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How can I access and process nested objects, arrays, or JSON?
(31 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I have this simple JSON object:
I want to access to k and B with Javascript, here is my code:
var jsonData = JSON.parse(jsonText);
console.log(jsonData.k); //Undefined
It always return me undefined, what ever I try but when I display jsonData, I can see the all description of the JSON object:
console.log(jsonData) //[{"k":51.39920565355378,"B":0.087890625}]
Here is the server code witch retrieve my JSON object:
function getMarkersByTripId($tripId)
if ($bdd = mysqli_connect(_BDD_HOST_, _BDD_USERNAME_, _BDD_PASSWORD_, _BDD_NAME_)) {
$sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT `markers` FROM `trip` WHERE `trip_id` = "'.$tripId.'"';
$req = mysqli_query($bdd, $sql);
if ($req) {
$row = mysqli_fetch_row($req);
echo json_encode($row[0]);
else {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 'failure'));
if ($bdd) {
Function witch add my JSON object into the database:
function actionSaveNewtrip($title, $status, $markers)
if ($bdd = mysqli_connect(_BDD_HOST_, _BDD_USERNAME_, _BDD_PASSWORD_, _BDD_NAME_)) {
$markers = mysqli_real_escape_string($bdd, $markers);
$sql = 'INSERT INTO `trip` (title, status, markers) VALUES("'.$title.'", "'.$status.'", "'.$markers.'")';
$req = mysqli_query($bdd, $sql);
if ($req) {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 'success'));
else {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 'failure'));
if ($bdd) {
$markers is the JSON object that I insert into the database.
I would like to know what I'm doing wrong to access to k and B like an array, thank you.
Your JSON will parse into an array with one object in it. Try
The outer [ ] make it an array.
Since it is wrapped in an array, you need to access the first array alement
You can see that it works in the following code snippet:
var jsonData = JSON.parse('[{"k":51.39920565355378,"B":0.087890625}]');
I have a search bar where upon searching i get all the related products, i want to display just top 5 of them
public function getProducts()
if (request()->ajax()) {
$search_term = request()->input('term', '');
$location_id = 1;
$check_qty = request()->input('check_qty', false);
$price_group_id = request()->input('price_group', null);
$business_id = request()->session()->get('user.business_id');
$not_for_selling = request()->get('not_for_selling', null);
$price_group_id = request()->input('price_group', '');
$product_types = request()->get('product_types', []);
$search_fields = request()->get('search_fields', ['name', 'sku']);
if (in_array('sku', $search_fields)) {
$search_fields[] = 'sub_sku';
$result = $this->productUtil->filterProduct($business_id, $search_term, $location_id, $not_for_selling, $price_group_id, $product_types, $search_fields, $check_qty);
return json_encode($result);
You can use ->limit(5)->get() to get only 5 product from query
Use orderBy('column_name', 'desc' or 'asc') for sorting the results of the query
You can use laravel standard response json to send back response instead of wrapping inside json_encode
return response()->json($result)
I'm facing some output trouble at the second part of my codes.
function getSiteContent($url)
$html = cache()->rememberForever($url, function () use ($url) {
return file_get_contents($url);
$parser = new \DOMDocument();
return $parser;
$url = '';
$parser = getSiteContent($url);
$allDivs =[];
$allDivs = $parser->getElementsByTagName('div');
foreach ($allDivs as $div) {
if ($div->getAttribute('class') == 'p-articlelist-content-right') {
$allLinks = $div->getElementsByTagName('a');
foreach ($allLinks as $a) {
$getlinks[] = $a->getAttribute('href');
At this var_dump I can see links that I scraped. No problem 'till here. And one more time. I want to go into those links. That's why I wrote the codes right below.
$link = [];
$siteler = [];
foreach ($siteler as $site) {
if($site == ''){
$site = $getlinks->getElementsByTagName('div');
foreach ($site as $links) {
if($links->getAttribute('class') == 'pc_hnavi'){
$linker = $links->getElementsByTagName('a');
foreach ($linker as $a) {
$link = $a->getAttribute('href');
When I var_dump it. It says Array 0
I didn't understand why it doesn't go in those links with foreach
My codes are wrong? What am I missing here? Any idea for this?
Thank you helping me out.
As I said in the comments $siteler is empty when you try to loop through it, but there are a couple more problems:
First your code will only trigger once at most, when the link is exactly '' and I'm not sure that's what you want.
You are calling DOM functions on an array.
Only seem to care about links inside 'div' tags.
You redefine the $link variable on each loop, so the final result will be just one link.
This is the fixed code:
$link = [];
foreach ($getlinks as $site) {
// Any link in the domain, not just the homepage
if(strpos($site, '') === 0) {
$dom = getSiteContent($site);
$divs = $dom->getElementsByTagName('div');
foreach ($divs as $div) {
// Can have more than one class
$attrs = explode(' ', $div->getAttribute('class'));
if(in_array('pc_hnavi', $attrs)) {
$linker = $div->getElementsByTagName('a');
foreach ($linker as $a) {
// Add to the array
$link[] = $a->getAttribute('href');
However this doesn't check if the link already exists in the array and has the potential to process the same links over and over. I'd strongly suggest to use an existing crawler.
From the comments, turns out that pc_hnavi is an id and not a class and you are interested in the first link only. You can access that element directly without iterating the elements:
foreach ($getlinks as $site) {
// Any link in the domain, not just the homepage
if(strpos($site, '') === 0) {
$dom = getSiteContent($site);
$div = $dom->getElementById('pc_hnavi');
if ($div != null) {
$links = $div->getElementsByTagName('a');
if ($links->length > 0) {
$a = $links->item(0);
$link[] = $a->getAttribute('href');
It looks like your problem is here:
$siteler = []; // $siteler is set to an empty array ...
foreach ($siteler as $site) { // then you loop through the empty array which does nothing ...
Fixing that should get you started.
I'm adding new data to database table with jQuery. Then i'm getting all content from that table. Problem is i'm getting wrong array size every odd time.If i refresh the page it's getting right array size but when i'm clicking button with jQuery function it's all messed up.
I figure out that
$n = mysqli_num_rows($result);
already return wrong num of rows
Here is the script:
$.getallentries = function(){
$.getJSON("entries.php",{action : "getall"},function(data) {
var content_array = $.map(data, function(e) { return e;});
console.log(content_array.length); // to check array size
$.addstatic = function(){
$.post("entries.php",{action : "addstatic"});
And here is entries.php:
function getall(){
$link = db_connect();
$query= "SELECT * FROM jq";
$result = mysqli_query($link,$query, MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT);// Smart people said MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT should help but it didn't
$n = mysqli_num_rows($result);
for($i = 0 ;$i<$n;$i++)
echo json_encode(array($b));
function addstatic(){
$link = db_connect();
$statin_Entry = "Static Entry";
$query = "INSERT INTO jq (Entry) VALUES ('$statin_Entry')";
$result = mysqli_query($link,$query);
if(isset($_GET['action']) && !empty($_GET['action'])) {
$action = $_GET['action'];
switch($action) {
case 'getall' : getall(); break;
else {
if(isset($_POST['action']) && !empty($_POST['action'])) {
$action = $_POST['action'];
switch($action) {
case 'addstatic' : addstatic();break;
case 'removelast' : removelast();break;
// ...etc...
This is log of array length
So the problem again, same array size 143,146,151 and where is 156??
You should call $.getallentries in the callback function of the $.addstatic AJAX call, so that it runs after $.addstatic has finished updating the database.
$.addstatic = function(){
$.post("entries.php",{action : "addstatic"}, $.getallentries);
There's no need to use mysqli_num_rows before fetching the rows. You should use a loop like this:
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$b[] = $row;
Also, you're wrapping your array in another array. Just do:
echo json_encode($b);
The way you've written it, console.log(content_array.length) should always log 1, I don't understand how you're getting higher numbers. Are you sure you posted the actual code?
There's no point in use $.map, all it's doing is making a copy of the data array. Just use data itself.
And in your PHP, you don't need to test both isset() and !empty(), because empty() checks if the variable is set first.
You don't need to use MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT, it's the default for that option.
I dont know where my mistake is but i want to store an oracle query inside a function and return that function inside an array.
class JobDrop {
function _construct($jobSql){
$this->jobSql = $jobSql;
function JobDropdown($conn){
$jobParse = oci_parse($conn, $this->jobSql);
$jobExcErr = oci_execute($jobParse);
if (!$jobExcErr){
$e = oci_error($jobParse);
print htmlentities($e['message']);
print "\n<pre>\n";
print htmlentities($e['sqltext']);
printf("\n%".($e['offset']+1)."s", "^");
print "\n</pre>\n";
} else {
$res = array();
while ($row = oci_fetch_assoc($jobParse)){
$res[] = $row;
$listVendor = json_encode($res, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
return $listVendor;
and in test.php
include './job_drop.php';
$conn = oci_connect(ORA_CON_UN, ORA_CON_PW, ORA_CON_DB);
$jobdrop = new JobDrop();
but it doesnt show the array inside the browser. it shows the query string instead,
object(JobDrop)#1 (1) { ["jobSql":"JobDrop":private]=> string(74) "SELECT VMI.PROJECT_NO JOB FROM VW_MTO_INFO VMI ORDER BY VMI.PROJECT_NO ASC" }
Please help me where I am doing wrong here
If you want to see the array, do:
$res = $jobdrop->JobDropdown($conn);
I am trying to get data to display in a table. I don't know what I am doing wrong, but when I get the data from my page it is an array of single characters. I could parse this myself but would prefer to know what I am doing wrong.
I have this php to get the data:
function BuildViewerCombo($autocomplete) {
$wholeNumberCombo = array();
$dbhandle = DB_Connect();
$result = QueryForward($dbhandle, SQL_WholeNumbersPartial($autocomplete));
while($wholeNumber = sqlsrv_fetch_array($result))
$wholeNumberCombo[] = array($wholeNumber['DocumentNbr'] => 'Number', $wholeNumber['DocumentRevision'] => 'Revision');
//close the connection
return $wholeNumberCombo;
Which is called from this page
include "Scripts/DB_Functions.php5" ;
include "Scripts/SQL_Viewer.php5" ;
$wholeNumber = $_GET['wholeNumber'];
echo json_encode(BuildViewerCombo($wholeNumber));
Which gets loaded from this function
function toggleDropdown()
var wholeNumberData
var wholeNumber = document.getElementById('WholeNumber').value;
if (wholeNumber != '') {
wholeNumberData = GetData('wholeNumber', wholeNumber);
var table = document.getElementById("wholeNumberDropdown");
alert ('WN = ' + wholeNumberData.length);
alert (wholeNumberData);
for (var i in wholeNumberData) {
else {
alert("Please enter a whole number.");
By calling this function:
function GetData(getType, param) {
var http = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", 'ViewerWholeNumbers.php?wholeNumber=' + param, false);
http.onload = function() {
http.send('wholeNumber=' + param);
return http.responseText;
The data that gets returned is:
But alert ('WN = ' + wholeNumberData.length); returns 546 and when I try to loop through the array I get a single character for each element instead of the values.
First off, your associative array is flipped. You need to change
array($wholeNumber['DocumentNbr'] => 'Number', $wholeNumber['DocumentRevision'] => 'Revision');
array('Number' => $wholeNumber['DocumentNbr'], 'Revision' => $wholeNumber['DocumentRevision']);
You need that in order to access the elements of the JSON. Then, in your loop, you would use wholeNumberData[i].Number to get the number and wholeNumberData[i].Revision to get the revision.
As #jeroen pointed out, you need JSON.parse() to convert the return string to JSON. In your GetData function replace your return with this:
return JSON.parse(http.responseText);