Box api for JS / Cordova app - javascript

i'v spend some time investigating if i can integrate JS app (Cordova app) with Box v2 API. I would like to receive a list of file or folders. I'm not able to find a working example for JS. Is is possible at all? Are you aware of any example?

You can take a peek at their native suggestion, But if you're going to use it just inside Cordova, you will probably have to use their Oauth set-up to get credentials,, then you can issue requests to the API for info on any part of the user's account.


Want to make dynamic pages indexable using react cra

So i have this social media app with multiple pages, it's all created with create react app with context api and react-router for routing and laravel for backend. Now, google won't be able to index these dynamic pages, i have tried pre rendring the pages using react-snapshot, currently looking into next js.
i know react has this react dom server, will it be good idea to hook up another server just for pre-rendring the page before sending it to the client.
Is there any other way to do ssr with cra.
First things first, Google is able to index client-side rendered pages.
I think next.js is a good choice for SSR, but you can also look at razzle - maybe you can retrofit that to your CRA setup.
Google should index your website. please check your robots.txt file and also try to provide sitemap.xml for better crawling for google.
Also, there are some issues with using react-snap and that is you render the page at build time and your site render won't change if you read your content from the database and update your database while you didn't rebuild your app.
you can use after.js but next.js have a bigger community and more tutorials out there so I recommend you use next.js.
Also, there is a tool named source) and you can serve rendered page to search engine bots this is the easiest way in my opinion and do not have the downside of using react-snap

Call Cortana API from an HTML page

I wanted to know if there is a way to use the microsoft's cortana api from a web application. Basically to use speech to text for entering text into an input box and do some operations on that. I had tried using the javascript WebSpeechAPI toobut its only for chrome i guess. Any info on the use of cortana api or any other alternatives for a .NET web app will be helpful.
What i found so far -
I know that cortana is supported on UWP (universal windows platform) apps.. so was wondering if there could be a hack to create an api which i could call from the client to invoke cortana and get my work done. there is also a github repo that makes use of a meta tag pointing to a VCD (voice command definition) config file but not sure how to make use of that.
Any help or ideas would be appreciated.

How to create a Windows Phone app that parses html data from a website

I'm planning to create a Windows Phone App for my own site (still not up and running).
I don't know how to go about it.
What I know is that I don't want to use the webview control as it would make the app primitive and ugly.
I am thinking of downloading the html content and parsing it into XAML elements to build the app controls.
But, I am a beginner developer and have no experience in this. If anyone could guide me on how to proceed further it would be very helpful.
"I am thinking of downloading the html content and parsing it into XAML elements to build the app controls."
Hell, no!
In my opinion this is the way you should go: your current web app should have calls to services which provide you the data you need to display on the UI. Your web app is a client. Another client could be the Windows Mobile app.
Windows Store apps can be developed using HTML5+JS or C#+XAML. Pick one way, you know best.
Just saying, if you have some REST service behind everything, it will help you out build clients with ease.
I used AngleSharp to parse html and construct XAML elements based on that.
"I don't want to use the webview control as it would make the app primitive"
This is that you believe. It's possible it's because you have not knowledge enough.
You can make beautiful apps with html. More this if your are trying only make a web as app.
Try making php get_contents and calling that from ajax. Into the app you can style the data you parsed
If you have web application, you have two easy ways to convert it to mobile:
Hosted Web App
But Cordova uses webview, so probably you want to use second option:
You can create app by wrapping existing web site:
Click “File -> New Project” and choose “JavaScript -> Windows ->
Windows Universal -> Blank App (Windows Universal)”
I think it's much easier than designing XAML application.

Javascript notification plugin

I'm developing a web 2.0 app using HTML/Javascript and Java for server side.
My app manage a lot of notifications per-user and I would add a simple popup with unread number after a user click (like facebook) that shows the latest 10 notification (I've just implemented logic within server side).
Is there any graphic plugins (e.g. by jQuery) that I can use?
I'm the author of Notify.js - It depends on jQuery at the moment but I do plan to remove the dependency in future. Post any questions you have about it here
Here's one I've written, it has no dependencies and is very lightweight:

Display data from SQL Lite in Android app using phone gap

I am using Phonegap in Eclipse to make an android app. So I've made an excel file, then I converted it to a db file through using sql lite. Now i have to access that database in javascript. Can anyone give me an idea where to start.
In fact you can access a database that you created through the application Phonegap itself.
You can check the online doc (the link I provide is for Cordova version 1.5.0 but it should be similar for other versions) for more information:
The problem is that you want to access a database that you pre-propulated. So, the main question about this issue would be: where to put my database file?
I suggest that you read the following links which should answer your questions:
Reading a local sqlite file from phonegap!topic/phonegap/XlenKNxmoqE
I hope this information will help you.

