Meteor: Authenticating Chrome Extension via DDP - javascript

I've built a Chrome Extension that takes a selection of text and when I right click and choose the context menu item, it sends that text to my Meteor app. This works fine, however, I can't figure out the process of using Oauth to authenticate users.
I'm using this package:
Here is the JS within background.js (for Chrome Extension):
var ddp = new MeteorDdp("ws://localhost:3000/websocket");
ddp.connect().then(function() {
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(message) {'transferSnippet', ['snippetContent', 'tag', snippetString]);
Here is the relevant portion of my other JS file within my Chrome Extension:
function genericOnClick(info) {
snippetString = [];
var snippetTag = prompt('tag this thing')
And here is the relevant portion of my Meteor app:
'transferSnippet': function(field1, field2, value1, value2) {
var quickObject = {};
quickObject.field1 = value1[0];
quickObject.field2 = value1[1];
snippetContent: value1[0],
tag: value1[1]
Basically I'm stuck and don't know how to go about making a DDP call that will talk to my Meteor app in order to authenticate a user

This question is a bit old, but if anyone is still looking for a solution. I had a similar problem that I was able to solve using the following plugin: Here is an example of how to do it for twitter oauth:


Error when running Youtube Data Service in App Scripts (js) – Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded

I'm running a custom function in App Scripts which utilizes the Youtube (YouTube Data API v3) advanced service. When running, I get the following error:
GoogleJsonResponseException: API call to youtube.videos.list failed with error: Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded. Continued use requires signup. (line 15).
I'm not sure how to authenticate my application. I've added it to a cloud project and enabled the API's.
Update: Here's what my code looks like:
function getYoutubeData(youtubeId) {
// Don't run on empty
if(!youtubeId){return null}
// Make the request
var vidData = YouTube.Videos.list("statistics, snippet", {id: youtubeId}).items;
if (!vidData|vidData.length<1){return null}
// Get the first item
vidData = vidData[0];
return vidData.statistics
I believe your goal as follows.
You want to put the value of vidData.statistics in your script to the cell.
You want to achieve this using custom function like =getYoutubeData(youtubeId).
For this, how about this answer?
Issue and workaround:
Unfortunately, when YouTube Data API of Advanced Google services is used in the custom function, the access token is not used. From your script, I think that the reason of your issue is this. For example, when the function of const sample = () => ScriptApp.getOAuthToken(); is used as the custom function like =sample(), no value is returned. I think that this is the current specification of Google side because of the security.
In order to achieve your goal under above situation, how about the following workarounds?
Workaround 1:
In this workaround, at first, the youtube ID is set to the cells in Google Spreadsheet. And the value of vidData.statistics are retrieved by the Google Apps Script which is not the custom function and replace the youtube ID with the result values.
Sample script:
Please set the range of cells of youtube IDs to sourceRange and the sheet name. At the sample, it supposes that the youtube IDs are put to the cells "A1:A10". And please run getYoutubeData() at the script editor. Of course, you can also set this to the custom menu.
function getYoutubeData() {
const sourceRange = "A1:A10"; // Please set the range of cells of youtube IDs.
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Sheet1"); // Please set the sheet name.
const range = sheet.getRange(sourceRange);
const youtubeIds = range.getValues();
const values =[youtubeId]) => {
// This is your script.
if(!youtubeId){return [null]}
var vidData = YouTube.Videos.list("statistics, snippet", {id: youtubeId}).items;
if (!vidData|vidData.length<1){return [null]}
vidData = vidData[0];
return [JSON.stringify(vidData.statistics)];
Workaround 2:
In this workaround, the custom function is used. But, in this case, the Web Apps is used as the wrapper. By this, the authorization process is done at the Web Apps. So the custom function can be run without the authorization. Please do the following flow.
1. Prepare script.
When your script is used, it becomes as follows. Please copy and paste the following script to the script editor.
Sample script:
// This is your script.
function getYoutubeData_forWebApps(youtubeId) {
// Don't run on empty
if(!youtubeId){return null}
// Make the request
var vidData = YouTube.Videos.list("statistics, snippet", {id: youtubeId}).items;
if (!vidData|vidData.length<1){return null}
// Get the first item
vidData = vidData[0];
return vidData.statistics
// Web Apps using as the wrapper.
function doGet(e) {
const res = getYoutubeData_forWebApps(e.parameter.youtubeId)
return ContentService.createTextOutput(JSON.stringify(res));
// This is used as the custom function.
function getYoutubeData(youtubeId) {
const url = "" + youtubeId; // Please set the URL of Web Apps after you set the Web Apps.
return UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText();
2. Deploy Web Apps.
On the script editor, Open a dialog box by "Publish" -> "Deploy as web app".
Select "Me" for "Execute the app as:".
By this, the script is run as the owner.
Select "Anyone, even anonymous" for "Who has access to the app:".
In this case, no access token is required to be request. I think that I recommend this setting for testing this workaround.
Of course, you can also use the access token. But, in this case, when the access token is used, this sample script cannot be directly used as the custom function.
Click "Deploy" button as new "Project version".
Automatically open a dialog box of "Authorization required".
Click "Review Permissions".
Select own account.
Click "Advanced" at "This app isn't verified".
Click "Go to ### project name ###(unsafe)"
Click "Allow" button.
Click "OK".
Copy the URL of Web Apps. It's like
When you modified the Google Apps Script, please redeploy as new version. By this, the modified script is reflected to Web Apps. Please be careful this.
Please set the URL of to url of above script. And please redeploy Web Apps. By this, the latest script is reflected to the Web Apps. So please be careful this.
4. Test this workaround.
Please put =getYoutubeData("###youtubeId###") to a cell. By this, the youtube ID is sent to the Web Apps and the Web Apps returns the values of vidData.statistics.
These are the simple sample scripts for explaining the workarounds. So when you use this, please modify it for your actual situation.
Custom Functions in Google Sheets
Web Apps
Taking advantage of Web Apps with Google Apps Script

Enable users of a WebRtc app to download webrtc logs via javascript

I've seen the following:
However I'm looking for a way to let users click a button from within the web app to either download or - preferably - POST WebRtc logs to an endpoint baked into the app. The idea is that I can enable non-technical users to share technical logs with me through the click of a UI button.
How can this be achieved?
Note: This should not be dependent on Chrome; Chromium will also be used as the app will be wrapped up in Electron.
You need to write a javascript equivalent that captures all RTCPeerConnection API calls. rtcstats.js does that but sends all data to a server. If you replace that behaviour with storing it in memory you should be good.
This is what I ended up using (replace knockout with underscore or whatever):
connectionReport.signalingState = connection.signalingState;
connectionReport.stats = [];
connection.getStats(function (stats) {
const reportCollection = stats.result();
ko.utils.arrayForEach(reportCollection, function (innerReport) {
const statReport = {}; =;
statReport.type = innerReport.type;
const keys = innerReport.names();
ko.utils.arrayForEach(keys, function (reportKey) {
statReport[reportKey] = innerReport.stat(reportKey);
It appears that this getStats mechanism is soon-to-be-deprecated.
Reading through js source of chrome://webrtc-internals, I noticed that the web page is using a method called chrome.send() to send messages like chrome.send('enableEventLogRecordings');, to execute logging commands.
According to here:
chrome.send() is a private function only available to internal chrome
so the function is sandboxed which makes accessing to it not possible

Polymer, Firebase, and Google Login, "Cannot read property push"

I'm trying to complete this tutorial but when I try to incorporate Google Login I keep getting a "Cannot read property push" error. So from looking at this answer it seems like I am not being able to log in via Google Login and so I can't use Firebase's "push".
What I can't figure out is what is preventing me from logging in.
I followed the steps in instructions and
1.) Created a new project
2.) Created OAuth client ID Credentials
3.) Created a consent screen
4.) Selected Web App for app type
5.) Authorized JS origins and redirect URIs as instructed
6.) Went to the Authentication Section (there is no Login & Auth section anymore) and added my client ID and client secret web sdk config (they no longer have a Google Client ID and Secret section)
7.) Main.js was updated to use 'google' as the provider
and I get a "Cannot read property 'push' of undefined" whenever I try to use the app. Is the code in the tutorial no longer valid? I've copied the code from the github page and replaced the firebaseURL with mine so I'm not sure what else could be wrong.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
As asked for
(function(document) {
'use strict';
var app = document.querySelector('#app');
app.firebaseURL = "https://***my project here***";
app.firebaseProvider = 'google';
app.items = [];
app.updateItems = function(snapshot) {
this.items = [];
snapshot.forEach(function(childSnapshot) {
var item = childSnapshot.val();
item.uid = childSnapshot.key();
this.push('items', item);
app.addItem = function(event) {
event.preventDefault(); // Don't send the form!
done: false,
text: app.newItemValue
app.newItemValue = '';
app.toggleItem = function(event) {
this.ref.child(event.model.item.uid).update({done: event.model.item.done});
app.deleteItem = function(event) {
app.onFirebaseError = function(e) {
this.$.errorToast.text = e.detail.message;
app.onFirebaseLogin = function(e) {
this.ref = new Firebase(this.firebaseURL + '/user/' + e.detail.user.uid);
this.ref.on('value', function(snapshot) {
While I'm not sure what the exact cause is, I can tell you that the tutorial you're following is outdated and is using the deprecated <firebase-element> (only works with Firebase 2.0). This is also stated on the element's GitHub page:
Note: This element is for the older Firebase 2.0 API.
For the latest official Firebase 3.0-compatible component from the Firebase team, see the polymerfire component.
A more recent tutorial that uses the newest polymerfire is at: Build a Progressive Web App with Firebase, Polymerfire and Polymer Components

Trouble during passing extension data along with session request in QuickBlox

I am working on a project which provides video calling from web to phone (iOS or Android). I am using QuickBlox + WebRTC to implement video calling. From web I want to pass some additional info along with call request like caller name, etc. I looked into the JavaScript documentation of QuickBlox + WebRTC which suggest to use the following code (JavaScript):
var array = {
me: "Hari Gangadharan",
}, 'video', array);
I have implemented the same code but unable to get the info attached with session request on the receiver side (getting nil reference in iOS method).
- (void)didReceiveNewSession:(QBRTCSession *)session userInfo:(NSDictionary *)userInfo {
//Here userInfo is always nil
Please use the following structure
var array = {
"userInfo": {
"me":"Hari Gangadharan",
because our iOS SDK uses "userInfo" as a key for parsing custom user info
Check Signaling v1.0

Accessing local files in offline jquery app

I'm a beginner trying to use jquery to build an app (mostly offline), I'm developing it using chrome/firefox I want to have a local .txt file with some data stored in it as an array. However, I can't seem to access it. The ajax function never succeeds.
(document).ready(function () {
local_list_dict = ['Example', 'Example 2', 'Example 3'];
online_list_dict = ['Park', 'running'];
$('#master_set').on('click', function () {
$.ajax({ //this does not work
url: "/local/pg/document1.txt",
success: function (data) {
for (i = 0; i < local_list_dict.length; i++) {
$('#local_list').append("<li class='idea_list'><a href='#player_1' rel='external'>" + local_list_dict[i] + "</a></li>");
$('.idea_list').on('click', function () {
var panelId = $(this).text(); // some function to pass player_1 the contents of the list
$('#chosen_list').html();// some function that takes panelId and uses it to choose the relevant .txt file
I tried do the same thing, but I don't got some good results duo the security rules. There are some tricks to help you to try, but the best to do is run your script in a local server (you can do it with the WampServer or other tools).
Some interesting links that can help you:
An easy way is by running your project/app in a local server such as Node.js or even more easy for you, by using the extension Chrome Dev Editor (developer preview) --
Chrome Dev Editor (CDE) is a developer tool for building apps on the Chrome platform - Chrome Apps and Web Apps. CDE has support for writing applications in JavaScript or Dart, and has Polymer templates to help you get started building your UI. CDE also has built-in support for Git, Pub and Bower.
Personally, I prefer run my local apps in Node.js

