Adding page numbers to PDFs using PdfGenerator - javascript

This question pertains to NReco's PdfGenerator component.
I use this product to convert dynamically generated HTML string to a Pdf document within the .NET MVC framework using C#.
While looking for ways to add page numbers (e.g., 1 of 5) to the footer of the Pdf, I came across this and this on SO. And not surprisingly, both options seem to offer a similar approach to accomplishing the same goal.
While the code itself makes sense, what I'm having a hard time understanding is this - My document content (or the HTML string) is generated inside a View. The HTML string is then passed to a Controller (.cs) for the actual conversion process. With my very limited knowledge on MVC framework, I think there's no way you can add JavaScript code to the Controller (or is there?).
So, I don't quite understand how the above two JavaScript based methods can be incorporated inside my C# function that handles the document conversion. Or is this something that should be done inside the View?
public ActionResult Html2Pdf(FormCollection form) {
var docTitle = form["doctitle"].ToString();
var headerHtml =
"<div style='width:100%; margin-top:1em; display:block;'>" +
"<img src='" + System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~") + "/media/images/document_banner.png' />" +
"</div>" +
"<div style='width:100%; bottom:110px; left:0; position:relative; display:block;'>" +
"<span style='color:#fff; font-size:2.5em; font-family:georgia; margin-left:1em;'>" + docTitle + "</span>" +
var footerHtml =
"<div style='width:100%; text-align:center; border-top:1px solid #abc; margin-top:2em;'>Page 0 of 0</div>;
var htmlToPdf = new HtmlToPdfConverter();
// various parameters get set here
htmlToPdf.PageHeaderHtml = headerHtml;
htmlToPdf.PageFooterHtml = footerHtml;
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=MyTestDocument.pdf");
htmlToPdf.GeneratedPdf(form["htmlcontent"].ToString(), null, Response.OutputStream); // form["htmlcontent"] holds the document body
Return new EmptyResult();

You don't need to append javascript code (from wkhtmltopdf help) for rendering page number because PdfGenerator will do that for you if you set PageHeaderHtml or PageFooterHtml properties. All you need is just mark with "page" class element where you want to render page number:
htmlToPdf.PageHeaderHtml = "<div>Page: <span class="page"></span></div>";
that's all.

You can use this code if you want to display also the total number page (topage class):
var generator = new NReco.PdfGenerator.HtmlToPdfConverter();
generator.PageFooterHtml = $#"page <span class=""page""></span> of <span class=""topage""></span>";

Just below code, that's all
var htmlToPdf = new NReco.PdfGenerator.HtmlToPdfConverter();
htmlToPdf.PageFooterHtml = "<div style='padding:5px !important; font-size:12px;text-align:right;'>page <span class='page'></span> of <span class='topage'></span></div>";


Cannot show TrustPilot HTML when inserted with JavaScript (jQuery)

If I added the TrustPilot html code directly on the HTML page, it works fine but I needed to insert it with jQuery. I see the HTML code when inserted but it's not displaying.
$(window).on('load', function () {
var el = $('#some-element');
el.html( trustPilotHtml() );
function trustPilotHtml() {
var str = "<div " +
"class='trustpilot-widget' " +
"data-locale='en-GB' " +
"data-template-id='123456' "+
"data-businessunit-id='123456' " +
"data-style-height='500px' " +
"data-style-width='100%' " +
"data-theme='light' " +
"data-stars='4,5' " +
"data-schema-type='Organization'>" +
"<a " +
"href='' target='_blank'>Trustpilot</a> " +
return $(str);
Is the only way of getting the element to display properly is to directly inserted into the HTML without javascript?
No it's not the only way.
You should have a bootstrap script in your inside the HEAD part of your HTML (or close to it).
This script takes care of initializing all the widgets (TrustBoxes in Trustpilot lingo) that you have in your HTML.
Of cause that doesn't work if you are injecting the HTML dynmically, so it's also possible to call window.Trustpilot.loadFromElement(trustbox); yourself, when if you need to.
Here trustbox is a HTMLElement, you could get by using document.getElementById("some-element") or similar.
The following worked for me on a product list page which returned filtered list via ajax
var element = document.getElementsByClassName("trustpilot-widget");
for(var i=0; i<element.length; i++) {
On the first page load all product reviews are displayed as expected, but if the page is updated via ajax call (using filters for example) the reviews are lost. Running the above code after ajax, reloads the reviews

How do dynamically create HTML via JavaScript using property names in Struts?

Here's my problem:
I have a JavaScript function inside of a JSP that looks like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
function generateTable()
var temp = '';
temp = temp + '<logic:iterate name="dataList" id="dto" indexId="dtoIndex" >';
temp = temp + '<logic:equal name="dtoIndex" value="0">';
temp = temp + '<thead>';
temp = temp + '<tr class="topexpression7"></tr></thead><tbody></logic:equal>';
temp = temp + '<tr>';
var propertyArray = new Array('"title"','"jDate"','"employeeId"','"employeeName"');
var arrayLength = propertyArray.length;
var html = '';
var i=0;
for (i=0; i<arrayLength; i++)
if (i == 2)
// left
html = html + '<logic:present name="dto" property=' + propertyArray[i] + '><td class="left"> <bean:write name="dto" property=' + propertyArray[i] + '/></td></logic:present>';
else if (i == 3)
// Only applies to this property
html = html + '<logic:present name="dto" property="employeeName">';
html = html + '<td class="left" style="white-space:nowrap;"> ';
html = html + '<nobr><bean:write name="dto" property="employeeName"/>';
html = html + '</nobr></td></logic:present>';
// center
html = html + '<logic:present name="dto" property=' + propertyArray[i] + '><td class="center"> <bean:write name="dto" property=' + propertyArray[i] + '/></td></logic:present>';
temp = temp + html + '</logic:iterate></tbody>';
// Write out the HTML
If I hard code the property like where (i == 3), it works fine. Renders as expected.
But by trying to parse a string dynamically (where i <> 3), the string var "html" is null every time. Admittedly, my JavaScript is average at best. I'm sure it's an easy fix, but darned if I can figure it out!
P.S. Long story as to why I'm going this route, and I'll spare you the story (you're welcome). I just want to know why the variable propertyArray[i] isn't working.
The JSP is rendered on the server and JavaScript on the client browser, but to render properly the JSP tags should be well formed, i.e. have all necessary attributes with valid values, begin and close tag, etc. But not all your tags are valid. First your JSP compiled on the server and it can't process the bad JSP tags. When i != 3 you have that bad JSP tags. When the JSP is compiled the JavaScript code is used like a content, it has less meaning for the JSP compiler because it is looking on the tags that correspond a JSP syntax. Looking by the eyes of the JSP compiler you'll see the logic:present tag has attribute property but has not a value because propertyArray[i] is not evaluated as a JSP expression, it simply breaks the tag boundary. So the Tag is not compiled properly. If you place JSP tags into JavaScript code make sure they're consistent.
propertyArray[i] is working; it's the rest of it that isn't (and won't).
JSP tags don't execute on the client side; HTML generated in JavaScript must not include JSP tags (unless you don't care if they don't run). Instead, the JavaScript itself must be generated using tags on the server side before it's sent to the browser.
In this case, however, it might be best to just render HTML returned from an Ajax request, though, depending on what you're really trying to do, or create it all in JSP (not JS), etc.

Is there a limit of the size of data using replaceWIth in jQuery?

I am using the replaceWith() function in jQuery to update my web page. I receive the data from a C# web service program that extracts data from a database to build my HTML code. It works fine except when I replace large amounts of data. In the example that's not working, I replace code in my web page with 39000 bytes of data. After that, none of my links work when clicking on a span to calls a JavaScript function. Is there a limit on the size of data used in the replaceWith() function? The html code I am replacing looks like this:
<td align=left valign=top>
<div id="showitems" class="showitems" style="display:inline; float:left"></div>
The javascript code looks like this:
function ShowDinerItems() {
var gps = document.getElementById("selectdiner").value;
var pos = gps.indexOf(";");
var len = gps.length;
var latitude = document.getElementById("Hiddenlat").value;
var longitude = document.getElementById("Hiddenlng").value;
var dinerkey = gps.substring(0, pos);
PageMethods.CallShowDinerItems(dinerkey, latitude,longitude, OnShowDinerComplete, OnShowDinerError, dinerkey);
function OnShowDinerComplete(result) {
var htmlcode = result[0];
if (result == 'none') {
document.getElementById("Message").value = "Search returned no items";
else {
var htmlcode = result[0];
htmlcode = "<div id=\"showitems\" class=\"showitems\" style=\"display:inline\">" + htmlcode + "</div>";
$('.showitems').replaceWith(htmlcode); // size of htmlcode is 39849 bytes
var locations = result[1].split(";");
var lat = locations[0];
var lng = locations[1];
markDiner(lat, lng, "", 'map_canvas');
The reason I am using jquery to build my webpage is to avoid page reloads. I could easily program the webdata content in my C# program which may be more efficient but page reloads are to be avoided as dictated by the people who own the website. I am will try the recommendations given.
Note: I used the following code to make it work.
Using .text will not work as it displays raw data and not html data. Thanks to those who contributed.
To be honest I think you're going about this the wrong way here.
It seems to me that you're using ReplaceWith to completely overwrite the matched tag when you could just as simply change its properties with jQuery.
For example:
var htmlcode = result[0];
htmlcode = "<div id=\"showitems\" class=\"showitems\" style=\"display:inline\">" + htmlcode + "</div>";
$('.showitems').replaceWith(htmlcode); // size of htmlcode is 39849 bytes
Could easily be changed to this:
Just how many showItems are there going to be by the way, and how do you know how it compares to how many results you get back from the C# call ?
Edit 2: Sorry, didn't realise that the CSS display attribute wasn't actually changing.

How much knowledge of the DOM should javascript code have?

I'm implementing OpenID and OAuth on my site, in C# and ASP.NET MVC 3. I'm basing off of DotNetOpenAuth for the back-end and openid-selector for the front-end.
I liked openid-selector but it doesn't have OAuth support out of the box so I started adapting it (with help of StackOverflow's implementation and jsbeautifier).
I found a lot of code that handles the DOM like this:
function highlight(boxId) {
// remove previous highlight.
var highlight = $('#openid_highlight');
if (highlight) {
highlight.replaceWith($('#openid_highlight a')[0]);
// add new highlight.
$('.' + boxId).wrap('<div id="openid_highlight"></div>');
function useInputBox(provider) {
var area = $('#openid_input_area');
var id = 'openid_username';
var html = '';
var value = '';
var style = '';
var label = provider.label;
if (label) {
html = '<p>' + label + '</p>';
if ( == 'OpenID') {
id = this.input_id;
value = 'http://';
style = 'background: #FFF url(' + spritePath + ') no-repeat scroll 0 50%; padding-left:18px;';
html += '<input id="' + id + '" type="text" style="' + style + '" name="' + id + '" value="' + value + '" />'
+ '<input id="openid_submit" type="submit" value="' + this.signin_text + '"/>';
$('#' + id).focus();
Which both sound to me like they're assuming too much about the DOM (too many ids, or the current state of the DOM).
Is it ok to have javascript so tightly coupled to the DOM? What's the best way to avoid code like this and follow a less intrusive approach?
I guess what perplexes me is the call:
openid.init('openid_identifier', '', '', true);
When there's so much assuming already in the script file.
I'd argue, as you suspect that this is a bad thing.
There's a huge lack of, well, design patterns in Javascript UI development. I'm guessing a lot of people came straight from html, to learning some jQuery, to writing web applications.
A simple system (I find) that does handle this better, is backbone.js. The sourcecode is legible, and it separates view-concerns from business logic concerns quite nicely.
Also for a more MVVM approach ( aka data binding ) knockoutjs is an option. They also have a nice interactive tutorial to get you started.

jquery: "Exception thrown and not caught" in IE8, but works in other browsers

My code works fine in other browsers, but in IE8 I get "error on page" - and when I click that it says:
"Exception thrown and not caught Line: 16 Char: 15120 Code: 0
I tried linking to jquery.js (rather than jquery.min.js) and to 1.5.1/jquery.min.js,
but problem still remains.
Can someone correct/improve my code for me, or guide me as to where to look. Thanks
<script type="text/javascript">
function fbFetch()
var token = "<<tag_removed>>&expires_in=0";
//Set Url of JSON data from the facebook graph api. make sure callback is set with a '?' to overcome the cross domain problems with JSON
var url = "<<ID_REMOVED>>?&callback=?&access_token=" + token;
//Use jQuery getJSON method to fetch the data from the url and then create our unordered list with the relevant data.
$.getJSON(url, function(json)
{ =; // need to reverse it as FB outputs it as earliest last!
var html = "<div class='facebook'>";
//loop through and within data array's retrieve the message variable.
$.each(, function(i, fb)
html += "<div class='n' >" +;
html += "<div class='t'>" + (dateFormat(fb.start_time, "ddd, mmm dS, yyyy")) + " at " + (dateFormat(fb.start_time, "h:MMtt")) + "</div >";
html += "<div class='l'>" + fb.location + "</div >";
html += '<div class="i"><a target="_blank" title="opens in NEW window" href="<<id_removed>>#!/event.php?eid=' + + '" >more info...</a></div>';
html += "</div >";
html += "</div>";
//A little animation once fetched
$('.facebookfeed').animate({opacity: 0}, 500, function(){
$('.facebookfeed').animate({opacity: 1}, 500);
Does the code do the job in IE8 or does it break? The reason I ask is because if it works as expected you could just wrap it in a try{ } catch{ \\do nothing } block and put it down to another thing IE is rubbish at.
You may be better off creating an object for the creation of the facebook div. Something like...
var html = $('<div />');
html.attr('class', 'facebook');
Then in your each loop you can do this...
$('<div />').attr('class', 'n').append(;
$('<div />').attr('class', 't').append etc...
Then append html to the facebookfeed object
Doing this may remove the scope for error when using single quotes and double quotes when joining strings together, which in turn may solve your issue in IE8
$('.facebookfeed').fadeOut(500, function(){
Hope this helps!
The append method is used to add stuff to a jquery object. For more info see here
So to surround the div's as you mentioned in the comments you would do something like this...
var nDiv = $('<div />').attr('class', 'n').append(;
$('<div />').attr('class', 't').append(fb.somethingElse).appendTo(nDiv);
// etc
And then you would need to append that to the html div like so...
So that would give you
<div class="facebook">
<div class="n">
value of
<div class="t">
value of fb.somethingElse
So what you have done is created a new jquery object and appended to that, then appended that to the html object which you have then appended to the facebookfeed div. Confusing huh?!

