How to modify bigcommerce frontend with api (add js code in app) - javascript

I am writing and app for biggommerce which should a bit of code JS to the header. Does bigcommerce allow to do something like that? (something like ScriptTag in Shopify)
Best Regards
Vahe Abelyan

There is no way to access/edit template files thru the Bigcommerce API. It would just be best to guide the user to pasting the JS into their header (as most apps already do).

Rob is correct, however, depending on how complex you want to get you could technically write an app that would fetch or put a file into the theme's template structure using WebDAV.
if /template/panels/htmlhead.html exists find it, add your script code before , then post file back to webdav
if /template/panels/htmlhead.html does not exist, allow user to upload the default one from their theme, and then have you app do the same thing.
However I'd recommend sticking with the easy way, just provide instructions for a user to place the code into the file themselves. If you want a great example of this, see YOTPO's installation instructions.


Need ScriptReferenceProfiler.dll or alternate

I improving site performance and for that, I try to Bundle or combine ScriptResource.axd and Webresource.axd but before combine to I need to know javascript file reference name which is used by ajax control toolkit in web form
like this
I need ScriptReferenceProfiler.DLL to get a reference of the javascript file which is used in ajax toolkit on the web page.
do you have any idea to get this dll file
I go through this tutorial
Or if you have any alternate solution please let me know
The file you looking and reference from the link you add was here :
I can not find it now so I uploaded for you here, both source code and binaries.

How to use a basic Google Sheets javascript script in GitHub Pages?

Trying to implement a piece of code to display data from a Google Spreadsheet in my GitHub Pages page. I found Sheetrock.js and the JS Fiddle worked, but I'm missing how to setup a basic javascript file structure. I know I can name files ___.js and call them from the html file, but the Sheetrock.js info doesn't use this format. I remember trying this a while ago and after hitting the same roadblocks gave up, so I'm posting to hopefully save others, coming from a similar search for using GSheets in a static site through javascript, hours of searching on such a simple problem.
I searched for hours (through Jekyll tutorials and other JS package installations). I know this seems simple now, but there was only one basic javascript setup I finally found that answered it after searching on 'javascript', 'github pages', and even jquery with GH.
So the basic answer seems to be to simply create an index.js file next to index.html, and this is of course where all the generic javascript goes. The tags and external http CDN js file imports go in the HTML file.
You can use other javascript means such as JSON based access to connect to GSheet data, but Sheetrock.js seems to be doing okay.
There are also ways to adjust the iframe to select columns and use the SQL language base using the Google Google Visualization API Query Language described in this page. The SQL type commands carry over to the Sheetrock.js usage.

ReactJS is there any way of looping through a github pages directory?

I am developing a single paged website which displays the contents of several JSON files in ReactJS. I need to loop through /json which contains the files and display these as a list. These files may change so this needs to be dynamic.
I was able to get this working using a nodeJS back end server. However my spec has changed and now this site has to be hosted on github pages, therefore the back end approach will not work. Does anyone know of any way I can access the directory in React, I have looked and cannot seem to find any way of doing this.
Thanks for any help in advance.
You cannot access any filesystem without a proxy (like Node.js) from a browser. React is just a series of literal definitions, interpreted by browsers.
You can do whatever you want with React and Github API
You can also dig in SO with [github-api] react

Angularjs vs SEO vs pushState

After reading this thread I decided to use pushstate api in my angularjs application which is fully API-based (independent frontend and independent backend).
Here is my test site:
I created a sitemap and uploaded to google webmaster tools.
From what I can see:
google indexed the main page, indexed the dynamic navigation (cool!) but did not index
any of dynamic urls.
Please take a look.
I examined the example site given in the related thread:
As far as I can see, when I directly access a particular page the content which is presumed to be dynamic is returned by the server therefore it's indexed. But it's impossible in my case since my application is fully dynamic.
Could you, please, advise, what's the problem in my particular case and how to fix it?
Thanks in advance.
Note: this question is about pushState way. Please do not advise me to use escaped fragment or 3-d party services like I'd like to figure out how to use this approach.
Evidently Quentin didn't read the post you're referring to. The whole point of is that it uses pushState and proves that it doesn't require static html for the benefit of spiders.
"This site uses HTML5 wizrdry [sic] to load the 'actual content' asynchronusly [sic] to the rest of the code: this makes it faster for users, but it's still totally indexable by search engines."
Dodgy orthography aside, this demo shows that asynchronously-loaded content is indexable.
As far as I can see, when I directly access a particular page the content which is presumed to be dynamic is returned by the server
It isn't. You are loading a blank page with some JavaScript in it, and that JavaScript immediately loads the content that should appear for that URL.
You need to have the server produce the HTML you get after running the JavaScript and not depend on the JS.
Google does interpret Angular pages, as you can see on this quick demo page, where the title and meta description show up correctly in the search result.
It is very likely that if they interpret JS at all, they interpret it enough for thorough link analysis.
The fact that some pages are not indexed is due to the fact that Google does not index every page they analyze, even if you add it to a sitemap or submit it for indexing in webmaster tools. On the demo page, both the regular and the scope-bound link are currently not being indexed.
Update: so to answer the question specifically, there is no issue with pushState on the test site. Those pages simply do not contain value-adding content for Google. (See their general guidelines).
Sray, I recently opened up the same question in another thread and was advised that Googlebot and Bingbot do index SPAs that use pushState. I haven't seen an example that ensures my confidence, but it's what I'm told. To then cover your bases as far as Facebook is concerned, use open graph meta tags.
I'm still not confident about pushing forward without sending HTML snippets to bots, but like you I've found no tutorial telling how to do this while using pushState or even suggesting it. But here's how I imagine it would work using Symfony2...
Use prerender or another service to generate static snippets of all your pages. Store them somewhere accessible by your router.
In your Symfony2 routing file, create a route that matches your SPA. I have a test SPA running at, so my route would look like this:
# Adding a trailing / to this route breaks it. Not sure why.
# This is also not formatting correctly in StackOverflow. This is yaml.
----path: /ng-test/{one}/{two}/{three}/{four}
--------_controller: DriverSideSiteBundle:NgTest:ngTestReroute
--------'one': null
--------'two': null
--------'three': null
--------'four': null
----methods: [GET]
In your Symfony2 controller, check user-agent to see if it's googlebot or bingbot. You should be able to do this with the code below, and then use this list to target the bots you're interested in (
if(strstr(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']), "googlebot"))
// what to do
If your controller finds a match to a bot, send it the HTML snippet. Otherwise, as in the case with my AngularJS app, just send the user to the index page and Angular will correctly do the rest.
Also, has your question been answered? If it has, please select one so I and others can tell what worked for you.
HTML snippets for AngularJS app that uses pushState?

Using JS to create user-customized home pages

I believe this question is related to this one also, since I'm trying to figure out different aspects of creating a custom homepage: Click here
Once again, I'm developing a downloadable homepage (a custom index.html file + some images and more if needed) that you can store on your computer and then set it as your homepage. It would have a compact layout where you could sort your favorite bookmarks and other stuff the way you want. So the idea is clear.
In the previous question (link above) I wondered whether it's possible to write/read from a file with JS. Unfortunately, it isn't and I do not want to utilize any plugins or an ActiveX object.
I would like to know whether it is possible to add new lines of code (user input) to the page file? For instance, if index.html is the file from which the script is running, can the same script add new lines of code to it? Not an external file, but to the same file the script is running on at the moment?
Instead of writing to a file, I recommend using localStorage. It's a persistent JavaScript object that is stored across pageviews and sessions.
localStorage.myStorageKey = 'test';
Try using the above code and refreshing the page.

