Multiplying calculator - javascript

I am trying to create a simple calculator that takes a number from 1 text box and after hitting a submit button it takes the number and multiplies it by 92 then puts it in a read only box.
This is what I have so far:
<form name="1star">
<input type="text" name="input"/>
<input type="button" value="Enter" OnClick="1star.output.value == 1star.input.value * 92"/>
<input type="text" name="output" readonly="readonly" />
This is not working and I could use some help. I know its easy but I am very new to js and I'm not understanding why this isn't working.

<form name="onestar">
<input type="text" name="input"/>
<input type="button" value="Enter" OnClick="onestar.output.value = onestar.input.value * 92"/>
<input type="text" name="output" readonly="readonly" />
An identifier cannot start with a digit in JavaScript, so 1star is an error. Also, you wanted = (assignment), not == (comparison).
That said, there are a number of outdated or beginner practices above. If I was writing it, I would separate the script from the markup, and I'd use document.getElementById to fetch the element rather than relying on implicit variables defined by name. I would also explicitly parse the string into a number. But for now no need to worry about it too much. Even though the code seems much more complicated at first glance, it's all things that will make your life easier later, with bigger programs.
var input = document.getElementById('input');
var output = document.getElementById('output');
var button = document.getElementById('button');
button.addEventListener('click', function(evt) {
var value = parseInt(input.value, 10);
if (!isNaN(value)) {
output.value = value * 92;
<input type="text" id="input"/>
<input type="button" id="button" value="Enter"/>
<input type="text" id="output" readonly="readonly" />


javascript code not working with html script

hi guys I just begin to learn javascript recently and I came across an issue, when I enter a "10" as the first input element and click submit, it should print a "10" at the bottom of the html page, but instead it prints nothing.
<form action="" method="POST" id="info">
<input name="age" id="age" type="text" placeholder= "enter your age" />
female<input name="female" id="female" type="checkbox" />|
male<input type="checkbox" name="male" id="male" />|
<input type="text" name="weight" id="weight" placeholder="enter your weight in kg" />
<input type="submit" form="info" value="Submit" onclick="validation()"/>
<div id="div1"> </div>
<script src = "test.js"></script>
This is the html code (index.html)
function validation(){
var ageinput = parseInt(document.getElementById("age"));
var femaleinput = ducument.getElementById("female");
var maleinput = ducument.getElementById("male");
var weight = parseInt(document. getElementById("weight"));
var formulaformale;
var formulaforfemale;
var gendererror;
if (ageinput == 10){
gendererror = ageinput
document.getElementById("div1").innerHTML = gendererror;
this is the javascript code.(test.js)
I tried to find syntax errors but everything looks fine to me, I also compared my code with other people's and I could find anything in my code that is different.I am totally new in javascript so I might have missed certain part of the programming language. please help.
Your button type is submit, so it will always submit and reload the page every time you press the button. Make it a normal button by changing input type to button
<input type="button" form="info" value="Submit" onclick="validation()"/>
Then follow #Ibra answer
// add .value
var ageinput = parseInt(document.getElementById("age").value);
// ducument -> document
var femaleinput = ducument.getElementById("female").value;
Try again like this :
// add .value
var ageinput = parseInt(document.getElementById("age").value);
// ducument -> document
var femaleinput = ducument.getElementById("female").value;

Converting a value using JavaScript

Somehow my below JavaScript code to convert the value from kilometers to nautical mile doesn't seem to work. It seems very simple but I could not find out why I am. I would appreciate your help.
<div class="calculator">
Enter a value in Kilometers:
<input type="text" id="kM" value="1000"> Result in Nautical Mile:
<input type="text" id="nM" value="" disabled>
<button onclick="return calculate();" id="calculate">CALCULATE</button>
function convert(kiloMeter) {
return kiloMeter / 1.852;
function calculate() {
var kMeter = Number(document.getElementById("kM").value);
var convertedValue = convert(kMeter);
document.getElementById("nM").innerHTML =
return false;
There are at least two issues causing your script to not work
Input elements don't have an innerHMTL property. They have a value. So document.getElementById("nM").innerHTML should be document.getElementById("nM").value
At that point everything should be fine. You shouldn't need to change your button type to button since you return false from the function and the button returns false to the form, stopping the form from submitting. HOWEVER there appears to be an issue with naming your function calculate (at least in Chrome and Firefox) the same as the id of the element (id="calculate"). Changing the name of the function or the id fixes the issue.
function convert(kiloMeter) {
return kiloMeter / 1.852;
function calculate() {
var kMeter = Number(document.getElementById("kM").value);
var convertedValue = convert(kMeter);
document.getElementById("nM").value = convertedValue;
return false;
<div class="calculator">
Enter a value in Kilometers:
<input type="text" id="kM" value="1000"> Result in Nautical Mile:
<input type="text" id="nM" value="" disabled>
<button onclick="return calculate();" id="xcalculate">CALCULATE</button>
For input tag you should use value rather than innerHtml. You do not need to return false also.
<div class="calculator">
Enter a value in Kilometers:
<input type="text" id="kM" value="1000"> Result in Nautical Mile:
<input type="text" id="nM" value="" disabled>
<button type='button' onclick="calculate()" id="">CALCULATE</button>
function convert(kiloMeter) {
return kiloMeter / 1.852;
function calculate() {
var kMeter = Number(document.getElementById("kM").value);
var convertedValue = convert(kMeter);
document.getElementById("nM").value =
You should use value instead of innerHTML:
document.getElementById("nM").value = convertedValue;

Using For Loop in Javascript?

Also my I need help with the loop to add more names when I put the number 2 instead of 1. Having issues with my code any help is appreciated. I know its simple For Loop coding, but I am stumped.
<p>Enter First Name: <input type="text" id="firstname">
<span id="firstname_error"></span>
<p>Enter Last Name: <input type="text" id="lastname">
<span id="lastname_error"></span>
<p>How Many Pets do you have? (0-3):
<input type="text" id="numpets" size="1" maxlength="1">
<span id="numpets_error"></span>
<p>List your Pet's names:
<input type="text" id="pet1">
<input type="text" id="pet2">
<input type="text" id="pet3">
<p><input id="mybutton" type="button" value="Submit Information"></p>
<p id="message"></p>
for(counter=1; counter<=numpets; counter++) {
var PetId = "pet" + counter;
var myPetName = document.getElementById(PetId).value;
// Code to append test into a message variable
I have a total of three fields in the var "numpets", if I put the number 1 in that field, it will only the read the name in the number 1 field. If I put 2 it will only read the name in the number 2 field. I need it to be able to read all 3 three fields.
The for loop is ok. You have just to put your loop inside a function and call it with your button. And define the numpets like you did with the var namepet.

Can't get Jquery to write the output of a function to html

new guy here. I have a feeling this is an extremely basic question but I can't get this Jquery code to write the output of the function to html and have it show up. I believe it's an issue with the script but unsure if I am doing something wrong with html as well.
The goal of this function is to create a calculator that gives future investment value based on what the user inputs. When I click submit, It used to change all of the html to show just 'NaN' but now when I click the submit button, it clears the input boxes but does not give me any number or any answer even though I believe I've set it to display the number to
<div id = "futurevalue">
<input type="radio" name="formula" value="future_investment" checked>Future Investment<br>
<label for="princeple">Enter the princeple amount invested:</label>
<input id="princeple" type="number" name="princeple" step="0.01"><br>
<label for="time">Enter how long the investment will be for (in years):</label>
<input id='time' type='number' name='time'><br>
<label for='rate'>Enter the expected interest rate:</label>
<input id='rate' type="number" name='rate'><br>
<input id='submit' type='submit' name='submit'>
<p id='result'></p>
return toString(output,10);
var princeple = parseInt($('#princeple'),10);
var time = parseInt($('#time'),10);
var rate = parseInt($('#rate'),10);
var output = (princeple * time + rate);
Here is your fix:
var princeple = parseInt($('#princeple').val());
var time = parseInt($('#time').val());
var rate = parseFloat($('#rate').val()/100);
var output = ((princeple * rate) * time);
//prevent from page reload
return false;
<script src=""></script>
<div id = "futurevalue">
<input type="radio" name="formula" value="future_investment" checked>Future Investment<br>
<label for="princeple">Enter the princeple amount invested:</label>
<input id="princeple" type="number" name="princeple" step="0.01"><br>
<label for="time">Enter how long the investment will be for (in years):</label>
<input id='time' type='number' name='time'><br>
<label for='rate'>Enter the expected interest rate:</label>
<input id='rate' type="number" name='rate'><br>
<input id='submit' type='submit' name='submit'>
<p id='result'></p>
You have to calculate the value inside the click event and assign to the result. The formula for calculating interest is also incorrect.
Try the following code, basically you need:
Calculate your variables inside cb click and than output the resut in your div #result. Use .val to get values for your inputs and event.preventDefault() to avoid form submit (which is the browser default behavior).
$('#submit').click(function(event) {
var princeple = parseInt($('#princeple').val(), 10);
var time = parseInt($('#time').val(), 10);
var rate = parseInt($('#rate').val(), 10);
var output = (princeple * time + rate);
<script src=""></script>
<div id="futurevalue">
<input type="radio" name="formula" value="future_investment" checked>Future Investment<br>
<label for="princeple">Enter the princeple amount invested:</label>
<input id="princeple" type="number" name="princeple" step="0.01"><br>
<label for="time">Enter how long the investment will be for (in years):</label>
<input id='time' type='number' name='time'><br>
<label for='rate'>Enter the expected interest rate:</label>
<input id='rate' type="number" name='rate'><br>
<input id='submit' type='submit' name='submit'>
<p id='result'></p>

Replace two input text values with values from each other on button click

I have an html form with two input fields, in first one user puts name of first town, and in other second town, after form is submitted users gets directions how to go from first town to second town.
I want to enable user to click button "Change directions" and to automatically change first town name into second and second town name into first and vise versa. ( A to B, B to A)
I guess i'm supposed to use javascript, but I'm new at it and can't get a clue anywhere.
Can anyone help me please?
input type="text" size="25" id="fromAddress" name="from"
<input name="submit1" type="submit" value="Change directions" />
<input type="text" size="25" id="toAddress" name="to"
value="" />
<input name="submit" type="submit" value="OK" />
You can create new button <button id="change">Change</button>
And then add onclick event to it.
document.getElementById('change').onclick = function() {
var tmp = document.getElementById('fromAddress').value;
document.getElementById('fromAddress').value = document.getElementById('toAddress').value;
document.getElementById('toAddress').value = tmp;
Take a look here:
Below is the sample code of what you want to achieve enjoy :)
function swap1() {
var data1 = document.getElementById("fromAddress").value;
var data2 = document.getElementById("toAddress").value;
document.getElementById("fromAddress").value = data2;
document.getElementById("toAddress").value = data1;
document.getElementById("swap_button").onclcik = function () {swap2()};
function swap2() {
var data1 = document.getElementById("toAddress").value;
var data2 = document.getElementById("fromAddress").value;
document.getElementById("toAddress").value = data2;
document.getElementById("toAddress").value = data1;
document.getElementById("swap_button").onclcik = function () {swap2()};
<input type="text" size="25" id="fromAddress" name="from" value=""/>
<input id="swap_button" type="button" value="Change directions" onclick="swap1()" />
<input type="text" size="25" id="toAddress" name="to" value="" />
<input name="submit" type="submit" value="OK" />
I would recommend jQuery if you are a beginner.
jQuery('#submit1').click(function() {
var fromAddress = jQuery('#fromAddress').val();
var toAddress = jQuery('#toAddress').val();
This is just a quick sample of how you could do it. You will need the jQuery library, and I would recommend a basic knowledge of jQuery .

