svg-sprite: symbol conversion to single svg icon - javascript
I have a svg sprite like the following:
<svg viewBox="0 0 100 100" xmlns="" style="width:0;height:0;visibility:hidden;">
<symbol viewBox="0 0 500 500" id="test-icon"><title>test</title><ellipse class="background" id="test-background" fill="#fff" cx="248.8" cy="251.4" rx="246.2" ry="244.8"/>
<path class="test-frame" d="M249.4 18C121.1 18 16.8 122.3 16.8 250.6S121.3 483 249.4 483 482 378.8 482 250.5 377.7 18 249.4 18m0 480.8c-66 0-128.3-26.4-176.2-73.1C27.6 378.9 1.3 316.5 1.3 249.3s26.3-128.2 73.1-175 109.1-73.1 175-73.1 128.3 26.4 176.2 73.1c46.7 46.8 73.1 109.2 73.1 176.2s-26.4 128.3-73.1 176.2c-46.7 45.6-109 72.1-176.2 72.1"/>
<path class="test-figure" d="M133.8 103.5v293h232.5V148.9l-22-22-23.4-23.4H133.8zm17.9 22h108.7v12.4H151.7v-12.4zm0 24.8h108.7v12.4H151.7v-12.4zm192.5 211.8H151.7v-24.7h191.2v24.7h1.3zm0-41.2H151.7v-24.7h191.2v24.7h1.3zm0-42.7H151.7v-24.7h191.2v24.7h1.3zm0-44H151.7v-23.4h191.2v23.4h1.3z"/>
<symbol viewBox="0 0 500 500" id="test-icon"><title>test</title><ellipse class="background" id="test-background" fill="#fff" cx="248.8" cy="251.4" rx="246.2" ry="244.8"/>
<path class="test-frame" d="M249.4 18C121.1 18 16.8 122.3 16.8 250.6S121.3 483 249.4 483 482 378.8 482 250.5 377.7 18 249.4 18m0 480.8c-66 0-128.3-26.4-176.2-73.1C27.6 378.9 1.3 316.5 1.3 249.3s26.3-128.2 73.1-175 109.1-73.1 175-73.1 128.3 26.4 176.2 73.1c46.7 46.8 73.1 109.2 73.1 176.2s-26.4 128.3-73.1 176.2c-46.7 45.6-109 72.1-176.2 72.1"/>
<path class="test-figure" d="M133.8 103.5v293h232.5V148.9l-22-22-23.4-23.4H133.8zm17.9 22h108.7v12.4H151.7v-12.4zm0 24.8h108.7v12.4H151.7v-12.4zm192.5 211.8H151.7v-24.7h191.2v24.7h1.3zm0-41.2H151.7v-24.7h191.2v24.7h1.3zm0-42.7H151.7v-24.7h191.2v24.7h1.3zm0-44H151.7v-23.4h191.2v23.4h1.3z"/>
<symbol viewBox="0 0 500 500" id="test-icon"><title>test</title><ellipse class="background" id="test-background" fill="#fff" cx="248.8" cy="251.4" rx="246.2" ry="244.8"/>
<path class="test-frame" d="M249.4 18C121.1 18 16.8 122.3 16.8 250.6S121.3 483 249.4 483 482 378.8 482 250.5 377.7 18 249.4 18m0 480.8c-66 0-128.3-26.4-176.2-73.1C27.6 378.9 1.3 316.5 1.3 249.3s26.3-128.2 73.1-175 109.1-73.1 175-73.1 128.3 26.4 176.2 73.1c46.7 46.8 73.1 109.2 73.1 176.2s-26.4 128.3-73.1 176.2c-46.7 45.6-109 72.1-176.2 72.1"/>
<path class="test-figure" d="M133.8 103.5v293h232.5V148.9l-22-22-23.4-23.4H133.8zm17.9 22h108.7v12.4H151.7v-12.4zm0 24.8h108.7v12.4H151.7v-12.4zm192.5 211.8H151.7v-24.7h191.2v24.7h1.3zm0-41.2H151.7v-24.7h191.2v24.7h1.3zm0-42.7H151.7v-24.7h191.2v24.7h1.3zm0-44H151.7v-23.4h191.2v23.4h1.3z"/>
Now my question is: can I just make a svg out of the symbol, just by extracting the symbol and then replacing the symbol-tag with an svg-tag? Or how can I achieve this conversion to separate svg?
I thought of a little script, that can inject several svg icons from an svg-sprite like above, so the icons can be style by css better/individually.
The thing here is that in the sprite there are symbols, which (as far as I read) can only be used with <use xlink:href>. But then the icon can't be styled individually like inline svg could be (as it is a clone).
I found open-iconic svgIncetor that uses an img-src and single svgs to inject into the html.
Also to mention is that I alread read following articles by Chris Coyier:
Basically I want to combine the technics used there to have an icon system, that can have multi-color icons based on css and icon-sprite (with inline svg through js-inject).
The open-iconic injector can only inject sinlge svgs and not from sprites afaik.
There isn't a lot you need to change (see
Remove the view box from the SVG element
Adapt the style of the SVG element so it's visible and specifies the proper size (taken from the symbol's view box)
Convert the symbol tags into g tags
You might be on the safe side if you additionally remove the class attributes, the id attributes and the title.
<svg xmlns="" style="width:500px; height:500px;">
<g viewBox="0 0 500 500" id="test-icon">
<ellipse class="background" id="test-background" fill="#fff" cx="248.8" cy="251.4" rx="246.2" ry="244.8"/>
<path class="test-frame" d="M249.4 18C121.1 18 16.8 122.3 16.8 250.6S121.3 483 249.4 483 482 378.8 482 250.5 377.7 18 249.4 18m0 480.8c-66 0-128.3-26.4-176.2-73.1C27.6 378.9 1.3 316.5 1.3 249.3s26.3-128.2 73.1-175 109.1-73.1 175-73.1 128.3 26.4 176.2 73.1c46.7 46.8 73.1 109.2 73.1 176.2s-26.4 128.3-73.1 176.2c-46.7 45.6-109 72.1-176.2 72.1"/>
<path class="test-figure" d="M133.8 103.5v293h232.5V148.9l-22-22-23.4-23.4H133.8zm17.9 22h108.7v12.4H151.7v-12.4zm0 24.8h108.7v12.4H151.7v-12.4zm192.5 211.8H151.7v-24.7h191.2v24.7h1.3zm0-41.2H151.7v-24.7h191.2v24.7h1.3zm0-42.7H151.7v-24.7h191.2v24.7h1.3zm0-44H151.7v-23.4h191.2v23.4h1.3z"/>
I have created a small script using Nodejs and svg-parser, to split a SVG icons sprite file:
<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<symbol id="act" viewBox="0 0 48 48">
<path d="M24 22c0.552 0 1-0.448 1-1v-18c0-0.552-0.448-1-1-1s-1 0.448-1 1v18c0 0.552 0.448 1 1 1z" />
d="M33.027 8.148c0 0-0.010 0.013-0.012 0.015-0.152-0.094-0.322-0.163-0.515-0.163-0.552 0-1 0.448-1 1 0 0.377 0.217 0.693 0.525 0.864 0.004 0.004-0.001 0.015 0.004 0.018 5.503 2.817 9.971 8.868 9.971 16.118 0 9.625-7.866 18-18 18-10.17 0-18-8.375-18-18 0-7.33 4.443-13.31 9.972-16.118 0.005-0.002 0-0.014 0.003-0.018 0.308-0.171 0.525-0.487 0.525-0.864 0-0.552-0.448-1-1-1-0.191 0-0.359 0.068-0.511 0.16-0.002-0.002-0.011-0.015-0.011-0.015-6.513 3.298-10.978 10.055-10.978 17.855 0 11.046 8.954 20 20 20s20-8.954 20-20c0-7.798-4.462-14.553-10.973-17.852z" />
const fs = require('fs');
const { parse } = require('svg-parser');
// Read from sprite file
fs.readFile('file.svg', 'utf8', function (err, contents) {
const parsed = parse(contents);
const symbols = parsed.children[0].children[0].children;
symbols.forEach(symbol => {
let paths = '';
const name =;
symbol.children.forEach(path => {
paths = paths + `<path d="${}" />`
// Build SVG content
const newIcon = `<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 50 50">
// White to file
fs.writeFile(`export/${name}.svg`, newIcon, () => {
I improved Bogdan's code and created a script to parse any sprite to it's original svgs.
import {toHtml} from "hast-util-to-html";
import {parse} from "svg-parser";
import * as fs from 'fs';
fs.readFile('input/path/sprite.svg', 'utf8', function (err, contents) {
const parsed = parse(contents);
const symbols = parsed.children[0].children;
symbols.forEach(symbol => {
const name =;
symbol.tagName = "svg";
let newIcon = toHtml(symbol);
fs.writeFile(`output/path/${name}.svg`, newIcon, () => {
Just add your sprite path and the output path and it will generate the inner svgs with it's ids in the output folder.
you can find the code in this gist
I used Codo's answer, but it didn't fully work in my case. A solution that worked for the SVG i came across: (which was <use xlink:href= and the svg optimised to just <path>s)
(using Chrome or similar dev tools)
Inspect the svg, find the <use xlink:href= element
expand the element, and expand the #shadow-root (you may need to enable the Shadow DOM in your dev tools settings)
copy the svg element inside into a text editor
ensure there is a structure <g> containing the paths and shapes, like so:
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 640 480">
(optional) clean up the svg using
save the file as .svg
Best way to import SVG icons into a Svelte app
I have about 80 custom SVG icons that I'm importing into a Svelte front-end app. Building on, it's built with Rollup and includes Typescript, Tailwind, and all the modern goodies. The dilemma is how to add the icons into the app. As SVGs, the icons are short XML text strings that do not exceed 2kB. Option 1: as image assets Upload all the icons as foo.svg into public/assets/icons. Create a svelte component <Icon type="foo' /> that displays an the icon using <img src="foo.svg>. This approach means that the icons are not part of the code. Benefits: icons can be dynamically loaded by frontend code on demand. No need to bundle all icons into app code. Cons: slow page load if there are a lot of new icons, and the browser has to fetch a dozen 1kB files. Deploying the app as a PWA means we need to manually tell it to cache the icons beforehand. Option 2: as part of the app build Use something like or to directly import each icon into code: import Home from './icons/home.svg'; Create a svelte component that selects the right imported component or SVG string and displays it. Here, the icons are bundled as text strings with the app itself. Benefits: Icons are delivered as part of the app bundle. Caching is unnecessary. Possible to dynamically modify some of the icon code e.g. colors, viewBox, etc on load. Cons: It's unnecessary to include all icons in the app to reduce time to first byte. Can't do bundle splitting, etc. without adding more complexity. Makes the rendering slower because Javascript code needs to first turn a string into an SVG instead of just loading an image. Questions It seems that building icons in tthe app is a better way from this analysis, but have I missed something? Does the calculus change if the "icons" are detailed images that are 50-100kB instead of the tiny strings here?
The following approach has these advantages: One central point to maintain all your icons for your app Reduced network requests for fetching SVG icons Reusable icons throughout the app without having duplicate svg elements Have a dedicated Icon.svelte component setup like this: <script> export let name; export let width = "1rem"; export let height = "1rem"; export let focusable = false; let icons = [ { box: 24, name: "save", svg: `<g stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><path d="M19 21H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h11l5 5v11a2 2 0 0 1-2 2z"/><path d="M17 21v-8H7v8"/><path d="M7 3v5h8"/></g>` }, { box: 32, name: "trash", svg: `<path d="M12 12h2v12h-2z" /><path d="M18 12h2v12h-2z" /><path d="M4 6v2h2v20a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8h2V6zm4 22V8h16v20z" /><path d="M12 2h8v2h-8z" />` } ]; let displayIcon = icons.find((e) => === name); </script> <svg class={$$props.class} {focusable} {width} {height} viewBox="0 0 {} {}">{#html displayIcon.svg}</svg> You can then use it like so: <Icon name="trash" class="this-is-optional" />
You can just change the file extension to .svelte and import an SVG as a normal component.
another way is to use a symbol defs file (ex: icons.svg) in your public folder. then in your code do something like this : Icon.svelte <script> export let name; export let width = "1.5rem"; export let height = "1.5rem"; export let focusable = false; </script> <svg class={$$props.class} {focusable} {width} {height}> <use href={`/icons.svg#${name}`} /> </svg> icons.svg <svg aria-hidden="true" style="position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; overflow: hidden;" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""> <defs> <symbol id="icon-warning" viewBox="0 0 20 20"> <path d="M19.511 17.98l-8.907-16.632c-0.124-0.215-0.354-0.348-0.604-0.348s-0.481 0.133-0.604 0.348l-8.906 16.632c-0.121 0.211-0.119 0.471 0.005 0.68 0.125 0.211 0.352 0.34 0.598 0.34h17.814c0.245 0 0.474-0.129 0.598-0.34 0.124-0.209 0.126-0.469 0.006-0.68zM11 17h-2v-2h2v2zM11 13.5h-2v-6.5h2v6.5z"> </path> </symbol> </defs> </svg> App.svelte <Icon name="icon-warning" /> this way you use one http call to load svg file. and then just use the part you need in markup.
Using like {#html SVG_CODE} for rendering a svg code from another component or variable is a Bad choice . This sometimes gives risk of XSS attack . Specially when the image comes from external source. check : Svelte doesn't perform any sanitization of the expression inside {#html ...} before it gets inserted into the DOM. In other words, if you use this feature it's critical that you manually escape HTML that comes from sources you don't trust, otherwise you risk exposing your users to XSS attacks.(source) I think using plugin like rollup-plugin-svelte-svg would be a better choice 1.Install using npm npm i -D rollup-plugin-svelte-svg 2.Simply call svelteSVG before svelte in your rollup config. export default { plugins: [ svelteSVG({ // optional SVGO options // pass empty object to enable defaults svgo: {} }), ], ... } 3.You can then import svg in your JS thusly: <script> import Logo from "./logo.svg"; </script> <Logo width=20 /> Or Open your svg image using text editor, copy all the code and paste in a file name with .svelte extension . for example , icon.svg file contains : <svg class="w-6 h-6" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns=""><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M14.243 5.757a6 6 0 10-.986 9.284 1 1 0 111.087 1.678A8 8 0 1118 10a3 3 0 01-4.8 2.401A4 4 0 1114 10a1 1 0 102 0c0-1.537-.586-3.07-1.757-4.243zM12 10a2 2 0 10-4 0 2 2 0 004 0z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path></svg> Copy it in a icon.svelte file <script></script> <style></style> <svg class="w-6 h-6" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns=""><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M14.243 5.757a6 6 0 10-.986 9.284 1 1 0 111.087 1.678A8 8 0 1118 10a3 3 0 01-4.8 2.401A4 4 0 1114 10a1 1 0 102 0c0-1.537-.586-3.07-1.757-4.243zM12 10a2 2 0 10-4 0 2 2 0 004 0z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path></svg> When you want use icon.svelte component <script> import Icon from "$lib/icon.svelte" </script> <style></style> <Icon /> If you want you can pass optional class then in icon.svelte <script></script> <style></style> <svg class="{$$props.class}" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns=""><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M14.243 5.757a6 6 0 10-.986 9.284 1 1 0 111.087 1.678A8 8 0 1118 10a3 3 0 01-4.8 2.401A4 4 0 1114 10a1 1 0 102 0c0-1.537-.586-3.07-1.757-4.243zM12 10a2 2 0 10-4 0 2 2 0 004 0z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path></svg> When you want to call icon.svelte component <script> import Icon from "$lib/icon.svelte" </script> <style></style> <Icon class="h-6 w-6" />
A working solution is to hold the SVGs in a separate IconService.js: export const chevron_down = "<svg xmlns=\"\" width=\"24\" height=\"24\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" fill=\"none\" stroke=\"currentColor\" stroke-width=\"2\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" class=\"feather feather-chevron-down\"><polyline points=\"6 9 12 15 18 9\"></polyline></svg>"; export const chevron_right = "<svg xmlns=\"\" width=\"24\" height=\"24\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" fill=\"none\" stroke=\"currentColor\" stroke-width=\"2\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" class=\"feather feather-chevron-right\"><polyline points=\"9 18 15 12 9 6\"></polyline></svg>"; This can easily be imported and used within svelte #html function. <script> import {chevron_down, chevron_right} from 'IconService'; </script> {#html chevron_down}
A Svelte Component with SVG Icons inside: <script> export let i export let stroke = 3 </script> <svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width={stroke} stroke="currentColor" class={`w-6 h-6 ${$$props.class}`}> {#if i == 'search'} <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M21 21l-5.197-5.197m0 0A7.5 7.5 0 105.196 5.196a7.5 7.5 0 0010.607 10.607z" /> {:else if i == 'plus'} <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M12 4.5v15m7.5-7.5h-15" /> {:else} <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M18.364 18.364A9 9 0 005.636 5.636m12.728 12.728A9 9 0 015.636 5.636m12.728 12.728L5.636 5.636" /> {/if} </svg> Use like this: <Icon i='search'/> <Icon i='plus' stroke={5} class="w-10 h-10 text-slate-500"/> Benefits All icons are collected in a single file. The SVG-Paths are compiled as HTML-Code and not as inline strings. This also displays any errors in the SVG in the IDE. When you add a new Icon you just have to copy the contents of the SVG into this file.
Programmatically loading the svg as string from one module (iconsProvider.js) which is exporting all svgs as constants. So basically, with every new svg, you only need to export it from iconprovider.js. And then pass icon.svelte the right iconName prop. icon.svelte <script lang="ts"> import * as iconsProvider from "../lib/iconsProvider" export let iconName: string </script> {#html iconsProvider[ iconName ]} iconsProvider.js export const icon1 = `<svg ...>` export const icon2 = `<svg ...>` Hope this helps.
How can I load a custom svg in SVG JS
I'm ripping apart a pong demo ( to learn about Javascript, SVGs, and SVG.js. My version will draw a ball that bounces back and forth in the window. Using the "var ball =" it works correctly, but when I try to substitute a custom SVG, it fails. How can I correct this to draw my custom svg in place of the ball? <html> <body translate="no" > <div id="svg-data" hidden> <svg id="svg2" width="720" height="720" xmlns=""> <g> <title>background</title> <rect fill="none" id="canvas_background" height="602" width="802" y="-1" x="-1"/> </g> <g> <title>Layer 1</title> <g id="layer1"> <path d="m339.03,161.54001c166.28,1.498 323.57,64.413 335.55,203.73c8.98,101.9 -125.84,194.73 -292.11,194.73c-167.78,-1.5 -323.57,-62.91 -337.05,-202.18c-8.987,-103.45 127.24,-196.28 293.61,-196.28zm40.352,364.01c71.903,0 118.34,-68.954 110.85,-124.33c-16.478,-109.35 -53.928,-197.78 -152.79,-197.78c-71.903,0 -113.85,70.405 -104.86,125.83c16.571,109.4 48.029,196.28 146.8,196.28z" id="path270"/> </g> </g> </svg> </div> <div id="pong"></div> <script src=''></script> <script id="rendered-js" > // define document width and height var width = 450,height = 300; // create SVG document and set its size var draw = SVG('pong').size(width, height); draw.viewbox(0, 0, 450, 300); // draw background var background = draw.rect(width, height).fill('#dde3e1'); // define ball size var ballSize = 10; // original image - create ball //var ball =; // custom image - fails var ball = draw.svg(document.getElementById('svg2').innerHTML); ball.size(30,30); / 2, height / 2).fill('#7f7f7f'); var ballDirection = -1; var ballSpeed = 100; function update(dt) { ball.dmove( ballDirection * ballSpeed * dt, 0); if ( < 0 || > width) { if ( < 0) {; } else if ( > width) {; } ballDirection *= -1; } } var lastTime, animFrame; function callback(ms) { cancelAnimationFrame(animFrame); if (lastTime) { update((ms - lastTime) / 1000); } lastTime = ms; animFrame = requestAnimationFrame(callback); } callback(); </script> </body> </html>
Let's say you have a file containing the grafics of a tennis ball. I have selected that file for its minimal size, the markup content of something you would like to use could be much larger: <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 36 36"> <circle fill="#77B255" cx="18" cy="18" r="18"/> <path fill="#A6D388" d="M26 18c0 6.048 2.792 10.221 5.802 11.546C34.42 26.42 36 22.396 36 18c0-4.396-1.58-8.42-4.198-11.546C28.792 7.779 26 11.952 26 18z"/> <path fill="#FFF" d="M27 18c0-6.048 1.792-10.221 4.802-11.546-.445-.531-.926-1.028-1.428-1.504C27.406 6.605 25 10.578 25 18c0 7.421 2.406 11.395 5.374 13.05.502-.476.984-.973 1.428-1.504C28.792 28.221 27 24.048 27 18z"/> <path fill="#A6D388" d="M10 18c0-6.048-2.792-10.22-5.802-11.546C1.58 9.58 0 13.604 0 18c0 4.396 1.58 8.42 4.198 11.546C7.208 28.22 10 24.048 10 18z"/><path fill="#FFF" d="M4.198 6.454C7.208 7.78 9 11.952 9 18c0 6.048-1.792 10.22-4.802 11.546.445.531.926 1.027 1.428 1.504C8.593 29.395 11 25.421 11 18c0-7.421-2.406-11.395-5.374-13.049-.502.476-.984.972-1.428 1.503z"/> </svg> SVG.js would be able to reference that file in an SVG <image> tag: var ball = draw.image('/path/to/Twemoji12 1f3be.svg').size(ballsize, ballsize) But that has a drawback: the ball is loaded from a separate file, you need a request for that that takes time to fullfill (just like with every image file). But the ball is just something you can write into your main file. That is where the size of your grafic markup will make a difference. Variant 1: draw every tag separately This is what SVG.js is really meant to do. // draw a wrapper element, here you would use a nested `<svg>` element var ball = draw.svg().size(ballsize, ballsize).viewbox(0 0 36 3) // draw the circle'#77B255') // and so on for every tag and every attribute Frankly: this is just more work than you probably would like to do. Variant 2: construct the elements from strings var ball = SVG(`<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 36 36"> <circle fill="#77B255" cx="18" cy="18" r="18"/> <path fill="#A6D388" d="M26 18c0 6.048 2.792 10.221 5.802 11.546C34.42 26.42 36 22.396 36 18c0-4.396-1.58-8.42-4.198-11.546C28.792 7.779 26 11.952 26 18z"/> <path fill="#FFF" d="M27 18c0-6.048 1.792-10.221 4.802-11.546-.445-.531-.926-1.028-1.428-1.504C27.406 6.605 25 10.578 25 18c0 7.421 2.406 11.395 5.374 13.05.502-.476.984-.973 1.428-1.504C28.792 28.221 27 24.048 27 18z"/> <path fill="#A6D388" d="M10 18c0-6.048-2.792-10.22-5.802-11.546C1.58 9.58 0 13.604 0 18c0 4.396 1.58 8.42 4.198 11.546C7.208 28.22 10 24.048 10 18z"/><path fill="#FFF" d="M4.198 6.454C7.208 7.78 9 11.952 9 18c0 6.048-1.792 10.22-4.802 11.546.445.531.926 1.027 1.428 1.504C8.593 29.395 11 25.421 11 18c0-7.421-2.406-11.395-5.374-13.049-.502.476-.984.972-1.428 1.503z"/> </svg>`) draw.add(ball).size(ballsize, ballsize) A bit better, but at least I don't like mixing Javascript and markup inside the same file. I would go with a Variant 3: bypass SVG.js and just write the markup in your HTML markup directly I am saddling you with a high learning curve here, but ultimately you wanted to get that out of it, didn't you? SVG contains its own templating mechanism, whith an element called <symbol>. Here is how your initial markup could look: <div id="pong"> <svg xmlns="" width="0" height="0"> <symbol id="ball" viewBox="0 0 36 36"> <circle fill="#77B255" cx="18" cy="18" r="18"/> <path fill="#A6D388" d="M26 18c0 6.048 2.792 10.221 5.802 11.546C34.42 26.42 36 22.396 36 18c0-4.396-1.58-8.42-4.198-11.546C28.792 7.779 26 11.952 26 18z"/> <path fill="#FFF" d="M27 18c0-6.048 1.792-10.221 4.802-11.546-.445-.531-.926-1.028-1.428-1.504C27.406 6.605 25 10.578 25 18c0 7.421 2.406 11.395 5.374 13.05.502-.476.984-.973 1.428-1.504C28.792 28.221 27 24.048 27 18z"/> <path fill="#A6D388" d="M10 18c0-6.048-2.792-10.22-5.802-11.546C1.58 9.58 0 13.604 0 18c0 4.396 1.58 8.42 4.198 11.546C7.208 28.22 10 24.048 10 18z"/><path fill="#FFF" d="M4.198 6.454C7.208 7.78 9 11.952 9 18c0 6.048-1.792 10.22-4.802 11.546.445.531.926 1.027 1.428 1.504C8.593 29.395 11 25.421 11 18c0-7.421-2.406-11.395-5.374-13.049-.502.476-.984.972-1.428 1.503z"/> </symbol> </svg> </div> What did I do here? I copied the file content inside your wrapper <div>. Then I inserted a <symbol> element so that it wraps the grafical elements. The <svg> element gets zero size, because it initially only contains the template (I'm simplifying.) The viewBox attribute gets moved to the <symbol> and a unique id is added. Now, your script can work just as before. The line var draw = SVG('pong').size(width, height) would just insert a second <svg> element after that first, invisible one. But you could also pickup the first one and draw there. The initial zero size gets overwritten. var draw = SVG('#pong svg').size(width, height) In both variants, the ball is then used in the form of a reference: var ball = draw.use('ball').size(ballsize, ballsize)
How to animate SVG fill and path in a similar style to vivus.js
I am trying to animate an SVG with vivus.js but it doesn't seem to be doing anything. Vivus seems to be able to read the SVG correctly, I can run the following code: var test = new Vivus('welcome_message', {duration: 200}); console.table(; And get the following result in the console (this is how vivus recommends you debug it): (index) el startAt duration progress 0 path 0 133.33333333333331 0.0075000000000000015 1 path 5.555555555555556 133.33333333333331 0 2 path 11.111111111111112 133.33333333333331 0 3 path 16.666666666666668 133.33333333333331 0 4 path 22.222222222222225 133.33333333333331 0 5 path 27.777777777777782 133.33333333333331 0 6 path 33.333333333333336 133.33333333333331 0 7 path 38.88888888888889 133.33333333333331 0 8 path 44.44444444444445 133.33333333333331 0 9 path 50.00000000000001 133.33333333333331 0 10 path 55.555555555555564 133.33333333333331 0 11 path 61.11111111111112 133.33333333333331 0 12 path 66.66666666666667 133.33333333333331 0 This says to me the vivus is working, but when the code runs, nothing happens. Please see the following very simple jsfiddle example: All I can thinks is that perhaps there is something wrong with my SVGs but seeing as it is picking up on the paths correctly this doesn't seem right. Here is a link to the vivus documentation incase anyone wants to have a look, I am stumped. Thanks in advance for any help. EDIT (changed title from 'SVG animation with vivus.js not working' to 'How to animate SVG fill and path in a similar style to vivus.js') I have realised that the end goal I am trying to achieve isn't actually the above question, this is because I am new to SVG animation and started on the wrong path. What I am more looking to achieve is something like the following tutorial: The key difference and the main thing I am struggling is I want that exact type of animation but I want to animate the fill and the path, not just the path. With help from #Alvin I have realised that some kind of clipPath or mask is required, I have tried to do this by following the above tutorial but this is the result I am getting: This seems to animate some of the paths but it is definitely not doing what I want. Any help from anyone would be amazing! FINAL RESULT I finally managed to achieve what I was trying to do, most of the problem is that the SVG was not crated in the best way for animation in Illustrator, I needed to convert my object into a Compound Path so I could use it as clipPath and then have a simple path underneath which I can easily animate. Demo:
See my demo, click on blue circle to restart animation. var sign = new Vivus('mySign', { type: 'scenario-sync', duration: 20, start: 'autostart', dashGap: 20, forceRender: false }, function() { if (window.console) { console.log('Animation finished. [log triggered from callback]'); } $('#mySign').find('path').attr('class', 'fill_path'); }); function runme() { $('#mySign').find('path').attr('class', ''); sign.reset().play(); }; svg * { stroke: blue; stroke-width: 1; fill: none; } .fill_path { fill: blue; } <script src="//"></script> <script src="//"></script> <svg id="mySign" version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" width="200px" height="200px" viewBox="0 0 100 100" enable-background="new 0 0 100 100" xml:space="preserve" > <path data-duration="30" d="M27.9,9.6c0,0,0.2,1.1,0.4,2.7c0.1,0.4,0.2,1.1,0,1.6c-0.2,0.6-0.7,0.8-1.1,0.9c-0.4,0.1-1,0.1-1.3-0.2c-0.7,0.7-0.6,0.6-1.1,0.7c0,0-0.3,0.1-0.4,0.1c-0.1,0-0.2-0.1-0.3-0.1c-0.6,0.1-0.9-1-1-1.4c-0.3-1.4-0.6-2.8-0.9-4.2C22.2,9.5,22,9,22,8.9c-0.1-0.2-0.1-0.5-0.2-0.7c0.1,0,0.4-0.1,0.5-0.1c0.4-0.1,0.5,0.1,0.6,0.5c0.4,1.5,0.7,3,1.1,4.5c0.1,0.2,0.4,1.4,0.9,1.3c0.3-0.1,0.1-1.1,0.1-1.3c-0.2-0.8-0.3-1.6-0.5-2.4c-0.1-0.8-0.2-1.5-0.4-2.3c-0.2-0.7-0.1-0.8,0.3-0.9c0.2,0,0.6,0,0.6,0.2c0,0,0,0.4,0,0.4c0,0.2,0.1,0.4,0.1,0.6c0.3,1.4,0.6,2.9,0.8,4.3c0.1,0.4,0.6,1,1.1,0.9c0.4-0.1,0.1-2,0.1-2.1c0-0.2-0.1-0.4-0.1-0.6c0,0-0.1-1.3-0.2-2c-0.1-0.7-0.2-1.3-0.4-1.9C26.8,7.1,27.4,7,27.4,7c0.3-0.1,0.2,0.2,0.3,0.2C27.8,8,27.9,8.8,27.9,9.6z"></path> <path data-duration="30" d="M32.3,9.4c-0.1,0-0.8,0.1-0.9,0.1c-0.3,0-0.6,0.1-0.8,0.1c0.2,1.1,0.4,2.2,0.6,3.2c0.4-0.1,0.9-0.2,1.3-0.2c0.1,0,0.3,0,0.4,0c0.1,0.1,0.2,0.7,0.3,0.9c0.1,0.4-0.1,0.3-0.4,0.4c-0.1,0-0.7,0.1-0.8,0.1c-0.5,0.1-1,0.2-1.5,0.3c-0.1-0.1-0.2-0.2-0.2-0.2c0-0.2,0-0.1,0-0.4c-0.2-1-0.4-2.1-0.6-3.1c-0.2-0.9-0.3-1.9-0.5-2.8C29.1,7.4,29,7.1,29,6.8c0.3-0.1,0.7-0.2,1.1-0.3c0.5-0.1,1-0.2,1.5-0.3c0.3-0.1,0.5,0.8,0.5,1c0,0-0.3,0.2-0.3,0.2c-0.4,0-0.8,0.1-1.2,0.1c-0.3,0.1-0.3,0-0.3,0.3c0,0,0.1,0.5,0.2,0.7c0.2,0.1,0.3,0,0.6,0c1.3-0.2,1.4-0.3,1.5,0.5C32.6,9.1,32.5,9.3,32.3,9.4z"></path> <path data-duration="30" d="M36.6,13.2c-0.5,0.1-1.6,0.4-1.7,0.4c-0.2,0-0.2-0.1-0.3-0.2c-0.3-2.4-0.7-4.8-1-7.1c0,0-0.2-0.4,0.1-0.5c1.1-0.2,1.2-0.4,1.3,0.7c0,0.3,0.1,0.7,0.1,1c0,0.1,0,0.4,0,0.5c0.2,1.1,0.4,2.2,0.5,3.3c0.1,0.1,0,0.7,0.2,0.6c0.1,0,0.5-0.1,0.5-0.1c0.2,0,0.4,1.2,0.4,1.2C36.8,13,36.7,13.1,36.6,13.2z"></path> <path data-duration="30" d="M39.4,6.9c-0.3,0.6-0.5,1.2-0.6,1.7c0,0.2-0.1,0.5-0.1,0.7c0,0.1,0,1,0,1.2c0.1,0.8,0.6,1.3,1.5,1.2c0.1,0,0.1,0,0.1,0c0.3,0,0.5,0.8,0.5,0.9c0,0.1-0.1,0.2-0.2,0.2c-0.1,0-0.1,0-0.2,0c-0.1,0-0.5,0-0.7-0.1c-0.1,0-0.3,0-0.3,0c-1.4-0.4-1.6-1.3-1.7-2c0,0-0.1-1-0.1-1.4c0-0.4,0.1-1.3,0.2-1.9c0-0.1,1-2.3,1.7-2.4c0.1,0,0.1,0,0.2,0.1c0.1,0.3,0.2,0.6,0.2,0.6C40.1,5.7,39.6,6.5,39.4,6.9z"></path> <path data-duration="30" d="M43.9,12.4c-1.5,0.1-2.2-2.5-2.2-3.1c0-0.4-0.1-0.7-0.1-1.1c0-0.1,0.1-0.7,0.1-1c0.1-1.4,0.9-3,2.4-3.1c0.6-0.1,1.3,0.6,1.6,1.1c0.6,1,0.8,2.1,0.9,3.2C46.5,10.1,46.2,12.2,43.9,12.4z M44.5,5.7c-0.2-0.2-0.5-0.5-0.7-0.5c-1,0.1-1.2,3.1-1.1,3.6c0,0.2,0.3,2.7,1.4,2.6c0.3,0,0.7-0.4,0.9-0.7c0.5-0.8,0.5-1.6,0.4-2.3C45.3,7.7,45,6.2,44.5,5.7z"></path> <path data-duration="30" d="M55.1,11.9c-0.2,0-0.4,0-0.6-0.1c-0.3-1.1-0.4-1.5-0.5-2.3c-0.2-0.9-0.4-1.9-0.6-2.8c0,0,0,0,0,0c-0.4,1.2-1,3.3-1.3,5c-0.1,0.1-0.9,0.3-1.1,0.3c-0.1,0-0.1,0-0.2,0c-0.4-1.3-0.9-2.9-1.3-4.3c-0.3,1.1-0.3,2.5-0.6,4.2c0,0-0.2,0.1-0.2,0.1c-0.4,0-0.2,0-1,0.1c0-0.1,0-0.1,0-0.2c0,0,0.1-0.9,0.1-1.4c0.1-0.8,0.4-3.4,0.5-4.8c0-0.1,0.1-0.3,0.1-0.5c0-0.1,0-1,0.3-1c0.3,0,1.1,0.1,1.1,0.1c0.5,1.5,0.9,3.1,1.6,5c0,0,0,0,0,0c0.5-1.7,1.1-3.5,1.4-4.4C52.8,4.6,53,4.3,53,4.1C53.1,4,53.8,4,53.9,4c0.4,0,0.5,1,0.5,1.4c0.1,0.3,0.2,0.7,0.2,1.1c0.1,0.3,0.2,0.9,0.2,1.3c0.1,0.6,0.3,1.4,0.4,2.2c0.1,0.4,0.4,1.4,0.4,1.5C55.8,11.9,55.2,11.8,55.1,11.9z"></path> <path data-duration="30" d="M59.7,7.2c-0.1,0-0.8-0.1-0.9-0.1c-0.3,0-0.6,0-0.8,0c0,1.1,0,2.2,0,3.3c0.5,0,0.9,0,1.4,0c0.1,0,0.3,0,0.4,0.1c0,0.1,0.1,0.7,0.1,0.9c0,0.4-0.2,0.3-0.5,0.3c-0.1,0-0.7-0.1-0.8-0.1c-0.5,0-1,0-1.6,0c-0.1-0.1-0.1-0.2-0.1-0.3c0-0.2,0-0.1,0-0.4c0-1.1,0-2.1,0-3.2c0-0.9,0-1.9,0-2.8c0-0.3,0-0.6,0-0.9C57.3,4,57.7,4,58.1,4c0.5,0,1,0,1.5,0c0.3,0,0.3,0.9,0.3,1c0,0-0.3,0.1-0.4,0.1c-0.4,0-0.8-0.1-1.2-0.1C58.1,5,58,4.9,58,5.3c0,0,0,0.5,0,0.7c0.2,0.1,0.3,0.1,0.6,0.1C60,6.1,60,6,60,6.9C60,7,59.9,7.2,59.7,7.2z"></path> <path data-duration="30" d="M68.6,5.4c-0.4,0-0.9-0.1-1.3-0.1c-0.1,1.9-0.2,3.8-0.4,5.7c0,0.1,0.1,0.6,0.1,0.7c0,0.1-0.1,0.2-0.1,0.2c-0.2,0-0.7,0-0.8,0c-0.1,0-0.2-0.1-0.3-0.1c-0.1-0.1-0.1-0.6-0.1-0.8c0.1-1.5,0.2-3.1,0.3-4.6c0.1-1.4,0.2-0.9-1.7-1.2c0-0.1-0.1-0.7-0.1-0.8c0,0,0-0.2,0.1-0.3c1.1,0.1,2.1,0.1,3.2,0.2c0.4,0,1.3,0.1,1.7,0.1c0,0.1,0.1,0.2,0,0.4C69.1,5.1,69.1,5.4,68.6,5.4z"></path> <path data-duration="30" d="M71.6,12.5C70.1,12.3,69.9,9.6,70,9c0-0.4,0.1-0.7,0.1-1.1c0-0.1,0.2-0.7,0.2-1c0.3-1.4,1.4-2.8,2.9-2.6c0.6,0.1,1.2,0.9,1.4,1.4C74.9,6.8,75,7.9,74.8,9C74.7,10.6,73.9,12.7,71.6,12.5z M73.5,6c-0.1-0.2-0.3-0.6-0.6-0.7c-1-0.1-1.7,2.8-1.8,3.4c0,0.2-0.2,2.7,0.9,2.8c0.3,0,0.8-0.3,1-0.6c0.6-0.7,0.7-1.5,0.8-2.2C73.9,8.1,73.9,6.5,73.5,6z"></path> <path data-duration="30" d="M83.6,7.2c-0.4-0.1-0.9-0.1-1.3-0.2c-0.3,1.9-0.6,3.8-0.9,5.6c0,0.1,0,0.6,0,0.7c0,0.1-0.1,0.1-0.1,0.2c-0.2,0-0.7,0-0.8,0c-0.1,0-0.2-0.1-0.3-0.2c0-0.1,0-0.6,0-0.8c0.2-1.5,0.5-3.1,0.7-4.6c0.2-1.4,0.3-0.8-1.6-1.3c0-0.1,0-0.7,0-0.8c0,0,0.1-0.2,0.1-0.3c1,0.2,2.1,0.3,3.1,0.5c0.4,0.1,1.3,0.2,1.6,0.3c0,0.1,0,0.3,0,0.4C84.1,7,84,7.3,83.6,7.2z"></path> <path data-duration="30" d="M87.8,14.4c0,0.1-0.1,0.2-0.1,0.2c-0.1,0.1-0.8,0.1-1,0c-0.2,0-0.2-0.3-0.1-0.4c0.2-0.8,0.4-1.6,0.6-2.4c0.1-0.5,0.2-0.9,0.3-1.4c-0.4-0.1-0.9-0.2-1.3-0.2c-0.1,0.6-0.2,1.3-0.4,1.9c0,0,0,0.4,0,0.4c0,0.2-0.1,0.4-0.1,0.7c0,0.1,0,0.6-0.1,0.6c0,0.1-0.1,0.3-0.2,0.2c-0.1,0-0.6-0.1-0.6-0.1C84.2,14,84,14,84.3,13.4c0.4-2.1,0.7-4.2,1.1-6.2c0-0.2,0.1-0.5,0.1-0.7c0.1,0,0.3-0.1,0.3,0c0.1,0,0.2,0.1,0.3,0.1c0.1,0,0.1,0,0.1,0c0.1,0,0.4,0.1,0.4,0.2c0.1,0.5-0.1,1.2-0.2,1.8c0,0.2-0.1,0.5-0.1,0.8c0.2,0.1,0.4,0.1,0.5,0.2c0.9,0.2,0.9,0.2,1-0.3c0.1-0.3,0.1-0.5,0.2-0.8c0-0.1,0.1-0.9,0.2-1.3c0.1,0,0.3,0,0.4,0c0.2,0,0.8,0.2,0.6,0.6C88.7,9.9,88.3,12.1,87.8,14.4z"></path> <path data-duration="30" d="M92.7,11.3c-0.1,0-0.8-0.2-0.8-0.3c-0.3-0.1-0.6-0.1-0.8-0.2c-0.2,1.1-0.5,2.1-0.7,3.2c0.4,0.1,0.9,0.2,1.3,0.3c0.1,0,0.3,0.1,0.4,0.2c0,0.1-0.1,0.7-0.1,0.9c-0.1,0.4-0.2,0.3-0.5,0.2c-0.1,0-0.7-0.2-0.7-0.2c-0.5-0.1-1-0.2-1.5-0.3c0-0.1-0.1-0.3-0.1-0.3c0-0.2,0.1-0.1,0.1-0.4c0.2-1,0.5-2.1,0.7-3.1c0.2-0.9,0.4-1.8,0.6-2.8c0-0.3,0.1-0.6,0.2-0.9c0.4,0,0.7,0.1,1.1,0.1c0.5,0.1,1,0.2,1.5,0.3c0.3,0.1,0.1,1,0.1,1.1c0,0-0.3,0-0.4,0c-0.4-0.1-0.8-0.2-1.1-0.3c-0.3-0.1-0.3-0.2-0.4,0.2c0,0-0.1,0.5-0.1,0.7c0.1,0.1,0.3,0.1,0.6,0.2c1.3,0.3,1.4,0.3,1.2,1.1C93.1,11.2,92.9,11.4,92.7,11.3z"></path> <path transform="translate(-270,30)" data-duration="30" d="M324.6,61.2c16.6,0,29.5-12.9,29.5-29.5c0-16.6-12.9-29.5-29.5-29.5c-16.6,0-29.5,12.9-29.5,29.5C295.1,48.4,308,61.2,324.6,61.2z" onclick="runme();" /> </svg>
How to get exact amount of stroke-dasharray on circle and rect?
I am trying to figure out how an svg file works. I successfully found out the amount of stroke-dasharray of the path using JavaScript: var path = document.querySelector(".aa") path.getTotalLength(); When you checkout the svg file there are three elements. The first one is a path, the second one is a rect, and the last is a circle. The console keeps showing error messages on the rect and circle. Is there any solution for this? Here is my original code: <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" id="imacSVG" x="0" y="0" viewBox="0 0 1800 1200" xml:space="preserve" enable-background="new 0 0 1800 1200"> <path d="M423.5 251.1c0 0 1.2-25.2 23.6-25.2 22.3 0 909.9 0.7 909.9 0.7s19.5-0.6 19.5 21.4 0 597 0 597 1.5 21.5-21.5 21.5 -909 0-909 0 -22.5-1.4-22.5-21.8C423.5 824.2 423.5 251.1 423.5 251.1z" class="aa"/> <rect x="466.6" y="271.6" width="865.5" height="540" class="bb"/> <circle cx="900.5" cy="246" r="8.2" class"cc"/> </svg>
The getTotalLength() function is only available for <path> elements. You will need to find a different solution for the <rect> and <circle>. Obviously, for the circle, you can use (2 * r * PI), and for the rect you can use (2 * (width + height)).
Inline SVG Animation: Compatibility Oddities
I've been working on this for some time, but can't seem to find an adequate solution yet. The page is XHTML with inline SVG which is animated with ECMAscript once the SVG is finished loading. There is a 0.5s pause, then an eye in the middle opens. It works on Safari, Firefox, and Chrome on MacOS X. The problem is in Chrome on Windows the animation doesn't start, and in Opera (on OS X) the animation behaves erratically. What is going on?! You can see it live at this page. I'd love to hear your thoughts. Here are the most relevant bits of code: <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 1200 800" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid" style="width:100%; height:100%; position:absolute; top:0; left:0; z-index:2;" onload="startup(evt);"> <script> function startup(evt){ setTimeout("doEyeOpen(1200,20);",500); } function doEyeOpen(dur,msrate) { eye=document.getElementById("eyehole"); var totStep = dur/msrate, step=0; window.timer = window.setInterval( function() { var start=580, d1=start-175.087, d2=624.913-start; var prog = easeOut(step,totStep); var y2=start-(d1*prog); var y1=start+(d2*prog); var d="M 1200, 800 H 0 V 0 h 1200 V 800 z M 1183.589 400 C 1037.727 400 813.41 "+y1+" 600 "+y1+" C 386.591 "+y1+" 162.274 400 16.412 400 C 162.274 400 386.591 "+y2+" 600 "+y2+" C 813.41 "+y2+" 1037.727 400 1183.589 400 z"; eye.setAttribute("d", d); step++; if (step > totStep) {window.clearInterval(window.timer); return} } ,msrate) } function easeOut(step,totStep){ return (1 - Math.pow(((step/totStep)-1),8)); } </script> <rect fill="#FFF" x="10" y="10" width="1180" height="780" id="white-bg"/> <g id="Iris"> <circle transform="translate(600, 400)" r="260" fill="#e50000" id="c-iris" onclick="changeColor(evt)" /> <circle transform="translate(600, 400)" r="130" fill="#000" id="c-pupil"/> </g> <g id="Gray"> <path fill="#999999" d="M138.363,397.25c0-90.911,26.295-175.674,71.671-247.127H78.419 c-35.555,74.909-55.457,158.691-55.457,247.124c0,90.606,20.891,176.329,58.105,252.629h132.529 C166.042,577.29,138.363,490.509,138.363,397.25z"/> <path fill="#999999" d="M1121.58,150.124H989.963c45.377,71.453,71.671,156.216,71.671,247.127 c0,93.258-27.68,180.039-75.233,252.626h132.53c37.215-76.3,58.107-162.023,58.107-252.629 C1177.039,308.815,1157.137,225.033,1121.58,150.124z"/> </g> <clipPath id="CP" clip-rule="evenodd"> <path id="eyehole" d="M 1200, 800 H 0 V 0 h 1200 V 800 z M 1183.589 400 C 1037.727 400 813.41 400.000 600 400.000 C 386.591 400.000 162.274 400 16.412 400 C 162.274 400 386.591 400.000 600 400.000 C 813.41 400.000 1037.727 400 1183.589 400 z"/> </clipPath> <rect fill="#000" x="0" y="0" width="1200" height="800" id="black-cover" clip-path="url(#CP)"/> </svg>
The startup method gets called twice in opera it seems, I've filed a bugreport (CORE-31399) on this. A workaround could be to use only one inline svg fragment, or to have a condition in the startup function such that you don't get two timers going (which is I believe the cause of the odd rendering behaviour).
The problem in Chrome is not the animation but your clipping path. When you test your image without animation and the final eyehole path, you only see black in Chrome. Somehow the hole isn't cut out of the black box. EDIT: Seems like Chrome can't render the evenodd clip-rule (you can test here: