How to use JSON to download audio file [closed] - javascript

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm developing API to manage a system. So far I have manage to design things that I need to do with it's database, by sending data to the API and retrieving data from API.
What I need to do now is download audio files (.wav) through my API.
Since i'm new to this JSON hope someone can give some help to me :)
Thank you!

I would include the URL of the audio file in the JSON data, rather than try to embed the binary audio data somehow. Then your client can download the audio file through http or whichever protocol.
As simple as


Is it a good idea to store website images on good drive and link to it? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm developing a website that uses a lot of images and was thinking of storing those images on Google Drive using the Drive API whenever an image is uploaded. Do you think this is a good idea and will it affect the performance in any way?
PS. After uploading to Drive from the backend, I will store a link to the image in the DB.
In your case, maybe you should take a look at Cloudinary.
The free plan is very generous, and the api is very easy to understand, despite the possibility to transform the images (crop, etc...).

Reading a JSON file to edit [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I was given a JSON file and told to read it to get a better understanding of how JavaScript programming works and edit this file to do what I need it to do. It's supposed to be a file to run some cleaning processes on client computers, so I just need to edit it so that they file will run all the processes I want it to run without having to send multiple commands to the computer through my RMM.
When I open the file however in Sublime Text 3 it looks like this. How do I get it to read as JavaScript programming language so I can edit it?
You can just create a backend call, the URL being pointed to the location of this JSON file.
In the result of that backend call, you will get the contents of the JSON file.

Image processing on browser [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I need to do some image processing on a browser where I upload images and with my python script, it manipulates the images. In the end, I just want to open an HTML page where I can simply use buttons there to process my python script. Please tell me how can I do it? I don't know much about web development. I don't need to host a website. I just want to do it locally so that if I give my files to anyone they can access it by just opening the HTML document.
If you want to practice and you need to upload an image and processing in your web app you need to use Phyton(with Django should be more fast to create what you want) and MySQL(or another database) to save the data.

how to achieve Node.js's image service [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Recently I have a project to provide image service like this:
post data using json to server in client(use python)
the webservice on server renders data to png picture using node.js and d3.js(create line chart png image)
the server return png image
use python to get the image and email it to some people
I am new to d3.js and node.js, and there are many pictures to be rendered so I dont know the performance. How about this solution, and what do I should take attention? Could I get some suggetion? I feel a little fear for this beacuse I cant know if I can achieve it.
If you can use cloud providers and nodejs i suggest you take a look at AwsLambda
which should fit perfectly for your needs. Api C# Get Streams [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to create a app for desktop Pc. I have read that Twitch api use Json for the streams.
Can someone please explain me how I get the streams into a list? I plan to use C# get the list into a listbox but im stuck and cant continue because I dont know how to get what is available
Another way I was thinking is using Javascript but same problem can someone help me?
The github shows how you can get stream from twitch. First you send a request like shown on github "curl -H 'Accept: application/vnd.twitchtv.v2+json' -X GET" then you will get a JSON file (that contains all the information you need) as a response, you the read the file and use it in your application

