ui-grid, error when scrolling - javascript

I am getting the following error when I scroll in ui-grid:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'percentage' of undefined
Interestingly I get the same error on the ui-grid tutorial site so it is possible it is just simply a bug.
Here is a plunker that shows the issue.
Here are the grid options I am using:
mc.gridOptions = {
data: mc.people,
enableSorting: true,
onRegisterApi: function( gridApi ) {
mc.gridApi = gridApi;
columnDefs: [
{field: 'name'},
{field: 'age'},
{field: 'state', enableSorting: false}
Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong here? As far as I can tell there is nothing wrong with this.

I would mention this in the comment box, but I need the space and the formatting to explain that you probably need to bring this up to their attention:
First you are using an unstable version, your best bet is to use a stable version that is being used and tested.
The unstable version is throwing a bug in the code below.. please review all my comments in asterisk (******) :
// Scroll the render container viewport when the mousewheel is used
$elm.bind('wheel mousewheel DomMouseScroll MozMousePixelScroll', function(evt) {
// use wheelDeltaY
var newEvent = GridUtil.normalizeWheelEvent(evt);
var args = { target: $elm };
if (newEvent.deltaY !== 0) {
var scrollYAmount = newEvent.deltaY * -120;
// Get the scroll percentage
var scrollYPercentage = (containerCtrl.viewport[0].scrollTop + scrollYAmount) / rowContainer.getVerticalScrollLength();
// Keep scrollPercentage within the range 0-1.
if (scrollYPercentage < 0) { scrollYPercentage = 0; }
else if (scrollYPercentage > 1) { scrollYPercentage = 1; }
args.y = { percentage: scrollYPercentage, pixels: scrollYAmount };
if (newEvent.deltaX !== 0) {
var scrollXAmount = newEvent.deltaX * -120;
// Get the scroll percentage
var scrollLeft = GridUtil.normalizeScrollLeft(containerCtrl.viewport);
var scrollXPercentage = (scrollLeft + scrollXAmount) / (colContainer.getCanvasWidth() - colContainer.getViewportWidth());
// Keep scrollPercentage within the range 0-1.
if (scrollXPercentage < 0) { scrollXPercentage = 0; }
else if (scrollXPercentage > 1) { scrollXPercentage = 1; }
args.x = { percentage: scrollXPercentage, pixels: scrollXAmount };
// Let the parent container scroll if the grid is already at the top/bottom
if ((args.y.percentage !== 0 && args.y.percentage !== 1) || (args.x.percentage !== 0 && args.x.percentage !== 1)) {


Highcharts draggable annotaion how to move by steps?

I would like to make the annotations move by a certain step and not stop in between two columns in axis.
For example, the x axis is [0, 10, 20, 30]. When dragging the annotation, I want its point to change directly from {x: 10, y: 10000} to {x: 20, y: 10000} without going to x: 15. i.e. make the annotation a bit sticky to the column and not sitting between columns.
I also need to get the current annotation point so I can update some other element.
I tried the solution from stackoverflow but it doesn't work.
Here is my current code. CodePen
enter code here
Edit 1:
Thanks to the solution from #ppotaczek, the annotation can move by steps now. Here is the updated code JSFiddle. What needs to be refined is when dragging the annotation too fast, it cannot keep up with the mouse. Is it because of the performance of Highcharts.redraw() method and how can we solve this?
Another unsolved question is -> how to get the current point of the annotation? It seems the annotation object doesn't provide any value about that. All I can think of is keep a record of the initial point, then everytime the annotation is moved by a step, update the record. Is there a better way?
//this code can deal with vertical and horizontal annotations now.
Highcharts.Annotation.prototype.onDrag = function(e) {
if (
e.chartX - this.chart.plotLeft,
e.chartY - this.chart.plotTop
) {
var translation = this.mouseMoveToTranslation(e),
xAxis = this.chart.xAxis[0],
yAxis = this.chart.yAxis[0],
xStep = 1,
yStep = 1000,
pxStep = xAxis.toPixels(xStep) - xAxis.toPixels(0),
pyStep = yAxis.toPixels(yStep) - yAxis.toPixels(0);
if (!Highcharts.defined(this.potentialTranslation)) { //not defined
this.potentialTranslation = 0;
if (this.options.draggable === 'x') {
this.potentialTranslation += translation.x;
translation.y = 0;
if (Math.abs(this.potentialTranslation) >= Math.abs(pxStep)) {
translation.x = (this.potentialTranslation > 0) ? pxStep : -pxStep;
this.potentialTranslation = 0;
//this.potentialTranslation = undefined;
if (this.points.length) {
this.translate(translation.x, translation.y);
} else {
this.shapes.forEach(function(shape) {
shape.translate(translation.x, translation.y);
this.labels.forEach(function(label) {
label.translate(translation.x, translation.y);
if (this.options.draggable === 'y') {
this.potentialTranslation += translation.y;
translation.x = 0;
if (Math.abs(this.potentialTranslation) >= Math.abs(pyStep)) {
translation.y = (this.potentialTranslation > 0) ? -pyStep : pyStep;
this.potentialTranslation = 0;
if (this.points.length) {
this.translate(translation.x, translation.y);
} else {
this.shapes.forEach(function(shape) {
shape.translate(translation.x, translation.y);
this.labels.forEach(function(label) {
label.translate(translation.x, translation.y);
Edit 2:
Thanks to #ppotaczek again! The "mouse moving too fast" issue is solved now. I apply his updates and also my idea of how to get the annotation value into JSFiddle.
You can overwrite Highcharts.Annotation.prototype.onDrag method:
(function(H) {
H.Annotation.prototype.onDrag = function(e) {
if (
e.chartX - this.chart.plotLeft,
e.chartY - this.chart.plotTop
) {
var translation = this.mouseMoveToTranslation(e),
xAxis = this.chart.xAxis[0],
step = 0.5,
pxStep = xAxis.toPixels(step) - xAxis.toPixels(0);
if (!H.defined(this.potentialTranslation)) {
this.potentialTranslation = 0;
this.potentialTranslation += translation.x;
if (Math.abs(this.potentialTranslation) >= pxStep) {
translation.y = 0;
translation.x = (this.potentialTranslation > 0) ? pxStep : -pxStep;
this.potentialTranslation = 0;
if (this.points.length) {
this.translate(translation.x, translation.y);
} else {
this.shapes.forEach(function(shape) {
shape.translate(translation.x, translation.y);
this.labels.forEach(function(label) {
label.translate(translation.x, translation.y);
Live demo: http://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/vmon2chx/
Docs: https://www.highcharts.com/docs/extending-highcharts

Javascript scrolling on XY axis

I have a jsfiddle here using jquery 1.8.3 and scrollTo to scoll to an element #en on an XY axis
var $scrollTo = $.scrollTo = function(target, duration, settings) {
return $(window).scrollTo(target, duration, settings);
$scrollTo.defaults = {
duration: 0,
The jsfiddle that i need to work is using pure js but it only scrolls to the element #en on either the X or Y axis and i need it to scroll using XY
/* Note: In order to be subjected to chaining and animation options, scroll's tweening is routed through Velocity as if it were a standard CSS property animation. */
if (action === "scroll") {
/* The scroll action uniquely takes an optional "offset" option -- specified in pixels -- that offsets the targeted scroll position. */
var scrollDirection = (/^x$/i.test(opts.axis) ? "Left" : "Top"),
scrollOffset = parseFloat(opts.offset) || 0,
if (opts.container) {
if (Type.isWrapped(opts.container) || Type.isNode(opts.container)) {
opts.container = opts.container[0] || opts.container;
scrollPositionCurrent = opts.container["scroll" + scrollDirection];
scrollPositionEnd = (scrollPositionCurrent + $(element).position()[scrollDirection.toLowerCase()]) + scrollOffset; /* GET */
} else {
opts.container = null;
} else {
scrollPositionCurrent = Velocity.State.scrollAnchor[Velocity.State["scrollProperty" + scrollDirection]];
scrollPositionCurrentAlternate = Velocity.State.scrollAnchor[Velocity.State["scrollProperty" + (scrollDirection === "Left" ? "Top" : "Left")]]; /* GET */
scrollPositionEnd = $(element).offset()[scrollDirection.toLowerCase()] + scrollOffset; /* GET */
/* Since there's only one format that scroll's associated tweensContainer can take, we create it manually. */
tweensContainer = {
scroll: {
rootPropertyValue: false,
startValue: scrollPositionCurrent,
currentValue: scrollPositionCurrent,
endValue: scrollPositionEnd,
unitType: "",
easing: opts.easing,
scrollData: {
container: opts.container,
direction: scrollDirection,
alternateValue: scrollPositionCurrentAlternate
element: element
if (Velocity.debug) console.log("tweensContainer (scroll): ", tweensContainer.scroll, element);
Can anyone help me fix the second NON-jquery fiddle to allow the scroll to be on the XY axis?

Multi-item responsive carousel

I'm building a website that requires a carousel to be implemented. Because this website is built on AngularJS I wanted to go with Angulars Boostrap Carousel, however, this carousel appears to only allow one image at a time.
What I will need will be 3 images at a time on desktop, on a tablet 2 images and on mobile 1. So there's a significant element of responsive design involved here too.
Does anyone have any experince with this that doesn't involve JQuery? I'm not opposed to it but have been told by a senior member of the team to try to source an alternative, if any.
What I tried from Angulars bootstrap:
$scope.getPromoURLs = function() {
var subObj = myJSON.response.details.promotionalSpots;
for( var keys in subObj ) {
var value = subObj[keys].promotionUrl;
$scope.slides.push( value );
// Builts an array of promotional URLS to from a JSON object to source the images
$scope.addSlide = function () {
// Test to determine if 3 images can be pulled together - FAILS
var newWidth = 600 + slides.length;
image: ''+slides[0]+''+slides[1] // etc
// Tried to stitch images together here
// TODO Should examine array length not hardcoded 4
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
ui-bootstrap's carousel is not a good choice, it has other drawback like isolated scope on each slide.
I'm using https://github.com/revolunet/angular-carousel which support multi item on each slide.
Because this directive support ng-repeat. You easy change you collection and using nested ng-repeat to set different number of items in each slide.
<ul rn-carousel class="image">
<li ng-repeat="images in imageCollection">
<div ng-repeat="image in images" class="layer">{{ image }}</div>
As you have already defined 3 break points. We just need to reconstruct the imageCollection array when viewport size changed.
$window.on('resize', function() {
var width = $window.width();
if(width > 900) {
// desktop
} else if(width <= 900 && width > 480) {
// tablet
} else {
// phone
// don't forget manually trigger $digest()
function rebuildSlide(n) {
var imageCollection = [],
slide = [],
// values is your actual data collection.
for(index = 0; index < values.length; index++) {
if(slide.length === n) {
slide = [];
$scope.imageCollection = imageCollection;
So, I tried this one so as to make angularjs Carousel (ui.bootstrap.carousel) to work with multi items per animation. I have also tried to apply [Detection for Responsive Websites using AngularJS].2
Take a look here: http://plnkr.co/edit/QhBQpG2nCAnfsb9mpTvj?p=preview
1 ) One Item (Mobile Version) :
2 ) Two Items (Tablet Version) :
3 ) Three Items (Desktop Version) :
It can also detect the resolution of the window so as to determine if it is tablet,mobile or desktop following this tutorial...
Try to use this values: "mobile, tablet, desktop" to see the three different view versions.
Demonstration of the tablet version:
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ui.bootstrap', 'angular-responsive']);
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.displayMode = 'mobile'; // default value
$scope.$watch('displayMode', function(value) {
switch (value) {
case 'mobile':
// do stuff for mobile mode
case 'tablet':
// do stuff for tablet mode
function CarouselDemoCtrl($scope) {
var whatDevice = $scope.nowDevice;
$scope.myInterval = 7000;
$scope.slides = [{
image: 'http://placekitten.com/221/200',
text: 'Kitten.'
}, {
image: 'http://placekitten.com/241/200',
text: 'Kitty!'
}, {
image: 'http://placekitten.com/223/200',
text: 'Cat.'
}, {
image: 'http://placekitten.com/224/200',
text: 'Feline!'
}, {
image: 'http://placekitten.com/225/200',
text: 'Cat.'
}, {
image: 'http://placekitten.com/226/200',
text: 'Feline!'
}, {
image: 'http://placekitten.com/227/200',
text: 'Cat.'
}, {
image: 'http://placekitten.com/228/200',
text: 'Feline!'
}, {
image: 'http://placekitten.com/229/200',
text: 'Cat.'
}, {
image: 'http://placekitten.com/230/200',
text: 'Feline!'
var i, first = [],
second, third;
var many = 1;
//Need to be changed to update the carousel since the resolution changed
$scope.displayMode = "tablet";
if ($scope.displayMode == "mobile") {many = 1;}
else if ($scope.displayMode == "tablet") {many = 2;}
else {many = 3;}
for (i = 0; i < $scope.slides.length; i += many) {
second = {
image1: $scope.slides[i]
if (many == 1) {}
if ($scope.slides[i + 1] && (many == 2 || many == 3)) {
second.image2 = $scope.slides[i + 1];
if ($scope.slides[i + (many - 1)] && many == 3) {
second.image3 = $scope.slides[i + 2];
$scope.groupedSlides = first;
app.directive('dnDisplayMode', function($window) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {
dnDisplayMode: '='
template: '<span class="mobile"></span><span class="tablet"></span><span class="tablet-landscape"></span><span class="desktop"></span>',
link: function(scope, elem, attrs) {
var markers = elem.find('span');
function isVisible(element) {
return element && element.style.display != 'none' && element.offsetWidth && element.offsetHeight;
function update() {
angular.forEach(markers, function(element) {
if (isVisible(element)) {
scope.dnDisplayMode = element.className;
return false;
var t;
angular.element($window).bind('resize', function() {
t = setTimeout(function() {
}, 300);
Hope it helps!

Extjs 4.2 buffered store throws Uncaught NotFoundError: An attempt was made to reference a Node in a context where it does not exist. on chrome

here is my store:
Ext.define('NG.store.WhatsNews', {
extend: 'NG.store.AbstractStore',
model: 'NG.model.auxClasses.notifications.WhatsNew',
alias: 'store.whatsnewstore',
buffered: true,
remoteFilter: true,
remoteGroup: true,
remoteSort: true,
pageSize: 50
When I scroll the grid down and the buffered view tries to load the new records I get an error 'An attempt was made to reference a Node in a context where it does not exist.'.
Here is the error as I caught it on chrome dev tools.:
I watched the variables and it arrears that the call for :
me.view.bufferRender(newRecords, me.endIndex + 1)
results in an array of nodes that is not in the same length as
recCount = newRecords.length
which causes an error when frag.appendChild(newNodes[i]); is called.
Is that a known issue???
Is there a work around?
I have created the following override:
Ext.override(Ext.view.NodeCache, {
* Appends/prepends records depending on direction flag
* #param {Ext.data.Model[]} newRecords Items to append/prepend
* #param {Number} direction `-1' = scroll up, `0` = scroll down.
* #param {Number} removeCount The number of records to remove from the end. if scrolling
* down, rows are removed from the top and the new rows are added at the bottom.
scroll: function (newRecords, direction, removeCount) {
var me = this,
elements = me.elements,
recCount = newRecords.length,
i, el, removeEnd,
nodeContainer = me.view.getNodeContainer(),
frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
// Scrolling up (content moved down - new content needed at top, remove from bottom)
if (direction == -1) {
for (i = (me.endIndex - removeCount) + 1; i <= me.endIndex; i++) {
el = elements[i];
delete elements[i];
me.endIndex -= removeCount;
// grab all nodes rendered, not just the data rows
newNodes = me.view.bufferRender(newRecords, me.startIndex -= recCount);
for (i = 0; i < recCount; i++) {
elements[me.startIndex + i] = newNodes[i];
nodeContainer.insertBefore(frag, nodeContainer.firstChild);
// Scrolling down (content moved up - new content needed at bottom, remove from top)
else {
removeEnd = me.startIndex + removeCount;
for (i = me.startIndex; i < removeEnd; i++) {
el = elements[i];
delete elements[i];
me.startIndex = i;
// grab all nodes rendered, not just the data rows
newNodes = me.view.bufferRender(newRecords, me.endIndex + 1);
for (i = 0; i < newNodes.length ; i++) {
elements[me.endIndex += 1] = newNodes[i];
// Keep count consistent.
me.count = me.endIndex - me.startIndex + 1;
This prevents the error thrown in chrome but the last record does not show!!!
Anyone with a better idea?
It appears to be a known issue of ExtJS 4.2.1.
And it was fixed under 4.2.2

Jquery splitter plugin getting error too much recursion

I am using this jquery splitter plugin located here: http://methvin.com/splitter/
It is working fine with the version of jquery I am using until I enable the resizeToWidth property then it is giving me the error: too much recursion.
Here is a link to a demo I created on jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/S97rv/4/
Iv looked at the plugin code but im not a javascript expert and don't want to mess with it to much.
Can anybody see a solution to this error?
Here is the plugin code but probably better just looking at the jsfiddle link:
$.fn.splitter = function(args){
args = args || {};
return this.each(function() {
var zombie; // left-behind splitbar for outline resizes
function startSplitMouse(evt) {
if ( opts.outline )
zombie = zombie || bar.clone(false).insertAfter(A);
panes.css("-webkit-user-select", "none"); // Safari selects A/B text on a move
A._posSplit = A[0][opts.pxSplit] - evt[opts.eventPos];
.bind("mousemove", doSplitMouse)
.bind("mouseup", endSplitMouse);
function doSplitMouse(evt) {
var newPos = A._posSplit+evt[opts.eventPos];
if ( opts.outline ) {
newPos = Math.max(0, Math.min(newPos, splitter._DA - bar._DA));
bar.css(opts.origin, newPos);
} else
function endSplitMouse(evt) {
var newPos = A._posSplit+evt[opts.eventPos];
if ( opts.outline ) {
zombie.remove(); zombie = null;
panes.css("-webkit-user-select", "text"); // let Safari select text again
.unbind("mousemove", doSplitMouse)
.unbind("mouseup", endSplitMouse);
function resplit(newPos) {
// Constrain new splitbar position to fit pane size limits
newPos = Math.max(A._min, splitter._DA - B._max,
Math.min(newPos, A._max, splitter._DA - bar._DA - B._min));
// Resize/position the two panes
bar._DA = bar[0][opts.pxSplit]; // bar size may change during dock
bar.css(opts.origin, newPos).css(opts.fixed, splitter._DF);
A.css(opts.origin, 0).css(opts.split, newPos).css(opts.fixed, splitter._DF);
B.css(opts.origin, newPos+bar._DA)
.css(opts.split, splitter._DA-bar._DA-newPos).css(opts.fixed, splitter._DF);
// IE fires resize for us; all others pay cash
if ( !$.browser.msie )
function dimSum(jq, dims) {
// Opera returns -1 for missing min/max width, turn into 0
var sum = 0;
for ( var i=1; i < arguments.length; i++ )
sum += Math.max(parseInt(jq.css(arguments[i])) || 0, 0);
return sum;
// Determine settings based on incoming opts, element classes, and defaults
var vh = (args.splitHorizontal? 'h' : args.splitVertical? 'v' : args.type) || 'v';
var opts = $.extend({
activeClass: 'active', // class name for active splitter
pxPerKey: 8, // splitter px moved per keypress
tabIndex: 0, // tab order indicator
accessKey: '' // accessKey for splitbar
v: { // Vertical splitters:
keyLeft: 39, keyRight: 37, cursor: "e-resize",
splitbarClass: "vsplitbar", outlineClass: "voutline",
type: 'v', eventPos: "pageX", origin: "left",
split: "width", pxSplit: "offsetWidth", side1: "Left", side2: "Right",
fixed: "height", pxFixed: "offsetHeight", side3: "Top", side4: "Bottom"
h: { // Horizontal splitters:
keyTop: 40, keyBottom: 38, cursor: "n-resize",
splitbarClass: "hsplitbar", outlineClass: "houtline",
type: 'h', eventPos: "pageY", origin: "top",
split: "height", pxSplit: "offsetHeight", side1: "Top", side2: "Bottom",
fixed: "width", pxFixed: "offsetWidth", side3: "Left", side4: "Right"
}[vh], args);
// Create jQuery object closures for splitter and both panes
var splitter = $(this).css({position: "relative"});
var panes = $(">*", splitter[0]).css({
position: "absolute", // positioned inside splitter container
"z-index": "1", // splitbar is positioned above
"-moz-outline-style": "none" // don't show dotted outline
var A = $(panes[0]); // left or top
var B = $(panes[1]); // right or bottom
// Focuser element, provides keyboard support; title is shown by Opera accessKeys
var focuser = $('')
.attr({accessKey: opts.accessKey, tabIndex: opts.tabIndex, title: opts.splitbarClass})
.bind($.browser.opera?"click":"focus", function(){ this.focus(); bar.addClass(opts.activeClass) })
.bind("keydown", function(e){
var key = e.which || e.keyCode;
var dir = key==opts["key"+opts.side1]? 1 : key==opts["key"+opts.side2]? -1 : 0;
if ( dir )
resplit(A[0][opts.pxSplit]+dir*opts.pxPerKey, false);
.bind("blur", function(){ bar.removeClass(opts.activeClass) });
// Splitbar element, can be already in the doc or we create one
var bar = $(panes[2] || '<div></div>')
.insertAfter(A).css("z-index", "100").append(focuser)
.attr({"class": opts.splitbarClass, unselectable: "on"})
.css({position: "absolute", "user-select": "none", "-webkit-user-select": "none",
"-khtml-user-select": "none", "-moz-user-select": "none"})
.bind("mousedown", startSplitMouse);
// Use our cursor unless the style specifies a non-default cursor
if ( /^(auto|default|)$/.test(bar.css("cursor")) )
bar.css("cursor", opts.cursor);
// Cache several dimensions for speed, rather than re-querying constantly
bar._DA = bar[0][opts.pxSplit];
splitter._PBF = $.boxModel? dimSum(splitter, "border"+opts.side3+"Width", "border"+opts.side4+"Width") : 0;
splitter._PBA = $.boxModel? dimSum(splitter, "border"+opts.side1+"Width", "border"+opts.side2+"Width") : 0;
A._pane = opts.side1;
B._pane = opts.side2;
$.each([A,B], function(){
this._min = opts["min"+this._pane] || dimSum(this, "min-"+opts.split);
this._max = opts["max"+this._pane] || dimSum(this, "max-"+opts.split) || 9999;
this._init = opts["size"+this._pane]===true ?
parseInt($.curCSS(this[0],opts.split)) : opts["size"+this._pane];
// Determine initial position, get from cookie if specified
var initPos = A._init;
if ( !isNaN(B._init) ) // recalc initial B size as an offset from the top or left side
initPos = splitter[0][opts.pxSplit] - splitter._PBA - B._init - bar._DA;
if ( opts.cookie ) {
if ( !$.cookie )
alert('jQuery.splitter(): jQuery cookie plugin required');
var ckpos = parseInt($.cookie(opts.cookie));
if ( !isNaN(ckpos) )
initPos = ckpos;
$(window).bind("unload", function(){
var state = String(bar.css(opts.origin)); // current location of splitbar
$.cookie(opts.cookie, state, {expires: opts.cookieExpires || 365,
path: opts.cookiePath || document.location.pathname});
if ( isNaN(initPos) ) // King Solomon's algorithm
initPos = Math.round((splitter[0][opts.pxSplit] - splitter._PBA - bar._DA)/2);
// Resize event propagation and splitter sizing
if ( opts.anchorToWindow ) {
// Account for margin or border on the splitter container and enforce min height
splitter._hadjust = dimSum(splitter, "borderTopWidth", "borderBottomWidth", "marginBottom");
splitter._hmin = Math.max(dimSum(splitter, "minHeight"), 20);
$(window).bind("resize", function(){
var top = splitter.offset().top;
var wh = $(window).height();
splitter.css("height", Math.max(wh-top-splitter._hadjust, splitter._hmin)+"px");
if ( !$.browser.msie ) splitter.trigger("resize");
else if ( opts.resizeToWidth && !$.browser.msie )
$(window).bind("resize", function(){
// Resize event handler; triggered immediately to set initial position
splitter.bind("resize", function(e, size){
// Custom events bubble in jQuery 1.3; don't get into a Yo Dawg
if ( e.target != this ) return;
// Determine new width/height of splitter container
splitter._DF = splitter[0][opts.pxFixed] - splitter._PBF;
splitter._DA = splitter[0][opts.pxSplit] - splitter._PBA;
// Bail if splitter isn't visible or content isn't there yet
if ( splitter._DF <= 0 || splitter._DA <= 0 ) return;
// Re-divvy the adjustable dimension; maintain size of the preferred pane
resplit(!isNaN(size)? size : (!(opts.sizeRight||opts.sizeBottom)? A[0][opts.pxSplit] :
}).trigger("resize" , [initPos]);
The plugin you are using is based on a old jQuery version. For some reason, an infinite recursion was introduced by jQuery 1.6, probably due to event bubbling. It seems like a resize event triggered on a specific DOM element follow the event propagation path, all the way to document.
In the resize event handler, you can add a test to prevent recursion:
$(window).bind("resize", function (e) {
if (e.target === window) { splitter.trigger('resize'); }
That works, at least in Chrome and Firefox.
Using jQuery Migrate plugin will allow you to use jQuery 1.9 and even 2.0; but relying on browser specific behavior is generally a bad practice. You may have a look at this splitter.js fork, which already fixes your infinite recursion issue, using the same test as above.

