What's the proper way to use this extension in AngularJS code? - javascript

I'm using a framework called Radiant UI, which is a way to get HTML5 UI into Unreal Engine 4. I'm trying to pick up some modern Javascript while I do that, so I'm building the UI in AngularJS.
My understanding of Angular is still pretty weak though, and I'm a bit confused about what the best practice is here. The extension injects the following Javascript when it sets up.
var RadiantUI;
if (!RadiantUI)
RadiantUI = {};
(function() {
RadiantUI.TriggerEvent = function() {
native function TriggerEvent();
return TriggerEvent(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments));
RadiantUI.SetCallback = function(name, callback) {
native function SetHook();
return SetHook(name, callback);
RadiantUI.RemoveCallback = function(name) {
native function RemoveHook();
return RemoveHook(name);
So this is simply pushing RadiantUI into the global namespace. That would be fine if the extension was always there, but it isn't. In the test environment (Chrome), it's not there. It's only there when running in the game engine. That, combined with the fact that globals suck, means I want to encapsulate it.
In the previous iteration of this, I had it wrapped in an AMD module, and it worked well. Like this:
define([], function()
if ("RadiantUI" in window)
console.log("RadiantUI in global scope already!");
return window.RadiantUI;
var RadiantUI;
if (!RadiantUI) {
RadiantUI = {};
RadiantUI.TriggerEvent = function() {}
RadiantUI.SetCallback = function() {}
RadiantUI.RemoveCallback = function() {}
console.log("Using fake RadiantUI bindings");
return RadiantUI;
So here's what I want to do:
I want to include radiant as a dependency to my app/stateProvider and have it injected, much the same way it would be in AMD. With the stub methods in place if the extension isn't present. What's the proper approach to this? A module? A service provider?
UPDATE: This is the working code using the answer given.
var myapp = angular.module('bsgcProtoApp', ['ui.router' ]);
myapp.value('radiant', window.RadiantUI || {
TriggerEvent: function()
console.log("TriggerEvent called");
SetCallback: function(name, callback)
console.log("Setcallback called");
RemoveCallback: function(name)
console.log("RemoveCallback called");
myapp.config(['$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider', function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider )
name: "mainmenu",
url: "/mainmenu",
templateUrl: 'templates/mainmenu.html',
controller: ['$scope', 'radiant', function($scope, radiant)
$scope.tester = function()

You presumably have an Angular module or app. For the sake of this answer, let's call it MyApp.
Now you can do
MyApp.value("RadiantUI", window.RadiantUI || {
TriggerEvent = function(){},
//... more properties
Now to access this value as a dependency in a controller for example, you'd do this
MyApp.controller(["$scope", "RadiantUI", function($scope, RadiantUI){
// ... controller code ...


Dynamically add properties/function to a service/factory

I wrote a small Angular1 app which has a Database service that is using LokiJS.
I was wondering if there is a way to dynamically add properties/functions to a Service/Factory.
I'm trying to add dynamic getter for every collection that is created via this Service.
Here my example:
.factory('Database', ['$log', '$q', 'Loki',
function Database($log, $q, Loki)
var _db,
dbInitialized = false;
function init(config)
// some logic here
function addCollection(name, cfg) {
// some logic here
_db.addCollection(name, cfg);
// this doesnt work, but is desired ->
/*this['get'+name] = this.getCollection.bind(this, name);*/
function getCollection(collectionName) {
// some logic here
return something;
return {
init: init,
addCollection: addCollection,
getCollection: getCollection
.module('MyApp', ['lokijs'])
function (Database) {
Database.addCollection("MyCollection", {});
// then fill collection, afterwards ->
var collection = Database.getCollection("MyCollection");
// I would like to use Database.getMyCollection()
Is there a way to modify a initialized Service/Factory?
The most appropriate place for that is decorator
app.decorator('Database', ['$delegate', function ($delegate) {
var Database = $delegate;
Database.addCollection("MyCollection", {});
return Database;
The recipe doesn't really differs from run block, but it guarantees that service will be initialized on injection, while run blocks depend on their order.

Loading view configuration

I would like to do something like this:
$routeProvider.when('products/list', {
controller: 'ProductListCtrl',
templateUrl : 'products/list/view.html',
resolve : { data : function(){
loadingTemplateUrl : 'general/loader.html'
I would like to have the loading page in a different view.
This would make the code in the view and controller of every page cleaner, (no <...ng-include ng-show="loading"...>). This would also mean that I don't have to $scope.$watch the data for changes. Is there a clean solution to do something similar (not necessarily in the .config method) or an alternative library to do this?
Assuming you want to show some general template for all state transitions while the data is resolved, my suggestion is to listen to the events fired by the routing library. This allows to use one central point to handle all state transitions instead of polluting the routing config (which I think will not be that easy to do).
Please see the docs for $routeChangeStart, $routeChangeSuccess and of course $routeChangeError at the angular router docs
Maybe someone could be interested in what I did: I created a new service and a new view directive. It could seem like a lot of work, but doing this was much easier than I had expected. The new service enables me to separate the main view from the loading view, that I could reuse in all pages of the application. I also provided the possibility to configure an error template url and error controller, for when the loading failed.
The Angular $injector, $templateRequest and $controller services do most of the work. I just had to connect a directive, that depends on these services, to the right event ($locationChangeSuccess), and to the promise, retrieved (using $q.all) from the resolve object's functions. This connection was done in the route service. The service selects the right template url and comtroller, and passes it on for the directive to handle.
A shortened version (with the getCurrentConfig method left out):
(function () {
'use strict';
// provider:
.provider('pikaRouteService', [function () {
var routeConfigArray;
var otherwiseRouteConfig;
//configuration methods
this.when = function (url, routeConfig){
routeConfigArray.push({url: url, routeConfig: routeConfig});
return this;
this.otherwise = function(routeConfig){
otherwiseRouteConfig = routeConfig;
return this;
// service factory:
this.$get = ['$rootScope', '$location', '$q', '$injector', '$templateRequest',
function ($rootScope, $location, $q, $injector, $templateRequest) {
function RouteService() {
this.setViewDirectiveUpdateFn = function(){ /*...*/ }
function init(){
$rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', onLocationChangeSuccess);
function onLocationChangeSuccess(){
// get the configuration based on the current url
// getCurrentConfig is a long function, because it involves parsing the templateUrl string parameters, so it's left out for brevity
var currentConfig = getCurrentConfig($location.url());
if(currentConfig.resolve !== undefined){
// update view directive to display loading view
viewDirectiveUpdateFn(currentConfig.loadingTemplateUrl, currentConfig.loadingController);
// resolve
var promises = [];
var resolveKeys = [];
for(var resolveKey in currentConfig.resolve){
$q.all(promises).then(resolveSuccess, resolveError);
function resolveSucces(resolutionArray){
// put resolve results in an object
var resolutionObject = {};
for(var i = 0; i< promises.length;++i){
resolved[resolveKeys[i]] = resolutionArray[i];
viewDirectiveUpdateFn(currentConfig.errorTemplateUrl, currentConfig.errorController);
function resolveError(){
viewDirectiveUpdateFn(currentConfig.errorTemplateUrl, currentConfig.errorController);
return new RouteService();
View directive
(function () {
'use strict';
.directive('pikaView', ['$templateRequest', '$compile', '$controller', 'pikaRouteService', function ($templateRequest, $compile, $controller, pikaRouteService) {
return function (scope, jQdirective, attrs) {
var viewScope;
function init() {
function updateView(templateUrl, controllerName, resolved) {
if(viewScope!== undefined){
viewScope = scope.$new();
viewScope.resolved = resolved;
var controller = $controller(controllerName, { $scope: viewScope });
function onTemplateLoaded(template, newScope) {
var compiledTemplate = $compile(template)(newScope);

Angular: Why can't I inject $provide directly into $get?

I assume there's a straightforward (maybe trivial) answer for this that I just haven't wrapped my head around.
Why does this do what I want -- that is, inject a reference to $provide into my service:
angular.module('error_reporting', [])
.provider('RaygunLogger', function() {
var provide = undefined;
this.setProvide = function(p){
provide = p;
this.$get = function() {
// use $provide in p
.config(function(RaygunLoggerProvider, $provide) {
while this produces an error of the form Unknown provider: $provideProvider <- $provide <- RaygunLogger <- RaygunLogger?
angular.module('error_reporting', [])
.provider('RaygunLogger', function() {
this.$get = function($provide) {
// use $provide
Is RaygunLogger.$get() running before the injector is set up? I presume this is an order-of-operations issue, where I need to wait until the module config phase before I can inject $provide, but I don't know where to verify that in the doc.
$provide is only available during the config phase. Provider's $get function is run after the config phase to create the thing the provider provides.
At this point, you cannot do what you are trying to do.
To use it inside $get your normally start your provider function with
var self = this;
and in $get (factory) definition you use self.
.provider('myFoo', function myFooProviderFn() {
var self = this;
self._debug = false;
self.setDebug = function() { self._debug = true; }
self.$get = ['$location', function($location) {
Its wrong to think you cannot use it inside your $get. As such the actual pure provider instance can only be accessed and manipulated during the config phase. The rationale behind this design is probably that providers are thought of to be some mechanism to configure factories.
More from the docs (Provider recipe)

Object oriented approach with AngularJS

It seems that Angular does not provide a built-in solution to define class instances with properties and methods and that it's up the developer to build this.
What is the best practice to do this in your opinion?
How to you link this with the backend?
Some of the tips I have gathered use factory services and named functions.
Sources :
Tuto 1
Tuto 2
Thanks for your insights
I think that the closest structure to an Object it's probably a factory, for several reasons:
Basic Syntax:
.factory('myFactory', function (anInjectable) {
// This can be seen as a private function, since cannot
// be accessed from outside of the factory
var privateFunction = function (data) {
// do something
return data
// Here you can have some logic that will be run when
// you instantiate the factory
var somethingUseful = anInjectable.get()
var newThing = privateFunction(somethingUseful)
// Here starts your public APIs (public methods)
return {
iAmTrue: function () {
return true
iAmFalse: function () {
return false
iAmConfused: function () {
return null
And then you can use it like a standard Object:
var obj = new myFactory()
// This will of course print 'true'
console.log( obj.iAmTrue() )
Hope this helps, I perfectly know that the first impact with angular modules can be pretty intense...
You would use an angular service.
All angular services are singletons and can be injected into any controller.
Ideally you would keep only binding/actions on html in your controller and the rest of the logic would be in your service.
Hope this helps.
I got idea by evaluating this library : https://github.com/FacultyCreative/ngActiveResource
However this library assumes strict rest so I it wasn't work for me. What did work for is this:
I created base Model
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app .factory('Model', function(){
var _cache = {}; // holding existing instances
function Model() {
var _primaryKey = 'ID',
_this = this;
_this.new = function(data) {
// Here is factory for creating instances or
// extending existing ones with data provided
return Model;
Than I took simple function extensions "inherits"
Function.prototype.inherits = function (base) {
var _constructor;
_constructor = this;
return _constructor = base.apply(_constructor);
and now I cam creating my models like this
app.factory('Blog', [
function(Model, $http) {
function Blog() {
// my custom properties and computations goes here
Object.defineProperty(this, 'MyComputed' , {
get: function() { return this.Prop1 + this.Prop2 }
// Set blog to inherits model
// My crud operations
Blog.get = function(id) {
return $http.get('/some/url', {params: {id:id}}).then(function(response) {
return Blog.new(response.data);
return Blog;
Finally, using it in controller
app.controller('MyCtrl', [
'$scope', 'Blog',
function($scope, Blog) {
Blog.get(...).then(function(blog) {
$scope.blog = blog;
Now, there is much more in our Model and extensions but this would be a main principle. I am not claiming this is best approach but I am working pretty big app and it really works great for me.
NOTE: Please note that I typed this code here and could be some errors but main principle is here.
As my question does not really reflect the issue I was facing, I'll just post my approach for the sake of it :
As Domokun put it, rule of thumb is to decouple front and back. But as I am only building a prototype and managing both ends, I would like to keep things in only one place and let the rest of the application use the central information as a service.
What I want to do here is to build a form through ng-repeat containing the model fields and most importantly how to display information in the form (e.g. 'Last name' instead of 'lastname')
So as I started working around with mongoose models here's what I have managed to do :
Firstly, it is possible to pass the mongoose schema of a model from node side to angular side with an app.get request with the following response :
this spitts out an object containing all fields of the 'resources' collection. On top of that I included some additional information in the model like this :
var resourceSchema = new Schema({
_id: { type: Number },
firstname: { type: String, display:'First name' },
lastname: { type: String, display:'Last name' }
mongoose.model('resources', resourceSchema);
So basically I can retrieve this symmetrically on angular side and I have all I need to map the fields and display them nicely. It seems I can also describe the validation but I'm not there yet.
Any constructive feedback on this approach (whether it is valid or totally heretic) is appreciated.

AngularJS : Declare factory

following AngularJS in 60 minutes I'm trying to add factory to current code.
I have lineman angular app where angular is declared as follows:
angular.module("app", ["ngResource", "ngRoute"]).run(function($rootScope) {
// adds some basic utilities to the $rootScope for debugging purposes
$rootScope.log = function(thing) {
I want to add the following code but running into JS syntax issue
.factory('simpleFactory', function () {
var factory = {};
var customers = [];
factory.getCustomers = function () {
return customers;
return factory;
What's the right syntax to merge these 2 blocks? Also should I do mimic controllers directory to create factory or should I really add to the first block? Thanks
Technically you have already merged a certain block from another:
angular.module("app", ["ngResource", "ngRoute"])
.run(function($rootScope) {
// adds some basic utilities to the $rootScope for debugging purposes
$rootScope.log = function(thing) {
for your chain to continue invoking another method such that the "second block" you are talking about(technically its the third block right now), do not terminate the method invocation then simply remove the terminator ; and append the third block.
It must look like this:
angular.module("app", ["ngResource", "ngRoute"]).run(function($rootScope) {
// adds some basic utilities to the $rootScope for debugging purposes
$rootScope.log = function(thing) {
.factory('simpleFactory', function () {
var factory = {};
var customers = [];
factory.getCustomers = function () {
return customers;
return factory;
Note: Your third method invocation factory() was not closed properly, it lacks the closing parenthesis ) and the terminator symbol ;.
Make sure you chain the factory to your variable. It seems you broke your chain right now.

