Timed promise queue / throttle - javascript

I have a request-promise function that makes a request to an API. I'm rate-limited by this API and I keep getting the error message:
Exceeded 2 calls per second for api client. Reduce request rates to resume uninterrupted service.
I'm running a couple of Promise.each loops in parallel which is causing the issue, if I run just one instance of Promise.each everything runs fine. Within these Promise.each calls they lead to the same function a with a request-promise call. I want to wrap this function with another queue function and set the interval to 500 milliseconds so that a request isn't made after one another, or parallel, but set to that time, on queue. The thing is I still need these promises to get their contents even if it takes a rather long time to get a response.
Is there anything that will do this for me? Something I can wrap a function in and it will respond at a set interval and not in parallel or fire functions one after another?
Update: Perhaps it does need to be promise specific, I tried to use underscore's throttle function
var debug = require("debug")("throttle")
var _ = require("underscore")
var request = require("request-promise")
function requestSite(){
debug("request started")
function throttleRequest(){
return request({
"url": "https://www.google.com"
debug("request finished")
return _.throttle(throttleRequest, 100)
And all I got back was this:
$ DEBUG=* node throttle.js
throttle request started +0ms
throttle request started +2ms
throttle request started +0ms

The last answer was wrong, this works but I still think I can do better:
// call fn at most count times per delay.
const debounce = function (fn, delay, count) {
let working = 0, queue = [];
function work() {
if ((queue.length === 0) || (working === count)) return;
Promise.delay(delay).tap(() => working--).then(work);
let {context, args, resolve} = queue.shift();
resolve(fn.apply(context, args));
return function debounced() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
queue.push({context: this, args: arguments, resolve});
if (working < count) work();
function mockRequest() {
console.log("making request");
return Promise.delay(Math.random() * 100);
var bounced = debounce(mockRequest, 800, 5);
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) bounced();
for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) bounced();
So you need to make the requests throttle function-wide - that's fine. Promises have queueing pretty much built in.
var p = Promise.resolve(); // our queue
function makeRequest(){
p = p.then(function(){ // queue the promise, wait for the queue
return request("http://www.google.com");
var p2 = p; // get a local reference to the promise
// add 1000 ms delay to queue so the next caller has to wait
p = p.delay(1000);
return p2;
Now makeRequest calls will be at least 1000ms apart.
jfriend has pointed out that you need two requests per second and not a single one - this is just as easily solvable with a second queue:
var p = Promise.resolve(1); // our first queue
var p2 = Promise.resolve(2); // our second queue
function makeRequest(){
var turn = Promise.any([p, p2]).then(function(val){
// add 1000 ms delay to queue so the next caller has to wait
// here we wait for the request too although that's not really needed,
// check both options out and decide which works better in your case
if(val === 1){
p = p.return(turn).delay(1, 1000);
} else {
p2 = p2.return(turn).delay(1, 1000);
return request("http://www.google.com");
return turn; // return the actual promise
This can be generalized to n promises using an array similarly


How to limit async task until theres no job in loop?

In my code i trying to learn async, i have 700 async task to do, the job will done in random time.
My question how to limit async task in loop?
Let say i want it to do 30 job at start time. and watch event each async task done it will start 1 task to fill limit task 30 at time again until 700 task, or theres no task again.
For now loop will execute all async task in same time. its not i want.
function JobdeskAsync(){
console.log(Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000));
function finishedTime(max, min){
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) ) + min;
for ( let i = 0; i < 700; i++){
setTimeout(JobdeskAsync, finishedTime(5000, 1000));
#Wendelin has a great example there. For how it directly applies to your application, you currently are:
Looping through 700 asynchronous Jobs
Executing them all immediately (to finish as and when)
What you need to do is be able to recognise when you have reached your pool maximum (30) and not add/execute any more until that pool depletes. I'm not writing the code for you because there's a thousand ways to do it, but at it's base what you need:
Functionality to store executing jobs (call it a "store")
Functionality to add jobs to the store
Functionality to see if that store is full
Combine 2/3 so that when #3 is not true you can do #2
You need to start 30 jobs that continue processing data until there is no more.
Here there is a queue of data that each job pulls from. If there is no data left, it returns a simple promise that resolves to 'done'. If there is data, it processes it and returns the promise from a new call to createJob().
const queue = [];
// fill queue with data to process
for (let i = 0; i < 70; i++) {
function createJob() {
// pull data to work on from the queue
const data = queue.shift();
// if no data is remaining, return promsie that resolves to 'done'
if (data === undefined) {
return Promise.resolve('done');
// otherwise we do some work on the data
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// simulate work by waiting 500-1500ms
setTimeout(() => {
console.log(`handled ${data}`);
// this resolves our promise with another promise, createJob()
}, 500 + Math.random() * 1000);
// create 30 jobs and wait for all to complete, each job will
// create a new job when it has finished and chain the results
const jobs = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
console.log('30 jobs running...');
Promise.all(jobs).then(() => console.log('ALL JOBS COMPLETED'));

Call hierarchy of async functions inside a loop?

There's a async call I'm making that queries a database on a service, but this service has a limit of how many it can output at once, so I need to check if it hit its limit through the result it sends and repeat the query until it doesn't.
Synchronous mockup :
var query_results = [];
var limit_hit = true; #While this is true means that the query hit the record limit
var start_from = 0; #Pagination parameter
while (limit_hit) {
Server.Query(params={start_from : start_from}, callback=function(result){
limit_hit = result.limit_hit;
start_from = result.results.length;
Obviously the above does not work, I've seen some other questions here about the issue, but they don't mention what to do when you need each iteration to wait for the last one to finish and you don't know before hand the number of iterations.
How can I turn the above asynchronous? I'm open to answers using promise/deferred-like logic, but preferably something clean.
I can probably think of a monstruous and horrible way of doing this using waits/timeouts, but there has to be a clean, clever and modern way to solve it.
Another way is to make a "pre-query" to know the number of features before hand so you know the number of loops, I'm not sure if this is the correct way.
Here we use Dojo sometimes, but the examples I found does not explain what to do when you have an unknown amount of loops https://www.sitepen.com/blog/2015/06/10/dojo-faq-how-can-i-sequence-asynchronous-operations/
although many answers already, still I believe async/await is the cleanest way.
and you might need babel
JS async logic syntax changed from callback to promise then to async/await, they all do the same thing, when callback nests a lot we need something like a chain, then promise come, when promise goes in loop, we need something make the chain more plain more simple, then async/await come. But not all browsers support the new syntax, so babel come to compile new syntax to old syntax, then you can always code in new syntax.
getData().then((data) => {
//do something with final data
async function getData() {
var query_results = [];
var limit_hit = true;
var start_from = 0;
//when you use await, handle error with try/catch
try {
while (limit_hit) {
const result = await loadPage(start_from)
limit_hit = result.limit_hit;
start_from = result.results.length;
} catch (e) {
//when loadPage rejects
return null
return query_result
async function loadPage(start_from) {
//when you use promise, handle error with reject
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => Server.Query({
}, (result, err) => {
//error reject
if (err) {
If you want to use a loop then I think there is no (clean) way to do it without Promises.
A different approach would be the following:
var query_results = [];
var start_from = 0;
funciton myCallback(result) {
if(!result) {
//first call
Server.Query({ start_from: start_from}, myCallback);
} else {
//repeated call
start_from = result.results.length
if(!result.limit_hit) {
//limit has not been hit yet
//repeat the query with new start value
Server.Query({ start_from: start_from}, myCallback);
} else {
//call some callback function here
You could call this recursive, but since the Query is asynchronous you shouldn't have problems with call stack limits etc.
Using promises in an ES6 environment you could make use of async/await. Im not sure if this is possible with dojo.
You don't understand callbacks until you have written a rate limiter or queue ;) The trick is to use a counter: Increment the counter before the async request, and decrement it when you get the response, then you will know how many requests are "in flight".
If the server is choked you want to put the item back in the queue.
There are many things you need to take into account:
What will happen to the queue if the process is killed ?
How long to wait before sending another request ?
Make sure the callback is not called many times !
How many times should you retry ?
How long to wait before giving up ?
Make sure there are no loose ends ! (callback is never called)
When all edge cases are taken into account you will have a rather long and not so elegant solution. But you can abstract it into one function! (that returns a Promise or whatever you fancy).
If you have a user interface you also want to show a loading bar and some statistics!
You must await for the server response every time. Here a encapsulated method
var query = (function(){
var results = [];
var count = 0;
return function check(fun){
Server.Query({ start_from: count}, function(d){
count = d.results.length;
if (d.limit_hit && fun) fun(results);
else check(fun);
// Call here
var my_query = query(function(d){
// --> retrive all data when limit_hit is true)
You can use a generator function Generators to achieve this
For POC:
some basics
- You define a generator with an asterick *
- it exposes a next function which returns the next value
- generators can pause with yield statement internally and can resume externally by calling the next()
- While (true) will ensure that the generator is not done until limit has reached
function *limitQueries() {
let limit_hit = false;
let start_from = 0;
const query_result = [];
while (true) {
if (limit_hit) {break;}
yield Server.Query(params={start_from : start_from},
callback=function* (result) {
limit_hit = result.limit_hit;
start_from = result.results.length;
yield query_result.push(result.results);
So apparently, the generator function maintains its own state. Generator function exposes two properties { value, done } and you can call it like this
const gen = limitQueries();
let results = [];
let next = gen.next();
while(next.done) {
next = gen.next();
results = next.value;
You might have to touch your Server.Query method to handle generator callback. Hope this helps! Cheers!

Safe way to run multiple async functions in parallel?

I'm writing some code to scan a directory and it occurred to me this may not be the best idea:
files.forEach(async fileName => {
stat = await lstat(fileName);
as I'm going to fire off an lstat for every single file in a directory at the same time. Does anyone know of a "clean" way to do this? I'm thinking a lib that maintains a queue and drains it.
I know some "old" async libraries do this, but I don't know of anything that do it with native async/await calls
Generally, no code does run in parallel so a few hundred open promises shouldn't be a problem.
If you want to run one after another instead a simple for loop will do it :
async function iterate(){
for(var i=0;i<files.length;i++){
stat = await lstat(files[i]);
To run multiple at once, but not all may do so:
async function iterate(){
var atonce=10;
for(var i=0;i<files.length;i+=atonce){
stats = await Promise.all(files.slice(i,i+atonce).map(file=>lstat(file));
Another way would be a few Promise queues:
var current=0;
async function retrieve(){
if(current>=files.length) return;
await lstat(files[current-1]);
retrieve();//two in parallel
If you want to run all in parallel, may use Promise.all to catch the results ( depends on the usecase):
Promise.all(files.map(async function(file){
return await lstat(file);
Are you looking for something like this?
//sry, but I didn't get up with a beter name
function Todo(numParalell = 8){
var todo = [], running = 0;
function init(resolve){
if(running < numParalell){
function next(){
todo.shift()(); //FIFO
//todo.pop()(); //LIFO / FILO
return {
get numRunning(){ return running },
get numWaiting(){ return todo.length },
if(typeof fn !== "function"){
//fn ain't a function but a value
return Promise.resolve(fn);
var promise = new Promise(init).then(fn);
promise.then(next, next);
return promise;
//a queue that runs 4 tasks in paralell
var todo = Todo(4);
//some task that just kills some time
var someAsyncTask = v => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, Math.random() * 5000, v));
//add 25 items to the todo-list
//and log the start and end time from now
var promises = Array(25).fill(Date.now())
.map((t,i) => todo.append(() => {
console.log('+starting', i, 'after', Date.now() - t, 'ms');
return someAsyncTask()
.then(() => console.log('-finished', i, 'after', Date.now() - t, 'ms'))
.then(() => 'resolve to ' + i);
Promise.all(promises).then(arr => console.log("And the resolved promises:", arr));
Todo#append() takes a function to perform the async task you want to manage and returns a Promise with the result. Although the function ain't executed immediately, but as soon as there is an empty slot.
Be careful, this code can not resolve dependencies like
var todo = Todo(1);
todo.append(() => todo.append(() => ...))
so you might get stuck with the outer task no completing, because it depends on/resolves to the inner one. And the inner one might not be able to start, because there is no free slot on this Todo-list.

Deferred Promise - Resend same request if callback doesn't meet criteria

I am trying to achieve the following functionality:
execute call back
resolve promise
check output
if not correct execute again
I have 'mimicked' the scenario with a timer, this reruns a script that makes a call to backend database for some information:
_runCheckScript: function(bStart, bPreScript){
var oController = this;
var scriptTimerdeferred = $.Deferred();
var promise = scriptTimerdeferred.promise();
if(typeof(bStart) === "undefined"){
bStart = true;
if(typeof(bPreScript) === "undefined"){
bPreScript = true;
// if the HANA DB is not stopped or started, i.e. it is still starting up or shutting down
// check the status again every x number of seconds as per the function
var msTime = 10000;
this._pushTextIntoConsoleModel("output", {"text":"The instance will be 'pinged' every " + msTime/1000 + " seconds for 2 minutes to monitor for status changes. After this, the script will be terminated."});
var timesRun = 0;
var commandTimer = setInterval( function () {
timesRun += 1;
if(timesRun === 12){
// send the deferred to the next function so it can be resolved when finished
oController._checkScript(scriptTimerdeferred, bStart, bPreScript);
}, msTime);
return $.Deferred(function() {
var dbcheckDeffered = this;
promise.done(function () {
console.log('Check finished');
oController._pushTextIntoConsoleModel("output", {"text":"Check finished."});
The script it calls, has it's own promise as it calls another function:
_checkScript: function(scriptTimerdeferred, bStart, bPreScript){
var oProperties = this.getView().getModel("configModel");
var oParams = oProperties.getProperty("/oConfig/oParams");
var deferred = $.Deferred();
var promise = deferred.promise();
var sCompareStatus1 = "inProg";
var sCompareStatus2 = this._returnHanaCompareStatus(bStart, bPreScript);
var sCompareStatus3 = this._returnHanaCompareStatus3(bStart, bPreScript);
var params = {//some params};
// Send the command
this._sendAWSCommand(params, deferred);
// When command is sent
promise.done(function (oController) {
console.log('back to db check script');
var oCommandOutputModel = oController.getView().getModel("commandOutput");
var sStatus = oCommandOutputModel.Status;
// check that it's not in the wrong status for a start/stop
// or if it's a pre script check -> pre script checks always resolve first time
if(sStatus !== sCompareStatus1 && sStatus !== sCompareStatus2 && sStatus !==sCompareStatus3|| bPreScript){
This works, however what it does is:
set a timer to call the first script every x seconds (as the data is currently changing - a server is coming online)
the script runs and calls another function to get some data from the DB
when the call for data is resolved (complete) it comes back to 'promise.done' on the checkScript and only resolves the timer promise if it meets certain criteria
all the while, the initial timer is resending the call as eventually the DB will come online and the status will change
I am wondering if there is a better way to do this as currently I could have, for example, 3 calls to the DB that go unresolved then all resolve at the same time. I would prefer to run a command, wait for it to resolve, check the output, if it is not right then run command again.
I think what you want to do can be achieved carefully reading what explained in these links:
Promise Retry Design Patterns
In javascript, a function which returns promise and retries the inner async process best practice
See this jsfiddle
var max = 5;
var p = Promise.reject();
for(var i=0; i<max; i++) {
p = p.catch(attempt).then(test);
p = p.then(processResult).catch(errorHandler);
function attempt() {
var rand = Math.random();
if(rand < 0.8) {
throw rand;
} else {
return rand;
function test(val) {
if(val < 0.9) {
throw val;
} else {
return val;
function processResult(res) {
function errorHandler(err) {
It retries a promise infinite times since the condition is not satisfied. Your condition is the point you said "check the output". If your check fails, retry the promise. # Be careful to hold a limit case, promises waste memory. If your api/service/server/callreceiver is off, and you don't set a threshold, you could create an infinite chain of promises NO STOP

ping pong behaviour using deffered

I have created following javascript code:
var index, _i;
var dfd = new $.Deferred();
for (index = _i = 0; _i < 10; index = ++_i) {
$.when($, dfd).done(function() {
promise = (function(index) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 3000);
in console I see following result
But I want to achieve
Where do I wrong and how to rewrite code acording my desired behavour?
Here's a way to do it:
function go(val, t) {
var def = $.Deferred();
setTimeout(function() {
}, t);
return def.promise();
function run(numCycles, values, delay) {
function next() {
if (numCycles > 0) {
go(values[0], delay).then(function() {
return go(values[1], delay);
}).then(function() {
run(10, ["ping", "pong"], 500);
Working demo: http://jsfiddle.net/jfriend00/g0Lxm3ws/
Conceptually, here's how this works:
The function go() outputs one message after a timer. It returns a promise that is resolved when the message has been output.
The function run() accepts a number of cycles and an array of two values to alternate between.
The function next() checks to see if there are any more cycles to run and if so, chains two go() operations together and when the last one is done, decrements the number of cycles and then calls next() again.
There are all sorts of issues with your implementation:
A given deferred or promise can only be resolved or rejected once.
$.when() takes a list of promises so $.when($, dfd) is just wrong.
$.when() is not even needed when there is only one promise as you can just use .then() directly on the promise.
Your for loop won't pause between promises so all your "ping" messages will come out immediately and then the "pong" messages will come out later.
FYI, if you want to cycle through an arbitrary array of values, you can do so like this:
function go(val, t) {
var def = $.Deferred();
setTimeout(function() {
}, t);
return def.promise();
function run(numCycles, values, delay) {
function next() {
if (numCycles > 0) {
// create initial resolved promise
// for start of a .reduce() chain
var d = $.Deferred().resolve().promise();
values.reduce(function(p, val){
return p.then(function() {
return go(val, delay);
}, d).then(function() {
run(5, ["tic", "tac", "toe"], 500);
Working demo: http://jsfiddle.net/jfriend00/1ckb6sg6/
I must say I've no idea how you've arrived at that sort of code or what you're really trying to achieve. However, to at least answer the first of your questions (what's going wrong?):
Once a deferred is resolved, it cannot (I believe) later be rejected. They are intended as one-time-use objects, as discussed in this question.
Secondly, you are getting all the pings before the pongs because the mechanism by which the pings are output is a synchronous one (the loop). The mechanism by which the pongs are output, however, is an asynchronous one - the timeout. In effective terms, therefore, the pings are all output in the same procedural instance, whereas the pongs don't kick in till 3 seconds later - long after the pings have been output.

