Ember losing active trail - javascript

Hi I have the following Routes in ember:
this.resource('meat', function() {
this.resource('poultry', function() {
My templates look like this:
<script type='text/x-handlebars' id='meat'>
<script type='text/x-handlebars' id='poultry'>
{{#link-to 'poultry.chicken'}}Chicken{{/link-to}}
{{#link-to 'poultry.duck'}}Duck{{/link-to}}
<script type="text/x-handlebars" id="poultry/chicken">
<script type="text/x-handlebars" id="poultry/duck">
The problem is, when I click on the 'Duck' link, I lose my active trail to 'Poultry'.
I can't figure it out, the path is correct, but the active classes are gone.
Here is a jsbin: http://emberjs.jsbin.com/yularepare/2/

The code in your comment is a little different than the JSBin. You didn't include the application template. Here it is:
<script type='text/x-handlebars' data-template-name='application'>
{{#link-to 'poultry.chicken' }}Poultry{{/link-to}}
You're losing the active class because you're linking straight to 'poultry.chicken', not 'poultry'. It isn't a parent route, but a sibling route. If you want to keep the active class, change you link-to to:
{{#link-to 'poultry'}}Poultry{{/link-to}}
and it should work fine. Working JSBin: http://jsbin.com/fefucalaqi/1/edit
EDIT: comment asked how to handle redirect to first result. Adding here.
App.PoultryIndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
redirect: function() {
// write some code to get to your first result here.
Now you'll get both: active class on all poultry routes and you'll show the first one if none were selected.


What's the easiest way to implement routes to show certain views?

I've created a site that has multiple panels that slide in from the right side of the screen.
I want to be able to put a link on each panel that will share my webpage, and when the user comes to the site, that specific panel will be open.
For example:
Will show my page with panel-1 opened, while:
www.something.com/#/panel-2 will show my page with panel-2 opened.
What's the easiest way to do this? Can I use Ember,Angular, or Backbone's router and views with only simple html? Should I just use something like router.js?
Any help, advice, or links would be appreciated.
Of course you can do that. That's the one of the strongest qualities of ember.js. After declaring your routes, framework can generate all the corresponding controllers and views automatically (it's called convention over configuration). See an example
<script type="text/x-handlebars">
{{link-to 'index' 'index'}}
{{link-to 'first panel' 'panel1'}}
{{link-to 'second panel' 'panel2'}}
<!--your panels will be inserted automatically in the outlet property-->
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="panel1">
panel 1
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="panel2">
panel 2
Demo: http://jsbin.com/dekixayuxa/1/

Making divs clickable - Ember view for action on multiple elements

I am developing a Cordova application with help from Ember. I have many dynamic elements in my application. These are Bootstrap thumbnails that link to other routes when clicked.
I want to make these thumbnails clickable. If I use Views, I will have to write unique views for all the thumbnails.
I have heard about mixins. Can a general View be defined that will :
Pass a model
Render a template for a route with the model
In other words, since each view semantically performs the same action, I want to be able to do something similar to
{{#view App.AllView this}}
in the template and in the view :
App.AllView = Ember.View.extend({
click: function(evt, model){
this.controllerFor('route').set('content', model);
Following #givanse's answer, I made the following component
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="components/thumbnail-view">
<div {{bind-attr class=class}}>
<div class="thumbnail">
<div class="caption">
<img {{bind-attr src=image }}>
and used it in my template :
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="types">
<div class="row">
{{#each model}}
{{thumbnail-view action="goToCategory" class="col-xs-12" param=this name=name image=image}}
with an Ember component :
Pioneer.ThumbnailViewComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
click: function(){
this.sendAction('action', this.get('param'));
The action goToCategory is defined in my ApplicationRoute
Hope this helps someone!
What you need is Components, something like:
<script data-template-name="index">
{{img-thumbnail imgId="id/path/name"}}
<script data-template-name="components/img-thumbnail">
{{! whatever you need to make your thumbnail }}
App.ImgThumbnailComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
// handle events, classes, etc.

Getting active click working on Components in EmberJS?

I have a JSON structure that I'm passing into a Toolbar to try out dynamic compartmentalization in EmberJS. It looks like this:
draggable: true,
buttons: [
{label: "Portrait", action="vertical"},
{label: "Landscape", action="horizontal"}
I'm using it in a picture viewer that turns a photo vertically and horizontally. Because it's supposed to be a reusable toolbar for other parts of the application, I made it a Component and hooked the click event to the parent controller so it would turn the picture on click. I wanted the button to also get the active class like it does in other examples, but I think that's not working because of the embedded nature of the buttons. How do I get the button that gets clicked to get the active class so I can add css to it?
I tried setting an isActive property in each of the button objects in the model when init gets called and then setting that as true via the action function but I couldn't get observables to work with nested data structures. Do I have to make each button a separate component or can I avoid that?
Thanks for the help.
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="photo-gallery">
<div id="PictureApp"></div>
{{#if toolbar}}
{{ui-toolbar options=toolbar buttonClicked="changeOrientation"}}
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="components/ui-toolbar">
<div class="overlay">
<div class="toolbar draggable">
{{#if draggable}}
<div class="header draggable-handle"></div>
{{#each buttons}}
<li{{action "clicked" this}}>{{label}}</li>
App.UiToolbarComponent = App.Component.extend({
actions: {
clicked: function(context){
this.sendAction("buttonClicked", context.action);
didInsertElement: function(){
if(this.get("draggable")) {
this.$(".draggable").draggable({handle: ".draggable-handle"});
It seems like you're on the right track. I think you could set the active property property on the button, however, you still need to set clear the active flag on any other button.
Inside the clicked action:
clicked: function(context){
this.buttons.setEach('active', false);
context.set('active', true)
this.sendAction("buttonClicked", context.action);
Then on your template you can bind the class:
{{#each buttons}}
<li {{bind-attr class=active}} {{action "clicked" this}}>{{label}}</li>

How to make something happen after a template has rendered in emberjs

So the concept is simple: You come to the app, you have a default template, with a default navigation element. You click a link in that navigation element it renders a new template: #/rails.
From here the default navigation needs to be hidden, and your new nav needs to be rendered.
The way i attempted to approach this, seems a bit silly: what I did was,
$(document).ready(function() {
if($('#rails-nav').length !== 0){
Now the issue with this is that if you go from the default application template, to the rails template via the link - you get two navs unless you refresh that page. My friend stated that I should use something like:
{{outlet nav}} and then render a navigation based on template. The issue is I don't know how to set this up and I have been looking all over the ember site.
Could some one help me out?
If i understood correctly, when you say default template you mean the application template, where all other templates are rendered within its {{outlet}} helper.
There are several approaches to achieve what you want, but a simple one i think would be to use the index template as your default template. In this case evertyhting will be much simpler and work as you require, since you can specify whether the navigation element is shown by placing it inside a template or not.
<script type="text/x-handlebars">
<h2> Welcome to Ember.js</h2>
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="index">
This is the default template using <i>index</i>
<span style="background-color:grey">this is the nav part {{#link-to 'rails'}}go to rails{{/link-to}}</span>
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="rails">
this is the rails app
App = Ember.Application.create();
App.Router.map(function() {
Also to make this answer a bit more relevant to the title of the question, in order to do something when a template has rendered one way would be to use the didInsertElement callback of the View class.
App.RailsView = Ember.View.extend({
if($('#rails-nav').length !== 0){

EmberJS linkTo nested resource is re-rendering the parent view

I'm trying to create a simple interface with a list of links on the left, retrieved from an AJAX call, that, when clicked, open in an {{outlet}} to the right with some data, retrieved as well from another AJAX call from that link. So these are my routes:
App.Router.map(function() {
this.resource('subreddit', { path: 'subreddit/:subreddit_name' }, function() {
this.resource('comments', { path: 'comments/:id' })
So I have a dynamic list of links, based on :subreddit_name with the following structure:
To create the links I have the following codeblock:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" id="subreddit">
{{#each item in model}}
{{#linkTo 'comments' item.subreddit item.id classNames="list-group-item"}}
<img class="media-object" {{bindAttr src="item.thumbnail"}} class="img-rounded">
The link is properly corrected, but, after I've inserted the :subreddit_name dynamic route to the Router, when I click the link it re-renders the whole template, instead of re-rendering only the template for the comments:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" id="comments">
{{#each item in model}}
<div class="panel panel-info mypanel">
<div class="panel-heading">{{item.author}}</div>
<div class="panel-body">
I'm still pretty green on EmberJS, that's why I would like to ask for some suggestion/commment on out to correct this.
Thanks in advance!
Here is the jsbin working example:
I've managed to get the links working but the undefined is also there rendered :S

