How to use jQuery plugins in React, Riot 2.0 - javascript

I have a jQuery heavy app I'm in the middle of that has many jQuery plugins and I want to restructure the app, so I'm looking at different frameworks like Angular, React, Riot 2.0, etc.
I like React and Riot, but I can't figure out how I'd make your typical jQuery app (unmetered access to the DOM) into this new world of virtual DOM, etc.
Some of these components are complex and I wouldn't want to rewrite them all into the "VDOM way" and create another nightmare.
Does anyone have an answer to this? Maybe jQuery plugin heavy apps aren't suited, or is there a way to split/combine the UI using both, or maybe a React/Riot like framework that would play well with jQuery?

To access the DOM with jQuery inside a Riot 2.0 custom tag, you can use the mount event and this.root like this:
<h3>Riot.JS Custom tag + jQuery plugin</h3>
<p>My paragraph</p>
this.on('mount', function() {
var $node = $(this.root);
$node.find('p').html('updated by jQuery!');
I am not sure it is the "best practice" but it works with Riot 2.0.10 (Feb 19, 2015).
If the custom tag contains form or input elements, it's simpler, you can access them by their name property, you don't need the mount event:
<input name="email" type="text">

Riot 2.0 was released just 4 days ago so there are obviously no extensions yet.
But it's a good candidate to transform jQuery- based apps to the "modern world" with using custom tags or "components" in React community.
Custom tags lets you build reusable pieces of client side code with a less need for jQuery selectors and manipulation methods. And HTML and JS is less scattered on the file system.
And Riot 2.0 is designed to play well together with jQuery. You can freely use jQuery plugins together with custom tags so you can transform your app iteratively - one tag at the time if you like.

This is an excellent guide to wrapping DOM libs with React components:

In angular someone has probably already recreated the thing you want. You use directives to either implement reusable components or wrap existing ones. To wrap a plugin:
initialize in link (based on isolate scope)
use scope.$watch(key, fn) to update the plugin when something changes
use scope.$apply() in plugin callbacks to tell angular something might have changed, update any relevant two way bindings, and invoke any relevant expression bindings
use scope.$on('$destroy', fn) to clean up
See ui-bootstrap for examples and api design.
The same applies to React, but components instead of directives.
initialize in componentDidMount (based on props)
update the plugin in componentDidUpdate (based on props)
call this.props.onWhatever in plugin callbacks
clean up in componentWillUnmount
See react-bootstrap for examples and api design.
And I don't think Riot is relevant here.

We had the same problem, i.e. turn a pretty big global jquery based admin frontend into nestable conflict free components - w.o much training effort for our partners - so riotjs was just ideal for us.
We agreed on the solution below (see also Michael Rambeau's answer) and are up to now quite content with that.
Via a mixin we give all our riot component tags this function:
var ComponentTagsMixin = {
init: function () {
//<other stuff needed in all tags>
// jquery local to the vDom of this instance:
$: function(selector) {
// you could fail here if (!this.isMounted)
return $(this.root.querySelector(selector))
and so, within the tags you simply turn $ into this.$.
Example, jquery nestable:
and now this allows to have many of those components within the same page w/o conflict and local namespaces and data.
As already pointed out, this is only accessible after the tag is mounted, so run your stuff within an this.on('mount'...) block.
This works remarkably well with legacy jquery libs since they typically allow the user to redefine their Dom selectors for double run-ability within a page anyway.


Use of Template with HTML Custom Elements

I just started learning about the HTML custom elements, and through reading a series of intros, tutorials, and documentation, I think I have a good handle on how it works, but I have a philosophical question on the proper way to use or not use the <template> tag.
Custom elements give you the ability to encapsulate new functionality, simplifying the structure of your HTML document, and allowing you to simply insert a <my-custom-element>...</my-custom-element> tag instead of <div class="my-custom-element"><span class="part1">...</span><span class="part2">...</span></div>.
The class definition for the element then sets up the structure and functionality of that element. A bunch of the tutorials then describe how to use <template>...</template> and <slot>...</slot> to set up the contents of the custom element. You would then have to then include the template code in every HTML document in which you want to use the element rather than setting it up in the custom element class's constructor. Doesn't this run counter to the fact that custom elements help simplify and encapsulate functionality in a way that makes them more portable? Or am I misunderstanding the proper usage and/or placement of the template within the document?
Looking through SO, the closest I can find to addressing this is this question:
How to stamp out template in self contained custom elements with vanilla js?
But the answer essentially sidesteps this all together and says "Don't use <template>," and so doesn't really clear up my confusion.
Actually <template> elements can be imported from another document via HTML Imports, along with the Javascript code that will define the custom element:
<link rel="import" src="my-custom-element.html">
So it doesn't need to be included in a every HTML document. This post shows a minimal example.
HTML Imports are implemented only in Chrome and Opera. If you want to use them in the with Firefox and Safari you'll need to use the HTML Imports polyfill.
On the other hand and for the moment, Mozilla and Apple don't intend to implement HTML Imports natively in their respective browsers. Therefore they recommend to define custom elements with pure Javascript modules (with import or <script src="...">), and promote template literals strings instead, which offer some advantages (variables, functions), but are sometimes more complicated to code in an IDE (because of their string representation).
Maybe in the future standard HTML modules will be adopted by all browsers, and <template> will come back in the spotlight...
Note that without HTML Imports you can still import yourself some HTML documents with fetch():
fetch( "template.html" )
.then( stream => stream.text() )
.then( text =>
customElements.define( "c-e", class extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this.attachShadow( { mode: 'open'} )
.innerHTML = text
} )
Update 2019
HTML Imports won't be supported natively after Chrome 73. You should then use the other solutions listed above (the polyfill, an alternate module loader, JS import, or a direct download with fetch).
Disclaimer: I'm an author of the rich-component library mentioned below.
After some time of experimenting with custom elements and recently raising a full blown project based solely upon them I'd like to share my insights on this:
any component tiny as it is, is a candidate to grow to some beast
HTML part of it may grow to a point where it is very non-convenient to keep it within JS
do use template, built and parsed once and from that point cloned and injected into the shadow root - this is the same best practice as to use document fragment instead of mutating a living DOM
if the template contents should be changed from component's instance to instance - some kind of data binding framework may be used, and if minimalist approach on those is taken - it might still be easier and more performant to deal with a cloned-from-template document fragment than operate on string or template literals
In order to not write the same dozens of lines over and over again I've prepared rich-component library, which:
normalizes some API for template provisioning and all those 'clone template, create shadow, inject template's content into it' lines of repeating code
known to fetch html contents when html URL is provided
caches the templates so the fetch is done only once

Export Angular JQLite as $/jQuery

I occasionally find plugins that try to detect if JQuery is present, or might have 1-2 lines of code that uses $. I am wondering if it's possible to make Angular's JQLite available outside of angular apps somehow? My first tries of simply seeing if JQLite was available did not work. Basically I would like either the variable $ or jQuery to be available anywhere (or at least within my ng-app area) to see if it contains enough functionality to let these jquery plugins/code work.
Here's the source
Actually, you can, but it almost certainly won't help.
If you wanted to "export" it, you'd simply need to add this after the Angular JavaScript is loaded:
window.jQuery = window.$ = angular.element;
Now calling $() or jQuery() will run jqLite. Here's why it most likely won't work: jqLite doesn't support selectors, meaning you can't do
You'll just get an error stating that Selectors not implemented.
Here's a jsFiddle showing it working when used on elements directly, but failing with the selector.
Based on Yashua's suggestion below, here's an update using his trick to enable selectors. It's a nice trick/hack if jqLite is good enough.
Personally, I don't agree that you should just include jQuery. It's another large library to depend on, and if you are only performing a couple of one-liners, you should be able to integrate them into Angular directly using proper directives. I'd take the time to see if you can rewrite the existing code.

How to make the javascript code easy to maintenance

All, I am working on a highly interactive web application which will need a lot of jquery or js code, And I'm finding that my code is becoming a little hard to maintain and is not all that readable. Sometimes even the author can't find the specified code.
So far what I had done for the clear code is below.
One js component in one js file .(for example. CustomTab.js is a tab component in my app.)
Using the templete to generate component HTML based on JSON.
Using Jquery UI.
Unobtrusive JavaScript.
Is there any other points I need pay attention? Anyway, Any suggestion or recommend technique for making js library/framework easy to miantanance is appeciated, thanks.
I could suggest you to use module pattern together with RequireJS to organize your JavaScript code. For the production you'll be able to use RequireJS optimizer to build your modules into one JavaScript file.
Also if you're expecting that your client-side application will be huge, consider to use some JavaScript MVC framework like Backbone.js together with the server-side RESTful service.
I use this namespacing pattern for my libraries:
var MyLibrary = MyLibrary || {};
MyLibrary.ListView = {
doSomethingOnListView: function() {
return this;
doSpecialThing: function() {
return this;
init: function() {
// Additional methods to run for all pages
return this;
Whichever page needs this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/MyLibrary.ListView.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
You can even chain methods if a certain page requires an additional function.
This is exactly the same question which I ask myself each time. I think there are few ways to get easy maintaining code.
Contribute in javascript opensource projects and understand how they solved that problem. I think you can gather some unique solution from each project and common part of projects structure will answer to your question about maintenance.
Use prepared solutions like backbone, knockout, ember or angularjs if I am not mistaken angular doesn't give you structure but provide you powerful tool for creating pages with less code. Also check todomvc for ready-made solutions.
Read books and try to create some structure for your needs. It will be difficult and long but result (maybe few years later :)) will be awesome.
Currently I'm also working on a JS framework for my company. What I'm doing is I use OOP elements for JS. In other words I'm implementing similar code to C# libraries(not that similar, simulating will be the correct word). As an example in C# you use Microsoft.Window.Forms, so I can use JSOOP and use method extending and overriding to create the same scenario. But if you gone to far in your project converting your JS code to JSOOP will be time consuming.
use JSLint, this will validate your code and bring down to a readable, script engine friendly code. Though JSLint is very strict so you can use JSHint also.
using seperate file for each component is a good idea I'm doing it also.
If you like you can download the jQuery developers version and you can have a general idea how they created the framework. I learned lot of thing looking at jQuery framework!

Template method for dojo

When I look in the dojo documentation for template all I get is for dijit and examples only show you been able to use them in a widgit. I'm looking for the equivalent of the below methods in js prototype
var tmpl = new Template(url)
Does dojo have a template method that you can use in a dojo.declare( class ){} like you can do in js prototype. If not how could I go about similar functionality
You may be interested in dojo.string.substitute (you'll need to dojo.require("dojo.string")).
[Edit] Also, if you're interested in acquiring a template for use in substitution from a URL on the same server, you may also want to look into dojo.cache (which is also what is often used to fetch widget templates):
To clarify missingno's response, I don't think dojo.parser is what you're interested in right now; its job is to scan the DOM and transform DOM nodes into widgets and other Dojo components. dijit._Templated only uses dojo.parser when child widgets are involved (i.e. widgetsInTemplate is true); on the other hand, it uses dojo.string.substitute in all cases, to initially parse ${...} strings (e.g. ${id}) in the template.
I don't know Prototype, but this sounds like dojo.parser stuff. It is what is used by dijit._Templated behind the scenes (you can chack that in the source code if you want...)
Just note that you probably wouldn't need to cal this yourself - there is parseOnLoad=true for automatically parsing your initial HTML.

Unique instances of Javascript self-executing anonymous functions

I have created the PHP side of a modular AJAX/PHP framework and now I am trying to implement the client side.
From my previous experience with modular web applications I know that sometimes multiple instances of one particular module are needed. For example, a web based two player game with page parts for each user.
On PHP side I have assigned a unque ID to each constructed instance of the module and I can pass this UID to the browser but I have no idea how to implement the Javascript side of this module instance.
Modules can be loaded all in one go or loaded separately through AJAX (I am using jQuery).
Now I am using a modular approach that I found in some article, but I can redesign it in some other way if that would help to solve this issue without sacrifising modularity and private/public code separation. For now let's say I have a js file with the following:
//Self-Executing Anonymous Func
(function( MyModule, $, undefined ) {
// My Uid
MyModule.UID = "";
//Public Method
MyModule.onLoad = function() {
alert("Hey, you loaded an instance of MyModule with UID " + MyModule.UID);
//Private Methods follow
function somethingPrivate( ) {
}( window.MyModule = window.MyModule|| {}, jQuery ));
I am using Smarty for templates. Let's say, I have a simple module template like this:
<div id="{$contents.moduleuid}">
here goes the contents of the module which can be accessed from MyModule Javascript code by using this unique moduleuid
I have set up the server side so each module automatically appends additional template with Javascript:
<script type="text/javascript">
TODO: here I have access to the {$contents.moduleuid}
But I have no idea what to put here to create a unique instance of MyModule
(also it might need loading js file if it was not loaded yet) and I should also set for
this instance MyModule.UID to {$contents.moduleuid}
and also call MyModule.onLoad for this instance after it has loaded its Javascript.
I am not experienced with advanced Javascript topics so it is unclear to me how I can create a separate instance of MyModule for each module which gets construced server-side? Is it possible at all to create instances of self-executing anonymous functions? If not, then how can I implement and clone Javascript objects with separated private/public code?
My recommendation is to keep the client side and server side loosely coupled. Try to build your modular client application completely with HTML/JS without PHP tricks on it. As I understand, each of your module (or UI component) need to be loosely coupled from the others. In such case there are several other concerns you might need to look for:
How to keep your UI component structure (html), presentation (css) and behavior (JS) self contained (for example in a single folder), so that it can live or die independently
How these self contained components interact with each other
How to manage the configurations/settings of your UI components
Should you be using MVVM or MVC pattern to organize and bind the view to your PHP model
Who decides when to create/show/hide your UI components (for example based on URL for bookmarking)
If your client is a large and complex application, you might need to look for other concerns such as JS optimization, unit testing, documentation, product sub modules, etc.
Have a look at the BoilerplateJS Javascript reference architecture we put forward at It suggests ways to address all concerns I discussed above.
Since you are already using jQuery, you could create a jQuery plugin. The plugin should behave the way you need, and I believe you won't even need a unique ID. Considering each of your module's instance is contained in a div with class module-container, your jQuery code for adding client-side behavior to the divs would be something like this:
// DOM content is loaded
The minimal plugin code would be (considering it's in a separate .js file):
$.fn.MyPluginName = function() {
// Return this.each to maintain chainability
return this.each(function() {
// Keep a reference to your unique div instance.
var $this = $(this);
// Plugin logic here
If you are using jQueryUI, I also recommend you also look into the "widget factory" (intro, docs), which serves as a base for building powerful, normalized jQuery plugins.

