Update application state from child in React + Flux - javascript

UPDATE It turned out my whole approach was wrong. As the accepted answer suggests, a good starting point is the TodoMVC app built with React + Flux and hosted on GitHub.
I am building a very small React + Flux app for learning purposes. At the moment it consists only in a login form and in a content (that actually just shows the username). I'm planning to have the application component as the only stateful component in my app, that will send its state to the children as props. But I can't figure out what's the best practice to update the application state from a child (in my case, the input form). I think I can probably bubble it up along the hierarchy, but it really seems a bad practice. Also, should I save the logged in username in the stores?
Here's a basic example of what I mean:
var LoginForm = React.createClass({
_onSubmit : function(e) {
var username = this.refs.username.getDOMNode().value.trim();
if(!username) return;
this.refs.username.getDOMNode().value = "";
render : function() {
return (
<form onSubmit={this._onSubmit}>
placeholder="Insert username"
<button type="submit">Login</button>
var Header = React.createClass({
render : function() {
return (
<div className="header">
<LoginForm />
var Content = React.createClass({
render : function() {
return (
<div className="content">Welcome, [username]</div>
var MyApp = React.createClass({
render : function() {
return (
<Header />
<Content />
<MyApp />,
I have set up a JSFiddle here with this example, my goal is to substitute [username] with the alerted string.

im sorry but i didn't see any flux's architecture in your code yet :) for a high level implementation explanation, assuming you have all 3 basic structure of flux, namely action, dispatcher, and store.
in the _onSubmit in LoginForm component, you should trigger the action to perform the login, and then the event will go through the dispatcher and pass to store.
from the store, it will perform the login (and here you save the [username] information), and then trigger an event (for example change). This event will be registered and listening by the Content component in the componentDidMount. Upon listened the change event, you should able to get the username information from the store. This is a good example for the flux


What's the correct way of accessing input fields in React-Redux?

So I have this application which uses Redux to store some data. Then I have the Search component, which I originally wanted to be a plain dumb component. However, there is an input field whose value I would like to access and pass on to do something with it. However, I am not sure how to manage the value of this input field, that is, how to access it & where to store the value. I want to use Redux and be consistent, so that's my main problem. I have found the following solution (which works), but this does not look like Redux to me anymore? Am I violating any Redux specific rules with this?
On the other hand, how would I do it with Redux? With a reducer & action etc. just for this one input field in one component? This seems like a bit too much, but please enlighten me!
class Search extends React.Component{
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
username: ""
this.handleUsernameChange = this.handleUsernameChange.bind(this);
handleUsernameChange(evt) {
console.log("Helo" + evt.target.value);
username: evt.target.value
onSubmit(e) {
console.log("Hello" + e);
/* Do something... */
render() {
// Return JSX via render()
return (
<div className="">
<h1>Youtube Link</h1>
<input className="form-control" onChange={this.handleUsernameChange}></input>
<button className="btn btn-large btn-positive" onClick={this.onSubmit}>Download</button>
// Export Search
export default Search
"I want to use Redux and be consistent, so that's my main problem."
That's a valid reason to use Redux for this use case. But it is also fine to use combination of Redux and local component state in your application. I think this is a perfect example on when local component state is a good solution. I wrote a blog post on this topic. If you want, you can take a look here: http://blog.jakoblind.no/2017/02/08/is-using-a-mix-of-redux-state-and-react-local-component-state-ok/
On the other hand, how would I do it with Redux? With a reducer & action etc. just for this one input field in one component? This seems like a bit too much, but please enlighten me!
Yes, this is how you would do it with Redux. If you need the the username value anywhere else in your app, then this is the approach you should take.
If you don't want to write your own actions and reducer and everything for it, you could look into redux-form to handle it for you, but it might be a bit overkill if there is not much other input required from the user.
If you only need it when you hit that button right below it, then what you have is fine as you can just raise your action with the value from the components state, e.g,
onSubmit(e) {
console.log("Hello" + e);
/* Do something... */
where downloadTheThing is mapped in your mapDispatchToProps function when connecting the component (assuming you are using react-redux).
It is definitely fine to use local state in Redux.
From the code snippet you shared, you don't even need to use a local state.
constructor(props) {
this.username = '';
onSubmit() {
console.log('Hello ' + this.username);
render() {
return (
<input type="text" onChange={e => this.username = e.target.value} />
<input className="form-control" onChange={this.handleUsernameChange}></input>
that is your input field. first thing todo when you work on input in react is to set the value and then apply onChange. with value we will assign the state of the input to the state of the component so we will get single source of truth.
since you want to work on redux store, I assume you already have your redux store, reducers and actions set in your application. reducers hold the state and you send message to reducers via dispatch(). You access to dispatch() on this.props.dispatch() once you define connect() (). By default, a connected component receives props.dispatch()
import React from "react"; //anywhere you are using jsx, u should import this
import { connect } from "react-redux";
import setInputAction from "relative path" //actions are the messages that you send to reducers. reducers change the state based on the actions.
//this allows you access to state in Redux-store via the props.
const mapStateToProps = state => {
return {
reduxState: state
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Search);
this code is kinda configuration of your component to communicate with the redux-store.
Now let's focus on input field. we have to set the value:
value={this.props.reduxState.input}// i assume you have `input:""` in the state. u can name anything you want.
onChange={e => {
this.props.dispatch(setInputAction(e.target.value));//we are sending e.target.value to the reducer via dispatch().
setInputAction is just an object that sent to reducer. Reducers are already defined what to do under certain actions. So you just send the message and reducer will change the state accordingly.

Communicating between nested child components in React.js

It won't take you long to realise that I am probably out of my depth here. I am not only new to React.js but also to ES6 and so please be gentle with your answers...
Here goes.
I am using a component to build a form input:
const Input = (props) => {
<input ... />
I have a component which I use to construct HTML around any of the basic form elements that I give it.
const InputWrap = (props) => {
<div class="input-wrap" ...>
Which allows me to do something like this...
const Input = (props) => {
<input ... />
What I would like to do is to add a character counting component to the mix:
const InputWrap = (props) => {
<div class="input-wrap" ... >
{children} // which is the HTML input
{props.maxValue && <CharCounter />}
So here is my problem...
The <CharCounter /> needs to be notified of any changes happening to the <input /> and update it's internal state.
The <input /> and the <CharCounter /> are siblings and children of the <InputWrap /> and so, from what I can gather, I need a method inside <InputWrap /> which ties an onChange of the <input /> and some method that will update the state within the <CharCount /> component.
I am at a loss as to how I go about adding a callback as the <input onChange={doSomething} /> is in the form {children} by the time it comes in contact with the <CharCount /> once inside the <InputWrap />...
Where am I going wrong here? I'm starting to think it was way back at the beginning...
There are two typical ways of communication between siblings:
You use the InputWrapper as an DataContainer
You use a Data Flow library like flux or redux (which is a lot more complex, especially for this case)
For the 1. you need, as you correctly noticed, an onChange handler for the input component, which is a function defined in the Component and which is passed to the input. If your input component is an own component and not the native component you will need to pass the onChange prop to the native input.
The function in the Component takes the input, counts the chars and sets an internal state variable with setState({ charCount: #CountValue#}). And then you can pass the state variable to the CharCount Component with
One Important thing to mention: You are using stateless components and therefore you will need to change your InputWrap to a normal react component
class InputWrap extends React.Component {
Hope this will give you the right direction.
Another excellent solution that is like redux but has a different architecture and api is https://github.com/mobxjs/mobx-react.
You can use the inject HOC to inject shared state to any react component in your application.

React POST to Node Server and handle JSON response

I am new to React so I am trying to understand how all this works together.
Is there a way to change the component that is rendering for another component after getting a status 200 from a node server?
For Example. I am doing a POST http request from a signup pageto my node with express server. The server response with a json object to my front end. Which Now I want the the profile component/page to render rather than staying at the signup page. This allows me to use the Json data and render it on the profile page. Is this possible? If you have another alternative I am open for suggestions too.
Thanks everyon.
I am using react router to control the different routes.
My node server is setup with passport to handle the singup.
You basically need to manage the state of your application (the user is connected / not connected). Then you can wrap your page inside a component managing the fact that user is connected or not.
Suppose you set user_is_logged as true if the login is successful. You can do something like :
var PageWrapper = React.createClass({
render : function() {
// user_is_logged is true if user is correctly logged
// LoginPage is the authentication form
var pageContent = user_is_logged ? this.props.children : <LoginPage />;
return (
<Menu />
<div className="container">
var MyPage = React.createClass({
render : function() {
return (
<div>content of page...</div>
And re-render the page in the ajax callback :
ReactDOM.render (<MyPage />, document.getElementById('my-app'));
It works also with React router.
Please, take a look at Redux Architecture available at http://redux.js.org/
Understanding its concepts will make it clear to you the matter.
Then, go to the Advanced Topics of Redux and you will understand how asynchronous requests interact with Redux Components - (http://redux.js.org/docs/advanced/
Hope this helps.

Store fetched data to avoid fetching it with each reload of the component

I have a React component that is supposed to be used in different views. This component is Select element with pretty long list of options, and I load this list from db via ajax call.
For all views used the same Select with the same list of options.
My problem is that I don't understand how to coerce this Select to load this list only once, and reuse it for other renderings.
It looks somewhat like this now (simplistically, obviously):
var SelectField = React.createClass({
loadListFromServer: function () {...}
return {
options: [],
componentDidMount() {
options: this.loadListFromServer()
render: function () {
return (
<Select options={this.state.options} />
var Index = React.createClass({
render: function () {
return (
<SelectField />
var Content = React.createClass({
render: function () {
return (
<SelectField />
<Router history={createBrowserHistory()}>
<Route path="/" component={Index}/>
<Route path="path" component={Content}/>
What I tried to do: make both options and loadListFromServer() global and call the loadListFromServer() from window.init. Then Index renders with empty options as it is being filled when everything is already mounted.
So what is general approach to achieve it? Thanks, and I am sorry if my question is stupid - I've just started this topic.
When you say you only want to load the <Select> component once, I assume you mean you only want to load its data once.
You might try a flux architecture that separates components from actions.
The root of the problem in your example seems to be the tight coupling between the <Select> component and the state that it presents (the list of options). Every time the component is used, it must create its state or reuse the state from a different instance of <Select>. But in the latter case we would need somewhere to store the state between different instances of the component.
Have you looked into redux? It decouples the state from components.

Reusability/Scalability issues with react-flux app

The question:
Is there any way to have a standard flux workflow - using Actions and Stores inside of a component and still be able to use this component for multiple different purposes, or if not is there any way to have complex nested structure in flux-react app without propagating every change trough a huge callback pipe-line?
The example (If the question is not clear enough):
Lets say I have a couple of super simple custom components like ToggleButton, Slider, DatePicker and more. They need to be reusable, so i can't use any actions inside of them, instead i've defined callback functions. For example onChange on the DatePicker fires like this:
I have a custom component lets call it InfoBox that contains a couple of the simple components described above. This component listens for changes for every of its children like this:
<DatePicker ref='startDate' onChange={this.startDate_changeHandler} />
The InfoBox is used for different purposes so i guess it can not be binded to a specific store as well.
I also have a custom Grid component that render many instances of the InfoBox. This grid is used to show different data on different pages and each page can have multiple grids - so i think i can not bind it with Actions and Stores.
Now here is where it all gets crazy, bear with me - I have couple of pages - Clients, Products, Articles, etc.. each of them have at least one Grid and every grid have some filters (like search).
The pages definitely can use actions and store but there are big similarities between the pages and I don't want to have to duplicate that much code (not only methods, but markup as well).
As you may see it's quite complex structure and it seems to me that is not right to implement pipe-line of callback methods for each change in the nested components going like DataPicker > InfoBox > Grid > Page > Something else.
You're absolutely right in that changing the date in a DatePicker component should not trigger a Flux action. Flux actions are for changing application state, and almost never view state where view state means "input box X contains the value Z", or "the list Y is collapsed".
It's great that you're creating reusable components like Grid etc, it'll help you make the application more maintainable.
The way to handle your problem is to pass in components from the top level down to the bottom. This can either be done with child components or with simple props.
Say you have a page, which shows two Grids, one grid of - let's say - meeting appointments and one grid with todo notes. Now the page itself is too high up in the hierarchy to know when to trigger actions, and your Grid and InfoBox are too general to know which actions to trigger. You can use callbacks like you said, but that can be a bit too limited.
So you have a page, and you have an array of appointments and an array of todo items. To render that and wire it up, you might have something like this:
var TodoActions = {
markAsComplete: function (todo) {
alert('Completed: ' + todo.text);
var InfoBox = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<div className="infobox">
{React.createElement(this.props.component, this.props)}
var Grid = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var that = this;
return (
<div className="grid">
{this.props.items.map(function (item) {
return <InfoBox component={that.props.component} item={item} />;
var Todo = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var that = this;
return (
Todo: {this.props.item.text}
<button onClick={function () { TodoActions.markAsComplete(that.props.item); }}>Mark as complete</button>
var MyPage = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function () {
return {
todos: [{text: 'A todo'}]
render: function() {
return (
<Grid items={this.state.todos} component={Todo} />
React.render(<MyPage />, document.getElementById('app'));
As you see, both Grid and InfoBox knows very little, except that some data is passed to them, and that they should render a component at the bottom which knows how to trigger an action. InfoBox also passes on all its props to Todo, which gives Todo the todo object passed to InfoBox.
So this is one way to deal with these things, but it still means that you're propagating props down from component to component. In some cases where you have deep nesting, propagating that becomes tedious and it's easy to forget to add it which breaks the components further down. For those cases, I'd recommend that you look into contexts in React, which are pretty awesome. Here's a good introduction to contexts: https://www.tildedave.com/2014/11/15/introduction-to-contexts-in-react-js.html
Update with answer to your comment. In order to generalize Todo in the example so that it doesn't know which action to call explicitly, you can wrap it in a new component that knows.
Something like this:
var Todo = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var that = this;
return (
Todo: {this.props.item.text}
<button onClick={function () { this.props.onCompleted(that.props.item); }}>Mark as complete</button>
var AppointmentTodo = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return <Todo {...this.props} onCompleted={function (todo) { TodoActions.markAsComplete(todo); }} />;
var MyPage = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function () {
return {
todos: [{text: 'A todo'}]
render: function() {
return (
<Grid items={this.state.todos} component={AppointmentTodo} />
So instead of having MyPage pass Todo to Grid, it now passes AppointmentTodo which only acts as a wrapper component that knows about a specific action, freeing Todo to only care about rendering it. This is a very common pattern in React, where you have components that just delegate the rendering to another component, and passes in props to it.

