Search for an item with a common ancestor - javascript

I have this html:
<div><!-- all div without ID -->
<span>some text</span>
<span id="listener1">click here</span>
<span class="FIND_ME">Result Here</span></div>
<span>some text</span>
<div id="div1">
<div id="div2">
<span id="listener2">click here</span>
<span class="FIND_ME">Result Here</span></div>
Should be the following logic: wheen I click on "click here" the element with class "FIND_ME" should hide, which is the nearest common ancestor with the button pressed. Is it possible to do this?
$(this).<SUPER_SEARCHING>.hide(); // for example hide, or add some CSS class

You can find closest div that has element .find_me in it:
Working Demo


How to target an id inside of a div class when I hover a different parent div class with jquery?

So as the question says, I am trying to hover the class button1 and get the id of 'css'. With my current code, all I get is the id html. I need to get a unique id that's pertinent to which button I hover. I'm still newer to jquery and javascript in general but I can't seem to find any information on this topic so any reference source would be great too if possible.
Here's my code:
<div class="button1">
<div class="text">
<p>Skill<br /> <span class="Score" id = "html">10/10 </span> </p>
<div class="button1 Overlay">
<div class="button1">
<div class="text">
<p>Skill<br /> <span class="Score" id = "css">9/10 </span> </p>
<div class="button1 Overlay">
('.button1').mouseover(function(event) {
With your current code you get nothing, since .text does not have ID and result is never used. Use $(this).find('.Score').attr('id')[1].
Note few bug fixes:
('.button1').mouseover is missing $
You have nested .button1 (first one is not properly closed, use proper indentation for easier debugging), so it's impossible to find singe element, because you hover on top most element
$('.button1').mouseover(function(event) {
<script src=""></script>
<div class="button1">
<div class="text">
<p>Skill<br /> <span class="Score" id="html">10/10 </span> </p>
<div class="button1 Overlay">
<div class="button1">
<div class="text">
<p>Skill<br /> <span class="Score" id="css">9/10 </span> </p>
<div class="button1 Overlay">

Click smiley and place in input field

How can I click on a smiley / emoji from a list and place it in a input field? I can see in the Inspect Element Q (console log) that it is being clicked but I can not find a way to copy it to the input field.
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="bubble-container" ></div>
<div class="emoji" onclick="javascript:smileySelect(event);">
<span title="Happy Face"> 😀 </span>
<span title="Grinning Face"> 😃 </span>
<span title="Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes"> 😄 </span>
<div id="sendCtrls">
<input type="text" placeholder="Your message here" id="text">
<button id="myBtn" style="width: auto;"> Send </button>
<span title="Emoji" onclick="javascript:smiliesSH();"> 😃</span>
function smileySelect(event) {
// get selected item and place it in input field
You can get the clicked emoticon with and add the textContent of that to the value of the input element.
I also added a check != event.currentTarget to avoid all icons are inserted when you click on the parent but not on a child (emoticon). When your html content of the event handler gets more complicated then you probably want to add a class to all emoticon spans and check if the clicked element has that class.
function smileySelect(event) {
/* = the actually clicked element
event.currentTarget = the element that has the event handler
When they are not equal we know the click was on a child of the .emoji element.
Any child is valid since you only have the emoticon span elements inside the .emoji element.
if ( != event.currentTarget) {
let smiley =;
document.querySelector('#text').value += smiley.textContent;
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="bubble-container"></div>
<div class="emoji" onclick="javascript:smileySelect(event);">
<span title="Happy Face"> 😀 </span>
<span title="Grinning Face"> 😃 </span>
<span title="Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes"> 😄 </span>
<div id="sendCtrls">
<input type="text" placeholder="Your message here" id="text">
<button id="myBtn" style="width: auto;"> Send </button>
<span title="Emoji" onclick="javascript:smiliesSH();"> 😃</span>
You can try something like:-
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="bubble-container" ></div>
<div class="emoji" onclick="smileySelect(">
<span title="Happy Face"> 😀 </span>
<span title="Grinning Face"> 😃 </span>
<span title="Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes" > 😄 </span>
<div id="sendCtrls">
<input type="text" placeholder="Your message here" id="text">
<button id="myBtn" style="width: auto;"> Send </button>
<span title="Emoji" onclick="javascript:smiliesSH();"> 😃</span>
function smileySelect(emoji) {
if (emoji.includes("span") == false)
document.getElementById("text").value += emoji;

Append div in labels as helper text. With in each radio group and its wrapper div

fiddle link
I want to append a div in labels as helper text. within each radio group and its wrapper div.
I have a radio buttons group code generated dynamically, so I can't add static helper text to labels using HTML.
I am placing div under radio group div and adding div with helper text and wrapping each radio group with another div, then using append. I am adding its only helper text div to its labels using classes.
before screen before
After screen after
<div class="helperTextWrapper" >
<div class="radioTable">
<label class="RadioButtonHelperText1">Yes</label>
<label class="RadioButtonHelperText2">No</label>
<div class="RadioButtonHelperTextLabel1">Yes helper text</div>
<div class="RadioButtonHelperTextLabel2">no helper text</div>
<div class="helperTextWrapper" >
<div class="radioTable">
<label class="RadioButtonHelperText1">Yes</label>
<label class="RadioButtonHelperText2">No</label>
<label class="RadioButtonHelperText3">Not sure</label>
<div class="RadioButtonHelperTextLabel1">Yes helper text</div>
<div class="RadioButtonHelperTextLabel2">no helper text</div>
<div class="RadioButtonHelperTextLabel3">not sure helper text</div>
I want to Append Yes helper text into Yes using jQuery like this but my script is adding multiple/duplicate divs:
$("div.helperTextWrapper ").each(function(index) {
<div class="helperTextWrapper" >
<div class="radioTable">
<label class="RadioButtonHelperText1">Yes
<div class="RadioButtonHelperTextLabel1">Yes helper text</div>
<label class="RadioButtonHelperText2">No
<div class="RadioButtonHelperTextLabel2">no helper text</div>
<div class="helperTextWrapper" >
<div class="radioTable">
<label class="RadioButtonHelperText1">Yes
<div class="RadioButtonHelperTextLabel1">Yes helper text</div>
<label class="RadioButtonHelperText2">No
<div class="RadioButtonHelperTextLabel2">no helper text</div>
<label class="RadioButtonHelperText3">Not sure
<div class="RadioButtonHelperTextLabel3">not sure helper text</div>
$("div.radioTable").each(function() {
$(this).parents(".helperTextWrapper").each(function(index) {
$(".RadioButtonHelperTextLabel1 ").each(function() {
$(".RadioButtonHelperTextLabel2 ").each(function() {
$(".RadioButtonHelperTextLabel3 ").each(function() {

Removing divs without removing their content in plain Javascript [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to remove only the parent element and not its child elements in JavaScript?
(13 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Could anyone help me on how I can remove div tags without removing their content in JavaScript?
This is my html from which I need to remove all div tags:
<div id="id1" class="someclass">
<p>some text
<label> Test content </label>
<div id="id2" style="overfolw:scroll">
<span>some text</span>
<div id="level3">
<label> Test content </label>
<a href="" target=_blank rel=noopener>creepiness</a>
Expected output would be like shown below.
<p>some text
<label> Test content </label>
<span>some text</span>
<label> Test content </label>
<a href= target=_blank rel=noopener>creepiness</a>
1.Using pure java-script:-
var divs=document.getElementsByTagName('div');
var counter = divs.length-1;
divs[i].outerHTML = divs[i].innerHTML;
<div id="id1" class="someclass">
<p>some text
<label> Test content </label>
<div id="id2" style="overfolw:scroll">
<span>some text</span>
<div id="level3">
<label> Test content </label>
<a href="" target=_blank rel=noopener>creepiness</a>
2.You can use jQuery unwrap() also:-
<script src=""></script>
<div id="id1" class="someclass">
<p>some text
<label> Test content </label>
<div id="id2" style="overfolw:scroll">
<span>some text</span>
<div id="level3">
<label> Test content </label>
<a href="" target=_blank rel=noopener>creepiness</a>
Using cutting edge technology such as iterable nodelists and replaceWith, it's really straightforward with the plain DOM API:
for (const div of document.querySelectorAll("div"))
// alternatively: Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName("div"))
you can use unwrap function.
If you want to do in plain javascript. You can get a list of all divs using document.getElementsByTagName("div"), but you will need to unwrap these divs in reverse order. This is a nodelist so reverse() will not work on it, so you can first use [] on it which gives you an array and then you can reverse it. Then in the array unwrap each element.
you can do something like this:
var elements = []"div"), 0).reverse();
el.outerHTML = el.innerHTML;
<div id="id1" class="someclass">
<p>some text
<label> Test content </label>
<div id="id2" style="overfolw:scroll">
<span>some text</span>
<div id="level3">
<label> Test content </label>
<a href="" target=_blank rel=noopener>creepiness</a>

Get text from <span> on click

When the like button div is clicked I am trying to get the content from its span. I know I need to use .text() but im having trouble selecting the corresponding span for each div.
$("i", this).toggleClass("icon-thumbs-up-alt").toggleClass("icon icon-thumbs-up");
returns the string in each span. Do I need to use "this" somewhere?
<div class= "postInfo1>
<span class="hideThis" style="display:"none">3453652545</span>
<div class="like">Like Button</div>
<div class= "postInfo2>
<span class="hideThis" style="display:"none">3453652545</span>
<div class="like">Like Button</div>
<div class= "postInfo3">
<span class="hideThis" style="display:"none">3453652545</span>
<div class="like">Like Button</div>
Yes and try this:
$("i", this).toggleClass("icon-thumbs-up-alt").toggleClass("icon icon-thumbs-up");
console.log($(this).prev('div').find('.hideThis').text()); //Find the previous div relative to the clicked span and insisde that find hideThis
And remember to close your div, qoutes after the classname postInfo1 and remove quotes in the style value style="display:"none";
Do I need to use "this" somewhere?
Yes, so you can traverse the DOM having this (the clicked element) as the starting point:
$('.like').click(function(event) {
console.log( $(this).prev().find('.hideThis').text() );
You need to do it this way -
Demo ------>
$("i", this).toggleClass("icon-thumbs-up-alt").toggleClass("icon icon-thumbs-up");
Corrected markup -
<div class="postInfo1"> <span class="hideThis" style="display:none">3453652545</span>
<div class="like">Like Button</div>
<div class="postInfo2"> <span class="hideThis" style="display: none">3453652545</span>
<div class="like ">Like Button</div>
<div class="postInfo3"> <span class="hideThis" style="display: none">3453652545</span>
<div class="like ">Like Button</div>
Your markup is all jacked up. You have strings and tags that aren't closed.
I cleaned it up for you
<div class="postInfo1"> <span class="hideThis" style="display:none">3453652545</span>
<div class="like">Like Button</div>
<div class="postInfo2"> <span class="hideThis" style="display:none">3453652545</span>
<div class="like">Like Button</div>
<div class="postInfo3"> <span class="hideThis" style="display:none">3453652545</span>
<div class="like">Like Button</div>

