ajax not working on mobile site - javascript

Hi everyone I have a script that has an ajax call within it.
$(document.body).on('click', '#postAppt', function (e) {
var serviceSelected = $("#selectServ option:selected").val();
var location = $('input[name="location"]:checked').val();
var price = $("#sessionPrice").val();
var date = $("#apptDate").val().replace(/\-/g, '');
var time = $("#time option:selected").val();
alert("Please select a location!");
return false;
var userid = $('div[id^="prfSchedule"').attr("id").replace("#", "").replace("prfSchedule","");
type: "POST",
url: "../users/functions.php?id=" + userid,
data: {getServDetails: serviceSelected},
cache: false,
success: function(result){
return false;
the ajax call only seems to work on desktop devices and not on mobile. I've been conflicted for a couple of hours now. Any suggestions? Also i want to load the contents (which are html) into a bootstrap modal. Could this also be a problem?

I think it's the problem of cross-domain.


Need to be able to run an ajax call with element loaded after document.ready()

I've got checkbox inputs on a page and am filtering the results using ajax.
One search option is type and the vendors option updates depending on the type selected. But this means that the change function used to update the actual results no longer works within the document.ready(). To rectify this, I also call the function within .ajaxComplete().
But as an ajax call is being called within the ajaxComplete(), it is causing an infinite loop and crashing the site.
var type = $(this).attr('data-id');
method: 'POST',
url: 'assets/ajax/update-filters.php',
data: {type : type},
success: function(data)
$('#vendor-filter input[type=checkbox]').prop('checked', false);
vendors = [];
$('#vendor-filter input[type=checkbox]').change(function(){
$('#vendor-filter input[type=checkbox]').click(function(){
function filterResults($this)
var type = $('input[type=radio]:checked').attr("data-id");
var vendor = $($this).attr('data-id');
var action = 'add';
var action = 'remove';
var index = vendors.indexOf(vendor);
if(index >= 0)
vendors.splice(index, 1);
method: 'POST',
url: 'assets/ajax/filter-results.php',
data: {'vendor' : vendor, 'action' : action, 'vendors' : vendors, 'filter_type' : type},
success: function(data)
if(action == 'add')
window.history.pushState("", "Title", window.location.href+"&v[]="+vendor);
else if(action == 'remove')
var newUrl = window.location.href.replace("&v[]="+vendor, "");
window.history.replaceState("", "Title", newUrl);
How do I get the .change function to still work after the input checkbox has been called via ajax previously and without causing a loop with .ajaxComplete() ?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Please try by change function as follow :
var type = $(this).attr('data-id');
method: 'POST',
url: 'assets/ajax/update-filters.php',
data: {type : type},
success: function(data)
$('#vendor-filter input[type=checkbox]').prop('checked', false);
vendors = [];

Jquery ajax issue in php and ajax code

Here in the following code in jquery i get the alert test1 but when i try to get alert test2 i dint got that... there is some issue in code please help me to resolve.
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".delete-item-details").click(function() {
var id = $(this).attr('ids');
var order_id = $("#order_id").val();
goto_url = "/order/DeleteOrderDetailItems/" + id;
dataString = 'id=' + id + '&order_id=' + order_id;
type: "POST",
url: goto_url,
data: dataString,
cache: false,
success: function(html) {
$("#row-id-" + id).fadeOut();
Please change this three lines in code and you will definitely get alert !!
var id=$(this).attr('id'); // here you have written ids
The default attribute is 'id' not 'ids'
If still now clear let me know i will help you out.
var id = $(this).prop('ids');

Speed Up Jquery heartbeats

I'm a pretty new programmer who made an application that sends out a heartbeat every 3 seconds to a php page and returns a value, the value of which decides which form elements to display. I've been fairly pleased with the results, but I'd like to have my jquery as fast and efficient as possible (its a little slow at the moment). I was pretty sure SO would already have some helpful answers on speeding up heartbeats, but I searched and couldn't find any.
So here's my code (just the jquery, but I can post the php and html if needed, as well as anything anyone needs to help):
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.jcontainer').each(function() {
var $e = $(this);
var dataid = $e.data("param").split('_')[1] ;
url: 'heartbeat.php',
method: 'POST',
contentType: "application/json",
cache: true,
data: { "dataid": dataid },
success: function(data){
var msg = $.parseJSON(data);
if (msg == ""){ //after reset or after new patient that is untouched is added, show checkin
if ((msg < 999) && (msg > 0)){ // after hitting "Check In", Checkin button is hidden, and locationSelect is shown
if (msg == 1000){ //after hitting "Checkout", Option to reset is shown and "Finished!"
$('.checkIn').click(function() {
var $e = $(this);
var data = $e.data("param").split('_')[1] ;
// gets the id of button (1 for the first button)
// You can map this to the corresponding button in database...
type: "POST",
url: "checkin.php",
// Data used to set the values in Database
data: { "checkIn" : $(this).val(), "buttonId" : data},
success: function() {
// Hide the current Button clicked
var $container = $e.closest("div.jcontainer");
// Get the immediate form for the button
// find the select inside it and show...
$('.reset').click(function() {
var $e = $(this);
var data = $e.data("param").split('_')[1] ;
// gets the id of button (1 for the first button)
// You can map this to the corresponding button in database...
type: "POST",
url: "reset.php",
// Data used to set the values in Database
data: { "reset" : $(this).val(), "buttonId" : data},
success: function() {
// Hide the current Button clicked
var $container = $e.closest("div.jcontainer");
// Get the immediate form for the button
// find the select inside it and show...
$('.locationSelect').change(function(e) {
if($(this).children(":selected").val() === "CheckOut") {
$e = $(this);
var data = $e.data("param").split('_')[1] ;
type: "POST",
url: "checkout.php",
// Data used to set the values in Database
data: { "checkOut" : $(this).val(), "buttonId" : data},
success: function() {
// Hide the current Button clicked
var $container = $e.closest("div.jcontainer");
// Get the immediate form for the button
// find the select inside it and show...
$e = $(this);
var data = $e.data("param").split('_')[1] ;
// gets the id of select (1 for the first select)
// You can map this to the corresponding select in database...
type: "POST",
url: "changeloc.php",
data: { "locationSelect" : $(this).val(), "selectid" : data},
success: function() {
// Do something here
Thanks for all and any help! Please just ask if you need any more details! Thanks!
Alot of factors could be causing slowness. Some things to consider:
The speed of the heartbeat is not dependent on your client-side javascript code alone. There may be issues with your server-side php code.
Also, a heartbeat every three seconds is very frequent, perhaps too frequent. Check in your browser's developer debug tools that each of the requests is in fact returning a response before the next 3 second interval. It could be that your server is slow to respond and your requests are "banking up".
You could speed your your jQuery a fraction by streamlining your DOM manipulation, eg:
if (msg == "")
$e.find('.locationSelect, .finished, .reset').hide();

JS/AJAX Auto submit form: Disabling enter key to prevent page refresh

I am using a function that will submit with ajax and without the help of a button click. But I am currently undergoing two issues which with trial and error haven't found plausible solutions:
First is there any way I can disable the enter button click(this causes the whole page to refresh)?
JSFIDDLE basic example in how the JS function works
Second, It feels like I am going the roundabout way to display what has been posted. How can I change this part of the function $('#special').html('<p>' + $('#resultval', result).html() + '</p>'); to have it POST just inside a div called #special without the need of span or <p> #resultval?
Everytime i echo through php I have to do set it like this to display a result: <div id="special"><span id="resultval">This is the result.</span></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
var timer = null;
var dataString;
function submitForm(){
$.ajax({ type: "POST",
url: "posting.php",
data: dataString,
success: function(result){
$('#special').html('<p>' + $('#resultval', result).html() + '</p>');
return false;
$('#ytinput').on('keyup', function() {
timer = setTimeout(submitForm, 050);
var name = $("#ytinput").val();
dataString = 'name='+ name;
$(document).ready(function() {
var timer = null;
var dataString;
function submitForm(event){// the function call on click or on submit onclick=submitForm(event);
event.preventDefault(); //to prevent enter key
$.ajax({ type: "POST",
url: "posting.php",
data: dataString,
success: function(result){
$('#special').text(result); //you can use text() or html() only
return false;
$('#ytinput').on('keyup', function() {
timer = setTimeout(submitForm, 050);
var name = $("#ytinput").val();
dataString = 'name='+ name;

Jquery Ajax call doesn't work fine in IE8

I'm loading some data lively from the database and each row have some links that do some things over that.
They work flawlessly except for the last one I've implemented which seems not to be working on IE
var url = "functions/lock_call.php";
var unlock = 'assets/lock-unlock.png';
var lock = 'assets/lock.png';
var action = 'unlock';
var id = $(this).parent().parent().attr('id');
var image = $(this).children(0);
if (image.attr('src') == unlock)
action = 'lock';
var data = 'id='+id+'&action='+action;
type: "POST",
url: url,
data: data,
cache: false,
success: function(){
alert (action);
if (action == 'lock')
image.attr('src', lock);
image.attr('src', unlock);
return false;
What could be wrong?
The alert is performer on "success" but nothing is made. That is, the script doesn't run.
IE 8 has some amazing variables reserved, try this one
var Aurl = "functions/lock_call.php";
var AunAlock = 'assets/lock-unlock.png';
var Alock = 'assets/lock.png';
var Aaction = 'AunAlock';
var Aid = $(this).parent().parent().attr('id');
var Aimage = $(this).children(0);
if (image.attr('src') == AunAlock)
Aaction = 'Alock';
var data = 'id='+Aid+'&action='+Aaction;
type: "POST",
url: Aurl,
data: data,
cache: false,
success: function(){
alert (Aaction);
if (Aaction == 'lock')
Aimage.attr('src', Alock);
Aimage.attr('src', AunAlock);
return false;
try to declare data in JSON format
var data = {'id':id, 'action': action}

