Get Navigation Term using javascript - javascript

Has anyone tried to use Javascript API to get Navigation Term in Sharepoint? I found the code in MSDN but did not have any clue to use it.
Could you please to tell me how I can get current page Navigation Term or get Navigation Term by id using javascript?

You could utilize SP.Publishing.Navigation.NavigationTermSet.getAsResolvedByWeb Method to retrieve Navigation Term Set object. The following example demonstrates how to retrieve Navigation Term Set object and find Navigation Term:
SP.SOD.executeFunc('sp.js', 'SP.ClientContext', function () {
SP.SOD.registerSod('sp.taxonomy.js', SP.Utilities.Utility.getLayoutsPageUrl('sp.taxonomy.js'));
SP.SOD.executeFunc('sp.taxonomy.js', 'SP.Taxonomy.TaxonomySession', function () {
SP.SOD.registerSod('sp.publishing.js', SP.Utilities.Utility.getLayoutsPageUrl('sp.publishing.js'));
SP.SOD.executeFunc('sp.publishing.js', 'SP.Publishing.Navigation.NavigationTermSet', function () {
var navTermSetId = 'ccef718f-fc01-4d27-b877-431f2e4bf136';
var navTermId = '1b04f1b2-f5f4-4c7b-a87f-28fb8665824b';
for(var i = 0;i < navTermSet.get_terms().get_count();i++) {
var navTerm = navTermSet.get_terms().getItemAtIndex(i);
if(navTerm.get_id().toString() == navTermId){
function(sender, args)
console.log('Request failed ' + args.get_message() + ':'+ args.get_stackTrace());
function loadNavigationTermSet(navTermSetId,success,error)
var ctx = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
var taxonomySession = SP.Taxonomy.TaxonomySession.getTaxonomySession(ctx);
var termStore = taxonomySession.getDefaultSiteCollectionTermStore(); //retrieve default Term Store
var termSet = termStore.getTermSet(navTermSetId);
var navTermSet = SP.Publishing.Navigation.NavigationTermSet.getAsResolvedByWeb(ctx,termSet, ctx.get_web(), "GlobalNavigationTaxonomyProvider");
Example 2
The following example demonstrates how to retrieve Navigation Terms:
SP.SOD.executeFunc('sp.js', 'SP.ClientContext', function () {
SP.SOD.registerSod('sp.taxonomy.js', SP.Utilities.Utility.getLayoutsPageUrl('sp.taxonomy.js'));
SP.SOD.executeFunc('sp.taxonomy.js', 'SP.Taxonomy.TaxonomySession', function () {
SP.SOD.registerSod('sp.publishing.js', SP.Utilities.Utility.getLayoutsPageUrl('sp.publishing.js'));
SP.SOD.executeFunc('sp.publishing.js', 'SP.Publishing.Navigation.NavigationTermSet', function () {
var navTermSetId = 'ccef718f-fc01-4d27-b877-431f2e4bf136';
for(var i = 0;i < navTerms.get_count();i++) {
var navTerm = navTerms.getItemAtIndex(i);
function(sender, args)
console.log('Request failed ' + args.get_message() + ':'+ args.get_stackTrace());
function loadNavigationTerms(navTermSetId,success,error)
var ctx = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
var taxonomySession = SP.Taxonomy.TaxonomySession.getTaxonomySession(ctx);
var termStore = taxonomySession.getDefaultSiteCollectionTermStore(); //retrieve default Term Store
var termSet = termStore.getTermSet(navTermSetId);
var navTermSet = SP.Publishing.Navigation.NavigationTermSet.getAsResolvedByWeb(ctx,termSet, ctx.get_web(), "GlobalNavigationTaxonomyProvider");
var navTerms = navTermSet.get_terms();


JavaScript Web Resource issue: getGrid() suddenly started failing

I have a few different JavaScript web resources that use the getGrid(), all of which started failing this week after I enabled the 2020 Wave 1 Updates in D365. The error message shows:
"Error occurred :TypeError: Unable to get property 'getGrid' of undefined or null reference"
Here is my code:
function GetTotalResourceCount(executionContext) {
console.log("function started");
var execContext = executionContext;
var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
var resourceyescount = 0;
try {
var gridCtx = formContext._gridControl;
var grid = gridCtx.getGrid();
var allRows = grid.getRows();
var duplicatesFound = 0;
//loop through rows and get the attribute collection
allRows.forEach(function (row, rowIndex) {
var thisRow = row.getData().entity;
var thisRowId = thisRow.getId();
var thisResource = "";
var thisResourceName = "";
var thisResourceID = "";
console.log("this row id=" + thisRowId);
var thisAttributeColl = row.getData().entity.attributes;
thisAttributeColl.forEach(function (thisAttribute, attrIndex) {
var msg = "";
if (thisAttribute.getName() == "new_resource") {
thisResource = thisAttribute.getValue();
thisResourceID = thisResource[0].id;
thisResourceName = thisResource[0].name;
console.log("this resource name=" + thisResourceName)
var allRows2 = formContext.getGrid().getRows();
//loop through rows and get the attribute collection
allRows2.forEach(function (row, rowIndex) {
var thatRow = row.getData().entity;
var thatRowId = thatRow.getId();
var thatAttributeColl = row.getData().entity.attributes;
var thatResource = "";
var thatResourceName = "";
var thatResourceID = "";
thatAttributeColl.forEach(function (thatAttribute, attrIndex) {
if (thatAttribute.getName() == "new_resource") {
thatResource = thatAttribute.getValue();
thatResourceID = thatResource[0].id;
thatResourceName = thatResource[0].name;
if (thatResourceID == thisResourceID && thatRowId != thisRowId) {
var msg = "Duplicate resource " + thatResource;
console.log("duplicates found= " + duplicatesFound);
if (duplicatesFound > 0) {
console.log("duplicate found");
Xrm.Page.getControl("new_showduplicateerror").setNotification("A duplicate resource was found. Please remove this before saving.");
} else {
} catch (err) {
console.log('Error occurred :' + err)
Here is a separate web resource that triggers the function:
function TriggerSalesQDResourceCount(executionContext){
var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
Any ideas how I can fix this? Is this a known issue with the new D365 wave 1 update?
This is the problem with unsupported (undocumented) code usage, which will break in future updates.
var gridCtx = formContext._gridControl;
You have to switch to these supported methods.
function doSomething(executionContext) {
var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext(); // get the form Context
var gridContext = formContext.getControl("Contacts"); // get the grid context
// Perform operations on the subgrid
var grid = gridContext.getGrid();
Client API grid context
Grid (Client API reference)

html table no longer supported

As others before I used yql to get data from a website. The website is in xml format.
I am doing this to build a web data connector in Tableau to connect to xmldata and I got my code from here:
As recommended on here: YQL: html table is no longer supported I tried htmlstring and added the reference to the community environment.
// try to use yql as a proxy
function _yqlProxyAjaxRequest2(url, successCallback){
var yqlQueryBase = "";
var query = "select * from htmlstring where url='" + url + "'";
var restOfQueryString = "&format=xml" ;
var yqlUrl = yqlQueryBase + encodeURIComponent(query) + restOfQueryString + "&";
_ajaxRequestHelper(url, successCallback, yqlUrl, _giveUpOnUrl9);
function _giveUpOnUrl9(url, successCallback) {
tableau.abortWithError("Could not load url: " + url);
However, I still got the message: Html table no longer supported.
As I don't know much about yql, I tried to work with xmlHttpRequestinstead, but Tableau ended up processing the request for ages and nothing happened.
Here my attempt to find another solution and avoid the yql thingy:
function _retrieveXmlData(retrieveDataCallback) {
if (!window.cachedTableData) {
var conData = JSON.parse(tableau.connectionData);
var xmlString = conData.xmlString;
if (conData.xmlUrl) {
var successCallback = function(data) {
window.cachedTableData = _xmlToTable(data);
//_basicAjaxRequest1(conData.xmlUrl, successCallback);
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
};'GET', '', true);
try {
var xmlDoc = $.parseXML(conData.xmlString);
window.cachedTableData = _xmlToTable(xmlDoc);
catch (e) {
tableau.abortWithError("unable to parse xml data");
Does anyone have an idea how to get YQL work or comment on my approach trying to avoid it?
Thank you very much!
For reference, if there is any Tableau user that wants to test it on Tableau, here is my full code:
<title>XML Connector</title>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
var myConnector = tableau.makeConnector();
myConnector.init = function () {
tableau.connectionName = 'XML data';
myConnector.getColumnHeaders = function() {
_retrieveXmlData(function (tableData) {
var headers = tableData.headers;
var fieldNames = [];
var fieldTypes = [];
for (var fieldName in headers) {
if (headers.hasOwnProperty(fieldName)) {
tableau.headersCallback(fieldNames, fieldTypes); // tell tableau about the fields and their types
myConnector.getTableData = function (lastRecordToken) {
_retrieveXmlData(function (tableData) {
var rowData = tableData.rowData;
tableau.dataCallback(rowData, rowData.length.toString(), false);
function _retrieveXmlData(retrieveDataCallback) {
if (!window.cachedTableData) {
var conData = JSON.parse(tableau.connectionData);
var xmlString = conData.xmlString;
if (conData.xmlUrl) {
var successCallback = function(data) {
window.cachedTableData = _xmlToTable(data);
//_basicAjaxRequest1(conData.xmlUrl, successCallback);
//here try another approach not using yql but xmlHttpRequest?
//try xml dom to get url (xml http request)
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
};'GET', '', true);
try {
var xmlDoc = $.parseXML(conData.xmlString);
window.cachedTableData = _xmlToTable(xmlDoc);
catch (e) {
tableau.abortWithError("unable to parse xml data");
function myFunction(xml) {
var xmlDoc = xml.responseXML;
window.cachedTableData = _xmlToTable(xmlDoc);
// There are a lot of ways to handle URLS. Sometimes we'll need workarounds for CORS. These
// methods chain together a series of attempts to get the data at the given url
function _ajaxRequestHelper(url, successCallback, conUrl, nextFunction,
specialSuccessCallback = specialSuccessCallback || successCallback;
var xhr = $.ajax({
url: conUrl,
dataType: 'xml',
success: specialSuccessCallback,
error: function()
nextFunction(url, successCallback);
// try the straightforward request
function _basicAjaxRequest1(url, successCallback){
_ajaxRequestHelper(url, successCallback, url, _yqlProxyAjaxRequest2);
// try to use yql as a proxy
function _yqlProxyAjaxRequest2(url, successCallback){
var yqlQueryBase = "";
var query = "select * from htmlstring where url='" + url + "'";
var restOfQueryString = "&format=xml" ;
var yqlUrl = yqlQueryBase + encodeURIComponent(query) + restOfQueryString + "&";
_ajaxRequestHelper(url, successCallback, yqlUrl, _giveUpOnUrl9);
function _giveUpOnUrl9(url, successCallback) {
tableau.abortWithError("Could not load url: " + url);
// Takes a hierarchical xml document and tries to turn it into a table
// Returns an object with headers and the row level data
function _xmlToTable(xmlDocument) {
var rowData = _flattenData(xmlDocument);
var headers = _extractHeaders(rowData);
return {"headers":headers, "rowData":rowData};
// Given an object:
// - finds the longest array in the xml
// - flattens each element in that array so it is a single element with many properties
// If there is no array that is a descendent of the original object, this wraps
function _flattenData(xmlDocument) {
// first find the longest array
var longestArray = _findLongestArray(xmlDocument, xmlDocument);
if (!longestArray || longestArray.length == 0) {
// if no array found, just wrap the entire object blob in an array
longestArray = [objectBlob];
toRet = [];
for (var ii = 0; ii < longestArray.childNodes.length; ++ii) {
toRet[ii] = _flattenObject(longestArray.childNodes[ii]);
return toRet;
// Given an element with hierarchical properties, flattens it so all the properties
// sit on the base element.
function _flattenObject(xmlElt) {
var toRet = {};
if (xmlElt.attributes) {
for (var attributeNum = 0; attributeNum < xmlElt.attributes.length; ++attributeNum) {
var attribute = xmlElt.attributes[attributeNum];
toRet[attribute.nodeName] = attribute.nodeValue;
var children = xmlElt.childNodes;
if (!children || !children.length) {
if (xmlElt.textContent) {
toRet.text = xmlElt.textContent.trim();
} else {
for (var childNum = 0; childNum < children.length; ++childNum) {
var child = xmlElt.childNodes[childNum];
var childName = child.nodeName;
var subObj = _flattenObject(child);
for (var k in subObj) {
if (subObj.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
toRet[childName + '_' + k] = subObj[k];
return toRet;
// Finds the longest array that is a descendent of the given object
function _findLongestArray(xmlElement, bestSoFar) {
var children = xmlElement.childNodes;
if (children && children.length) {
if (children.length > bestSoFar.childNodes.length) {
bestSoFar = xmlElement;
for (var childNum in children) {
var subBest = _findLongestArray(children[childNum], bestSoFar);
if (subBest.childNodes.length > bestSoFar.childNodes.length) {
bestSoFar = subBest;
return bestSoFar;
// Given an array of js objects, returns a map from data column name to data type
function _extractHeaders(rowData) {
var toRet = {};
for (var row = 0; row < rowData.length; ++row) {
var rowLine = rowData[row];
for (var key in rowLine) {
if (rowLine.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (!(key in toRet)) {
toRet[key] = _determineType(rowLine[key]);
return toRet;
// Given a primitive, tries to make a guess at the data type of the input
function _determineType(primitive) {
// possible types: 'float', 'date', 'datetime', 'bool', 'string', 'int'
if (parseInt(primitive) == primitive) return 'int';
if (parseFloat(primitive) == primitive) return 'float';
if (isFinite(new Date(primitive).getTime())) return 'datetime';
return 'string';
function _submitXMLToTableau(xmlString, xmlUrl) {
var conData = {"xmlString" : xmlString, "xmlUrl": xmlUrl};
tableau.connectionData = JSON.stringify(conData);
function _buildConnectionUrl(url) {
// var yqlQueryBase = "";
// var query = "select * from html where url='" + url + "'";
// var restOfQueryString = "&format=xml";
// var yqlUrl = yqlQueryBase + encodeURIComponent(query) + restOfQueryString;
// return yqlUrl;
return url;
var cancel = function (e) {
$("#inputForm").submit(function(e) { // This event fires when a button is clicked
// Since we use a form for input, make sure to stop the default form behavior
var xmlString = $('textarea[name=xmlText]')[0].value.trim();
var xmlUrl = $('input[name=xmlUrl]')[0].value.trim();
_submitXMLToTableau(xmlString, xmlUrl);
var ddHandler = $("#dragandrophandler");
ddHandler.on('dragenter', function (e)
$(this).css('border', '2px solid #0B85A1');
}).on('dragover', cancel)
.on('drop', function (e)
$(this).css('border', '2px dashed #0B85A1');
var files = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files;
var file = files[0];
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(e) { _submitXMLToTableau(reader.result); };
$(document).on('dragenter', cancel)
.on('drop', cancel)
.on('dragover', function (e)
ddHandler.css('border', '2px dashed #0B85A1');
#dragandrophandler {
border:1px dashed #999;
padding:10px 10px 10 10px;
<form id="inputForm" action="">
Enter a URL for XML data:
<input type="text" name="xmlUrl" size="50" />
<div id="dragandrophandler">Or Drag & Drop Files Here</div>
Or paste XML data below
<textarea name="xmlText" rows="10" cols="70"/></textarea>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">

JS user input function

So i am running a online chat function using js that currently sends and receives messages and has a user count in the top right corner that updates when a user leaves or joins. I need help with making a js function that you can submit a name to and it saves it and prints it alongside your own messages.
my current code on chat.js-
var WebSocketServer = require("ws").Server;
var wss = new WebSocketServer({port:3030});
var msgArray = new Array();
wss.on("connection", function(client) {
client.on("message", function(message) {
wss.clients.forEach(function(client) {
sendChat(client, message);
sendChat(client, `Welcome to chat :)`);
msgArray.forEach(function(item) {
sendChat(client, item);
function sendChat(client, message) {
var msg = ["chat", message];
function sendUC(){
var UCmsg = ["uc",wss.clients.size];
My current code on client.js-
var ws = new WebSocket("ws://");
ws.onmessage = function (payload) {
var msg = JSON.parse(;
if (msg[0] == "chat") {
if (msg[0] == "uc") {
addMessage("Another user joined");
$(function () {
document.forms[0].onsubmit = function () {
var input = $("input#message").val();
function User() {
function addMessage(m) {
var html = "<p>" + m + "</p>";
function adduc(m) {
var html = "<p>" + m + "</p>";
$("span#1").html(m + " users online");
So i need help with where i would call a user entry function and how to make the function.

JavaScript Module not incrementing number correctly

I have been trying to learn how to write modules in JavaScript. With this attempt I am trying to load 10 pictures from Flickr on page load, and then load 10 more pictures once the user scrolls to the bottom of the page. This is not firing consistantly and I am not sure why.
I would like to load 10 pictures at page load, and then 10 additional pictures each time the user scrolls down to the bottom of the page.
I think the issue is with the curPage property that is called using this.settings.curPage
curPage is incremented in the jaxPhotos method using this.settings.curPage++
I am not sure but I think the issue is with either the jaxPhotos method or the scrollMorePics method.
Here's a fiddle with my module:
Here's my HTML:
<div class="flickrContainer" data-options='{"searchQuery" : "candy", "tagQuery" : "candy", "tagMode": "all", "picsPerPage" : "10", "curPage" : 1}'>
Here's my JS:
var FlickrModule = (function ($element) {
var flickrFeed = function () {
this.$element = $element;
flickrFeed.prototype.init = function () {
flickrFeed.prototype.setOptions = function () {
var options = this.$;
var defaults = {
searchQuery : '',
tagQuery : '',
tagMode : '',
picsPerPage: '1',
curPage: 1
this.settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
return this;
flickrFeed.prototype.jaxPhotos = function (pageNumber) {
var self = this;
// ajax call to flickr json
url: '//' + this.settings.searchQuery + '&tag_mode=' + this.settings.tagMode + '&page=' + this.settings.currPage + '&per_page=' + this.settings.picsPerPage + '&format=json&jsoncallback=?',
dataType: 'jsonp',
data: JSON,
success: function (data) {
// start assembling some dom elements to wrap around each page
var pageTxtWrap = document.createElement('div'),
pageTxt= document.createElement('p');
pageTxt.textContent = 'Page ' + pageNumber + ' - Scroll down for more pictures!';
pageTxt.innerText = 'Page ' + pageNumber + ' - Scroll down for more pictures!';
pageTxtWrap.className = 'pageTextWrap';
// Use createDocumentFragment() as it is the fastest method of element creation
var docFragPageHdr = document.createDocumentFragment();
// create variables for easier access to the JSON trees we're using
flickr =,
flickrLength =;
// run through the JSON we just got and assemble the pictures
for (var i = 0; i < flickrLength; i++) {
var farmId =[i].farm,
serverId =[i].server,
photoId =[i].id,
secretId =[i].secret,
imgTitle =[i].title;
var flickImg = document.createElement('img');
flickImg.className = 'flickerImg'; = 'flickImg'+i;
flickImg.title = imgTitle;
flickImg.src = 'http://farm' + farmId + '' + serverId + '/' + photoId + '_' + secretId + '_m.jpg';
var docFragFlickImg = document.createDocumentFragment();
// increase currPage so we can go to the next page of pictures
return this;
flickrFeed.prototype.onScrollHandler = function () {
$(document).on('scroll', this.scrollMorePics.bind(this));
return this;
flickrFeed.prototype.scrollMorePics = function(){
if ( $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() > $(document).height() - 50 ) {
console.log('Before ajax curPage = ', this.settings.curPage);
console.log('After ajax curPage = ', this.settings.curPage);
return this;
return flickrFeed;
}( $('.flickrContainer') ));
(function () {
var myModule = new FlickrModule();
A small example on how you can access instance variables and methods based on your code:
var FlickrModule = (function ($) {
var flickrFeed = function ($element) {
this.$element = $element;
flickrFeed.prototype.init = function(){
console.log('init', this.$element);
return flickrFeed;
var $container = $('.flickrContainer'),
fm = new FlickrModule($container);

Sharepoint javascript get_id error

Alright, this one's got me seriously stumped, after trying things out for hours with the block of javascript below I'm still getting the same error in IE's javascript debugger.
The error I'm getting is SCRIPT5007: Unable to get value of the property 'get_id': object is null or undefined.
And below is my code:
AS.SP.ClientActions.ClientProgramEdit_Status = new AS.SP.ClientActions.ButtonStatus();
AS.SP.ClientActions.Can_ClientProgramEdit = function (groupID) {
var OnError = function (sender, args) {
AS.SP.ClientActions.ClientProgramEdit_Status.enabled = false;
var items = AS.SP.ClientActions.GetSelectedItems();
var count = CountDictionary(items);
if (count === 1) {
var itemID = items[0].id;
if (AS.SP.ClientActions.ClientProgramEdit_Status.itemID != itemID) {
AS.SP.ClientActions.ClientProgramEdit_Status.itemID = itemID;
AS.SP.ClientActions.ClientProgramEdit_Status.enabled = false;
AS.SP.ClientActions.GetUrl(function (rootUrl) {
var fragments = AS.SP.Navigation.ParseUri(rootUrl);
var ctx = new SP.ClientContext(fragments.path);
var web = ctx.get_web();
var props = web.get_allProperties();
ctx.executeQueryAsync(function () {
var listId = 'Client Programs';
var sdlist = web.get_lists().getByTitle(listId);
var locationID = props.get_item('WL_ITEM_ID');
var query = new SP.CamlQuery();
query.set_viewXml('<View><Query><Where><And><Eq><FieldRef Name="len_cp_Location" /><Value Type="Text">' + locationID + '</Value></Eq><Eq><FieldRef Name="len_cp_Client_Status" /><Value Type="Text">Inactive</Value></Eq></And></Where></Query><ViewFields><FieldRef Name="Title" /></ViewFields></View>');
var items = sdlist.getItems(query);
ctx.executeQueryAsync(function () {
var item = items.itemAt(0);
var itemID = item.get_id();
if (itemID == "WL_ITEM_ID") {
AS.SP.ClientActions.ClientProgramEdit_Status.enabled = true;
}, OnError);
}, OnError);
return AS.SP.ClientActions.ClientProgramEdit_Status.enabled;
My theory is that I've done something wrong with my CAML query but at this point I really don't know, any help with this would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
You are using the items variable twice, once on line 9:
var items = AS.SP.ClientActions.GetSelectedItems();
And again inside GetUrl:
var items = sdlist.getItems(query);
There is a name conflict in your execureQueryAsync closure. I would begin by fixing this issue. Which items collection do you want to reference? Do you mean to load the original items variable:
var items = sdlist.getItems(query);

