How to get cell value by clicking on a button - javascript

I have a problem that I can't solve how much I try. By clicking on the Edit Customer button I wan't to get the value from the CustomerNr cell. My problem is that I don't know how to get the row index by clicking on a button and then pass it to my function so I can specifically get the CustomerNr on that row I pressed the button on. You can take a look at my jsfiddle link and note, this is the first time I code in Javascript/Jquery. I'm open for smart solutions.
Here you can see how far I came. I managed to select value from a specific cell.
function GetCellValues() {
var Row = document.getElementById("somerow");
var Cells = Row.getElementsByTagName("td");
I have managed to get the row index by clicking on on a td but I want to get it by pressing a button.
function myMethod(obj) {
alert(obj.parentNode.rowIndex); // parentNode is also used
I wan't to somehow combine this two functions, like in C#. (I'm a C# programmer)
function GetCellValues(e) {
//Something here
alert(Cells[0].Rows[e] innerText);

I've changed the id's of your buttons to classes, as you can't name two elements with the same id, then I looped through the elements... Working fiddle
You should avoid to use inline functions and pereferably do it like this, this might safe you a lot of time and keeps it better maintainability:
var a = document.getElementsByClassName('otherButton');
for (var i = 0; i<a.length;i++) {
var b = this.parentNode.parentNode.cells[0].textContent;
<table id="somerow">
<tr >
<td>Cigarettes Inc</td>
<button class="otherButton" >Edit Customer</button>
<tr >
<td >22</td>
<button class="otherButton">Edit Customer</button>
<td>Samuel Adams</td>
<button class="otherButton" >Edit Customer</button>

the button is inside the td which is inside the tr, so you need to go 2 nodes up. Try this:
function GetCellValues(obj) {

table, td {
border: 1px solid black;
.selected {
background-color: yellow;
<table id="somerow">
<td>Cigarettes Inc</td>
<button id="otherButton" onclick="GetCellValues()">Edit Customer</button>
<td onclick="myMethod(this);">22</td>
<button id="otherButton" onclick="GetCellValues()">Edit Customer</button>
<td>Samuel Adams</td>
<button id="otherButton" onclick="GetCellValues()">Edit Customer</button>
function GetCellValues(elm) {
function myMethod(obj) {


Click event does not return $event on click

I have the following structure in my HTML in an angular 7 application:
What I am trying to do is to call the GetContent() function on click of any of the text inside the div. I am able to get the $event as "Liquidity" when I click on the text but if I click on any empty space between the text, the $event is empty. I tried every possible permutation of changing the location of the function call and id but same issue. Can anyone let me know what is wrong.
<tr (click)="GetContent($event)">
<div id="Liquidity"> lot of text....................... </div>
Because there is no content in your TR's and TD's, its not creating a space at all. Look at my code, I have added padding for table row's ,table and table data tags
<tr (click)="GetContent($event)" >
<td style="padding:20px;background:red">TD
<table style="padding:20px;background:green">Table
<td style="padding:20px;background:blue">TD
<div id="Liquidity" style="padding:10px;background:green"> lot of text....................... </div>
example stackblitz
Do it this way ,
<div id="Liquidity" (click)="GetContent($event)"> lot of text....................... </div>
ts file
GetContent(event) {
var target = || event.srcElement || event.currentTarget;
var idAttr =;
var value = idAttr.nodeValue;
console.log(value) //you will get liquid here.

How to send selected table rows value to another page in javascript

I have 2 pages and 2 tables, in page 1(table 1) I want to send selected rows to page 2(table 2) where in table 2 I show the selected rows
This is the first table in page 1:
<table class="src-table">
<input type="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox">
<input type="button" value="Submit" id="submit">
Like image below
This is the second table in page 2:
<table class="target-table">
Like image below
If you really need this. You can use localStorage.
localStorage not working in the sandbox. But you can use it your application as well.
run storeItems when you need to save selected to store (for example on element select)
run appendStoredToAnouther on window event window.onload on page with the target table
function storeItems() {
const selectedItems = document.querySelectorAll("#first-table .selected");
const selectedHtml = nodeListToString(selectedItems);
localStorage.add('selectedTableItems', selectedHtml);
function nodeListToString(nodeList) {
let string = '';
nodeList.forEach(function(node) {
string += node.outerHTML;
return string;
function appendStoredToAnouther() {
const itemsHtml = window.localStorage.get('selectedTableItems');
const targetTable = document.getElementById('target-table');
targetTable.innerHTML = itemsHtml + targetTable.innerHTML;
<table id="first-table">
<tr class="selected">
<tr class="selected">
<td>Not Selected</td>
<button type="button" onclick="storeItems()">Send to anouther</button>
<button type="button" onclick="appendStoredToAnouther()">Append stored to anouther</button>
<table id="target-table">
<tr class="selected">
<td>Not Selected</td>
Below I demonstrated how some lines could be carried over from one table to another one on a following page. However, since both pages are probably hosted on the same server it is in most cases more practical to first collect some unique identifiers for the selected table records, transmit them to the next page and then get the actual table contents from the original data source again (in many cases a database table or view). This approach will also make your page safer against unauthorised injections.
In case that the tables are to be shown in two consecutive pages you can do the following:
// shortcut for utility function querySelectorAll():
const qsa=(s,o)=>[...(o||document)['querySelectorAll'](s)];
const log=qsa('#log')[0];
var dat="tbl="+JSON.stringify(
// this second part would be placed in the onload section if the next page:
var args=dat.split("&").reduce((a,v)=>{
var t=v.split('=');
return a;},
<h2>page one</h2>
<table class="src-table">
<tr><td><input type="checkbox"></td><td>Jill</td><td>Jones</td></tr>
<tr><td><input type="checkbox"></td><td>Eve</td><td>Adams</td></tr>
<input type="button" value="Submit" id="submit">
<h2>this would be the second page</h2>
<table class="trg-table">
<pre id="log"></pre>
As this is a sandbox the last lines had to modified a bit. In your page you should actually redirect your page with the window.location assignment.
On the second page you then need to read the passed information from and use that information to append it to your table there.

how to get values of columns for a selected row through jQuery on click of element calling method to retrieve value

here i am trying to fetch values of a particular column for a selected row via jquery.In Following code i have two rows which do not have any id.I tried following way and getting both rows value for that column appending each to get value for that row only using jquery only.I want to call test function on click of that element, dont want to use
<script src="">
<script type="text/javascript">
function test(){
var id = $(".use-address").closest("tr").find('td:eq(2)').text();
<table id="choose-address-table" class="ui-widget ui-widget-content">
<tr class="ui-widget-header ">
<td class="nr"><span>50</span>
<td>Some Street 1</td>
<td>G0 0XX</td>
<td>United Kingdom</td>
<button type="button" class="use-address" onclick="test();">Use</button>
<td class="nr"><span>30</span>
<td>Some Street 2</td>
<td>G0 0XX</td>
<td>United Kingdom</td>
<button type="button" class="use-address" onclick="test();">Use</button>
Not sure why you don't want to use jQuery Click event!!
Any way, if you want to stick with your test function, you need to tell the function from where it got called.
so change the
<button type="button" class="use-address" onclick="test();">Use</button>
<button type="button" class="use-address" onclick="test(this);">Use</button>
And update your test function as
function test(el) {
var id = $(el).closest("tr").find('td:eq(2)').text();
If you change your mind you can use the following code
jQuery('document').ready(function() {
jQuery('.use-address').on('click',function() {
var id = $(this).closest("tr").find('td:eq(2)').text();
Based on a click of a TD:
$('td').on('click',function() {
//get the column of the TD
var myCol = $(this).index();
//loop through the rows of this table, get the TD in the same column
$(this).parent('table').find('tr').each(function() {
var colValue = $(this).find('td').eq(myIndex).html()
"colValue" in the loop will grab the contents of the TD at that position.

How to include rowspan and colspan dynamically inside <td> tag based on some conditions

I know I can include <td colspan=10> statically when I want to merge the columns, but if I need to check some conditions and based on that only I need to merge then how this could be done?
My idea was like this:
var span="";
if(some condition)
and then setting this variable inside <td> as:
<td +span+>
but it doesn't work like that… Any suggestion how to do this?
<table id="table" border=2>
<tr id="row1">
<td id="tableCellID">foo</td><td></td>
<button onclick="button();" text="Change"/>
<script language="javascript">
var i = 0;
function button(){
var td = document.getElementById("tableCellID");
td.setAttribute("colspan", 2);
td.setAttribute("colspan", 1);
This is how you can dynamically set the attribute colspan. You will see that changing the colspan of one cell will effect the layout of the entire table. You will need to deal with each cell in the row.
var span='';
var table='';
if(some condition)
var table="<tr><td"+span+"></td></tr>":
One way to do is, if you able to set an id in your td
<td id="foo">
in your javascript, you can add attributes like this,
document.querySelector(" td").style.backgroundColor = "#ccc";
document.querySelector("tr.grand td:nth-child(1)").colSpan="2";
document.querySelector("tr.grand td:nth-child(2)").remove();
table, table td {border:1px solid #ccc; padding:5px 10px; border-spacing:0px;}
<tr class="total">
<td>Sub Cost</td>
<tr class="grand">
<td>Amount $1000</td>
<td>Remove Me</td>

How to select the <tr> which holds the <a> andchange the color

I have a table structure:
<table style="width: 100%;">
background-color: red;
Now the problem is if I click on the <a> its corresponding <tr> element (<tr> that holds the <a>) background should be red, again if I click on the same <a> it should come back to normal.
How to identify the the <tr> on which the <a> is clicked.
I tried:
it worked.
$('a').live('click', function(){
$(this).parent().parent() //this is how you select the <tr> that the <a> is in
//first .parent() gets the <td> second .parent() gets the <tr>
Let me know if you need more. There might be a better way but I'm not positive.
I think closest() should get what you are looking for.
$('a').click(function() {
var tr = $(this).closest('tr');
This way you do not have to assume anything about how nested the anchor is in the containing tr.

