Sort Meteor Collection First By Specific Value [closed] - javascript

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am building an application where I want to filter a returned collection based on a specific name, where the current Meteor.user().username always shows first in the returned list. I want to do something like this:
Lists.find({}, {sort : {user: Meteor.user().username}});

From input from #BatScream, I ended up doing two different querys. One where I looked for the specific username and a second where I looked for all others besides the user name. After I just combined the two querys.
Lists.find({user: Meteor.user().username});
Lists.find({user: {$ne : Meteor.user().username});


Is it safe to store product id in HTML? [closed]

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Closed 7 days ago.
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Usually I use attributes to store the product ID, I fill these attributes using JavaScript when I create product blocks, I get information about products from an ajax request to PHP.
In order to use the product in the future, for example, add it to the cart or to the list of paid products, I need its ID. Therein lies my question.
Is it safe to store the id as an html attribute or is there another way to store it to make it safer?

How to keep items updated? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Is sending requests to server every second, the best way to keep list of items updated for all users? For example, if one user adds or deletes an item, all other users see the changes without refreshing page.
Not at all! That would be very network-consuming! You should either look for storage options with embedded listeners for changes like Firebase, or opt for some kind of publish-subscribe architecture where you notify the interested parts to pull data.

How to get correct search terms from the user [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I want to get correct search terms from the user even if the user gives incorrect spelling of the product and display products according to that. How can I do that and should I use AI for that?
You can make use of Bing spell check API.
Whenever someone types in the input field and event should be triggered which sends the request to the Bing API.
You can refer the documentation here

Application to verify code in Javascript [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I had found this page and I would like to know how this editor is working, in example:
Some task to write alert(); but If you write alert("lol"); then too is ok, and you can pass to next task,
How this editor is verifies the correctness? Any example? example can be realy simply
It simply runs your code with small JS tests to check if your code is correct.
Example :
Step 4 : Assign value "Gregg" to firstname. (var firstname = "Gregg")
It simply has to check if firstname has been assigned a value.

Javascript in either property binding or Query in Birt [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Can I include javascript in the property binding Query Text field of a BIRT report Data Set?
The reason why I want to do this is to select a query depending on a report parameter passed by the user.
Yes, for instance you can do this in this field:
var param=params["myParameter"].value;
if (param==1){
"select code,label from tableA";
"select code,label from tableB";
However this makes reports more difficult to maintain. Most of the time it is a better practice to modify an existing queryText from "beforeOpen" method of the dataset, by replacing keywords such explained in this topic

