How to trigger click event in textarea? - javascript

How to trigger click event in textarea?
I tried:
<textarea id='txtid' rows='5' cols='20'></teaxtarea>
But the click is not happened. What is wrong in the code.
I tried the focus event like this
$('#txtid').focus(); //this worked
But i need to trigger a click event after getting the value to textarea.
Please help..

You have to set a click event handler first.
Edit 1: Since you try to trigger the click event within document ready, you have to declare the click event handler within the document ready event handler, even before you trigger it.
<textarea id='txtid' rows='5' cols='20'></textarea>
$('#txtid').click(function() { alert('clicked'); });
Edit 2:
Since you want the event to be triggered after you get a value to your textarea, Milind Anantwar is right, you have to use the onchange event:
Same Html, different jQuery:
$('#txtid').change(function() { alert('Value changed'); });
Edit 3:
After some comments:
$('#txtid').click(function() { changeDiv(); });
$('#txtid').focus(); // Set Focus on Textarea (now caret appears)
$('#txtid').val('something'); // Fill content (caret will be moved to the end of value)
$('#txtid').trigger('click'); // Click Handler will be executed
function changeDiv() {
// do some stuff;
Edit 4:
Working test.html (Tested in IE, FF, Chrome):
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#txtid").click(function() { changeDiv(); });
function changeDiv() {
$('#changeDiv').html("changed content");
<textarea id="txtid"></textarea>
<div id="changeDiv" style="background-color: green; width: 100px; height: 100px;">start content</div>

You probable need to trigger change event:

To see it works first define click listener, then trigger the click event.
$('#txtid').click(function(){alert("clicked");}); //define click listener
$('#txtid').click(); //click text area

As the documentation says, the event click/Change needs exits to that works so your Javascrtipt should be:
$('#txtid').on('change', function(){

For native Javascript is working for me:

Simply $('#txtid').click(); will trigger the click event.


Jquery click function not triggering a click

I have this simple HTML page:
<script src="" type="text/javascript"> </script>
$(document).ready(function () {
<a id="test" href=""></a>
I want to trigger a click event on the element called test on loading the page. The actual code is actually more sophisticated than that but this very basic example is not working. I checked the console log and there are no notices there.
You need to use to trigger the DOM element click
Use .get(), It retrieve the DOM elements matched by the jQuery object. As .click() will trigger the element click event handler. It will not actually click the element.
Using simple Vanialla JS
.click() doesn't actually send a click event.
What .click() does is define something that happens when you click on the element.
The .click() you are triggering is correct but you are missing a click event for '#test' as shown :
Now your complete jquery code is as shown :
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#test').click(); //or $('#test').trigger('click');
window.location.href = $(this).attr('href'); //redirect to specified href
Your #test link should be bound to a function, eg:
$(document).ready(function () {
//do something on test click
$('#test').on("click", alert());
//click test
Here click event is triggered i.e. click event is fired on page load but you can not load href by just triggering the click event,for that you can use
window.location.href = "";

Stop two or more click events from the same click event

I have created a button in jsp page and i have written two click functions for the same button, one with the tag and the other with the class/id of the button. Now, when i click on the button, both the click functions are getting called one by one. My requirement is that inside the first click function, i want to stop the second click function. I do not want to remove the remove the second click function as in some cases i need it to execute.
Below is the code i'm trying.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="">
if(true) {
alert("The paragraph was clicked.");
else {
// I want to remove the second click function here
alert("Test paragraph was clicked.");
<input type = 'button' value='test' id='test'/>
You need to use e.stopImmediatePropagation():
This prevents "sideways bubbling", for want of a better phrase, i.e. further event callbacks bound to the same element from firing.
You should try to put
return false;
in the else statement. Since it stops the propagation of the event it should do what you want.
Description: Attach a handler to an event for the elements. The
handler is executed at most once per element.

Why can't I trigger a click event on a hyperlink through code

I am trying to implement a manual click event on a hyper-link using jquery but I am not getting how to do it..
Here is my sample fiddle link [1]:
<input type="text" class="example" id="opval" value="back">
<a id="sub_name" href="">abc</a>
if($('#opval').val() =='back') {
A few minor problems here:
1. You don't have jQuery loaded in your fiddle.
2. You need to have "hi" in quotes in your alert().
The main thing though is that you're triggering the click event before your click handler is attached. Just move the handler code to before the click trigger:
if($('#opval').val() =='back') {

Button element click event to toggleClass doesn't work

I have a on/off button that is featured here
I have all the elements in place and im expecting the button class .on to initiate when pressed.
Only it wont work no matter what i try.
i added the exact code in jsFiddle, it works there, but not on my page.
My page
I'm adding the HTML inside jquery:
'<button id="button" href="#"></button>'+
I'm guessing its a conflict between CSS elements but i cant pinpoint the problem.
Any thoughts?
Try this
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#button').on('click', function(){
In jsFiddle you are correctly binding the event within $(document).ready(), while in your own page you are not. So in jsFiddle, the event is correctly bound to the button element only after the DOM is ready, while in your own page the event fails to bind since the element does not exist yet at that stage.
I can see this in your page's HTML:
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#button').on('click', function(){
You need to place your on() function inside the $(function() { ... });
Try this

jQuery function not binding to newly added dom elements

Here's index.html:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.btn_test').click(function() { alert('test'); });
function add(){
$('body').append('<a href=\'javascript:;\' class=\'btn_test\'>test</a>');
If I click on test1 link, it shows alert('test'), but if I click on add link then click on test, it doesn't show anything.
Could you explain it?
For users coming to this question after 2011, there is a new proper way to do this:
$(document).on('click', '.btn_test', function() { alert('test'); });
This is as of jQuery 1.7.
For more information, see Direct and delegated events
You need to use a "live" click listener because initially only the single element will exist.
$('.btn_test').live("click", function() {
Update: Since live is deprecated, you should use "on()":
$(".btn_test").on("click", function(){
I have same problem like question I was just near to pulling my hair then i got the solution.
I was using different syntax
$(".innerImage").on("click", function(){
it was not working for me (innerImage is dynamically created dom)
Now I'm using
$(document).on('click', '.innerImage', function() { alert('test'); });
thanks #Moshe Katz
.click binds to what is presently visible to jQuery. You need to use .live:
$('.btn_test').live('click', function() { alert('test'); });
Use Jquery live instead. Here is the help page for it
$('.btn_test').live(function() { alert('test'); });
Edit: live() is deprecated and you should use on() instead.
$(".btn_test").on("click", function(){
This is because you click event is only bound to the existing element at the time of binding. You need to use live or delegate which will bind the event to existing and future elements on the page.
$('.btn_test').live("click", function() { alert('test'); });
Jquery Live
you need live listener instead of click:
$('.btn_test').live('click', function() {
The reason being is that the click only assigns the listener to elements when the page is loading. Any new elements added will not have this listener on them. Live adds the click listener to element when the page loads and when they are added afterwards
When the document loads you add event listeners to each matching class to listen for the click event on those elements. The same listener is not automatically added to elements that you add to the Dom later.
Because the event is tied to each matching element in the document ready. Any new elements added do NOT automatically have the same events tied to them.
You will have to manually bind the event to any new element, after it is added, or use the live listener.
will add the handler for elements which are available on the page (at this point 'test' does not exist!)
you have to either manually add a click handler for this element when you do append, or use a live event handler which will work for every element even if you create it later..
$('.btn_test').live(function() { alert('test'); });
After jquery 1.7 on method can be used and it really works nice
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="">
alert("The paragraph was clicked.");
$("body").append("<p id='new'>Now click on this paragraph</p>");
alert("On really works.");
<p>Click this paragraph.</p>
see it in action
Or just run the script at the end of your page
You need to add a proper button click function to give a proper result
$("#btn1").live(function() { alert("test"); });

