Cannot split URL, showing as System.object[] - javascript

I am declaring the current URL variable as
var vFullURL = (document.URL);
This is added to the table with the correct URL string.
When I then try the following:
var vURL = vFullURL.split("/");
var vURL = vFullURL.toString.split("/");
The URL returns as System.Object[]
Does anyone know how I can split the URL?

You need to call toString() after you split it, not before.
var vFullURL = document.URL;
var vURL = vFullURL.split('/').toString();
Results in (for this page, as example): "http:,,,questions,27786939,javascript-cannot-split-sharepoint-url-showing-as-system-object,27787020#27787020"


How to get parts of a URL string using Javascript?

I have this URL:
var url = "";
now I want to get 2 string from that URL:
#tab-cultura and folclore
how can I get it using Javascript?
It seems this split is not the right solution:(
"Split" can be correct way to approach this. Pls see below
var url = "";
let [val1, val2] = url.split('#')[1].split('/')
console.log(val1, val2)
You need to split your URL by / delimiter instead
var url = "";
var parts = url.split('/');
Also you can use regex if you don't know position of # in URL
var url = "";
var parts = url.match(/(#[^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)/);
With JavaScript’s String.prototype.split function:
var url = "";
var fields = input.split('/');
var first = fields[0];
var second = fields[1];
var third = fields[2];
var fourth = fields[3];
You can use split('/') like so:
var url = "";
let [, ,tabCultura, folclore] = url.split('/');
Using Array.split() will probably get you what you need — for now, but URLs are inherently quite complicated and you want to make sure the code will function the same way on different servers with variable query parameters etc. It may be more reliable to use built in browser functionality:
const hash = new URL("").hash
// => "#tab-cultura/folclore/"
// => ['#tab-cultura', 'folclore', '']
// => ['#tab-cultura', 'folclore']
Note: new URL() is not available in IE, but can be polyfilled.

Replace the url parameter value using js

I have a URL like below.
I want to replace the value of parameter showHiddenElements to some new value.
for e.g. exising value in URL -> showHiddenElements=false
I want to change it through JavaScript to -> showHiddenElements=true
Please advise.
showHiddenElements may not always be false. And In some cases it may not be available.
Use the URL Object:
const url = new URL('');
url.searchParams.append('showHiddenElements', true);
So you just delete the parameter and update it with the new one (not the most elegant)
Docs here:
You could use String.replace for that:
var url = '';
newUrl = url.replace('showHiddenElements=false', 'showHiddenElements=true');
You could also do it fancy and use regex:
var url = '';
newUrl = url.replace(/showHiddenElements=false$/, 'showHiddenElements=true');
The regex would only match showHiddenElements=false if it's on the end of the URL
To see if it's available you could use regex too:
var url = '';
// If the url doesn't have a showHiddenElements=__any_word__
if (!url.match(/showHiddenElements=\w+/)) {
url = url + 'showHiddenElements=false';
var url = "";
alert("Before: "+url);
url = url.replace("&showHiddenElements=false","&showHiddenElements=true");
alert("After: "+url);
//Console.log clips the end so we can't see the result :(
Maybe something liket this:
var loc = window.location.href;
var newLoc = loc.Replace('showHiddenElements=true', 'showHiddenElements=false')
A JavaScript Regular Expression should help if you are just treating the URL as a string.
var str = '';
var res = str.replace(/showHiddenElements/i, 'true');

Extract url from javascript String

I would like to extract the following String :
from this String :
And before, extract, i would like to check if the global String contains more than one time "http" to be sure to extract the jpg only when needed.
How can i do that ?
Extract the data like this:
var myStr = ""
var splittedStr = myStr.split("-");
var extractedStr = splittedStr[3].slice(1);
To find out how many "http" is present in the string:
var count = (myStr.match(/http/g)).length;
Hopes it helps
var source = ""
var temp = source.replace("https","http").split("http");
var result = 'http'+temp[2];
use split()
var original = "";
original = original.split('-/');
your require URL shows in alert dialog
You can use regex :

Javascript remove characters utill 3 slash /

Whats the best to way, based on the input below, to get everything in the url after the domain:
var url = "";
var url = "";
var url = "";
var url = "";
The output:
url = "/sadsad/asdsadsad/asdasdasda/?asda=ggy";
url = "/asdsadsad/asdasdasda/#45435";
url = "/asdasdasda/?324324";
UPDATE: the domain its not always the same. (sorry)
You should really parse the URI.
Every absolute URL consists of a protocol, separated by two slashes, followed by a host, followed by a pathname. An implementation can look like:
// Search for the index of the first //, then search the next slash after it
var slashOffset = url.indexOf("/", url.indexOf("//") + 2);
url = url.substr(slashOffset);
If the domain is always the same, a simple replace will work fine:
var url = "";
var afterDomain = url.replace("^", "");
You could also use RegEx:
var url = "";
var afterDomain = url.replace(/^[^\/]*(?:\/[^\/]*){2}/, "");
Assuming this is in the browser, creating an anchor element will do a lot of magic on your behalf:
var a=document.createElement('a');
alert(a.pathname + + a.hash); // /iouhowe/ewouho/wiouhfe?jjj

FileName from url excluding querystring

I have a url :
How do I get test.jsp of it ?
This should do it:
var path = document.location.pathname,
file = path.substr(path.lastIndexOf('/'));
Reference: document.location, substr, lastIndexOf
I wont just show you the answer, but I'll give you direction to it. First... strip out everything after the "?" by using a string utility and location.href.status (that will give you the querystring). Then what you will be left with will be the URL; get everything after the last "/" (hint: lastindexof).
Use a regular expression.
var urlVal = '';
var result = /a\/(.*)\?/.exec(urlVal)[1]
the regex returns an array, use [1] to get the test.jsp
This method does not depend on pathname:
var url = '';
var file_with_parameters = url.substr(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
var file = file_with_parameters.substr(0, file_with_parameters.lastIndexOf('?'));
// file now contains "test.jsp"
var your_link = "";
// strip the query from the link
your_link = your_link.split("?");
your_link = your_link[0];
// get the the test.jsp or whatever is there
var the_part_you_want = your_link.substring(your_link.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
Try this:

