I need to traverse forms on a site and save intermediate results to files. I'm using phantomjs' page.evaluate, but I'm having trouble accessing the filesystem from within page.evaluate's sandboxed environment. I have something like this:
for (var i = 0; i<option1.length; i++){
for (var ii = 0; ii<option2.length; ii++){
for (var iii = 0; iii<option3.length; iii++){
//I found what I want to save
fs.write("someFileName", someData);
Obviously, I don't have access to nodejs' fs from within page.evaluate, so the above does not work. I seem to have a few options:
Store everything I need to write to an array, and return that from the page.evaluate context into the outer, nodejs context, then save it from there. This would require memory I don't have.
Break up the above logic into smaller page.evaluate methods that return singe pieces of data to save to the filesytem.
Somehow pass into the page.evaluate a magic function to write to the filesystem. This seems to not be possible (if I try to pass in a function that calls fs.writeFile for example, I get that fs is undefined, even if fs is a free variable in the function I passed?)
Return an iterator which, when pulled, yields the next piece of data to be written
Setup a trivial web server on the localhost that simply accepts POST requests and writes their contents into the filesystem. The page.evaluate code would then make those requests to the localhost. I almost try this but I'm not sure I'll be affected by the same-origin policy.
What are my options here?
Your evaluation is sound, but you forgot one type: onCallback. You can register to the event handler in the phantom context and push your data from page context to a file through this callback:
page.onCallback = function(data) {
if (!data.file) {
data.file = "defaultFilename.txt";
if (!data.mode) {
data.mode = "w";
fs.write(data.file, data.str, data.mode);
for (var i = 0; i<option1.length; i++){
for (var ii = 0; ii<option2.length; ii++){
for (var iii = 0; iii<option3.length; iii++){
// save data
if (typeof window.callPhantom === 'function') {
window.callPhantom({ file: "someFileName", str: someData, mode: "a" }); // append
Note that PhantomJS does not run in Node.js. Although, there are bridges between Node.js and PhantomJS. See also my answer here.
I am trying to pull the source code to several webpages at once. The links are fed into the array via a source text file. I am able to iterate through the array and print out the links and confirm they are there, but when trying to pass them through a function, they become undefined after the first iteration.
My ultimate goal is to have it save the source of each page to its own document. It does the first page correctly, but subsequent attempts are undefined. I've searched for hours but would appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction.
var fs = require('fs');
var pageContent = fs.read('input.txt');
var arrdata = pageContent.split(/[\n]/);
var system = require('system');
var page = require('webpage').create();
var args = system.args;
var imagelink;
var content = " ";
function handle_page(file, imagelink){
var js = page.evaluate(function (){
return document;
fs.write(imagelink, page.content, 'w');
function next_page(imagelink){
var file = imagelink;
handle_page(file, imagelink);
for(var i in arrdata){
I realize now that having that the for loop will only iterate once, then the other two functions make their own loop, so that makes sense, but still having issues getting it running.
PhantomJS's page.open() is asynchronous (that's why there is a callback). The other thing is that page.open() is a long operation. If two such calls are made the second will overwrite the first one, because you're operating on the same page object.
The best way would be to use recursion:
function handle_page(i){
if (arrdata.length === i) {
var imageLink = arrdata[i];
page.open(imageLink, function(){
fs.write("file_"+i+".html", page.content, 'w');
Couple of other things:
setTimeout(next_page(),500); immediately invokes next_page() without waiting. You wanted setTimeout(next_page, 500);, but then it also wouldn't work, because without an argument next_page simply exits.
fs.write(imagelink, page.content, 'w') that imagelink is probably a URL in which case, you probably want to define another way to devise a filename.
While for(var i in arrdata){ next_page(arrdata[i]); } works here be aware that this doesn't work on all arrays and array-like objects. Use dumb for loops like for(var i = 0; i < length; i++) or array.forEach(function(item, index){...}) if it is available.
page.evaluate() is sandboxed and provides access to the DOM, but everything that is not JSON serializable cannot be passed out of it. You will have to put that into a serializable format before passing it out of evaluate().
It is a web app, using Google Apps Script, running as the user accessing the app.
We have custom data and code for some users.
That custom information is in a text file within the developer's Google Drive, with only View access from the specific user.
The content of that text file could be like below dummy code:
var oConfig = {
some : "OK",
getinfo : function (s) {
return this.some + s;
In order to get that custom data / code into the app, we can use eval() as shown below:
var rawjs = DriveApp.getFileById(jsid).getBlob().getDataAsString();
Logger.log(oConfig.getinfo("?")); // OK?
My questions are:
Is there a better way to achieve this goal than eval()?
Is eval() secure enough in this case, considering that the text file is only editable by the developer?
Thanks, Fausto
Well, it looks secure enough. But using eval has other problems, like making it difficult to debug your code, and possibly some other problems.
If you're generating such custom data within your code, I imagine the variety of such customizations is enumerable. If so, I'd leave the code within your script and save in Drive just data and use indicators (like function variants names) of how to rebuild the config object in your script. For example:
function buildConfig(data) {
var config = JSON.parse(data); //only data, no code
config.getInfo = this[config.getInfo]; //hook code safely
return config;
function customInfo1(s) { return this.some + s; }
function customInfo2(s) { return s + this.some; }
function testSetup() {
//var userData = DriveApp.getFileById(jsid).getBlob().getDataAsString();
var userData = '{"some":"OK", "getInfo":"customInfo1"}'; //just for easier testing
var config = buildConfig(userdata); //no eval
//let's test it
It seems secure. But, it will make your execution process slower if you have large data in your text file.
I would still suggest to use JSON.parse() instead of eval() to parse your custom data/code.
some : "OK",
getinfo : "function(s){return this.some +\" \"+ s;}"
var rawjs = DriveApp.getFileById(jsid).getBlob().getDataAsString();
var oConfig = JSON.parse(rawjs, function(k,v){//put your code here to parse function}); // avoid eval()
I have created a sails service to load the javascript files depends on its controller name (or page and/or if there's a session).
I passed this (array of) JS files into an res.local.js and in my layout.ejs, loop it to include the js file into my html.
for (i = 0; i < loadJS.length; i++) {
<script src="<%- loadJS[i] %>.js"></script>
Question, how can I check if the JS file exists before including it in my html?
In PHP, we have function called file_exists, is there a similar function with sails.js?
Yes. Since Sails is created with Node.js you can use fs.exists.
This will remove the file from the array if it's not found. You can load it into your view how you were before.
fs = require('fs');
for (i = 0; i < loadJS.length; i++) {
fs.exists(loadJS[i], function(exists){
//remove from array
loadJS.splice(i, 1);
I need to save 4 files in html output.
here is the code in phantomjs:
var i = 0;
while (i<4)
var page = require('webpage').create();
var fs = {};
fs = require('fs');
var url = 'http://www.lamoda.ru/shoes/dutiki-i-lunohody/?sitelink=leftmenu&sf=16&rdr565=1#sf=16';
} else {
var url = 'http://www.lamoda.ru/shoes/dutiki-i-lunohody/?sitelink=leftmenu&sf=16&rdr565=1#sf=16&p='+i;
page.open(url, function (status) {
var js = page.evaluate(function () {
return document;
fs.write(i+'.html', js.all[0].outerHTML, 'w');
It seems that I need to change the FS variable, but I don't know how... I don't need create fs1,fs2,fs3,fs4... I need to find you the better solution, hope you will help, thank you)
Is it okay if your requests are serial, so page 2 is not requested until page 1 has returned? If so I recommend you base your code of this multi-url sample in the documentation.
If you want the requests to run in parallel then you need to use a JavaScript closure to protect the local variables (see https://stackoverflow.com/a/17619716/841830 for an example of how to do that). Once you are doing that you can then either parse "url" to find out if it ends in p=1, p=2, etc. Or assign i inside the page object, and access it with this.i.
I'm new to JavaScript and creating classes/objects. I'm trying to wrap an open source library's code with some simple methods for me to use in my routes.
I have the below code that is straight from the source (sjwalter's Github repo; thanks Stephen for the library!).
I'm trying to export a file/module to my main app/server.js file with something like this:
var twilio = require('nameOfMyTwilioLibraryModule');
or whatever it is I need to do.
I'm looking to create methods like twilio.send(number, message)that I can easily use in my routes to keep my code modular. I've tried a handful of different ways but couldn't get anything to work. This might not be a great question because you need to know how the library works (and Twilio too). The var phone = client.getPhoneNumber(creds.outgoing); line makes sure that my outgoing number is a registered/paid for number.
Here's the full example that I'm trying to wrap with my own methods:
var TwilioClient = require('twilio').Client,
Twiml = require('twilio').Twiml,
creds = require('./twilio_creds').Credentials,
client = new TwilioClient(creds.sid, creds.authToken, creds.hostname),
// Our numbers list. Add more numbers here and they'll get the message
numbers = ['+numbersToSendTo'],
message = '',
numSent = 0;
var phone = client.getPhoneNumber(creds.outgoing);
phone.setup(function() {
for(var i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
phone.sendSms(numbers[i], message, null, function(sms) {
sms.on('processed', function(reqParams, response) {
console.log('Message processed, request params follow');
numSent += 1;
if(numSent == numToSend) {
Simply add the function(s) you wish to expose as properties on the exports object. Assuming your file was named mytwilio.js and stored under app/ and looks like,
var twilio = require('twilio');
var TwilioClient = twilio.Client;
var Twiml = twilio.Twiml;
var creds = require('./twilio_creds').Credentials;
var client = new TwilioClient(creds.sid, creds.authToken, creds.hostname);
// keeps track of whether the phone object
// has been populated or not.
var initialized = false;
var phone = client.getPhoneNumber(creds.outgoing);
phone.setup(function() {
// phone object has been populated
initialized = true;
exports.send = function(number, message, callback) {
// ignore request and throw if not initialized
if (!initialized) {
throw new Error("Patience! We are init'ing");
// otherwise process request and send SMS
phone.sendSms(number, message, null, function(sms) {
sms.on('processed', callback);
This file is mostly identical to what you already have with one crucial difference. It remembers whether the phone object has been initialized or not. If it hasn't been initialized, it simply throws an error if send is called. Otherwise it proceeds with sending the SMS. You could get fancier and create a queue that stores all messages to be sent until the object is initialized, and then sends em' all out later.
This is just a lazy approach to get you started. To use the function(s) exported by the above wrapper, simply include it the other js file(s). The send function captures everything it needs (initialized and phone variables) in a closure, so you don't have to worry about exporting every single dependency. Here's an example of a file that makes use of the above.
var twilio = require("./mytwilio");
twilio.send("+123456789", "Hello there!", function(reqParams, response) {
// do something absolutely crazy with the arguments
If you don't like to include with the full/relative path of mytwilio.js, then add it to the paths list. Read up more about the module system, and how module resolution works in Node.JS.