14, 19, 59), null, null, null, null]]);
// create the chart
Highcharts.stockChart('container', {
chart: {
type: 'candlestick',
zoomType: 'x'
navigator: {
adaptToUpdatedData: false,
series: {
data: data
scrollbar: {
liveRedraw: false
title: {
text: 'AAPL history by the minute from 1998 to 2011'
subtitle: {
text: 'Displaying 1.7 million data points in Highcharts Stock by async server loading'
rangeSelector: {
buttons: [{ //customization of buttons
type: 'hour',
count: 24,
text: '24h'
}, {
type: 'hour',
count: 6,
text: '6h'
}, {
type: 'minute',
count: 5,
text: '5m'
inputEnabled: false, // it remove datepicker
xAxis: {
events: {
afterSetExtremes: afterSetExtremes,
setExtremes: function(e) {
if(typeof(e.rangeSelectorButton)!== 'undefined')
addlables(); //function to add data label
removelables(); // function to remove data lable
minRange: 300 * 1000 // 5min * 1000
yAxis: {
floor: 0
series: {
series: [{
data: data,
dataGrouping: {
enabled: false
function removelables(){
var chart = $('#container').highcharts();
var opt = chart.series[0].options;
opt.dataLabels.enabled = false;
function addlables(){
var chart = $('#container').highcharts();
var opt = chart.series[0].options;
opt.dataLabels.enabled = true;

Formatting axis label in high chart using dynamic values

I am using high chart to plot a graph.In x axis I am plotting integer values.i need to format the x axis label using date time which i have in data array.
this.point.mydate not working inside label formatter.
xAxis: {
tickInterval: 1,
allowDecimals: false,
title: {
text: 'Date'
labels: {
formatter: function () {
return Highcharts.dateFormat('%b-%d', this.point.mydate);
You have used Date in xAxis datatype , it should be datetime as follows.
xAxis: {
type: 'datetime',
labels: {
formatter: function() {
return Highcharts.dateFormat('%a %d %b', this.point.mydate);

