How to access 'foreign' fields in ng-repeat - javascript

I have two angularjs models and I would like to use firstkey of firstcollection as index value in the anothercollention. Basically I want to iterate over anothercollention.firstkey using the key from the previous ng-repeat. Here is some code which I hope makes sense of what I'm trying to do. I've checked all the angularjs docs but none seems to provide an example for this scenario. All of them assume that you have the data in the same ng-repeat model.
<li ng-repeat="(firstkey, value) in firstcollection"></li>
<li ng-repeat="(subkey, subvalue) in anothercollention.firstkey"></li>
first collection {"fruits": "are the best", "veggies": "are the worst"}
another collection {"fruits": [1, 2, 3 ], "veggies":[2,4,5]},
HTML page should look like this:
fruits are the best
1, 2, 3
veggies are the worst

Ok, I guess I got it. All you need to do is:
<li ng-repeat="(firstkey, value) in firstcollection"></li>
<li ng-repeat="(subkey, subvalue) in anothercollention[firstkey]"></li>


How do I properly access and output API object and array data?

My issue is probably very simple, but I am a complete beginner studying Javascript and I have a project where I am supposed to create an anime info web application by fetching data from an API.
I have an issue with a "genres" category. It is listed as an array with various items and item names which I need to have displayed in a 'Genres' column on my page.
Here is an example of some of the data I need to retrieve.
genres array data:
And here is an example of what my current output looks like:
e.g. column output:
If I am supposed to accomplish this by means of a forEach loop, what would be the proper syntax? And if there is another or a simpler way, an example of that would also be appreciated.
Here is an example of how I was printing data into their respectful columns through JavaScript.
<div className="col-md-8">
<ul className="list-group">
<li class="list-group-item">
<strong>Japanese Title:</strong> ${movie.title_japanese}
<li class="list-group-item">
<strong>Genres:</strong> ${movie.genres}
<li class="list-group-item">
<strong>Type:</strong> ${movie.type}
<li class="list-group-item">
<strong>Premiered:</strong> ${movie.premiered}
<li class="list-group-item">
<strong>Episodes:</strong> ${movie.episodes}
Of course, using "" returns 'undefined' and just using "movies.genres" would print many [object Object] results into said column.
I would just need the "name" item of the genres array to be automatically filled into my Genres column upon loading up a page.
movie.genres is an array and you will have to loop it to get each property
let output = "";
for(let i=0;i< movie.genres.length; i++){
output+= movie.genres[i].name;

Angular.js ng-repeat array shows as json

I have an issue where I'm trying to display an array in Angularjs using ng-repeat but its showing the entire json array and not only the text inside.
This is my array
$scope.problems = [
problem: "problem1",
works: [
And this is where I want to display it
<li ng-repeat="works in problems | filter: searchCard">{{works}}</li>
Now the {{works}} tag shows this in the live document:
According to most tutorials and things i've seen its supposed to display the a0 and a9 not the entire json line.
My second question which might be completely different is, how can I display the text correctly but also hide all of them until a person has used the input to search the "works" input field.
when you have objects Array on ng-repeat you have to select that object params; in this sample our object params are "problem" and "works"
also in our object we have "string array" and string array not have params because that we use it directly in this sample {{work}} is object of string array.
<li ng-repeat="item in problems | filter: {problem: searchCard}">
<li ng-repeat="work in">{{work}}</li>
you can use the nested ng-repeats like #Maher mentioned. also, in order to hide data until searchCard is typed, you can use ng-if directive in nested ui.
<li ng-repeat="item in problems | filter: searchCard">
<ul ng-if="searchCard">
<li ng-repeat="work in">{{work}}</li>

How to bind desIndex to sort values in angular-ui-tree?

I'm using angular-ui-tree.
The object I have in my treeview has a sort index. I am looking for a way to bind this sort index to the desIndex of the treeview scope, using something similar to this:
desIndex is the treeview node's index and node.sortIndex is my object's index.
I want it to sort my list by my objects' values, and when I move an object in the treeview the scope will update that object's index like this:
<div ui-tree="treeOptions" callbacks="treeOptions">
<ol ui-tree-nodes="" data-nodrop-enabled="true" ng-model="rootNodeLst" callbacks="treeOptions" id="tree-root">
<li ng-repeat="node ui-tree-desIndex="node.sortIndex" in rootNodeLst" callbacks="treeOptions" ui-tree-node ng-include="'nodes_renderer.html'"></li>
The code above isn't working, how can I fix it?
Change this
<li ng-repeat="node ui-tree-desIndex="node.sortIndex" in rootNodeLst" callbacks="treeOptions" ui-tree-node ng-include="'nodes_renderer.html'"></li>
To this
<li ng-repeat="node in rootNodeLst" ui-tree-desIndex="node.sortIndex" callbacks="treeOptions" ui-tree-node ng-include="'nodes_renderer.html'"></li>
For starters, to get your ng-repeat working.
Then, if ui-tree-desIndex does not get the value set, you can try:
ui-tree-desIndex="{{node.sortIndex}}" or ng-attr-ui-tree-desIndex="{{node.sortIndex}}"
See this JSFiddle.
Funny thing.
Found out that the way im building the treeview with the nested html modify my $index to show this sort number, so, anyway. thanks for your time and helÄ

ng-repeat uknown number of items

Okay this seems fairly odd but i am allowing my users to create any number of category / subcategories they want
When i pull the category data out it might look something like this:
as you can see from the above example the sub categories can have subcategories this list tree could go on forever.
Now trying to make the menu i have a simple list:
<ul class="nav dker">
<li ui-sref-active="active">
<a ui-sref="app.ui.jvectormap" href="#/app/ui/jvectormap">
<span translate="aside.nav.components.ui_kits.VECTOR_MAP" class="ng-scope">Vector Map</span>
The issue here is that i don't know how many times i have to repeat the subcategories which makes it impossible for me to know when to check for it?
i hope you know where im going with this how can i make a reliable list that follows the array pattern above when i don't know how many levels there are?
You are going to want to create a recursive template which will essentially look something like this:
<div data-ng-include="'displaySubcategory.html'"></div>
where displaySubcategory.html contains the ng-repeat and a recursive call to itself.
<div data-ng-repeat="category in category.subcategories">
<div data-ng-include="'displaySubcategory.html'"></div>
The idea is that everytime you call ng-repeat you are creating a scope around the child element, so a call to {{category}} will display the lowest level (current child) of the tree/data structure.

Building a auto-refreshing, nested List in EmberJS

how can i achieve to dynamically generate and update a nested list in EmberJS?
My Model looks something like:
App.Node = Em.Object.extend({
id: 0,
parentId: 0,
title: ""
The parentId represents the id of the direct parent element.
If i have data (instances of the model lying in the content of the controller) like:
title:"Parent Element"
}, {
title:"Child Element"
I want to get a list like:
<li>Parent Element</li>
<li>Child Element</li>
This is what i got: (not runnable, but its easy to understand).
As i mentioned before, i want to build a nested list, which ui updates automatically as soon as the model-data changes.
Hope you can help!
Well the first thing you'll need is a better object model. Storing the parentID on your object doesn't help a lot. You need actual references to your objects, best in both directions, if you just want to display it, just storing the children will be fine as well. Your model should look like this:
App.Node = Em.Object.extend({
id: null,
parent: null,
title: "",
children: []
Then when you load in your data, you'll have to make sure that you map them correctly.
Your actual template would look like this
{{#each node}}
{{#each children}}
You also might want to look at ember-data if your model is getting more complex (

