FOSJsRouting Bundle - javascript

i have an error wir my Js Routing configuration.
I get "Uncaught Error: The route "pspiess_letsplay_customer_new" does not exist." in my console log.
I have installed the bundle via composer.
i have done all the 4. Steps
My Symfony version 2.3.21
My AppKernel
$bundles = array(
new pspiess\LetsplayBundle\pspiessLetsplayBundle(),
new Knp\Bundle\MenuBundle\KnpMenuBundle(),
new Braincrafted\Bundle\BootstrapBundle\BraincraftedBootstrapBundle(),
new JMS\SerializerBundle\JMSSerializerBundle(),
new FOS\JsRoutingBundle\FOSJsRoutingBundle(),
My routing.yml
resource: "#FOSJsRoutingBundle/Resources/config/routing/routing.xml"
resource: "#pspiessLetsplayBundle/Controller/"
resource: "#pspiessLetsplayBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
prefix: /
My route
pattern: /admin/customer/new
defaults: { _controller: pspiessLetsplayBundle:Customer:new }
My Action
* Displays a form to create a new Customer entity.
* #Route("/new", name="customer_new")
* #Method("GET")
* #Template()
public function newAction() {
$entity = new Customer();
$form = $this->createCreateForm($entity);
return array(
'entity' => $entity,
'form' => $form->createView(),
My Js Code
click: function() {
My "router:debug" - all routes found with my route
pspiess_letsplay_booking_new ANY ANY ANY /admin/booking/new
My "fos:js-routing:debug" - no route found
I think there is something wrong wirth my routing configuration, but i dont know what.
Thanks for help.

Arent you missing the expose option in your routing ?
pattern: /admin/customer/new
defaults: { _controller: pspiessLetsplayBundle:Customer:new }
expose: true


How to add authorization header when runtime import webpack chunks of Vue components

The purpose of this task is to make it impossible to download the Vue-component package (*.js file) knowing the address of the component, but not having an access token.
I'm developing an access control system and a user interface in which the set of available components depends on the user's access level.
The system uses the JSON API and JWT authorization. For this, Axios is used on the client side. To build the application, we use Webpack 4, to load the components, we use the vue-loader.
After the user is authorized, the application requests an array of available routes and metadata from the server, then a dynamically constructed menu and routes are added to the VueRouter object.
Below I gave a simplified code.
import axios from 'axios'
import router from 'router'
let API = axios.create({
baseURL: '/api/v1/',
headers: {
Authorization: 'Bearer mySecretToken12345'
let buildRoutesRecursive = jsonRoutes => {
let routes = []
jsonRoutes.forEach(r => {
let path = r.path.slice(1)
let route = {
path: r.path,
component: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "restricted/[request]" */ 'views/restricted/' + path)
//example path: 'dashboard/users.vue', 'dashboard/reports.vue', etc...
if (r.children)
route.children = buildRoutesRecursive(r.children)
return routes
response => {
/* =
"path": "/dashboard",
"icon": "fas fa-sliders-h",
"children": [{
"path": "/dashboard/users",
"icon": "fa fa-users",
}, {
"path": "/dashboard/reports",
"icon": "fa fa-indent"
let vueRoutes = buildRoutesRecursive(
error => console.log(error)
The problem I'm having is because Webpack loads the components, by adding the 'script' element, and not through the AJAX request. Therefore, I do not know how to add an authorization header to this download. As a result, any user who does not have a token can download the code of the private component by simply inserting his address into the navigation bar of the browser.
Ideally, I would like to know how to import a vue component using Axios.
Or, how to add an authorization header to an HTTP request.
I needed something similar and came up with the following solution. First, we introduce a webpack plugin that gives us access to the script element before it's added to the DOM. Then we can munge the element to use fetch() to get the script source, and you can craft the fetch as needed (e.g. add request headers).
In webpack.config.js:
* This plugin will call dynamicImportScriptHook() just before
* the script element is added to the DOM. The script object is
* passed to dynamicImportScriptHook(), and it should return
* the script object or a replacement.
class DynamicImportScriptHookPlugin {
apply(compiler) {
"DynamicImportScriptHookPlugin", (compilation) =>
"DynamicImportScriptHookPlugin", (source) => [
"if (typeof dynamicImportScriptHook === 'function') {",
" script = dynamicImportScriptHook(script);",
/* now add the plugin to the existing config: */
module.exports = {
plugins: [
new DynamicImportScriptHookPlugin()
Now, somewhere convenient in your application js:
* With the above plugin, this function will get called just
* before the script element is added to the DOM. It is passed
* the script element object and should return either the same
* script element object or a replacement (which is what we do
* here).
window.dynamicImportScriptHook = (script) => {
const {onerror, onload} = script;
var emptyScript = document.createElement('script');
* Here is the fetch(). You can control the fetch as needed,
* add request headers, etc. We wrap webpack's original
* onerror and onload handlers so that we can clean up the
* object URL.
* Note that you'll probably want to handle errors from fetch()
* in some way (invoke webpack's onerror or some such).
.then(response => response.blob())
.then(blob => {
script.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
script.onerror = (event) => {
script.onload = (event) => {
/* Here we return an empty script element back to webpack.
* webpack will add this to document.head immediately. We
* can't let webpack add the real script object because the
* fetch isn't done yet. We add it ourselves above after
* the fetch is done.
return emptyScript;
Although sspiff's answer looks quite promising, it did not work directly for me.
After some investigation this was mainly due to me using Vue CLI 3 and thus a newer version of webpack. (which is kinda weird as sspiff mentioned using webpack 4.16.1).
Anyway to solve it I used the following source:,
Which gave me the knowledge to edit the given code.
This new code is situated in vue.config.js file:
* This plugin will call dynamicImportScriptHook() just before
* the script element is added to the DOM. The script object is
* passed to dynamicImportScriptHook(), and it should return
* the script object or a replacement.
class DynamicImportScriptHookPlugin {
apply(compiler) {
"DynamicImportScriptHookPlugin", (compilation) =>
name: "DynamicImportScriptHookPlugin",
stage: Infinity
rawSource => {
const sourceString = rawSource.source()
if (!sourceString.includes('jsonpScriptSrc')) {
return sourceString;
} else {
const sourceArray = sourceString.split('script.src = jsonpScriptSrc(chunkId);')
const newArray = [
'script.src = jsonpScriptSrc(chunkId);',
"\n\nif (typeof dynamicImportScriptHook === 'function') {\n",
" script = dynamicImportScriptHook(script);\n",
return newArray.join("")
module.exports = {
chainWebpack: (config) => {
configureWebpack: {
plugins: [
new DynamicImportScriptHookPlugin()
The second piece of code provided by sspiff has stayed the same and can be placed in the App.vue file or the index.html between script tags.
Also to further improve this answer I will now explain how to split the chunks in Vue CLI 3 for this specific purpose.
as you can see I also added the chainWebpack field to the config. This makes sure that webpack does not add prefetch tags in the index.html. (e.g. it will now only load lazy chunks when they are needed)
To further improve your splitting I suggest changing all your imports to something like:
component: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "public/componentName" */ /* webpackPrefetch: true */'#/components/yourpubliccomponent')
component: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "private/componentName" */ /* webpackPrefetch: false */'#/components/yourprivatecomponent')
This will make sure that all your private chunks end up in a private folder and that they will not get prefetched.
The public chunks will end up in a public folder and will get prefetched.
For more information use the following source how-to-make-lazy-loading-actually-work-in-vue-cli-3
Hope this helps anyone with this problem!
To perform a simple component download using an access token, you can do the following...
1) Use asynchronous component loading with file extraction. Use webpackChunkName option to separate file or directory/file, like:
components: {
ProtectedComp: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "someFolder/someName" */ './components/protected/componentA.vue')
2) Configure server redirection for protected files or direcory. Apache htaccess config for example:
RewriteRule ^js/protected/(.+)$ /js-provider.php?r=$1 [L]
3) write a server-side script that checks the token in the header or cookies and gives either the contents of .js or 403 error.

Workbox Service Worker with Background Sync module

I've been using Workbox for a few days and i correctly set it up for generating a service worker from a source and dont let Workbox generate it for me.
It works ok but now im trying to include the workbox-background-sync module for storing some failed POST requests and i cant get it to work.
After running the SW, i get "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'QueuePlugin' of undefined" on the first backgroundSync line (line number 9). This is the generated ServiceWorker file:
const workbox = new WorkboxSW({
skipWaiting: true,
clientsClaim: true
let bgQueue = new workbox.backgroundSync.QueuePlugin({
callbacks: {
replayDidSucceed: async(hash, res) => {
self.registration.showNotification('Background sync demo', {
body: 'Product has been purchased.',
icon: '/images/shop-icon-384.png',
replayDidFail: (hash) => {},
requestWillEnqueue: (reqData) => {},
requestWillDequeue: (reqData) => {},
const requestWrapper = new workbox.runtimeCaching.RequestWrapper({
plugins: [bgQueue],
const route = new workbox.routing.RegExpRoute({
regExp: new RegExp('^'),
handler: new workbox.runtimeCaching.NetworkOnly({requestWrapper}),
const router = new workbox.routing.Router();
new RegExp('.*\/api/catalog/available'),
new RegExp('.*\/api/user'),
new RegExp('.*\/api/security-element'),
I've tried to load it with workbox.loadModule('workbox-background-sync'), a workaround i've found on github, but it still not working. Also, trying with
self.workbox = new WorkboxSW(), with the same faith.
P.S: Is there a way i can hook a function AFTER a strategy like networkFirst has failed and its going to respond with cache? because i want to know, if im getting a cached response i would like to tell the user that by modifying the incoming response and handle it later in Vue for example. Thanks for reading!
I solved it.. it was actually pretty silly, i was accesing the const workbox instead of instantiating a new workbox.backgroundSync, i fixed it by simply renaming the const workbox to const workboxSW

MEAN stack/angularjs post request failure

Im struggeling to get the server to accept my post request, cause i would like to post some data on /api/kill .
For some reason it wont work. how can i make it work?
I downloaded the latest release for Mean stack by this link:
i tried to edit the article module to start with.
var promise = $http.put('/api/kill', null);
angular.js:11756 PUT SITE:3000/server-error 404 (Not Found)
attempt number two:
var promise = $'/api/kill', null);
angular.js:11756 POST SITE:3000/api/kill 404 (Not Found)
( only if the route is:
so, if route is :
it would return the orginal:
angular.js:11756 PUT SITE:3000/server-error 404 (Not Found)
MY codes:
in my article.server.routes.js i do have:
'use strict';
* Module dependencies
var articlesPolicy = require('../policies/articles.server.policy'),
articles = require('../controllers/articles.server.controller');
module.exports = function (app) {
// Articles collection routes
// Single article routes
// Finish by binding the article middleware
app.param('articleId', articles.articleByID);
my invokeRolesPolicies in articles.server.policy:
exports.invokeRolesPolicies = function () {
roles: ['admin'],
allows: [{
resources: '/api/kill',
permissions: '*'
}, {
roles: ['user'],
allows: [{
resources: '/api/kill',
permissions: '*'
}, {
roles: ['guest'],
allows: [{
resources: '/api/kill',
permissions: '*'
my ArticlesListController function in list-articles.client.controller:
ArticlesListController.$inject = ['ArticlesService','$scope'];
function ArticlesListController(ArticlesService,$scope) {
var vm = this;
vm.testing = function() {
and, finally my articleservice function (articles.client.service)
ArticlesService.$inject = ['$resource','$http'];
function ArticlesService($resource,$http) {
var o = [];
o.test = function() {
var promise = $http.put('/api/kill', null);
promise.then(function(payload) {
return o;
If I am understanding your question/issue correctly, you are receiving a 404 error, when issuing a POST request to /api/kill in article.server.routes.js
Correct me if I'm wrong, but your current route in your code is:
As it stands, there are only route handlers for GET PUT and DELETE requests. There are no route handlers for POST requests, so your server is issuing a 404 error since it cannot find a route handler to respond to POST requests to /api/kill.
Try modifying your route to something like the below and see if you get a response
.post(...) // replace ... with appropriate route handling function

Marionette: Starting and stopping modules based on route regexp

I'm implementing an application which has two separate submodules within top level application module.
I have an admin module with a convention for routes to start with /admin and user module having routes that start with /user. Top level application defines a rootRoute so that when you navigate to http://url/ you are redirected to either admin or user page based on permissions. What i'm trying to understand is whether it is possible to start and stop specific modules based on the route. Here is an example of what i mean:
Let's assume i have a top level application (in coffeescript)
#ClientApp = do (Backbone, Marionette) ->
App = new Marionette.Application
navigate: (route, options = {}) ->
Backbone.history.navigate route, options
App.on "start", (options) ->
if Backbone.history
App.on "stop", ->
class App.Router extends Marionette.AppRouter
initialize: (options) ->
#route /^admin(.*)/, 'startAdminApp', options.controller.startAdminApp
#route /^user(.*)/, 'startUserApp', options.controller.startUserApp
"": "redirectToRoot"
App.addInitializer ->
new App.Router
controller: API
redirectToRoot: ->
# some redirect logic that will lead you to either /admin or /user
startAdminApp: -> new App.Layouts.Admin
startUserApp: -> new App.Layouts.User
Inside admin and user submodules i also have defined routes
#ClientApp.module "AdminApp.DashboardApp", (DashboardApp, App, Backbone, Marionette, $, _) ->
_.extend DashboardApp,"dashboard")
class DashboardApp.Router extends Marionette.AppRouter
"admin/dashboard": "statistics"
getLayout: ->
new DashboardApp.Layout.View
statistics: ->
DashboardApp.on "start", ->
#layout = API.getLayout().render()
App.addInitializer ->
new DashboardApp.Router
controller: API
If i navigate to / the application works as expected, i'm redirected to necessary namespace and a specific sub-module is started. However if i define some other routes within a submodule, they seem to override the existing regexp matchers. So if i open the browser and navigate to /admin/statistics it will not start the admin application and the callback for /admin/statistics will fail with error. That is because the admin application won't start and the mainRegion is not filled with a corresponding layout. Note that the file containing top level application definition is required before any of the submodules (i guess that is why routes are overridden). I also understand that backbone router will invoke route callback when the first match is met.
So the question is whether it's possible to implement a kind of route manager that will check current route with a regular expression and start or stop the corresponding application (either admin or user) with all defined sub-routes being persistent and bookmarkable?
Had close task to resolve, haven't found any existing solution, so here is a small stub - project i've created
To resolve such task there are few problems to resolve :
1) Async routing. something like rootRouter should load app module and moduleRouter should call controller methods
2) Clear up backbone history handlers on module stop. The problem is even after module stop, route and handler still exist in BB history
So my hack, i mean solution :)
We need some router that will watch URL change and load module, Let it be ModuleManager
function(App) {
App.module('ModuleManager', function(ModuleManager, Application, Backbone, Marionette) {
var currentPageModule = false,
stopModule = function(name) {
name && Application.module(name).stop();
startModule = function(name) {
ModuleManager.getModuleNameByUrl = function() {
var name = Backbone.history.getHash().split('/')[0];
return name ? (name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1)) : 'Home'
ModuleManager.switchModule = function(name) {
if (!name) return;
currentPageModule = name;
ModuleManager.requireModule = function(name, callback) {
require(['apps/pages/' + name + '/index'],
function() {
require(['apps/pages/404/index'], function() {
* this is key feature - we should catch all routes
* and load module by url path
ModuleManager.FrontRouter = Marionette.AppRouter.extend({
routes: {
'*any': 'loadModule'
loadModule: function() {
var name = ModuleManager.getModuleNameByUrl();
ModuleManager.requireModule(name, function() {
ModuleManager.addInitializer(function() {
new ModuleManager.FrontRouter;
ModuleManager.addFinalizer(function() {
delete ModuleManager.FrontRouter;
Great, that will load module with routes inside. But we'll get another problem - on sub module start we init its router, but we already routed to the page on sub-router init and URL still same. So sub-router will not be invoked till next navigation. So we need special router, that will handle such situation. Here is 'ModuleRouter':
App.ModuleRouter = Marionette.AppRouter.extend({
forceInvokeRouteHandler: function(routeRegexp, routeStr, callback) {
if(routeRegexp.test(Backbone.history.getHash()) ) {
this.execute(callback, this._extractParameters(routeRegexp, routeStr));
route: function(route, name, callback) {
var routeString = route,
router = this;
if (!_.isRegExp(route)) route = this._routeToRegExp(route);
if (_.isFunction(name)) {
callback = name;
name = '';
if (!callback) callback = this[name];
// проблема - RouterManager уже стригерил событие route, загрузил саб-роутер.
// при создании саб роутера его колбэк уже вызван не будет, поскольку адрес страницы не изменился
// при добавлении роутов используется нативный ВВ route - который вещает колбэк на указанный фрагмент
// расширяем - если мы уже находимся на фрагменте на который устанавливается колбэк - принудительно вызвать
// выполнение обработчика совпадения фрагмента
* PROBLEM : AppsManager already triggered 'route' and page fragments still same,
* so module router will not be checked on URL matching.
* SOLUTION : updated route method, add route to Backbone.history as usual, but also check if current page
* fragment match any appRoute and call controller callback
* */
this.forceInvokeRouteHandler(route, routeString, callback);
Backbone.history.route(route, function(fragment) {
var args = router._extractParameters(route, fragment);
router.execute(callback, args);
router.trigger.apply(router, ['route:' + name].concat(args));
router.trigger('route', name, args);
Backbone.history.trigger('route', router, name, args);
return this;
// implementation destroy method removing own handlers anr routes from backbone history
destroy: function() {
var args =,
routKeys = _.keys(this.appRoutes).map(function(route) {
return this._routeToRegExp(route).toString();
Backbone.history.handlers = Backbone.history.handlers.reduce(function(memo, handler) {
_.indexOf(routKeys, handler.route.toString()) < 0 && memo.push(handler)
return memo;
}, []);
Marionette.triggerMethod.apply(this, ['before:destroy'].concat(args));
Marionette.triggerMethod.apply(this, ['destroy'].concat(args));
return this;
Please fill free to ask question or chat, i guess there are some point might need to be clarified.

Ember CLI + Ember Data + Simple Auth: authorize gets not called

i am using Ember CLI + Ember Data + Simple Auth. The authenticator is working fine. But when im am doing a Rest Call with Ember Data Rest Adapter"user"); the authorize function in my custom authorizer don't gets called.
The Rest API Endpoint is on an other domain, so i added the url to the crossOriginWhitelist in my environment.js.
module.exports = function(environment) {
var ENV = {
// some configuration
ENV['simple-auth'] = {
crossOriginWhitelist: [''],
authorizer: 'authorizer:xxxx',
routeAfterAuthentication: 'dashboard',
return ENV;
import Ember from 'ember';
import Base from 'simple-auth/authorizers/base';
var XXXXAuthorizer = Base.extend({
authorize: function(jqXHR, requestOptions) {
// Some Code, gets not called, damn it :(
export default {
name: 'authorization',
before: 'simple-auth',
initialize: function(container) {
container.register('authorizer:xxxx', XXXXAuthorizer);
window.XXXXWebclientENV = {{ENV}};
window.ENV = window.MyAppENV;
window.EmberENV = window.XXXXWebclientENV.EmberENV;
window.XXXXWebclient = require('xxxx-webclient/app')['default'].create(XXXXWebclientENV.APP);
Thanks for help :)
I had a similar problem. For me it was the crossOriginWhitelist config.
I set it like this:
// config/environment.js
ENV['simple-auth'] = {
crossOriginWhitelist: ['*'] // <-- Make sure it's an array, not a string
to see if I could get it working (I could), then I could narrow it down to figure out exactly what URL I should use to enforce the restriction (port number and hostname etc).
Don't leave it like that though!
You should actually figure out what URL works for the whitelist, and use that.
I am facing the same issue. I have same setup but the authorize function is not being called. May be you can try by adding the port number in your crossOriginWhiteList url.
I am adding window.ENV = window.MyAppENV line in new initializer which runs before simple-auth. You have added that in index file and may be that is the reason why simple-auth is not able to read your configuration.
Does the other configuration routeAfterAuthentication: 'dashboard', works properly? If not then this might be the reason. Try adding new initializer like
export default {
name: 'simple-auth-config',
before: 'simple-auth',
initialize: function() {
window.ENV = window.MyAppNameENV;

