Function with memoization, how not to evaluate each time? - javascript

I'm writing a simple jQuery function that will swap some HTML elements for others when on certain viewports. The idea is simple:
<div data-swap-for="#element" data-swap-on="phone"></div>
Will insert the element with id #element after that line when the current media query corresponds to phone (the details about how that is done are not important).
My function looks like this:
jq.fn.swapElements = function(viewport) {
var targets = jq('[data-swap-for][data-swap-on='+viewport+']');
if (targets.length) {
console.log('Found elements to swap for', viewport);
} else {
console.log('Found no elements to swap for', viewport);
return {
on: function() {
console.log('Should swap elements for', viewport);
off: function() {
console.log('Should restore elements', viewport);
So whenever the screen enters the phone layout, it calls:
Which should do all the DOM transformations, and when it exits the phone layout, it calls:
Which should restore them.
My problem is that these two are creating a new evaluation of the var targets... part, resulting in:
As the output in the console, and I need this function to cache or remember the variables that it uses, so that the resulting console output is:
> Found elements to swap for phone
> Should swap elements for phone
That is, only evaluating the elements and saving the variables once per each call (a different viewport value should call for a new evaluation).
I've been looking into higher order functions and memoization, but I'm confused about how to apply this in this case and specially to a jQuery function.
Please help?

You can use some variable (object or array) to cache already targeted elements.
var cache = {}; // Should be out of function
if (viewport in cache) {
var targets = cache[viewport];
} else {
var targets = jq('[data-swap-for][data-swap-on='+viewport+']');
cache[viewport] = targets;
I Would go with slightly different approach:
jq.fn.swapElements = {
var cache;
getTargets: function(viewport) {
if (viewport in this.cache) {
return cache[viewport];
} else {
var targets = jq('[data-swap-for][data-swap-on='+viewport+']');
if (targets.length) {
console.log('Found elements to swap for', viewport);
} else {
console.log('Found no elements to swap for', viewport);
this.cache[viewport] = targets;
return this.cache[viewport];
on: function(viewport) {
console.log('Should swap elements for', viewport);
off: function(viewport) {
console.log('Should restore elements', viewport);
Pseudocode might not work in particular case, but You get the idea. Whenever You need targets you call swapElements.getTargets(viewport) function.

I'm pretty sure you don't need a higher-order memoize function (although you could trivially apply it when you have written one anyway).
What you need to do is to store the result of jq().swapElements('phone') in a variable, and when the screen enters/exits the phone layout you should call the methods on that variable, instead of creating new instances.


How can I return a value from function with multiple nested functions in Javascript?

The problem: I want to call a value from a nested method outside of its parent method. In other words, I want the output from "console.log(someObjects[i].valueChecker);" to be either "true" or "false." However, it is just returning the function itself.
What I've done so far: So I have been scouring the web/stack overflow for a solution, but either I haven't found a solution, or I just can't make sense of it. I think it has something to do with "closures," and most of the solutions to problems I've seen have been to return from the submethod, and then return the submethod from the parent method. However, every time I've tried this, I've just encountered numerous errors-- either another submethod suddenly doesn't exist, or the code runs, but the output is still a function. I wonder if having multiple methods affects the issue.
Context: I'm making a platformer game, and there are multiple types of the same enemy. I want to check for collision between the player and weapon and thusly need some values from the enemy function (I don't want to use the word "class," but I'm not sure about the appropriate terminology). I'm much more familiar with Java though, so it is frustrating me to not be able to create a separate class and just have a method to give me values back.
//assume all the other html/main stuff is already set up
var temp = {
create: c4,
update: u4
MyObject = function(value) {
this.value = value; //passed in value
var magicNumber = 4; //local value initialized/declared
this.valueChecker = function() {
//return boolean
return this.value == this.magicNumber;
this.otherValueChecker = function() {
//return boolean
return (this.value + 1) == this.magicNumber;
//just make the space bar tied to a boolean
var someKeyPress;
function c4() {
someKeyPress = game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.A);
var someObjects = [];
//... later on in the program, presuming key already coded
function u4() {
//add a new MyObject to array someObjects
if (someKeyPress.isDown) {
//check with various random numbers between 3 to 5
someObjects.push(new MyObject(game.rnd.integerInRange(3, 5)));
//run through MyObject(s) added to someObjects, and see if any match number
for (var i = 0; i < someObjects.length; i++) {
/* current output
ƒ () {
//return boolean
return this.value == this.magicNumber;
Because I see the value checker as a function
this.valueChecker = function()

How do I sort the existing stream in rxjs?

I'm new to RxJs. I have a response stream which is getting data from ajax. Also, I have another button to sort by. I can sort without any problem. My question is if I do the sorting and updating properly? What I'm doing is essentially just empty the child nodes and append new result.
(function($, _) {
var fetchRepoButton = $('.fetch');
var sortByButton = $('.sort-by');
var fetchRepoClickStream = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(fetchRepoButton, 'click');
var sortByClickStream = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(sortByButton, 'click');
var requestStream = {
return '/api';
var responseStream = requestStream.flatMap(function (requestUrl) {
return Rx.Observable.fromPromise($.getJSON(requestUrl));
responseStream.subscribe(function (es) {
var repositories = $('.container');
var names = (e) {
return {name:};
}).forEach(function (e) {
var rep = $('<div>');
var sortByStream = sortByClickStream.combineLatest(responseStream, function (click, es) {
return _.sortBy(es, function(e) {
return e.count;
}).reverse().map(function (e) {
return {name:, count: e.count};
sortByStream.subscribe(function(es) {
var repositories = $('.container');
var names = (e) {
return {name:};
}).forEach(function (e) {
var rep = $('<div>');
})($, _);
I'm playing with the code right now. So there might be duplication.
There is nothing incorrect with your code, and your RxJS usage looks fine, though your DOM usage is not as optimized as it could be. Creating/deleting all those DOM elements is a relatively expensive process, so ideally you want to resume elements where possible. Your sorting code seems ripe for optimizing in this respect.
When you sort your list, you know that DOM elements already exist for each. Instead of deleting all of them, then recreating them in the right order, I would instead use detach() to remove the element from the page and return it, then later use container.append(element) to add them in the right order.
If I was implementing it, I'd do something like'listCount', e.count) when I originally create the element, so we can sort the jQuery elements directly, then sort the list with:
sortByClickStream.subscribe(function() {
var container = $('.container');
// `.children()` returns raw DOM elements, so wrap each in jQuery, function(el) { return $(el); })
.sortBy(function(item) { return'listCount'); })
.forEach(function(item) {
Doing something similar with the response stream list is possible, but a lot more work, since you can't guarantee that each element in the latest list already has an element.
Overall, what you have will work fine, and should be fast enough for small/medium-sized lists. If it appears to get sluggish with your expected list size, then I'd start optimizing DOM code. Frameworks like Angular have entire libraries dedicated to 'DOM diffing' to figure out the minimal number of changes needed to modify the DOM for updated content. If you are doing a lot of this sort of content updates, I'd look into using a library/framework that has this built-in.

function to mirror insertAdjacentHTML

I am trying to write a function to mirror the insertAdjacentHTML dom method Element.insertAdjacentHTML and here it is
function insertAdjacent(targetElement) {
'use strict';
return {
insertAfter: function (newElement, targetElement) {
var parent = targetElement.parentNode;
if (parent.lastChild === targetElement) {
} else {
parent.insertBefore(newElement, targetElement.nextSibling);
insertAtBegin: function (newElement) {
var fChild = targetElement.firstChild;
if (!fChild) {
} else {
targetElement.insertBefore(newElement, fChild);
insertAtEnd: function (newElement) {
var lChild = targetElement.lastChild;
if (!lChild) {
} else {
this.insertAfter(newElement, targetElement.lastChild);
The function works fine when you insert two different element nodes at the beginning and the end as shown here. But the problem comes when i try to insert the same element node at the beginning and the end as shown here. It only inserts the element node at the end and not at both the beginning and end.
What could be causing this issue? Thank you
Because One element can't be insert in two place at the same time, if you want to do it, at each function's first line, add newElement = newElement.cloneNode(true); I've altered your 2nd jsfiddle, have a look.
The problem was that you are using the exact same element, which can only be placed in one place...
If you clone it, there shouldn't be a problem.
Here's your second fiddle exactly as you have written it, with an extra deepCopy function from this answer:

How best to refactor this set of repeated trigger-calls across multiple methods in JavaScript?

Here is the code that I have:
var criterion = _.extends({},Base);
criterion.dispatcher.on('save',this.saveIt,this); //respond to event save.
criterion.saveIt = function(){
if(this.hasChanged()){success:this.saveSuccess, error:this.saveError}); //method in Base
criterion.saveSuccess = function() {
//do something
criterion.saveError = function() {
//do something
There are quite a few functions that end with dispatcher.trigger('done') for ajax specific items. This is used to update a progress bar on the web app - it counts down after receiving done events from every element either on success or error or when it was already in new state. Since the counter is deterministic it counts up by the number of items and counts down by the number of dones received.
Question: Is there a better way to remove the repeated calls to dispatcher.trigger('done') at the end of each function? Or is it a necessary evil. We have such code in various objects just to synchronize the execution of the 'next step' so to speak (think of it as a 'synchronization barrier').
You could make a method that appends the call automatically.
criterion.addProgressMethod = function( methodName, method ) {
criterion[methodName] = function() {
// usage
criterion.addProgressMethod( 'saveSuccess', function() {
// do something here
} );
I'm not sure if this is any better than what you've got, but it's an idea.

Creating methods on the fly

Hi I'm trying to author a jQuery plugin and I need to have methods accessible to elements after they are initialized as that kind of object, e.g.:
$('.list').list({some options}); //This initializes .list as a list
//now I want it to have certain methods like:
$('.list').find('List item'); //does some logic that I need
I tried with
$.fn.list = function (options) {
return this.each(function() {
// some code here
this.find = function(test) {
//function logic
and several other different attempts, I just can't figure out how to do it.
I'll try to explain this better.
I'm trying to turn a table into a list, basically like a list on a computer with column headers and sortable items and everything inbetween. You initiate the table with a command like
data: [{id: 1, name:'My First List Item', date:'2010/06/26'}, {id:2, name:'Second', date:'2010/05/20'}]
.list will make the <tbody> sortable and do a few other initial tasks, then add the following methods to the element:
.findItem(condition) will allow you to find a certain item by a condition (like findItem('name == "Second"')
.list(condition) will list all items that match a given condition
.sort(key) will sort all items by a given key
What's the best way to go about doing this?
If you want these methods to be available on any jQuery object, you will have to add each one of them to jQuery's prototype. The reason is every time you call $(".list") a fresh new object is created, and any methods you attached to a previous such object will get lost.
Assign each method to jQuery's prototype as:
list: function() { .. },
findItem: function() { .. },
sort: function() { .. }
The list method here is special as it can be invoked on two occasions. First, when initializing the list, and second when finding particular items by a condition. You would have to differentiate between these two cases somehow - either by argument type, or some other parameter.
You can also use the data API to throw an exception if these methods are called for an object that has not been initialized with the list plugin. When ('xyz').list({ .. }) is first called, store some state variable in the data cache for that object. When any of the other methods - "list", "findItem", or "sort" are later invoked, check if the object contains that state variable in its data cache.
A better approach would be to namespace your plugin so that list() will return the extended object. The three extended methods can be called on its return value. The interface would be like:
$('selector').list({ ... });
Or save a reference to the returned object the first time, and call methods on it directly.
var myList = $('selector').list({ ... });
I found this solution here:
This seems to do exactly what I need.
(function($) {
var TaskList = function(element, options)
var $elem = $(element);
var options = $.extend({
tasks: [],
folders: []
}, options || {});
this.changed = false;
this.selected = {};
revert: true,
opacity: 0.5
this.findTask = function(test, look) {
var results = [];
for (var i = 0,l = options.tasks.length; i < l; i++)
var t = options['tasks'][i];
if (eval(test))
return results;
var debug = function(msg) {
if (window.console) {
$.fn.taskList = function(options)
return this.each(function() {
var element = $(this);
if ('taskList')) { return; }
var taskList = new TaskList(this, options);'taskList', taskList);
Then I have
tasks: eval('(<?php echo mysql_real_escape_string(json_encode($tasks)); ?>)'),
folders: eval('(<?php echo mysql_real_escape_string(json_encode($folders)); ?>)')
var taskList = $('.task-list-table').data('taskList');
and I can use taskList.findTask(condition);
And since the constructor has $elem I can also edit the jQuery instance for methods like list(condition) etc. This works perfectly.
this.each isn't needed. This should do:
$.fn.list = function (options) {
this.find = function(test) {
//function logic
return this;
Note that you'd be overwriting jQuery's native find method, and doing so isn't recommended.
Also, for what it's worth, I don't think this is a good idea. jQuery instances are assumed to only have methods inherited from jQuery's prototype object, and as such I feel what you want to do would not be consistent with the generally accepted jQuery-plugin behaviour -- i.e. return the this object (the jQuery instance) unchanged.

