Making individual letters in a string different colours - javascript

I'm trying to make the colour different for certain letters (if found) in a string eg. the letter i. The search count is working I just can't figure out the changing html colour of the individual letter.
I know if it was a whole word then I could just use split strings, but can't figure out how to do it for a single letter. I've found some examples, one that I have tried is at the bottom that is not working either.
//getMsg is another function, which passes in a user inputted string
function searchMsg(getMsg) {
alert (getMsg);
var msgBoxObject = document.getElementById('msgBox');
var pos = getMsg.indexOf('i')
var txtToFind = (document.getElementById('txtToFind').value);
var count = 0;
while (pos !== -1){
pos = getMsg.indexOf('i', pos + 1);
document.writeln (+count);
msgBoxObject.innerHTML = (count);
getMsg = getMsg.replace('/i/g<span class="red">i</span>');
document.writeln (getMsg);
Edit; I've added in this, but can't get the loop to work correctly so it displays all instances of the letter found instead of just one: /*while (pos !== -1){
pos = getMsg.indexOf('i', pos + 1);
document.writeln (+count);
msgBoxObject.innerHTML = (count);
var count = 0; // Count of target value
var i = 0; // Iterative counter
// Examine each element.
for(i=0; i<arr.length; i++)
{ if(arr[i] == targetValue)
return count;
searchIndex = txtMsg.indexOf(txtToFind);
if (searchIndex >=0 ) {
// Copy text from phrase up till the match.
matchPhrase = txtMsg.slice(0, searchIndex);
matchPhrase += '<font color="red">' + txtToFind + '</font>';
matchPhrase += txtMsg.slice(searchIndex + txtToFind.length);
} else {
matchPhrase = "No matches"

You either need to add the corresponding css for that class or change the tag like #john_Smith specified
Adding the CSS {
color: red;
Changing the tag
On your code replace this
getMsg = getMsg.replace('/i/g<span class="red">i</span>');
getMsg = getMsg.replace('/i/g<span style:"color:red">i</span>');
Some example of inline css
Some advice on color palettes
Try looking into d3 color scales( or apply a principle similar to incrementing an RGB value instead of using names of colors.
Hope this helps.


Adding style tags around specific characters only

I am trying to add inline styling to only numbers in paragraph elements. For example:
<p>This paragraph has the numbers 1 and 2 in it.</p>
So in this instance, I would want to put <span class="style">1</span>and <span class="style">2</span>. Around the two numbers in that paragraph.
I am trying to write a javascript to accomplish this so I don't have to go back into the document I'm working on and manually add the styling tags around each number, as the document is very long.
So far this is what I wrote, but I'm having difficulty figuring out what to do for the next step on how to incorporate the edits back into the paragraph HTML.
let regEx=/[0-9]/g;
let list = [];
let paragraphs = document.getElementsByTagName("p");
for (var i = 0; i < paragraphs.length; i++) {
let html = paragraphs[i].innerHTML;
// all paragraphs into one string.
let joined = list.join(' ');
// all the numbers in the paragraphs stored in array
let numbers = joined.match(regEx);
// define array for styling edits
let edits = [];
// adding the styling tags to each num
edits.push('<span class="style">' + num + '</span>');
// outputs ["<span class='style'>3</span>", "<span class='style'>7</span>", "<span class='style'>4</span>", "<span class='style'>5</span>"]
// need to insert edits into paragraph html
If anyone can offer any suggestions on how I might be able to accomplish this that would be great, I am still relatively new to working with JS.
const paragraphs = document.getElementsByTagName("p");
for (var i = 0; i < paragraphs.length; i++) {
const regEx=/([0-9])/g;
const newHtml = paragraphs[i].innerHTML.replace(regEx, '<span class="style">$1</span>');
paragraphs[i].innerHTML = newHtml;
I updated your regex to put the number in a group, then in the string replace you can reference that group, since there is only one it will be $1. As you can see in the replace we are wrapping that with the appropriate span and then plugging it right back into the innerHTML.
I did notice that your regex is only capturing single digit numbers, if you wanted to capture multi-digit numbers, you could update your reg ex like this: /([0-9]+)/g.
I created a simple jsfiddle to show you how it works:
I broke out the most fundamental part of this into a reusable function that you may find helpful in other contexts.
* Wraps numbers in a string with any provided wrapper.
* #param {String} str A string containing numbers to be wrapped.
* #param {String} wrapper A string with placeholder %s to define the wrapper. Example - <pre>%s</pre>
* #return {String} The original string with numbers wrapped using the wrapper param.
function wrapNumbers(str, wrapper) {
var numbersInStr = str.match(/\d+/g) || [];
var chunks = [];
var segmentStart = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < numbersInStr.length; i += 1) {
var number = numbersInStr[i];
var indexOfNumber = str.indexOf(number);
var fWrapper = wrapper.replace('%s', number);
chunks.push(str.slice(segmentStart, indexOfNumber));
segmentStart = indexOfNumber + number.length;
if(segmentStart < str.length) {
chunks.push(str.slice(segmentStart, str.length));
return chunks.join('');
To use this in your use case it might look like the following:
var paragraphs = document.getElementsByTagName("p");
var wrapper = '<span class="style">%s</span>';
for(var i = 0; i < paragraphs.length; i += 1) {
var paragraph = paragraphs[i];
paragraph.innerHTML = wrapNumbers(paragraph.innerHTML, wrapper);
Here's a new code
var element = document.getElementById('text'),
text = element.innerText,
wordsArray = text.split(' '),
for(var i = 0; i < wordsArray.length; i++){
if(!isNaN(parseFloat(wordsArray[i])) && isFinite(wordsArray[i])){
wordsArray[i] = "<span class='style'>" + wordsArray[i] + "</span>";
newString = wordsArray.join(' ');
element.innerHTML = newString;
I hope it helps you
For all paragraphs

Javascript Markdown Parsing

I'm working on a markdown to html parser. I understand this is a big project and there are third party libraries, but none the less I want to roll a simple solution on my own that doesn't have to handle every single aspect of markdown.
So far the process is to take an input (in my case the value of a textarea) and parse it line by line.
var html = [];
var lines = txt.split('\n'); //Convert string to array
//Remove empty lines
for(var index = lines.length-1; index >= 0; index--) {
if(lines[index] == '') lines.splice(index, 1);
//Parse line by line
for(var index = 0; index <= lines.length-1; index++) {
var str = lines[index];
if(str.match(/^#[^#]/)) {
str = str.replace(/#(.*?)$/g, '<h1>$1</h1>');
} else if(str.match(/^##[^#]/)) {
//Header 2
str = str.replace(/##(.*?)$/g, '<h2>$1</h2>');
} else if(str.match(/^###[^#]/)) {
//Header 3
str = str.replace(/###(.*?)$/g, '<h3>$1</h3>');
} else if(str.trim().startsWith('+')) {
//Unordered List
var orig = str;
str = str.replace(/\+(.*?)$/, '<li>$1</li>');
var previous, next;
if(index > 0) previous = lines[index-1];
if(!previous || previous && previous.indexOf('+') < orig.indexOf('+')) {
str = '<ul>' + str;
if(index < lines.length-1) next = lines[index+1];
if(!next || next && next.indexOf('+') < orig.indexOf('+')) {
var count = Math.max(0, orig.indexOf('+') / 4);
if(next) count = count - Math.max(0, next.indexOf('+') / 4);
for(var i=1; i<=count; i++) {
str = str + '</ul>';
if(next && next.trim().indexOf('+') == -1) str = str + '</ul>';
} else if(str.match(/^[0-9a-zA-Z]/)) {
str = str.replace(/^([0-9a-zA-Z].*?)$/g, '<p>$1</p>');
//Inline formatting
str = str.replace(/\*\*(.*?)\*\*/g, '<strong>$1</strong>'); //Bold
str = str.replace(/\_\_(.*?)\_\_/g, '<strong>$1</strong>'); //Another bold
str = str.replace(/\*(.*?)\*/g, '<em>$1</em>'); //Italics
str = str.replace(/\_(.*?)\_/g, '<em>$1</em>'); //Another italics
//Append formatted to return string
Where I run into problems is with nested blocks such as ul. Currently the code looks at a line that starts with a + and wraps it in an li. Great, but these list items never get placed within a ul. I could run through the output again after the line by line and just wrap every group of li's, but that screws me up when I have nested li's that require their own ul.
Any thoughts on how to apply these additional wrapper tags? I've considered using my own special characters around list type elements so I know where to add the wrapper tags, but that breaks traditional markdown. I wouldn't be able to pass the raw markdown to someone other than myself and know they'd understand what was going on.
Edit I updated my code sample to include a working sample. The working sample also supports nested lists.
You need a very simple state machine.
When you encounter the first + you add <ul> and raise a flag.
If you don't see a line that starts with + and your flag is raised, then close the </ul>

Search Box Function Not Eliminating Correct Value

I am trying to make a simple website where the user types input into a search box, and every time a key is press, their input is compared against the first row of a 2 dimensional array which checks for character matches. If the character they input doesn't match anything, I want it to remove that specific bucket of the array. I have attempted to write basic code for this I thought would work, and have it up at the demo site linked. (Sorry I am just using a free host and havn't optimized the equation table at all so bear with it)
As you can see, the function is not eliminating the appropriate table rows. For example, typing "A" should not eliminate the "Average Current Equation" row because the first letter of that is A, which means matches should not = 0.
I have been looking through this code all morning, and cannot find where I went wrong. I also want to stick to vanilla js.
Any help?
Thanks so much.
I just debugged your code, and the function you use is narrowTable. first remove onkeypress from body node
<body onload="printTable()" onkeypress="narrowTable()">
and add onkeyup instead to you input, like this:
<input type="search" name="equationSearch" id="equationSearch"
placeholder="Equation Search" autofocus="" onkeyup="narrowTable()">
because when you use onkeypress the key value hasn't been added to the input box and your input value has no value in your function, which is:
function narrowTable() {
var newTableContent = "";
var matches = 0;
var input = document.getElementById("equationSearch").value;
//input has no value
for (var i = 0; i < tableData.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < tableData[i][0].length; j++) {
if (input == tableData[i][0].charAt(j)) {
if (matches == 0) {
tableData.splice(i, 1);
matches = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < tableData.length; i++) {
newTableContent += "<tr><td>" + tableData[i][0] + "</td><td>" + tableData[i][1] + "</td></tr>";
document.getElementById("table").innerHTML = newTableContent;
the other problem your code has is after printing your table, your tableData variable has changed because you have removed some of indexes. you should reset the tableData to its original value or you can do:
function narrowTable() {
//create a copy of your original array and use currenttableData instead
var currenttableData = tableData.slice();
var newTableContent = "";
var matches = 0;
//your code
the other problem here is the way you search for your input value:
for (var j = 0; j < tableData[i][0].length; j++) {
if (input == tableData[i][0].charAt(j)) {
if (matches == 0) {
tableData.splice(i, 1);
you can easily do this, instead:
if(tableData[i][0].search("input") == -1){
tableData.splice(i, 1);
First, to check if a string is a substring of another string, you can use indexOf. It will return -1 if the string is not found in the other string.
Second, you shouldn't alter the array while you are still looping through it, unless you make sure to alter the counter variable (i in this case) appropriately.
var dataToRemove = [],
for (i=0; i<tableData.length; i++) {
if(tableData[i][0].indexOf(input) == -1) {
// add the index to the to-be-removed array
// remove them in reverse order, so the indices don't get shifted as the array gets smaller
for(i = dataToRemove.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
tableData.splice(i, 1);
dataToRemove = [];
for (i=0; i<tableData.length; i++) {
newTableContent += "<tr><td>" + tableData[i][0] + "</td><td>" + tableData[i][1] + "</td></tr>";
I haven't tested this code, but it should at least give you a better idea of how to make this work.

Merging multiple columns as the table structure is written

I am trying to group multiple columns on my table by collapsing them into a single column and then use a UL list to separate the categories:
For this, what I am doing is adding a boolean to toggle the start/stop stacking, like this:
cols[0][1]=true; //<--toggler
However, using this method I have some problems:
I haven't managed to make two consecutive groups: [A][B+C][D+E][F]
the code is pretty hard to read, also to understand exactly what the toggle does
My code to write the head is the following:
tmp = "<th>#";
flag = false;
for(i = 0; i < cols_len; i++){
if(cols[i][1]){ //if stack-toggler
tmp += "</th><th>-";
flag = !flag;
tmp += "</th><th>" + cols[i][0];
tmp += "</th><th>-";
document.writeln(tmp + "</th></tr></thead><tbody>");
And then for the body of the table:
for(i = 0; i < 20; i++){ //some number of rows
document.writeln("<tr><td>" + i + "</td>");
tmp = "";
flag = false;
for(j = 0; j < cols_len; j++){
if(cols[j][1]){ //if stack-toggler
document.writeln("<td><ul>" + (tmp.replace(/<td/g, "<li").replace(/td>/g, "li>")) + "</ul></td>");
tmp = "";
flag = !flag;
tmp += "<strong>" + cols[j][0] + ":</strong><br>";
tmp += "<td>...</td>";
tmp = "";
document.writeln("<td><ul>" + (tmp.replace(/<td/g, "<li").replace(/td>/g, "li>")) + "</ul></td>");
»The full code and demo can be found in this jsFiddle.
I feel this is the wrong approach, it sucks in every way and more importantly, I can't have two or more consecutive groups!, after I start stacking columns, whenever I want to stop, the next column must be alone (and not another group).
I have played around with the booleans and it is simply impossible, I can't figure it out, I already reduced the code to the most readable way and tried to rewrite parts of it but I keep getting the same results.
I made a slight change to the data model. Instead of "toggle" the boolean says if the next guy stacks or not (that is if it is true then put the next one below me.)
So the data looks like this:
/*0:caption, 1:stack-toggler*/
cols[0][1]=true; //<--stack next below
cols[1][1]=true; //<--stack next below
And then the code can be simple -- like this (a trick I used, you can change the loop variable internal to the loop -- so we only loop on the outer loop when we change columns.)
for(i = 0; i < 20; i++){ //some number of rows
buildHTML("<tr><td>" + i + "</td>");
for(j = 0; j < cols_len; j++){
if (cols[j][1]) {
// loop till we are at the penultimate
while (cols[j+1][1]) {
else {
I did not bother with the header, you can figure that out I'm sure.
Here is the fiddle:
Of course with javascript you can get fancy. Since what you really have is an array of arrays for the columns you could represent that like this:
// array of arrays -- one element std, 2 or more a list
newcols = [ ["Name","Age","[M/F]"] , ["E-Mail"] , ["Website"], ["Notes"] ];
Then to make your table you could use map and join like this:
buildHTML("<tr><td>" + i + "</td>");
strArray = $.map(newcols, function (anArray) {
if (anArray.length == 1) {
return "<td>"+anArray[0]+"</td>";
else {
return "<td><ul>"+anArray.join("</ul><ul>")+"</ul></td>";
Here is a fiddle:
Single line solution (because every question should have a single line solution):

How can I use greasemonkey and javascript to change the colour of every letter on a page to a randomly selected one?

So I've read a few similar questions, and I've managed to do things like change the background colour, but I have not yet been able to get this to work;
What I want, is for each subsequent letter on a page to be randomly coloured. The colour space used isn't really important, as that's easy to fix once it actually works (am using this one at the moment), but I can't even get the text to change colour yet. I'm hoping I'm just making a silly mistake somewhere...
This is what i'm trying at the moment; and it kind of works, but it's very dependant on what tagName i use, and because of the nature of most webpages, it can break a lot of things if i'm not careful...
var elements = document.getElementsByTagName('p');
for(var i=0,l=elements.length;i<l;++i) {
var str = elements[i].textContent;
elements[i].innerHTML = '';
for(var j=0,ll=str.length;j<ll;++j) {
var n = document.createElement('span');
n.textContent = str[j]; = get_random_colour();
function get_random_colour() {
var letters = '0123456789ABCDEF'.split('');
var colour = '#';
for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) {
colour += letters[Math.round(Math.random() * 15)];
return colour;
In this example, p works fine, and doesn't seem to break anything, but if I do * or html or body then it breaks the page. Is there a way to get all the text on the page, and not break it?
And another thing; I later changed the colour function to hopefully only pick colours that are in HSV(random,1,1) so that i only get nice bright colours, but it's not working. I'm presuming I just have some JS error in there, but I'm not that familiar with JS, so I'm finding it hard to find...
Here are the changes
To do this, you will want to recurse through just the text nodes, careful not to trash child HTML elements.
See the demo at jsFiddle.
var x = document.querySelector ("body"); // Etc.
buggerTextNodesIn (x);
function buggerTextNodesIn (node) {
var wrapClass = 'gmColorBarf';
function turnerizeTextNodes (node) {
if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
//--- Skip this node if it's already been wrapped.
if ( ! node.parentNode.classList.contains (wrapClass) ) {
var oldText = node.nodeValue;
var parent = node.parentNode;
for (var J = 0, len = oldText.length; J < len; ++J) {
var wrapSpan = document.createElement ("span");
wrapSpan.classList.add (wrapClass);
wrapSpan.textContent = oldText[J]; = getRandomColor ();
parent.insertBefore (wrapSpan, node);
parent.removeChild (node);
else if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
/*--- IMPORTANT! Start "bottom up" since we will be adding
gazillions of nodes and "top down" would skew our length measurement.
for (var K = node.childNodes.length - 1; K >= 0; --K) {
turnerizeTextNodes (node.childNodes[K] );
turnerizeTextNodes (node);
function getRandomColor () {
var letters = '0123456789ABCDEF'.split ('');
var color = '#';
for (var J = 0; J < 6; ++J) {
color += letters[Math.round(Math.random() * 15)];
return color;
Note that to get iframed content, the easiest way is to tune the #include, #exclude, and/or #match directives to trigger on the iframe URL(s) -- if they don't already.

