reflect change made by object affectation to scope - javascript

I try to cancel changes made to a ng-repeat item by re-affecting a copy of it that I made just before editing it, the original object is affected but nothing change in the view. It's just plain weird, and I haven't figure out why!
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<ul ng-repeat="item in list">
<li ng-click="edit(item)">{{item.description}}</li>
function MyCtrl($scope, $timeout) {
$scope.list = [{
description: 'I love bacon'
}, {
description: "J'aime le bacon"
$scope.edit = function (item) {
var originalItem = angular.copy(item);
item.description = 'aaa'; /// update the view
$timeout(function () {
item = originalItem; // doesn't update the view :((
$scope.originalDescription = item.description; // Show the original description.
}, 1000);


ng-click function is not called with onclick in a AngularJS?

I have to call the ng-click function with the onClick but in my case ng-click function is not
//Controller function
$scope.editProductDetail = function(productObject) {
$scope.getProduct = productObject;
<a href="#"
onclick="document.getElementById('editProduct').style.display='block'" ng-click="editProductDetail(list)" target="_self">
call but model is open with onClick function?
It seems you're trying to set a class to the selected item from a product list, it seems you're confusing some AngularJS concepts.
If you're using AngularJS there's no need to use both onclick and ng-click.
If you want to show all products from your list you may want to use ng-repeat.
You need to initialize your Module for your AngularJS controller to load, and the controller must be within the module in the HTML code.
I've done an example bellow based on your code, it might help if you edit your answer and add your complete code.
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.count = 0;
$scope.selectedIndex = 0;
$scope.editProductDetail = function (index) {
$scope.selectedIndex = index;
$scope.productList = [
{ name: 'Product 1', price: '1,00 U$' },
{ name: 'Product 2', price: '2,00 U$' },
{ name: 'Product 3', price: '3,00 U$' }
.selected-item {
display: block;
color: red;
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl" >
<h2>Selected Item Number: {{ selectedIndex + 1}}</h2> <!-- I've added +1 since index starts at 0 -->
<div ng-repeat="item in productList">
{{}} {{item.price}}
As debabrata was saying you don't need to use both, just use something like this:
// Your controller
$scope.editProductDetail = function(productObject) {
$scope.setDisplayBlock = true;
$scope.getProduct = productObject;
// Your HTML
<span id="editProduct" ng-class="{'css-class-with-display-block': setDisplayBlock}">The element to change</span>

ng-repeat not rendering data from array

I am working on a web app where non-profit organizations can create a profile and be easily searchable by various parameters. In the "create and organization" form, I have a nested array where the organization can add donations that they need. The array is storing ok (I can add multiple donations), however when I try to display it using ng-repeat, nothing renders. When I don't use the ng-repeat and just display via {{ ctrl.organization.donations }} the information shows up with brackets and quotation marks.
Here is the code that I use to add the donations (via the newOrganization controller):
function NewOrganizationController(OrganizationService, CategoryService, $stateParams, $state, $http, Auth){
var ctrl = this;
CategoryService.getCategories().then(function(resp) {
ctrl.categories =;
ctrl.donations = [{text: ''}];
Auth.currentUser().then(function(user) {
ctrl.user = user;
ctrl.addNewDonation = function() {
var newDonation = ctrl.donations.length+1;
ctrl.donations.push({text: ''});
ctrl.removeDonation = function() {
var lastItem = ctrl.donations.length-1;
ctrl.addOrganization = function() {
var donations = this.donations;
var allDonations = [];
for (var key in donations) {
if (donations.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var donation = donations[key].text;
var data = {
description: ctrl.organization.description,
address: ctrl.organization.address,
donations: allDonations.join("/r/n"),
.controller('NewOrganizationController', NewOrganizationController);
Here is the code that I am using to display the array on my show page (this is what shows up with brackets, i.e. donations needed: ["food", "clothing"]):
<h5>{{ ctrl.organization.donations }}</h5>
This is the ng-repeat code that is not rendering anything to the page:
<li class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="donation in donations track by $index">
{{ donation }}
I've tried to use .join(', ') within the {{donation}} brackets, but this isn't recognized as a function.
edit: After taking AJ's suggestion here is a screenshot of what appears...anyone know how to fix this?
seems that my array is showing up in table form, with each row containing one character
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is a link to the github repo in case you want to look at anything else or get a bigger picture.
You need to use the same variable name that works in the h5
<li class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="donation in ctrl.organization.donations track by $index">
{{ donation }}

AngularJS: How to freeze orderBy in ng-repeat during edit mode

I'm using md-data-table and I have add sorting options based on column.
Below, presented my html(pug format) code:
table(md-table md-row-select multiple='' ng-model='vm.selected' md-progress='promise')
//- columns
thead(md-head class='back-color')
th(md-column ng-click='vm.orderingBy(name)')
span Name
th(md-column ng-click='vm.sortingBy(code)')
span Code
//- rows
tr(md-select='record' md-select-id='id' ng-repeat='record in vm.records | orderBy:vm.orderByColumn)
//- name
p(ng-hide='vm.columns.edit') {{}}
md-input-container(ng-if='vm.columns.edit' class='no-errors-spacer md-no-margin')
input(ng-model='' md-select-on-focus)
//- code
p(ng-hide='vm.columns.edit') {{record.sorting_code}}
md-input-container(ng-if='vm.columns.edit' class='no-errors-spacer md-no-margin')
input(ng-model='record.code' md-select-on-focus)
My AngularJS(Javascript) code presented below:
vm.orderByColumn = 'name';
vm.orderingBy = function(ordering) {
vm.orderByColumn = ordering;
The problem is when the table is ordered by 'code' and I'm trying to edit the record's code, the order of records changing while you change the value of code. So, the result is very confused.
I'm thinking if there is any way to freeze the order while I'm in edit mode.
Outsource your orderBy logic into your controller and make it block in edit mode by using a simple switch variable like in this example fiddle. I hope this working example will help you to implement this logic inside your application.
var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]);
myApp.controller('MyCtrl', function ($scope, orderByFilter) {
$scope.edit = false;
$ = [{
name: 'Frank'
name: 'Peter'
name: 'Basti'
name: 'Sven'
name: 'Franky'
name: 'Sveny'
name: 'bob'
$scope.order = {
column: '',
revers: false
$scope.toggleEditMode = function () {
$scope.edit = !$scope.edit;
$scope.orderBy = function (column) {
if (!$scope.edit) {
$scope.order.column = column;
$scope.order.reverse = !$scope.order.reverse; //toggle revers
$ = orderByFilter($, $scope.order.column, $scope.order.reverse);
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="myApp">
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<h3 ng-click="orderBy('name')">
<p ng-repeat="item in data">
<input type="text" ng-model="" ng-if="edit" />
<span ng-if="!edit">{{ }}</span>
<button ng-click="toggleEditMode()">
Toggle edit mode
I had this issue for a while and I've found a pretty simple solution. I made the sorting method by myself using $filter,
On my case : Instead of
<tr ng-repeat="schedule in schedules | orderBy:filerTable2:filterasc track by $index">
I just put
<tr ng-repeat="schedule in schedules">
And I used setFiler method to sort the list using filter parameter as the filter name.
$scope.setFiler = function(filter){
if($scope.filerTable2 == filter){
$scope.filterasc = !$scope.filterasc;
$scope.filerTable2 = filter;
$scope.filterasc = false;
$scope.schedules = $filter('orderBy')($scope.schedules, filter, $scope.filterasc);

Remove object from ng-repeat

I have a PhoneGap + Onsen UI + AngularJS app in the works, where I have a list in the view, where the items will be fetched from the controllers variable.
I want to be able to remove items from this list, by clicking on them.
The list looks like this:
<ons-list-item modifier="tappable" class="item" ng-repeat="citem in completeditems" ng-click="delete(citem)">
<div class="titlediv">
<span class="item-title">{{}}</span>
<div class="item-dates">
<span class="item-start">{{citem.start}}</span>
The completeditems object in the $scope looks like this:
var completeditemname = "item" + i;
$scope.completeditems[completeditemname] = {
id : "ID",
name : "Name for it",
start: "Start date"
Tried the following method, but it didn't work out:
$scope.delete = function(item) {
var index = $scope.completeditems.indexOf(item);
//$scope.completeditems.remove(item); //tried this aswell
$scope.$apply() //i need this to update the view
You do not need the $scope.$apply() invocation. As you are making alterations to scope variables the digest cycle will be triggered anyhow and you will be encountering an error because of this I believe.
UPDATED:: You're working with an actual object by the looks of it so I've updated the code in the plunker to help you out. It means altering the ng-repeat to use both key and value.
Here is a simple plunkr showing a basic example of what you are trying to do with a one liner in the delete function
<body ng-app="myApp">
<div ng-controller="myController as ctrl">
<ul ng-repeat="(key, value) in ctrl.items track by key">
<li ng-click="ctrl.delete(key)">{{value}}</li>
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', [])
.controller('myController', [
function($scope) {
var self = this;
self.items = {
item1: {
id: 1,
name: 'a'
item2: {
id: 2,
name: 'b'
item3: {
id: 3,
name: 'c'
self.delete = function(key) {
delete self.items[key];
Hope that helps you out!
$scope.$apply() should only be used when changes are coming in from outside the Angular framework. Since your delete() function is being called from an ng-click, it is already being managed by Angular and calling $apply() will raise a "$digest is already in progress" error (check your browser console). Removing that call will most likely get your code working.

$scope.apply not working in Angular

im trying to learn Angular.
Here is what im trying to do:
I am building an App that shows me citys. When i click on a city i want to see a list of all my favourite citys.
Using an "Show-List" Button with ng-click works but requires the button the be pushed.
Here is my approach for getting it done automatic:
I want a list in my DOM automatically updated on change of the list.
$scope.$watch('updatedList', function() {
$scope.$apply(function () {
$scope.watchList = $scope.updatedList;
}, 1000)
The Console shows no error and gives out the correc values:
Object {city.3: "Herat", city.7: "Haag", city.10: "Tilburg" ......}
In my div is the following:
<li ng-repeat="y in updatedList">{{ y }}</li>
<li ng-repeat="a in watchList">{{ a }}</li>
First for the NG-Click-Version(which works on click) second for the $scope.$watch
Sorry for lots of questions but im really struggling with the Angular-Docs.
Function that Adds Citys to the List:
$scope.addToList = function(name,id) {
var cityToAdd = name;
var cityToAddID = id;
$cookies.put('city.' + cityToAddID, cityToAdd);
$scope.newList = $cookies.getAll();
$scope.addToListMessage = cityToAdd + " wurde hinzugefĆ¼gt";
// Show short INFONOTICE
window.setTimeout(function() {
$scope.$apply(function() {
$scope.addToListMessage = "";
}, 1000);
// Update the List
Second Functions -> gets Values from Cookies and puts them to an Array:
$scope.updateList = function() {
var allCitys = $cookies.getAll();
var favouritesFromCookie = [];
$.each(allCitys, function(index, value) {
if (index.indexOf('city.') == 0) { favouritesFromCookie.push(value) }
$scope.updatedList = favouritesFromCookie;
Your $scope.updatedList needs to be an array to be used in ng-repeat.
You shouldn't directly write a list in expression. Try this
<li ng-repeat="y in watchList">{{ }}</li>
<li ng-repeat="y in watchList">{{ y.yourListItem}}</li>

