Kendo Grid C# - Select current page without refresh datasource again - javascript

i have been trying to fix this, what i want to do is:
I have a datasource who gets data from server, when i go to server, i get the list of items, then i have to search the item i have to select (This item could be in any page), after i have the item and the page where the item is located (assuming each page has 30 items), then i call LINQ expression to skip the required ammount of data and take 30. Finally i return this list to the client side.
When data arrives to client i need to "auto-select" the selected item and change the page to locate the user in the right page where the selected item is located. I have the new page, skip, selected value and everything in the client side again.
What do you suggest to me to change the page into the kendo grid datasource without call a new refresh and go to the server again?
This is how the datasource looks like:
return new{
serverPaging: true,
transport: {
read: {
url: URLController.Current().getURL('MyURL'),
contentType: 'application/json',
accepts: 'application/json',
type: 'POST'
parameterMap: function(data, type) {
if (data) {
return JSON.stringify(
data: jsonData,
pageSize: data.pageSize,
skip: data.skip,
take: data.take
schema: {
data: function (data) {
var dropDownData = JSON.parse(data);
gridElement.attr('data-model', JSON.stringify({ data: data }));
return dropDownData.Data;
total: function (data) {
var dropDownData = JSON.parse(data);
model: {
id: 'ID'
pageable: true,
pageSize: 30,
error: function(e) {
alert('Error ' + e);
When the grid data is bounded i have to change the page to current page number and then select the current item.'dataBound', function (e) {
var currentGridElement = this.element;
var currentModel = currentGridElement.attr('data-model');
var currentJsonData = parseDropDownDataJSONString(currentModel).data;
var gridDataSource = this.dataSource;
var selection = gridDataSource.get(currentJsonData.selectedValue);
if (selection != undefined) {
var row = currentGridElement.find('tbody>tr[data-uid=' + selection.uid + ']');
if (row != undefined) {
currentGridElement.attr('data-closeByChange', false);;;
var aaaa = 0;
This is how my databound event listener looks like, when i try to set the page it calls again the server and i got more delay to load the right data.
Is there any way to solve this?

Have the same problem.
There is how I fix that(not the best solution ever, but it works):
var forcedPageChange = false;
var cachedResult;
var dataSource = new{
transport: {
read: function (options) {
if (forcedPageChange) { // prevent data request after manual page change
forcedPageChange = false;
cachedResult = null;
gridDataProvider.getData() // promise of data
.then(function (result) {
// check if current page number was changed
if ($ !== result.pageNumber ||
$scope.gridConfig.dataSource.pageSize() !== result.rowsPerPage) {
cachedResult = _.clone(result);
forcedPageChange = true; = result.pageNumber;
options.pageSize = result.rowsPerPage;
}, function () {
schema: {
data: function (response) {
return response.items;
total: function (response) {
return response.totalCount;
serverPaging: true,
serverSorting: true,
serverFiltering: true
I found that doesn't work in this situation. It just drop page number to 1.
This solution works, but I still have a bug with missing sorting icon after dataSource.query(options)...


Full calendar resource extra params not added

I try to customize the params that send with the events and resources on the fullCalendar library.
I use full calendar version 3.
I can fetch these custom params from a form and assign them to events request.
But the issue is with resources that I use the same code for both but the requested URL for resource breaks and also lost the default start and end prams as well.
The code that I tried:
resources: {
// Resource route to load Instructors.
url: resourcesCallback,
method: 'GET',
data: function() {
var fields = jQuery('.calendar_filter_form').serializeArray();
var datas = {};
jQuery.each(fields, function(index, val) {
/* iterate through array or object */
datas[] = val.value;
return datas;
failure: function() {
alert('There was an error while fetching instructors!');
and the event part:
events: {
// Resource route to load Instractors.
url: eventsCallback,
method: 'GET',
data: function() {
var fields = jQuery('.calendar_filter_form').serializeArray();
var data = {};
jQuery.each(fields, function(index, val) {
/* iterate through array or object */
data[] = val.value;
return data;
failure: function() {
alert('there was an error while fetching events!');
The generated URL that I get are these:
For events:
Request URL: DOMAIN/load?instractor=&lessonType=&date=&start=2019-07-22T00%3A00%3A00&end=2019-07-23T00%3A00%3A00&_=156377682
For resources:
Request URL: DOMAIN/resources?_=1563776826863
I need to generate the second URL like the first, as you see the code is same but result is different, what is wrong?
The full code if needed:
defaultView: 'agendaDay',
// Active the ajax reload the resources(instructors).
refetchResourcesOnNavigate: true,
// To make the time slot divided in 15mis.
slotDuration: "00:15:00",
displayEventTime : false,
// This define each time slot can get how many part
// of the rows, for example if we set it to "00:01:00"
// then it will divide each row by 15 mins but just show
// the one between one like: 00:15:00 , 00:45:00 , 01:15:00.
slotLabelInterval: "00:01:00",
slotLabelFormat: ['H:mm'],
groupByResource: true,
// To trun of the all day row at the top of calendar.
allDaySlot: false,
groupByDateAndResource: true,
// Settings for manage the calendar header options.
header: {
left: 'prev, today, next',
center: 'title',
right: null,
eventRender: function (event, $element) {
// Render the Main content of the events with more details
// and with html tags to be more user friendly.
$element.find('.fc-title').html('<p style="text-align:center">'
+ event.lessonType + ' ~ ' + event.student
+ '<br>' + event.description
+ '<br>' + event.lessonAvailable + '~' + event.nextEvent + '</p>'
// Define the Calendar column name.
// This part should be dynamic and will
// define by instructor names.
resources: {
// Resource route to load Instructors.
url: resourcesCallback,
method: 'GET',
data: function() {
var fields = jQuery('.calendar_filter_form').serializeArray();
var data = {};
jQuery.each(fields, function(index, val) {
/* iterate through array or object */
data[] = val.value;
return data;
failure: function() {
alert('There was an error while fetching instructors!');
// The main part of getting data and manipulate them
// to show those in proper format in the calendar.
// To match with resources here the resourceId should match
// with the ids that provided in the resources.
// Also to get proper location according to time slot
// it need the correct start and end params that should
// be in correct date format like: 2019-07-18T19:30:00.
events: {
// Resource route to load instructors.
url: eventsCallback,
method: 'GET',
data: function() {
var fields = jQuery('.calendar_filter_form').serializeArray();
var datas = {};
jQuery.each(fields, function(index, val) {
/* iterate through array or object */
datas[] = val.value;
return datas;
failure: function() {
alert('there was an error while fetching events!');
In the meantime, of course, the obvious workaround is to use the resources-as-function pattern instead, then you can construct the AJAX request exactly as you need it.
Thanks, #ADyson.
resources: function(callback){
url: resourcesCallback,
type: 'GET',
dataType: "json",
data: jQuery('.calendar_filter_form').serialize(),
error: function() {
// alert('Oops! Try again.');
success: function(response){

Materialize autocomplete ajax

I'm using the materialize autocomplete plugin to create multiple tags input with autocomplete. Plugin works fine, yet only with data passed as an array defined in advance. If data is passed from ajax call, plugin does not show dropdown with options as if there were no results. There are results in fact, they are cached (using cache option) and are shown as dropdown only after re-typing search phrase.
To sum up, autocomplete plugin does not wait for the ajax to complete its request and deliver data and that is why dropdown is not shown at first try.
Is there any way to get this plugin to show suggestions in dropdown once these are retrieved trough ajax call?
Plugin initialization:
autocomplete = $('#multipleInput').materialize_autocomplete({
cacheable: true,
throttling: true,
multiple: {
enable: true,
maxSize : 5
appender: {
el: '.ac-users'
dropdown: {
el: '#multipleDropdown'
getData: function (value, callback) {
Function to get values from DB:
function getAjaxDropdowValuesAutocomplete(value){
var returnArray = [],
innerObject = {},
postParamsObj = {"search" : value};
type: "POST",
url: '/search-elements',
data: postParamsObj,
success: function( msg ) {
dataArray = msg['data'];
for(var i = 0;i < dataArray.length; i++){
innerObject = {};
innerObject["id"] = dataArray[i][0];
innerObject["text"] = dataArray[i][1] + " " + dataArray[i][2];
// returnArray format [{ 'id': '1', 'text': 'Johnny Bravo' }]
error : function(msg){
return returnArray;
You could try initializing the autocomplete during the success callback of the ajax request instead of the other way around. That way you're sure to have the data before it tries to start binding the autocomplete events. e.g.
function getAjaxDropdowValuesAutocomplete(value) {
var returnArray = [],
innerObject = {},
postParamsObj = {"search": value};
type: "POST",
url: '/search-elements',
data: postParamsObj,
success: function (msg) {
dataArray = msg['data'];
for (var i = 0; i < dataArray.length; i++) {
innerObject = {};
innerObject["id"] = dataArray[i][0];
innerObject["text"] = dataArray[i][1] + " " + dataArray[i][2];
// returnArray format [{ 'id': '1', 'text': 'Johnny Bravo' }]
autocomplete = $('#multipleInput').materialize_autocomplete({
cacheable: true,
throttling: true,
multiple: {
enable: true,
maxSize: 5
appender: {
el: '.ac-users'
dropdown: {
el: '#multipleDropdown'
getData: returnArray
error: function (msg) {
return returnArray;

POST with Ext.Ajax.request?

I am new to ExtJS and I am trying to implement a combo box and 'Save' button that will save the "boxStatus" for all of the records selected in my grid (there is a little checkbox column for selecting records, and a combo box for the status). I have tried with the following ajax call:
saveBulkBoxComments : function(){
var formObj = this.getPositionPanel().getForm();
var fieldValues = formObj.getFieldValues();
method: 'POST',
params: {
boxStatus: fieldValues.boxStatus,
csrComment: fieldValues.csrComment
success : function(response) {
//how do I update box status for all records selected?
scope: this
Here is the Java:
return getReturnValue(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
String groupIdList[] = groupIds.split(",");
String user = mercuryUserScreenNameGetter.getValue(request);
Date date = Utils.parseDate(positionDate, DATE_FORMAT);
.forEach(groupId ->
positionsDataMediator.addBoxAnnotation(date,user, groupId, csrComment, boxStatus));
I am not really sure how to post all of the boxStatus for all of the records selected. Would I have to write a method that iterates over all of the records when I hit Save? That seems wrong...Thanks for the help.
After some fiddling, I got it working. The trick was to iterate over each groupID, for all of the selected records...this way I was able to update the boxStatus for each of those records at once:
saveBulkBoxComments : function(){
grid = this.getPositionPanel();
var store = grid.getStore();
formObj = this.getBoxCommentsFormPanel().getForm();
var fieldValues = formObj.getFieldValues();
var value='';
selectedRecords = grid.getSelectionModel().getSelection();
Ext.each(selectedRecords, function(item) {
value +=item.get('groupId') +',';
method: 'POST',
params: {
groupIds :value,
boxStatus: fieldValues.boxStatus,
csrComment: fieldValues.csrComment
success: function(result, action, response) {
var jsonData = Ext.decode(result.responseText);
var jsonRecords = jsonData.records;
scope: this

JStree Async Search

Whe are busy building a web based app. And we inherited the code where the previous developers used jstree so now the whole site consist out of a tree that uses jstree.
Everything worked even the search on the tree, but then we came across a problem where certain tabs loaded too long because of the tree which was too big.
So we went and made the the tree async / lazy loading which works perfectly but know the problem is that the search doesn't work that well.
Because we made a api for the search which works but it doesn't do the call back after new tree has been loaded.
Can someone help because I've been struggling for 3 days now and its giving me a head ache.
// Tree Search
searchAjaxFunction: function () {
var TreeCustomApiRequest = {
nTreeCustomDesc: document.getElementById("tree_search").value,
nUserId: document.getElementById("TrendUserID").value,
nAccessLevel: document.getElementById("hfTrendAccessLevel").value
type: "POST",
data: JSON.stringify(TreeCustomApiRequest),
url: 'api/TreeCustomSearch.aspx',
success: function (jsonData)
Tree.dataJson = jsonData;
// Clear the tree.
//Tree.dataJson = jsonData;
if ($("#tree").jstree()) {
$('#tree').jstree(true) = jsonData;
contentType: "application/json"
onClickFunctionNode: function(node) {
pluginsArray: ["search", "checkbox", "types", "json_data","html_data"],
treeMenuContextItems: {},
Init: function(initData) {
Tree.dataJson = initData.dataJson;
Tree.treeDivIdSelector = initData.chartDivId;
Tree.searchDivIdSelector = initData.searchDivId;
var apiUriTree = 'api/TreeCustomChildren.aspx';
"checkbox": {
"keep_selected_style": true,
"three_state": false
"plugins": Tree.pluginsArray,
'core': {
'data': function (node, cb) {
// Fetch tree custom parent nodes
if ( === "#") {
else {
var _cb = cb;
//Fetch tree custom Child nodes
var TreeCustomApiRequest = {
nUserId: document.getElementById("TrendUserID").value,
nAccessLevel: document.getElementById("hfTrendAccessLevel").value,
function recieveData(data) {
type: "POST",
data: JSON.stringify(TreeCustomApiRequest),
url: apiUriTree,
success: recieveData,
contentType: "application/json"
"themes": {
"icons": false
"contextmenu": {
items: Tree.pluginsArray.indexOf("contextmenu") > -1 ? Tree.treeMenuContextItems : null
var tree = Tree.treeDivIdSelector.jstree();
function getNode(sNodeID) {
return tree.get_node(sNodeID);
Tree.treeDivIdSelector.on('click', '.jstree-anchor', function(e) {
The next code is in the client side......
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
var dataJson = <%=sTreeViewJson%>
Tree.Init({ dataJson: dataJson, chartDivId: $("#tree") });
$("#btnSearch").click(function () {
// Do the Ajax search
//var value = document.getElementById("tree_search").value;
Thank you Nikolay, it was a stupid mistake from me so what I added was just this to my code:
success: function (jsonData, callback )
//Goes back to the Callback with the new search data
Tree.Init({ dataJson: jsonData, chartDivId: $("#tree"), searchDivId: $("#tree_search") });
So I removed the
$('#tree').jstree(true) = jsonData;
Know it gets my data and refreshes the table with the init function while it has my new data.
Hope this also may help someone = ).

How can I assign an HTML5 data value to an element?

I have the following code:
title: title,
closeButton: true,
content: content,
complete: function () {
// updated to line below but still does not work
width: 900,
resizeOnLoad: true,
buttons: {
'Submit': function (win) {
Once my data is loaded I am trying to set the data attribute action. I then have more code that reads it in the submit handler:
var formSubmitHandler = function (form) {
var $form = form;
var val = $form.valid();
if (!$form.valid || $form.valid()) {
var submitBt = $(this).find('button[type=submit]');
var sendTimer = new Date().getTime();
url: $form.attr('action'),
dataType: 'json',
type: 'POST',
data: $form.serializeArray(),
success: function (json, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) {
json = json || {};
if (json.success) {
if ($'action') == "Edit") {
} else {
However it seems the value is not being set correctly as when I step through the code this is not getting a true value: $'action') == "Edit". Am I doing something wrong?
This might be the issue.
First you do - $('#main-form').data('action',action);
I'm not entirely sure what the actionvariable holds, but from this line of your code - url: $form.attr('action') I'm going to assume you're giving the form action value. Why you do that is your concern, but I do believe it does not == "Edit".
What value do you get in your $'action') ?

