How to save a variable javascript? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 8 years ago.
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So im running this script and i want to be able to save the variable stopNumber after the script is finished running so that the next time i run this script the saved variable stopNumber can be set to the variable loops so that i dont have to manually set it all the time.
var loops = Number(prompt("Starting csv line?"));
var stopNumber = loops + 15;
for (csvLine = loops ; csvLine <= stopNumber ; csvLine++) {
iimSet ("-var_CSVLINE", csvLine);

You can store the value in local storage
localStorage.setItem("stopNumber", stopNumber);
Retrieve it with
stopNumber = parseInt(localStorage.getItem("stopNumber"));
More info here

try to use localStorage.
localStorage.stopNumber = stopNumber;
you may call it as localStorage.stopNumber


Converting a javascript string into an existing javascript variable [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am stuck with this problem. I have a function to accept the path and also the same time I have a variable that I want to condition with.
Here is my problem: I want to make a string type that will act as an access to my variable.
In my situation, I have a roles.operation variable which I want to access it dynamically.
The roles variable has an array with the values of:
roles.operations = ['document','article','document-type'];
with this variable I want this to be access dynamically.
Here is what I've tried, which in replacePath i have the value of document-type:
export const createVariable = (roles,path) => {
const replacePath = path.replace(/-/g,"_");
const finalPath = window[`roles.operations.${replacePath}`];
this gives me undefined.
Try this way:
const finalPath = window['roles']['operations'][replacePath];
const finalPath = window.roles.operations[replacePath];

How to get hold of a part of dynamically generated URL [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm using filestack, when ever I upload an image it creates an unique url for the uploaded Image. I want to get hold of a specific part of a url to a variable."qiXTZ0dQUGPQRG4GH0Cy"
The above Url belongs to an image, but I want get hold of the quoted part to a variable, how to do that?
You can search for the last index of / in the url then make a substring of the url starting from that point.
var url = '';
var lastIndex = url.lastIndexOf("/");
var searched = url.substring(lastIndex + 1);
// searched = qiXTZ0dQUGPQRG4GH0Cy

saving and loading variables [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I made a game and its a type of game which takes hours to complete. Its a browser game. How can I store variables ( need to store 20-40 variables ) and load them using cookies ? ( so that I can access them even if browser is closed and opened again ). Please, I need help.
You would be better off using localStorage and not cookies. Pretty simple if you just do something like
//The defaults the user starts with
var _defaults = {
level : 1,
userName : null,
life : 100
//getting previous values from storage
var savedDetails = localStorage.settings ? JSON.parse(localStorage.settings) : {};
var settings = $.extend({},_defaults, savedDetails);
if(!settings.userName) {
//set username and save
settings.userName = window.prompt("name");
} else {
//username is there so say hi
console.log("Welcome back " + settings.userName);
//Save this back to the local storage since we made changes
localStorage.settings = JSON.stringify(settings);

Javascript declaration [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Hi this is a simple question. I was wondering is there any different when you declare something like this. Thanks
selectedData[key] = val
This line selectedData[key](val) is not a declaration, it's calling the function that is stored under the key key in the object selectedData and it's passing the parameter val to that function.
The other line selectedData[key] = val is assigning the value val to the key key in the object selectedData.
In the first case, you're calling whatever is in selectedData[key] as a function with val as an argument while in the second one you're assigning it.

How to get the final result of javascript? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have an html page with a lot of javascript code, for example the content of a div depends on length of an array :
for (var i = 0; i < movieList.length; i++) {
document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('h2')).appendChild(document.createTextNode('title: ' + movieList[i].title));
var cUL = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('ul'));
cUL.appendChild(document.createElement('li')).appendChild(document.createTextNode('main characters: ' + movieList[i].mainCharacters.join(", ")));
I am using these perl LWPx::ParanoidAgent and HTML::TokeParser modules to handle the HTML code but the i want the result of the javascript script
You either need to:
Reverse engineer the JS and apply the changes it would make manually or
Run the HTML and JS through a browser or browser-like tool and read the data from its DOM
There are a number of options for the latter, including WWW::Mechanize::Firefox, WWW::Selenium and Wight.
perhaps is what you're looking for. Amongst loads of other things you can view your HTML after JavaScript has altered it.

