How to get LanguageModel JS File? - javascript

I have been using PocketSphinx.js for speech recognition on my website. I have Downloaded language model file (.dmp). But their code uses JS file for Language model. I dont know where to get JS file. Help me out. Thanks.

As per documentation, you can convert dmp file to js and load it afterwards, see the section Something like
$ cmake -DEMSCRIPTEN=1 -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=path_to_emscripten/cmake/Modules/Platform/Emscripten.cmake -LM_BASE=/lm/dmp/folder/name -LM_FILES=model.dmp ..
Also check an alternative section where you can do:
# python .../emscripten/tools/ .../pocketsphinx.js/build/pocketsphinx.js --embed model.dmp --js-output=model.dmp.js
Overall, you need smaller models, big models from CMUSPHINX downloads are too large


How to read worldedit .schem file with nodejs

I'm trying to make a node application that uploads .schem files but I don't know how to use the fs import to read the file without modifying it. When I try to read and write the file again the data gets modified and world edit in minecraft can't read it.
Can someone please help me with this?
As you can see here the .schem files are saved using NBT, and its structure.
the nbt format is using binary format (comparing to json that you can read and modify easily). so you probably want to use an existing library, i have never programed in node.js but i found this, if it helps

Load Random Image From Directory on Page Load Without a Listed Array of File Names

I've done some looking around on the site and every time I pull up a solution to this problem, one of the requirements is to have a naming convention and a list of every image to pull from the directory (example: image1.jpg, image2.jpg, etc.) All of the file names are different and there are thousands of them to pick from (so listing each one as a random opportunity in an array is not going to work).
I typically use CMS services and I'm writing this webpage from scratch in Notepad in an attempt to better my coding skills... and I'm not sure where to begin. I'm decent with HTML and CSS, but j Query and JavaScript are not my friends haha.
Thank you for any help! (Even if it's just pointing me to a tutorial or a solution I could not find!!!)
Are all file names image1 image2 image3 etc? Then you could try to generate a random number, create a new img element and have it's source pointing to image+randomnumber.jpg and append it to the DOM
One of the main problems your facing here is about your thinking when it comes to how content is delivered, in a standalone static website you do not have access to the file system. This means that if we want to query things outside of the browsers context we are not allowed, obviously without being able to access directories we can not generate a list of file names which can be loaded.
If your wondering why we can't access the file system directly from say the JavaScript it's because of the sandbox that most modern browsers live in, otherwise people could attack your native directories from the front end languages. Your question is interesting as electron removes this sandboxing in a sophisticated esk manner, which is necessary as it's used for building desktop apps with chromium.
These days the most obvious solution would be to use some form of back end language and to create a web server that has direct access to the native directories around it. Node, PhP, GoLang and many other populatr backend languages can parse a directory of files and then interpolate those into the frontend code which is the most common method.
The other popular method at the moment is to create API's which is just a fancy web server with a queryable end point that then executes code against our web server and provides back a list of such items. You could then for instance take the items and then print those out using javascript.
Reference directories method in php:
List contents of directory in nodejs:
The best place to really start with the easiest route to understand more would be to start a backend language in either node or php, with php being the simpler of the two.
First you need to get your file list from server side. then you can use a code like following:
var imageList = //your image list as an array of urls;
var imageNumber = Math.random() * imageList.length; //gives you a random number in the range of imageList's size
var imageToLoad = new Image();
imageToLoad.addEventListener("load", function(){
console.log( "image is loading" );
$('#my-container').append(this); //in this case this will return image dom
imageToLoad.src = imageList[imageNumber];
this will add image to a container with id 'my-container' its just an example you can do anything you want using 'this'
So after much help and guidance from the community, I have figured out the answer! To clarify my process in extreme detail, here is what I did to achieve the desired outcome:
Create the page as a .php file instead of a .html file (in my case, index.php). If you are using notepad to create the file, make sure you change the file extension to .php, the encoding to UTF-8, and save file type as "All Files". As I understand it, PHP can pick the file at random but cannot pass this info to a static HTML page.
Place this block of code into the webpage where the image should show. Currently, it is set up to reference a folder named, "images" out of the root directory (aka This can be changed by modifying the text between the apostrophes after $imagesDir. All other html markup on the page will work correctly if it is outside of the php code block.
Code Block:
$imagesDir = 'images/';
$images = glob($imagesDir . '*.{jpg,jpeg,png,gif}', GLOB_BRACE);
$randomImage = $images[array_rand($images)];
echo "<img src='$randomImage'>";
Thank you #bardizba for the code! Although there may be less resource intensive ways to write this, my situation was a bit different because the file names in the directory did not follow a naming convention and there was a mix of file types (jpg, gif, etc.)
Thanks again to everyone that helped me out!

Reading HTML from source map

I'm trying to get both Typescript controllers and the connected html files from a IIS 7 database, but the code has been minimized and divided into .js and .js.min files.
Using chrome source, I've managed to find and use the reconstructed .ts files, but when I try to open the corresponding html files in chrome, they show up blank.
I have found the html code I need in a templates.js file, but it's not formatted as html, but rather in a compressed form;
$templateCache.put(" loooong line of html looking code.....");
example of compressed html found in templates.js
$templateCache.put("/Project.Dashboards.Instruments/Instruments/XYPlot/xYPlotEdit.html","<form role=form class=xyPlot-edit><div class=form-group><div class=row><div class=col-sm-4><div class=dashboards-propertypanel-navigation-container><abn-tree icon-leaf=icon-leaf icon-expand=\"glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down\" icon-collapse=\"glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up\" expand-level=1 tree-data=vm.configurationNodes tree-control=vm.tree></abn-tree></div>..... etc
Is there any way to reconstruct this html code to a usable form again?
I'm not very experienced in source mapping in javascript yet, if that wasn't abundantly clear.
Ok! I think I've got the file now. Like N.J.Dawson said, all i needed to do was use an online unminifyer to show the template.js content.
I used for anyone else stumbling over this thread.
Haven't found out if the html works with my own code yet, but if it doesn't I'm pretty sure it's my fault, not the html code.
Thanks for the answers!

How to compress json files into javascript

I am making a browser game (client side only). I am trying to make it smaller (meaning file sizes), which is first step for mobile version. I have minified CSS using LESS, JS using uglify and also angular templates using grunt-angular-templates. So at this moment I am loading very small number of files:
images.png (one file with all images)
But the remaining problem are JSON data files. There are (or will be) many levels and each level has its own JSON data file. Also there are some rule definitions etc. The problem is, that these JSON files are loaded dynamically when needed.
I am now trying to find a way, how to somehow get these files (at build time, probably some grunt task) into one file, or even better - directly into app.js. I have no problem in writing PHP script + JS class, that would do this, but I first tried to find some finished solution.
Does anybody know about something like that, or is there any other solution that I am not thinking about? Thanks for any help.
1) The point of this is getting rid of X requests and making one request (or zero) for JSON files.
2) The compiled thing does not have to be JSON at all. Part of my idea:
JsonManager.add('path/to/json/file.json', '{"json":"content of file"}');
making all these lines manually is bad idea, I was asking about something, if there is anything, that could do this job for me.
3) Ideally i am looking for some solution similar to what grunt-angular-templates task does with HTML templates (minifies them and adds them to app.js using Angular's $templateCache)
Say you have two JSONs: {'a':1} and {'b':2}.
You cannot simply concatenate them into one chunk as together they will not be a valid JSON, e.g. this {'a':1}{'b':2} is not valid JSON. You can do this with JS and CSS but not JSON.
The only option is to include them into larger structure:
If your code structure allows to do this then you can use any existing JS compressor/uglifier to compress the result.
For anybody who has same problem as me:
I gave up finding already finished solution, and made my own:
The solution
I have written PHP script, that iterates over files in data directory and lists all JSON files. It also minifies their contents and creates one big array, with keys as relative file names and values as JSON content of files. It then creates a .js file, in which this big array is encoded as JSON again and given to a JavaScript variable (module constant in my case - Angular)
I created a wrapper class, which serves this data as files, e.g.:
var data = dataStorage.getData('levels/level01.json'); // returns JSON content of file located at path/to/data/files/levels/level01.json but without any AJAX call or something
I used grunt-shell to automate running this php file
I added the result .js file to list of files, which should be minified by uglify (and connected together).
The result:
I can create any number of JSON files in any structure and link to them from js code using that wrapper class, but no AJAX calls are fired.
I decreased number of files needed to load at startup (but increased app.js size a bit, which is better than second request).
Thanks for your ideas and help. Hope this also helps someone

I want to unzip a file with javascript from a file or blob object

I would like to read a pptx file in javascript, so I would like to unzip it and read the content in memory. I don't want to store the file first on a server. I want to choose a file with a input type file and just use the file of the input-element and read it binary or something like that.
I found a lot of libraries to unzip zip-files from url, I tried to look at the code but I couldn't figure it out to use it for a blob or byte array.
I can read some stuff like the things described here:
But I don't know how deflating works on byte- or bit-level.
(You've said you want to use an input element, so I'm guessing this is browser-based JavaScript.)
Your first step will be to use the File API to read the file as a binary string. See my answer to this other question for an example of that. Then you'll need to find a library. A quick search discovered this one that implements both inflate and deflate. (I don't have personal experience using it, just found it in an answer to this other question.)
Naturally this will only work on quite modern browsers that support the File API. Otherwise, you have no option but to push the file to a server and do the work there, since you can't access the content of the file in the browser without the File API.

