Check if input fields contains certain text - javascript

I'm trying to find if what the user typing in to an input field contain certain text - I've kinda got it works, but only working for an exact match as opposed to a partial match. If a user types anything before the text i'm matching, of course the code doesn't trigger.
What i need to do is check if the input contains at all in the input field.
if ($(".email").val() == "") {
$("p.warning").css("visibility", "visible");
else if ($(".email").val() != "") {
$("p.warning").css("visibility", "hidden");

Checking if a string contains a substring is pretty easily done by taking haystack.indexOf(needle) and checking against -1 (not found).
if ($(".email").val().indexOf("") !== -1) {
// contains
} else {
// does not contain
There is a function in the ES6 draft which you may find more natural, called includes
You can add support for ES6's String.prototype.includes like this
if (!String.prototype.includes) {
String.prototype.includes = function (needle, pos) {
return this.indexOf(needle, pos || 0) !== -1;
"foobar".includes('foo'); // true

Working Ex:
$('.email').keyup(function() {
var exp = /#nyu\.edu$/; // reg ex
var input = $(this).val(); // email input
var matches = exp.test(input); // boolean
// changes to hidden or visible
$("p.warning").css("visibility", (matches) ? "visible" : "hidden");

You can filter based on HTML elements' attribute contents with jQuery to either contain, start, or end with a string that you want. To match elements with an attribute that contain a string, you'd use [attr*="value"] in your jQuery selector, but I think that you want something where the end matches your string. Here's how that would work:
var elements = $(".email[value$='']");
if(elements.length > 0) {
// Do something with the elements, such as removing an .error class
} else {
// Email doesn't end with
Read more about the jQuery ends-with attribute selector or browse through other attribute selectors like this.

jsBin demo
var $warning = $("p.warning"); // P.S. make sure not to target a wrong .warning!
$('.email').on("input", function(){
$warning.toggle( /#nyu\.edu/ig.test(this.value) );
as I've mentioned .warning being a class can represent any first .warning occurrence. use rather some other selector like .next() or .closest(selector).find(".warning")
your boss fill fire you if your client loses $$$ cause you forgot to watch for copy-paste cases. ;) Kidding, use "input" event.
P.S use .warning{display:none;} instead of visibility


How to get the -real- last character typed in input with maxlength?

I wanted to know which character the user is typing into an input:
I have an input:
<input maxlength="20"/>
and a script that returns the last typed char:
var eingabe;
$('form').on('keypress', function(event) {
/// if no whitespace:
if (String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode).replace(/\s/g, "").length > 0) {
eingabe = String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode);
$('#eingabe').html("<div>Eingabe : "+ eingabe +"</div>");
My question is:
because my input has a maxlength attribute, the last typed character on the keyboard is sometimes not the last -real- typed character into the input because the input is "full". How can I get the last character typed into the input?
I haven't tried it, but it must work...
Set onkeypress= or onkeydown= on the Input element and store the key value in a LastChr variable.
I had a similar problem. I wanted to call a function if the user types a specific character into my input field. I solved it with the following:
var input = document.getElementById('myInput');
input.addEventListener('input', function() {
// Get cursor position
var start = this.selectionStart;
// Get last typed character
var lastChar = String.fromCharCode(this.value.charCodeAt(start - 1));
if(lastChar === '[YOURCHARHERE]') {
// do something
Please keep in mind, that 'input' is only supported down to IE8, but if you don't care about a proprietary browser, you should be fine. I hope this helps.
Inside your function, use the value of the input element to get the last character like $('#input_field').val().substr($('#input_field').val().length - 1) or use your best coding skill to accomplish something similar without accessing the field twice, wink wink.
Use keyup instead:
$('form').on('keyup', function(event) {
var cursorPos =;
var lastTypedChar =[cursorPos - 1];

Interactively, don't allow the first character in a text input to be a space, or group of spaces

Firstly, This is NOT a repeat question. Most of the similar questions, I've come across, don't preform the desired action interactively (e.g. "onkeydown", "onkeyup", etc.). I need a pure JavaScript (i.e. NO jQuery) function to disallow the first character of a text-based input to be a space or group of spaces given just the elements ID. Here is what I have:
<script type="text/javascript">
/* Don't allow the first character of a "text-based" input element
* (e.g. text-box, text-area, editable-div's) to be a space, given
* the elements ID ([ eID ]). [BEGIN]
function noPrecedingSpace ( eID )
var elmt = document.getElementById(eID);
elmt.addEventListener("keydown", function(event)
var strg = elmt.value;
var lastChar = strg.charAt(strg.length - 1);
if ((lastChar == " ")||(lastChar == " ")||(strg == ""))
return event.which !== 32;
/* Don't allow the first character of a "text-based" input element
* (e.g. text-box, text-area, editable-div's) to be a space, given the
* elements ID ([ eID ]). [END]
Any ideas as to why this is not working?
What am I doing wrong?
Please Note: "Paste" is already accounted for, and disallowed on the field by another javascript, that, by the way, is working perfectly.
Returning true/false is the "old" way of managing event propagation. Better now is to use preventDefault()
var elmt = document.getElementById('noSpaces');
elmt.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) {
if (elmt.value.length === 0 && event.which === 32) {
This just checks... if the current input length is zero then a space is not allowed.
Also see the fiddle.
You can add/modify to check for non-breaking spaces also, if that's really a problem -- match with a regex like Dave's answer, but only if elmt.value.length is > 0
This, however, would let you type non-spaces, then back-up to the start of the field and insert spaces.
A revised fiddle trims leading whitespace as you're typing, but this also won't entirely solve the problem.
var elmt = document.getElementById('noSpaces');
elmt.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) {
if (event.which === 32) {
elmt.value = elmt.value.replace(/^\s+/, '');
if (elmt.value.length === 0) {
You can keep refining it, even taking the current caret position and the currently selected text into account, but ultimately you must .trim() the string you receive on the server, since I (for one) can send you anything I want to send despite all of your javascript efforts to make me enter a "legal" string.
You can test the value of the input with a regular expression to see if it starts with a space and if so remove the spaces from the start of the value;
var input = document.getElementById('noSpaces');
input.addEventListener('keyup', function(event) {
if(/^\s/.test(input.value)) {
input.value = input.value.replace(/^\s+/,'');
Thanks to #StephenP, I have come up with this final answer, which is just perfect for my needs ("visitors_name" field):
<script type="text/javascript">
/* Don't allow the first character of a "text-based" input element (e.g. text-box, text-area, editable-div's, etc.) to be a space, given the elements ID ([ eID ]). Also, don't allow more than one space between adjacent words. [BEGIN] */
/* Usage Example: noPrecedingOrDoubleSpace ("visitors_name"); */
function noPrecedingOrDoubleSpace ( eID )
var elmt = document.getElementById(eID);
elmt.addEventListener("keydown", function(event)
var strg = elmt.value;
var lastChar = strg.charAt(strg.length - 1);
if ((lastChar == " ")||(lastChar == " ")||(strg == ""))
if (event.which === 32)
/* Don't allow the first character of a "text-based" input element (e.g. text-box, text-area, editable-div's, etc.) to be a space, given the elements ID ([ eID ]). Also, don't allow more than one space between adjacent words. [END] */
Keep in mind that if you just need no space, only at the beginning of the input, #StephenP's answer is probably more practical, and is the real answer to this question, given the title.
Also remember, that just as #StephenP mentioned, real validation is best done in the server-side script (e.g. php). This JavaScript is just to encourage correct input formatting. Nothing more, nothing less.
Big kudos to #StephenP
Final JSFiddle.

using indexof on query string parameter with multiple values

I'm showing hidden divs based on the contents of a query string parameter that's being parsed from another page, using indexof to check if a value is present - then displaying that value's corresponding div.
Query string: index.html?q1=bag1,bag2,bag3
var urlParams;
(window.onpopstate = function () {
var match,
pl = /\+/g, // Regex for replacing addition symbol with a space
search = /([^&=]+)=?([^&]*)/g,
decode = function (s) { return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(pl, " ")); },
query =;
urlParams = {};
while (match = search.exec(query))
urlParams[decode(match[1])] = decode(match[2]);
Then using indexOf to show divs based on the value:
if ((urlParams["q1"]).indexOf("bag1") >= 0) {
} else
if ((urlParams["q1"]).indexOf("bag2") >= 0) {
} else
if ((urlParams["q1"]).indexOf("bag3") >= 0) {
However, it's only displaying the first div and not the second or third.
I know it'll be a simple solution - bit stuck on it. Any help appreciated!
You need to remove the else clauses, as the interpreter will stop after the first if is true. So your code should look like
if ((urlParams["q1"]).indexOf("bag1") >= 0) {
if ((urlParams["q1"]).indexOf("bag2") >= 0) {
if ((urlParams["q1"]).indexOf("bag3") >= 0) {
I'd suggest using your bag1 etc values as IDs instead of classes to identify the separate content sections. If a class only identifies one element then you're doing it wrong.
You should then tag all of your content elements with the same class (e.g. content) so that you can .hide() on all of them before running .show on the ones that you want to remain visible. As written any elements that are already visible will remain visible when you pop state even if they weren't supposed to be.
Your parameter extracting code is OK, but having got your q1 value I would just do this:
var q1 = urlParams.q1;
if (q1 !== undefined) {
$('.content').hide(); // show nothing
q1.split(',').forEach(function(id) {
$('#' + id).show();
thereby removing all of the (broken) conditional logic.

Find and remove text from input value string

Our form has a hidden input that contains all the required values we send to the server for server-side validation. This is formed of a comma-separated string:
i.e. <input type="hidden" value="name,address,telephone,email">
We now have new inputs (i.e. website) that appear on a radio button check and I can successfully add these to the value="" string:
var nowReq = $('input[name="required"]').val();
if ($('#website').is(':checked')) {
$('input[name="required"]').val(nowReq + ',website');
But when a different radio is checked, I can't get it to remove ,website from the string.
I believe I need to grab the string, split it by comma, find and remove website and then re-join the string, but I'm not sure how to implement this (or if this is even the best way):
if ($('#fax').is(':checked')) {
var splitReq = nowReq.split(',');
// Something goes here?
You can use string.indexOf(searchValue); and string.replace(oldValue, newValue); to search and remove non-selected elements or better pass Regular expression in the first parameter of string.replace(regex, newValue):
Non-regex Example:
var nowReq = $('input[name="required"]').val();
if ($('#website').is(':checked')) {
nowReq = nowReq + ',website';
else {
if(string.indexOf(',website') > -1) // If website is the last element
nowReq = nowReq.replace(',website', '');
else if(string.indexOf('website,') > -1) // If website is not the last element
nowReq = nowReq.replace('website,', '');
You simply need to remove the last element in your array and join it with the ',' character :
var splitReq = nowReq.split(',website').join("");
the following would work in most cases:
var s = "name,address,telephone,email";
s = s.replace(",address", "").replace("address,", "").replace("address", "");
I'd suggest that you avoid parsing the value string, and simply recalculate the value on the change of the relevant input elements; the following is a demonstrative example because of the lack of information presented in the question (a more specific example could be provided if we can see your HTML, and current jQuery, rather than a description of it):
$('input[type="checkbox"]').on('change', function(){
var requiredString = $('input[type="checkbox"]').map(function(){
if (this.checked) {
return this.value;
JS Fiddle demo.

Check if HTML snippet is valid with JavaScript

I need a reliable JavaScript library / function to check if an HTML snippet is valid that I can call from my code. For example, it should check that opened tags and quotation marks are closed, nesting is correct, etc.
I don't want the validation to fail because something is not 100% standard (but would work anyway).
Update: this answer is limited - please see the edit below.
Expanding on #kolink's answer, I use:
var checkHTML = function(html) {
var doc = document.createElement('div');
doc.innerHTML = html;
return ( doc.innerHTML === html );
I.e., we create a temporary div with the HTML. In order to do this, the browser will create a DOM tree based on the HTML string, which may involve closing tags etc.
Comparing the div's HTML contents with the original HTML will tell us if the browser needed to change anything.
Returns false.
Returns true.
Edit: As #Quentin notes below, this is excessively strict for a variety of reasons: browsers will often fix omitted closing tags, even if closing tags are optional for that tag. Eg:
<p>one para
<p>second para considered valid (since Ps are allowed to omit closing tags) but checkHTML will return false. Browsers will also normalise tag cases, and alter white space. You should be aware of these limits when deciding to use this approach.
Well, this code:
function tidy(html) {
var d = document.createElement('div');
d.innerHTML = html;
return d.innerHTML;
This will "correct" malformed HTML to the best of the browser's ability. If that's helpful to you, it's a lot easier than trying to validate HTML.
None of the solutions presented so far is doing a good job in answering the original question, especially when it comes to
I don't want the validation to fail because something is not 100%
standard (but would work anyways).
tldr >> check the JSFiddle
So I used the input of the answers and comments on this topic and created a method that does the following:
checks html string tag by tag if valid
trys to render html string
compares theoretically to be created tag count with actually rendered html dom tag count
if checked 'strict', <br/> and empty attribute normalizations ="" are not ignored
compares rendered innerHTML with given html string (while ignoring whitespaces and quotes)
true if rendered html is same as given html string
false if one of the checks fails
normalized html string if rendered html seems valid but is not equal to given html string
normalized means, that on rendering, the browser ignores or repairs sometimes specific parts of the input (like adding missing closing-tags for <p> and converts others (like single to double quotes or encoding of ampersands).
Making a distinction between "failed" and "normalized" allows to flag the content to the user as "this will not be rendered as you might expect it".
Most times normalized gives back an only slightly altered version of the original html string - still, sometimes the result is quite different. So this should be used e.g. to flag user-input for further review before saving it to a db or rendering it blindly. (see JSFiddle for examples of normalization)
The checks take the following exceptions into consideration
ignoring of normalization of single quotes to double quotes
image and other tags with a src attribute are 'disarmed' during rendering
(if non strict) ignoring of <br/> >> <br> conversion
(if non strict) ignoring of normalization of empty attributes (<p disabled> >> <p disabled="">)
encoding of initially un-encoded ampersands when reading .innerHTML, e.g. in attribute values
function simpleValidateHtmlStr(htmlStr, strictBoolean) {
if (typeof htmlStr !== "string")
return false;
var validateHtmlTag = new RegExp("<[a-z]+(\s+|\"[^\"]*\"\s?|'[^']*'\s?|[^'\">])*>", "igm"),
sdom = document.createElement('div'),
noSrcNoAmpHtmlStr = htmlStr
.replace(/ src=/, " svhs___src=") // disarm src attributes
.replace(/&/igm, "#svhs#amp##"), // 'save' encoded ampersands
noSrcNoAmpIgnoreScriptContentHtmlStr = noSrcNoAmpHtmlStr
.replace(/\n\r?/igm, "#svhs#nl##") // temporarily remove line breaks
.replace(/(<script[^>]*>)(.*?)(<\/script>)/igm, "$1$3") // ignore script contents
.replace(/#svhs#nl##/igm, "\n\r"), // re-add line breaks
htmlTags = noSrcNoAmpIgnoreScriptContentHtmlStr.match(/<[a-z]+[^>]*>/igm), // get all start-tags
htmlTagsCount = htmlTags ? htmlTags.length : 0,
tagsAreValid, resHtmlStr;
// ignore <br/> conversions
noSrcNoAmpHtmlStr = noSrcNoAmpHtmlStr.replace(/<br\s*\/>/, "<br>")
if (htmlTagsCount) {
tagsAreValid = htmlTags.reduce(function(isValid, tagStr) {
return isValid && tagStr.match(validateHtmlTag);
}, true);
if (!tagsAreValid) {
return false;
try {
sdom.innerHTML = noSrcNoAmpHtmlStr;
} catch (err) {
return false;
// compare rendered tag-count with expected tag-count
if (sdom.querySelectorAll("*").length !== htmlTagsCount) {
return false;
resHtmlStr = sdom.innerHTML.replace(/&/igm, "&"); // undo '&' encoding
// ignore empty attribute normalizations
resHtmlStr = resHtmlStr.replace(/=""/, "")
// compare html strings while ignoring case, quote-changes, trailing spaces
simpleIn = noSrcNoAmpHtmlStr.replace(/["']/igm, "").replace(/\s+/igm, " ").toLowerCase().trim(),
simpleOut = resHtmlStr.replace(/["']/igm, "").replace(/\s+/igm, " ").toLowerCase().trim();
if (simpleIn === simpleOut)
return true;
return resHtmlStr.replace(/ svhs___src=/igm, " src=").replace(/#svhs#amp##/, "&");
Here you can find it in a JSFiddle , together with different test-cases, including
"<a href='blue.html id='green'>missing attribute quotes</a>" // FAIL
"<a>hell<B>o</B></a>" // PASS
'hell<b>o</b>' // PASS
'<a href=test.html>hell<b>o</b></a>', // PASS
"<a href='test.html'>hell<b>o</b></a>", // PASS
'<ul><li>hell</li><li>hell</li></ul>', // PASS
'<ul><li>hell<li>hell</ul>', // PASS
'<div ng-if="true && valid">ampersands in attributes</div>' // PASS
9 years later, how about using DOMParser?
It accepts string as parameter and returns Document type, just like HTML.
Thus, when it has an error, the returned document object has <parsererror> element in it.
If you parse your html as xml, at least you can check your html is xhtml compliant.
> const parser = new DOMParser();
> const doc = parser.parseFromString('<div>Input: <input /></div>', 'text/xml');
> (doc.documentElement.querySelector('parsererror') || {}).innerText; // undefined
To wrap this as a function
function isValidHTML(html) {
const parser = new DOMParser();
const doc = parser.parseFromString(html, 'text/xml');
if (doc.documentElement.querySelector('parsererror')) {
return doc.documentElement.querySelector('parsererror').innerText;
} else {
return true;
Testing the above function
isValidHTML('<a>hell<B>o</B></a>') // true
isValidHTML('hell') // true
isValidHTML('<a href='test.html'>hell</a>') // true
isValidHTML("<a href=test.html>hell</a>") // This page contains the following err..
isValidHTML('<ul><li>a</li><li>b</li></ul>') // true
isValidHTML('<ul><li>a<li>b</ul>') // This page contains the following err..
isValidHTML('<div><input /></div>' // true
isValidHTML('<div><input></div>' // This page contains the following err..
The above works for very simple html.
However if your html has some code-like texts; <script>, <style>, etc, you need to manipulate just for XML validation although it's valid HTML
The following updates code-like html to a valid XML syntax.
export function getHtmlError(html) {
const parser = new DOMParser();
const htmlForParser = `<xml>${html}</xml>`
.replace(/(src|href)=".*?&.*?"/g, '$1="OMITTED"')
.replace(/<script[\s\S]+?<\/script>/gm, '<script>OMITTED</script>')
.replace(/<style[\s\S]+?<\/style>/gm, '<style>OMITTED</style>')
.replace(/<pre[\s\S]+?<\/pre>/gm, '<pre>OMITTED</pre>')
.replace(/ /g, ' ');
const doc = parser.parseFromString(htmlForParser, 'text/xml');
if (doc.documentElement.querySelector('parsererror')) {
console.error(htmlForParser.split(/\n/).map( (el, ndx) => `${ndx+1}: ${el}`).join('\n'));
return doc.documentElement.querySelector('parsererror');
function validHTML(html) {
var openingTags, closingTags;
html = html.replace(/<[^>]*\/\s?>/g, ''); // Remove all self closing tags
html = html.replace(/<(br|hr|img).*?>/g, ''); // Remove all <br>, <hr>, and <img> tags
openingTags = html.match(/<[^\/].*?>/g) || []; // Get remaining opening tags
closingTags = html.match(/<\/.+?>/g) || []; // Get remaining closing tags
return openingTags.length === closingTags.length ? true : false;
var htmlContent = "<p>your html content goes here</p>" // Note: String without any html tag will consider as valid html snippet. If it’s not valid in your case, in that case you can check opening tag count first.
if(validHTML(htmlContent)) {
alert('Valid HTML')
else {
alert('Invalid HTML');
Using pure JavaScript you may check if an element exists using the following function:
if (typeof(element) != 'undefined' && element != null)
Using the following code we can test this in action:
<input type="button" value="Toggle .not-undefined" onclick="toggleNotUndefined()">
<input type="button" value="Check if .not-undefined exists" onclick="checkNotUndefined()">
<p class=".not-undefined"></p>
p:after {
content: "Is 'undefined'";
color: blue;
p.not-undefined:after {
content: "Is not 'undefined'";
color: red;
function checkNotUndefined(){
var phrase = "not ";
var element = document.querySelector('.not-undefined');
if (typeof(element) != 'undefined' && element != null) phrase = "";
alert("Element of class '.not-undefined' does "+phrase+"exist!");
// $(".thisClass").length checks to see if our elem exists in jQuery
function toggleNotUndefined(){
It can be found on JSFiddle.
function isHTML(str)
var a = document.createElement('div');
a.innerHTML = str;
for(var c= a.ChildNodes, i = c.length; i--)
if (c[i].nodeType == 1) return true;
return false;
Good Luck!
It depends on js-library which you use.
Html validatod for node.js
Html validator for jQuery
But, as mentioned before, using the browser to validate broken HTML is a great idea:
function tidy(html) {
var d = document.createElement('div');
d.innerHTML = html;
return d.innerHTML;
Expanding on #Tarun's answer from above:
function validHTML(html) { // checks the validity of html, requires all tags and property-names to only use alphabetical characters and numbers (and hyphens, underscore for properties)
html = html.toLowerCase().replace(/(?<=<[^>]+?=\s*"[^"]*)[<>]/g,"").replace(/(?<=<[^>]+?=\s*'[^']*)[<>]/g,""); // remove all angle brackets from tag properties
html = html.replace(/<script.*?<\/script>/g, ''); // Remove all script-elements
html = html.replace(/<style.*?<\/style>/g, ''); // Remove all style elements tags
html = html.toLowerCase().replace(/<[^>]*\/\s?>/g, ''); // Remove all self closing tags
html = html.replace(/<(\!|br|hr|img).*?>/g, ''); // Remove all <br>, <hr>, and <img> tags
//var tags=[...str.matchAll(/<.*?>/g)]; this would allow for unclosed initial and final tag to pass parsing
html = html.replace(/^[^<>]+|[^<>]+$|(?<=>)[^<>]+(?=<)/gs,""); // remove all clean text nodes, note that < or > in text nodes will result in artefacts for which we check and return false
tags = html.split(/(?<=>)(?=<)/);
if (tags.length%2==1) {
console.log("uneven number of tags in "+html)
return false;
var tagno=0;
while (tags.length>0) {
if (tagno==tags.length) {
console.log("these tags are not closed: "+tags.slice(0,tagno).join());
return false;
if (tags[tagno].slice(0,2)=="</") {
if (tagno==0) {
console.log("this tag has not been opened: "+tags[0]);
return false;
var tagSearch=tags[tagno].match(/<\/\s*([\w\-\_]+)\s*>/);
if (tagSearch===null) {
console.log("could not identify closing tag "+tags[tagno]+" after "+tags.slice(0,tagno).join());
return false;
} else tags[tagno]=tagSearch[1];
if (tags[tagno]==tags[tagno-1]) {
} else {
console.log("tag '"+tags[tagno]+"' trying to close these tags: "+tags.slice(0,tagno).join());
return false;
} else {
tags[tagno]=tags[tagno].replace(/(?<=<\s*[\w_\-]+)(\s+[\w\_\-]+(\s*=\s*(".*?"|'.*?'|[^\s\="'<>`]+))?)*/g,""); // remove all correct properties from tag
var tagSearch=tags[tagno].match(/<(\s*[\w\-\_]+)/);
if ((tagSearch===null) || (tags[tagno]!="<"+tagSearch[1]+">")) {
console.log("fragmented tag with the following remains: "+tags[tagno]);
return false;
var tagSearch=tags[tagno].match(/<\s*([\w\-\_]+)/);
if (tagSearch===null) {
console.log("could not identify opening tag "+tags[tagno]+" after "+tags.slice(0,tagno).join());
return false;
} else tags[tagno]=tagSearch[1];
return true;
This performs a few additional checks, such as testing whether tags match and whether properties would parse. As it does not depend on an existing DOM, it can be used in a server environment, but beware: it is slow. Also, in theory, tags can be names much more laxly, as you can basically use any unicode (with a few exceptions) in tag- and property-names. This would not pass my own sanity-check, however.

