Highcharts graph breaking line after rendering - javascript

I've a graph that is being rendered from some points I have in my database.
If I take all the points from the database and place them in the highcharts object, it sometimes "breakes" a random place on the graph and make a straight horisontal line.
Does anyone know any solution for this?
Here is a picture of the graph:


Loading Plotly line graphs

I am using plotly js offline line graphs in HTML, when the json has more data its taking more than one min to load.
We have left nav bar , when switching from one tab to another its taking more time to load the content due to plotly line graphs.
Data for line graph: X-axis having 15 transactions, each transaction has around 5000 points to plot.
Approaches I have tried:
Giving an event listener for HTML on load of the page , minified the files (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/HTML/Howto/Author_fast-loading_HTML_pages).
Giving “type: scatterGL” for line graphs and plotly.react(id,data,layout) instead of plotly.newPlot(id,data,layout).
By using above approaches also its taking same time.
May I please kindly know if anyone know how the loading time can be reduced for large data.
That is a lot of points. 75,000 points means that Plotly is adding DOM elements. That is way too many for any library. Consider using Canvas instead, Plotly has support for it and this example shows how it can handle 1 million points in a scatter plot, no problem.

How to render chart for 10,000+ records in EXT JS?

Currently I am facing issue while rendering chart for large data in EXT JS. Chart gets cut or overlapped.
For example, I have 500 names on x-axis to plot then chart displays only 15 to 20 of them and others get cut. According to my view there should be scroll bar to view whole chart rather cutting the legends. I have tried to found solution for having scroll bars for such large charts but I am not able to find it.
Any other way for viewing whole chart is also accepted.
One workaround I can think about is 'panzoom' interaction.
Please visit link given below to see an official example with 'panzoom'.
With 'panzoom', you can zoom in to the chart and then scroll/pan. Zooming in to the chart would make the hidden coordinates visible.
It may look like this because you might have smaller space to render the chart as your data is too big. So you can try with 'pan zoom'. But I don't think so you will get a useful chart. It will still get junked.

Legend doesn't show all line's on line Rgraph

I'm using Rgraph to make a line graph with multiple line's on it. The problem i'm having is that some graphs i'm making can have over 30 lines on them which means the legend doesn't show all the lines displayed on the graph.
I've looked through the properties of the Rgraph but can't find something that would help me. Is there a way that I can display all this information on the legend in some way, ie a scrollbar.
You could use the HTML key. That isn't constrained by the size of the canvas. Or make your own labels with HTML.

Add labels between two points in a line graph d3.js

I'm trying to add labels to different sections of a line graph using d3.js. I'm working with a dataset that needs to be labelled by the end user by assigning labels to different section of the graph. My current under use case is to build something like the following:
While I am able to create the line graph, and can guess that the areas can be added to the graph as brushes, I'm unable to get started with regard it.

trend line using Dots chart in Raphael.js

I have to use g.raphaeljs library to create a scatterplot graph. Not only that but i am trying to get a trend line as well, and am wondering how I should go about this.
I was thinking of calculating the mean of the x axis and the y axis and drawing a straight line based on slope.... but am still stuck.
Any help is appreciated.
Also the data used to plot the points on the dot chart is provided by a user.

