JSON.parse failing on valid Json. Have escaped control characters.If - javascript

I've escaped control characters and am feeding my validated JSON into JSON.parse and jQuery.parseJSON. Both are giving the same result.
Getting error message "Unexpected token $":
} catch (exception) {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
Thanks for checking out this issue.

What's happening here is that there are two levels of backslash removal being applied to the string. The first is done by the browser's JavaScript engine when it parses the single-quoted string. In JavaScript, single-quoted strings and double-quoted strings are exactly equivalent (other than the fact that single-quotes must be backslash-escaped in single-quoted strings and double-quotes must be backslash-escaped in double-quoted strings); both types of strings take backslash escape codes such as \\ for backslash, \' for single-quote (redundant but accepted in double-quoted strings), and \" for double-quote (redundant but accepted in single-quoted strings).
In your JavaScript single-quoted string literal you have several instances of this kind of thing, which are meant to be valid JSON double-quoted strings:
After the browser has parsed it, the string contains exactly the following characters (including the outer double-quotes, which are unremoved because they are contained in a single-quoted string):
You can see that each consecutive pair of backslashes became a single literal backslash, and the two cases of an odd backslash followed by a double-quote each became a literal double-quote.
That is the text that is being passed as an argument to $.parseJSON, which is when the second level of backslash removal occurs. During JSON parsing of the above text, the leading double-quote signifies the start of a JSON string literal, then the pair of backslashes is interpreted as a single literal backslash, and then the immediately following double-quote terminates the JSON string literal. The stuff that follows (dollar, backslash, backslash, etc.) is invalid JSON syntax.
The problem is that you've embedded valid JSON in a JavaScript single-quoted string literal, which, although it happens to be valid JavaScript syntax by fluke (it wouldn't have been if the JSON contained single-quotes, or if you'd tried using double-quotes to delimit the JavaScript string literal), no longer contains valid JSON after being parsed by the browser's JavaScript engine.
To solve the problem, you have to either manually escape the JSON content to be properly embedded in a JavaScript string literal, or load it independently of the JavaScript source, e.g. from a flat file.
Here's a demonstration of how to solve the problem using your latest example code:
$(function() {
try {
alert($.parseJSON('{"key":"\\\\\\\\\\"$\\\\\\\\\\"#,##0"}').key); // works
alert($.parseJSON('{"key":"\\\\\"$\\\\\"#,##0"}').key); // doesn't work
} catch (exception) {
Since JavaScript has a simple escaping scheme (e.g. see http://blogs.learnnowonline.com/2012/07/19/escape-sequences-in-string-literals-using-javascript/), it's actually pretty easy to solve this problem in the general case. You just have to decide in advance how you're going to quote the string in JavaScript (single-quotes are a good idea, because strings in JSON are always double-quoted), and then when you prepare the JavaScript source, just add a backslash before every single-quote and every backslash in the embedded JSON. That should guarantee it will be perfectly valid, regardless of the exact JSON content (provided, of course, that it is valid JSON to begin with).

In your original problem, why do you need to do JSONparse in the first place? You could have easily gotten the object you wanted by just doing
var o = { blah }
by manually removing the single quotes you have around the curly braces rather than doing
Is there any reason for evaluating the string first (ie var s = '{blah}' and then doing $.JSONparse(s)) which is what your original code was doing? There shouldn't be a case where this is necessary. Since you mentioned somewhere that the string was produced by JSON.stringify, there shouldn't be a scenario where you need to explicitly store it into a variable (ie copy and paste it and put quotes around it).
The main problem here is the string produced by JSON.stringify, which is properly escaped, has been 'evaluated' once when you manually put braces around it. So the key is to make sure the string doesn't get 'evaluated'
Even if you wanted to pass the stringified variable to database or anything, there is no need to explicitly use quotes. One could do
var s = JSON.stringify(obj);
var newObj = JSON.parse(db.load("myobj"))
The string is stored verbatim without getting evaluated, so that when you retrieve it, you would have the exact same string.


Converting JSON strings with escaped Unicode characters to JavaScript objects

I have a JSON string which contains an escaped Unicode character. The JSON includes this snippet:
I co-ordinate our Chat Literacy network \u2013 an online group for practitioners of Information Literacy
The \u2013 is a long dash.
I'm using
var theObject = eval ("(" + jsonString + ")");
to convert the JSON string to a JavaScript object. I need to use a version of SpiderMonkey that doesn't have a direct JSON to Object method in it.
After conversion, the character in question becomes the Unicode control character \0013 which is an invalid UTF-8 character.
Is there another way I can convert the JSON to an object which will preserve the correct long-dash character? Maybe some other JSON to Object method I can load?
This happens with some other characters also, like curly quotes.
eval() is evil. Stay away from it.
Try using JSON 3: http://bestiejs.github.io/json3/

Browser JSON vs node JSON

I'm attempting to serialize a string that contains escaped strings into JSON. I would have imagined that JSON.stringify() would correctly re-escape those strings and allow me to JSON.parse it. In a simple case, for example:
The output from node is "\". The output from the browser is "\" - it seems the browser (chrome in my case) is not correctly converting the double backslash \\ into \\\\.
Why is that?
When you write code, you have to write "\\" (because backslash self is used as escaping), which is a string contains only one backslash ("\\".length is 1).
But when displayed in console or browser, it will displayed as "\".

Why are endline characters illegal in HTML string sent over ajax?

Within HTML, it is okay to have endline characters. But when I try to send HTML strings that have endline characters over AJAX to have them operated with JavaScript/jQuery, it returns an error that says that endline characters are illegal. For example, if I have a Ruby string:
and jsonify it with Ruby by to_json, and send it over ajax, parse it within JavaScript by JSON.parse, and insert that in jQuery like:
then it does not return an error, but if I do a similar thing with a string like
it returns an error. Why are they legal in HTML and illegal in AJAX? Are there any other differences between a legal HTML string loaded as a page and legal HTML string sent over ajax?
string literals can contain line breaks, they just need to be escaped with a backslash like so:
var string = "hello\
However, this does not create a line break in the string, as it must be an explicit \n escape sequence. This would technically become helloworld. Doing
var string = "hello"
+ "world"
would be much cleaner
Specify the type of the ajax call as 'html'. Jquery will try to infer the type when parsing the response.
If the response is json, newlines should be escaped.
I'd recommend using a library to serialize json. You're unlikely to handle all the edge cases if you roll your own.
Strings in JavaScript MUST appear on a single line, with the exception of escaping that line:
var str = "abc \
However note that the newline is escaped and will not appear in the string itself.
The best option is \n, but note that if it is already going through something that parses \n then you will need to double-escape it as \\n.
Seeing how you're already escaping the JSON properly by using to_json in Ruby, I do believe the bug is in jQuery; when there are newlines in the string it has trouble determining whether you meant to create a single element or a document fragment. This would work just fine:
var str = "<div>Hello\n</div>";
var wrapper = document.createElement('div');
wrapper.innerHTML = str;

Error using Javascript and JSP, string with space gives `Unterminated string literal`

I have to pass a string value to JavaScript from JSP page.
I am using
It works fine but when i have string like 'sweet milk', JavaScript throws the error
Unterminated string literal
How to solve this?
Your string contains single quotes - you can escape single quotes as "\x27" and double quotes as "\x22" and then pass it to javascript.
You probably have characters in your String that should be escaped in Javascript. For example, if your string is My name is "John", your code will generate
var a = "My name is "John"";
which is invalid.
You should use StringEscapeUtils.escapeJavaScript from commons-lang to make sure everything is correctly escaped (single and double quotes, newlines, tabs, etc.).
I guess there's an error in the generated JavaScript code. Is there any way to look at you page? I suggest to look at the generated source code of that page.

set a text from a java object with new lines to a javascript variable in JSP

I've a Java String with new lines(\n), say for example
String value = "This is a variable\n\nfrom\nJava";
Now I've to set this to a Javascript variable in a JSP file,
<script>var val = '<%= value %>';</script>
But because of the new lines in the above line, I'm getting javascript error "Unterminated String".
Please help me.
Use StringEscapeUtils#escapeEcmaScript() before printing it to JSP.
Newlines will be only one issue. To properly escape the string for display as a JavaScript literal, you have to handle newlines and a wide variety of other characters (not least backslashes and whatever quotes you're using). This isn't hard, but it's non-trivial. Effectively you need to search the string for a range of values (regular expressions are useful here) and substitute the JavaScript escape code (\n, etc.) for it. To avoid charset issues, when doing this sort of thing I escape anything that isn't ASCII into either the JavaScript named escape (\n) or a Unicode escape (\u1234).

