Execute NodeJS module with specific variables injected - javascript

I have a module like below
'use strict';
var val = GlobalVariable.someMethod();
module.exports = myExportedClass;
I am calling it with require('./myModule');. But would like to know if GlobalVariable can be dynamically injected.
I have tried this method, though I know that this does not work :)
(function(GlobalVariable) {
So it did not, because module will execute in different scope. Is there any other way where I can pass my own version of GlobalVariable when using require.

Yes, it can be injected. Do something like the following:
module.exports = function(injectedObject) {
return {
doSomething: function() {
return injectedObject.something();

you can pass you variable as an argument when requiring it
var file = require('./myModule')(yourvariable);
or can pass it separately, as file now contain function reference of module.exports
var file = require('./myModule');
your module will look like as:
module.exports = function(yourVaraible) {
yourVaraible.myfunction = function() {
return yourvariable;


Passing a parameter to a called module

My app.js contains:
var m1 = require("./m1");
My m1.js contains:
var m1 = module.exports = {};
m1.f1 = function(...) { };
I would like to pass somevariable when loading m1 from app.js:
var m1 = require("./m1")(somevariable);
How can I write m1.js so that the function definition of m1.f1 can access somevariable?
If you want to be able to do this:
var m1 = require("./m1")(somevariable); // it is equivalent to var m = require("./m1"); and then m(someVariable); so m (the exports of the module m1.js) should be a function
then module.exports in m1.js should be a function:
// m1.js:
module.exports = function(theVariable) {
// use variable then return the following object:
return {
f1: function() { /* ... */ }
So now you can use the module in app.js like this:
// app.js:
var m1 = require("./m1")(someVariable);
m1.f1(/* ... */);
module.exports is the value that will be returned by the call to require when loading the module.
// app.js
// m1.js
module.exports = function(param) {
return "something";
The answer above by Ibrahim makes sense if you want to call m1 as a function. What it seems to me, though, is that your use case would be better served by using a JS class.
That way, you can import 'm1' the regular way with require('m1') and then create an instance of M1 with new m1(<whatever you want to pass in>);
Now when you want to call M1, just use m1.f1()
To support classes, your M1 should look something like:
export default class m1 {
constructor(param1, param2) {
this.param1 = param1;
this.param2 = param2;
f1() {
do whatever with params here
The biggest benefit of this is readability. Now when someone (or you) looks at your code, they will see where this input is coming from. Otherwise, it can be hard to track down where the params are coming from. Especially as your code gets more complex.

protractor calling an exported function within the same module

I'm newer to using Protractor for automation, so forgive me if this ends up being a dumb question. I have a helper.js module with a bunch of functions that I or other team members can use. One of the functions from helper.js needs to call to one of the existing functions in the module.
Is this possible? I have tried several different ways to do this and so far none have worked other than to break the helper functions into a separate js file that I need to call to.
module.exports = {
newbrowsertab: function(){
anotherfunction: function(){
<call to newbrowsertab();>
anotherfunction2: function(){
In the call to the newbrowsertab function, I've tried:
You could use Prototypal inheritance then:
// helper.js functions
// create object
var Util = function() {};
// extend object
Util.prototype.enterPassword = function() {
// code
// extend object
Util.prototype.clickLogin = function() {
// code
// use `this` to call functions in same module
Util.prototype.fullLogin = function() { // extend object
module.exports = new Util();
Then in your test file:
var Util = require('./path/to/helper.js);
Expanding on the prototypal convention.
Any functions that are only helpers for other exported functions could be named with an underscore and declared to be executed later.
function _helperFunction(){
// do something
// return something
var exposedFunction = function() {
// do something
var x = _helperFunction();
// Do something else
module.exports = {
exposedFunction : exposedFunction

Global object with functions to be overriden by each project JS?

I'm wondering how I should design my javascript files.
I will have a global.js file which will be used for all projects. Then each project will have it's own project.js file, containing specific functions/overrides/settings just for that project.
So I'll want to write all my "global" functions in the global.js file:
Global = function() {
var config = {'alpha': 1};
function getConfig() {
return this.config;
function printConfig() {
Global.prototype.echoConfig = function() {
and I guess my project.js file, would look like:
var project = new Global();
Global.prototype.projFunc = function() { return 2; };
However, I haven't figured out how to get the config from global.js ?
I'm using jQuery, and have noted there's the $.extend function that looks nice, however I'd like to first set-up the structure for my global.js and project.js - in general I'd probably want to move most functions from project.js into global.js, but there might be one or two projects that only need 1 specific function for that application.
you need to have getConfig in a public scope, and since you have config declared in a "private" way, you cannot use this.config to get the config, just use config.
Global = function() {
var config = {'alpha': 1};
this.getConfig = function() {
return config;
function printConfig() {
Scope Tutorial

Right way of writing and loading modules in node.js?

Currently, I write node.js modules like this:
function MyModule() {
MyModule.prototype.someFunc = function() {...}
module.exports = MyModule
However, when I need to use the module, I have to write something like this:
var MyModule = require('MyModule');
var myModule = new MyModule();
This seems terribly ugly. Isn't there some way to do something like this
var myModule = require('MyModule').new();
Am I doing something wrong?
quick hack for something not ugly
function MyModule() {
module.exports = MyModule;
Function.prototype.new = function () {
return new this();
var MyModule = require('./module.js').new(); // 'constructor'
If your module consists solely of functions, it may not need to be created as an instance - just define your module as being an object filled with functions. Like so:
var MyModule = {
prepareHtmlContent: function() {
autoLoadActionInitiatorFunctions: function() {
The reason I suggest this is that you've referred to your object as 'MyModule'. If your intent is specifically to use it as a 'Class', and instantiate separate copies of it when they're needed, then you're doing it the correct way.
Here is what I use
(function(module) {
module.myFunction = function() {
module.createSomeObj = function() {
return {
foo: 1,
bar: 'bar'
var myModule = require('./myModule');
var myObject = myModule.createSomeObj();

Node.js double call to require()

var opt = 0
exports.set = function(arg) {
opt = arg
exports.prn = function() {
var lib = require('./lib')
var lib2 = require('./lib')
prog.js will output:
but I need it to output:
In ohter words, opt must be unique to variable lib and to variable lib2. How to achieve that?
That's because normally nodejs caches its modules which are got via require. You may use the following helper:
// RequireUncached.js
module.exports = function(module) {
delete require.cache[require.resolve(module)]
return require(module);
and the usage of the helper:
var requireUncached = require('RequireUncached.js');
Have in mind that this approach is considered as bad practice and should not be used. I'll suggest to wrap your logic into a function, require the module and call the function. So, every time you get a new instance.
require will not load scripts multiple times, but always yield the same instance.
If you need different environments, make your module a constructor function that allows to be instantiated multiple times. Store opt on each object for that instead of in the (global) module scope.
// lib.js
module.exports = function constr() {
var opt = 0
this.set = function(arg) {
opt = arg
this.print = function() {
// prog.js
var lib = require('./lib'),
inst1 = new lib(),
inst2 = new lib();
/* or short:
var inst1 = new require('./lib')(),
inst2 = new require('./lib')(); */
The way the NodeJS module system works, the output is correct and your expectations contradict the design principle here.
Each module is loaded once and only once, and subsequent calls to require simply return the reference to the pre-existing module.
Maybe what you need to do is create a class you can create one or more instances of instead of using module-level globals.
Adding to Bergi's answer, You may also try it like
// prog.js
var lib = require('./lib')(),
lib2 = require('./lib')();
// lib.js
module.exports = function constr() {
var opt = 0
return { set : function(arg) {
opt = arg
print : function() {
Add this line as first line of your lib.js
delete require.cache[__filename]
now your module becomes in a separate namespace each time you require it.

