doesn't do anything - javascript

I'm trying to show some info in a pop-up window usig a but when I click nothing happens.
This is the function that opens a new window.
function goNewWin(sell_code){
// Set height and width
var NewWinHeight=1000;
var NewWinWidth=1000;
// Place the window
var NewWinPutX=10;
var NewWinPutY=10;
//Get what is below onto one line
TheNewWin"renovations_history.php?sell_code=" + sell_code,
//Get what is above onto one line
Here's the HTML, with some PHP.
<input type="button" value="Renovaciones" onClick="goNewWin(<?php echo $row['sell_code']; ?>)">
Nor it works with:
It's 2:22 am and I can think straight, please help.

You need to add single quotes to the JavaScript function call:
$sell_code = $row['sell_code'];
<input type="button" value="Renovaciones" onClick="goNewWin('<?php echo $sell_code]; ?>')">
Without it, Javascript will consider your $row['sell_code'] as a javascript keyword.
You need to pass it as a string (function parameter).

if $row['sell_code'] is a string the you can use
$sellCode = $row['sell_code'];
onClick="goNewWin('<?php echo $sellCode; ?>')">


How to call a function in a php file using jquery load?

I am trying to display the data i retrieve from the database but it is not being displayed. I have a function in the file getComments.php called "getComments(page)" page is just a integer parameter to choose that database. and as you can see that i need to call this function to print the users comments. I am trying to use "load" but it is not being successful i just want to call this function to load the comments on the page. thank you in advance.
use TastyRecipes\Controller\SessionManager;
use TastyRecipes\Util\Util;
require_once '../../classes/TastyRecipes/Util/Util.php';
function getComments($page){
echo "<br><br>";
$controller = SessionManager::getController();
and in my web page where i want to display it using java script, i tried the following
<div class="page" id="comments">
<p class="style">Comments</p>
<button class="btn" id="load-comments">See Previous Comments</button><br>
echo " <input type='hidden' id='uid' value = '".$_SESSION['u_uid']."'>
<input type='hidden' id='date' value = '".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."'>
<textarea id='message'></textarea><br>
<button class = 'btn' type = 'submit' id = 'submitCom'>Comment</button>";
echo "<p>Please log in to comment</p>";
document.getElementById('#comments').innerHTML =
$("#comments").load("../extras/getComments.php", getComments(1));
Just change your click handler to this:
$("#comments").load("../extras/getComments.php", { page: 1 }); //i also added where the elements are loaded
and in getComments.php (if practical, otherwise you might need to create a new PHP file which calls the getComments() function and call that from the click handler instead) add something like:
if (isset($_POST['page'])) {
// do any other necessary stuff

Javascript fill html input form

I have a generated list of Buttons:
echo "<td> <button id=\"{$cell}\" onclick=\"ausfüllen($cell)\">{$cell}</button></td>"
and I want to call a JavaScript function:
function ausfüllen(text) {
document.getElementById("nv_durchwahl").value = "dw";
to fill out some other <td>:
<input type="text" id="nv_durchwahl" name="nv_durchwahl" value="">
This is how i tried it.
The buttons are generated without any problem but it doesn't fill out the form.
Any ideas where I went off in this one?
You forgot to close the function bracket
function ausfüllen(text) {
document.getElementById("nv_durchwahl").value = "dw";
And there is no element with ID "nv_durchwahl".
try to concatenate this way... the function ausfüllen receives a string, check how is being translated into html code...
echo "<td> <button id='".{$cell}."' onclick='ausfüllen(".'"'.{$cell}.'"'.")'>".{$cell}."</button></td>";
when you say
fill out the form.
means putting on the element with id "nv_durchwahl" (which should be unique) the value "dw" or the content of "text" variable?
function ausfüllen(text) {
//set the value of the element with the specific id to "dw"
//text is never used!
document.getElementById("nv_durchwahl").value = "dw";

Clear or Delete file from textField

I am working with PHP's Yii framework and having issues clearing or deleting the uploaded file from the textfield. Currently, it will delete the content from the fileField, but can't get it to delete the textfield. Any ideas?
I can now clear my textField because I've hard coded my clearFileInputField function by adding $('.getFile').val(""); I reference this in my HTML by adding the 'class' => 'getName' in the input section. While this clears the data, it doesn't remove the file after saving. Any suggestions?
<div id = "clearContent">
<?php echo $form->labelex($model,'info'); ?>
<?php echo $form->textfield($model,'info', array(placeholder => "No file chosen", readonly => true, 'class' => 'getName')); ?><br>
<?php echo $form->fileField($model,'info'); ?>
<?php echo $form->error($model,'info'); ?>
<input type="checkbox" onclick = "clearFileInputField('clearContent')" href="javascript:noAction();"> Remove File
function clearFileInputField(tagId) {
document.getElementById(tagId).innerHTML = document.getElementById(tagId).innerHTML;
I am not sure if I understood the problem you are having correctly. If I understood the question completely wrong, please elaborate and I will try to improve my answer.
If you want to remove the the content (the value attribute) of a text and file input you can use code like the following:
// listen to the click on the #clearnbtn element
document.getElementById('clearbtn').addEventListener('click', function() {
// Remove the value of the #foo and #bar elements
document.getElementById('foo').value = "";
document.getElementById('bar').value = "";
If you would like to remove an entire field you can do that like so:
// Retrieves the input element, gets its parents and removes itself from it
var fooElement = document.getElementById('foo');
Or you can set the innerHTML attribute of the parent element to an empty string ('').
document.getElementById('clearContent').innerHTML = "";

Error while passing checkbox values to a Javascript function

I have a checkbox which stores values from database table. So it contains an array of values when I display them on my page.
<input type="checkbox" id="chkdelt[<?php echo $id; ?>]" name="chkdelt[]" value="<?php echo $id; ?>">
Above given is the checkbox code.
I have a popup block which shows the count of checked checkboxes.
<div class="popup">
Show count here <span id="numb"></span>
<button type="button" onclick="paz(<?php echo json_encode(chkdelt); ?>);">Click</button>
And I am able to show the count successfully using this javascript function given below.
// used to show number of checked checkboxes in popup
function dumpInArray(){
var arr = [];
$('.table-responsive input[type="checkbox"]:checked').each(function(){
return arr.length; //returns no of checked check boxes
$('.select_chk').click(function () {
$('#numb').html(dumpInArray()); // output of dumpInArray() written into numb span
And I try to pass this array to a Javascript function while clicking the button inside of popup.
My Javascript is given below:
function paz(a)
var temp = new Array();
temp = JSON.parse(a);
The values are not passed to paz() in Javascript. Rest works fine. I want to pass the values of all checked checkboxes to the paz() when I click the button in the popup div.
Thanks. Help???
You need to pass argument to JavaScript function as a string.
You're passing them as a variable which in turn will be becoming as undefined.
To pass argument as a string use function_name('arg') or function_name("arg").
So in your code change:
<button type="button" onclick="paz(<?php echo json_encode(chkdelt); ?>);">Click</button>
<button type="button" onclick="paz('<?php echo json_encode(chkdelt); ?>');">Click</button>
Also I'll suggest you to use <input type="button" /> Instead of <button> & I think if chkdelt is variable name in php you'll need to use $ sign before it and use json_encode($chkdelt).
Hope it'll help you.. Cheers :)!

Separating variables for SQL insert using PHP and JavaScript

A grid table is displayed via PHP/MySQL that has a column for a checkbox that the user will check. The name is "checkMr[]", shown here:
echo "<tr><td>
<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"{$Row[CONTAINER_NUMBER]}\"
data-info=\"{$Row[BOL_NUMBER]}\" data-to=\"{$Row[TO_NUMBER]}\"
name=\"checkMr[]\" />
As you will notice, there is are attributes for id, data-info, and data-to that are sent to a modal window. Here is the JavaScript that sends the attributes to the modal window:
<script type="text/javascript">
var selectedID = [];
var selectedBL = [];
var selectedTO = [];
$(".modal-body .containerNumber").val( selectedID );
$(".modal-body .bolNumber").val( selectedBL );
$(".modal-body .toNumber").val( selectedTO );
So far so good. The modal retrieves the attributes via javascript. I can choose to display them or not. Here is how the modal retrieves the attributes:
<div id="myModal">
<div class="modal-body">
<form action="" method="POST" name="modalForm">
<input type="hidden" name="containerNumber" class="containerNumber" id="containerNumber" />
<input type="hidden" name="bolNumber" class="bolNumber" id="bolNumber" />
<input type="hidden" name="toNumber" class="toNumber" id="toNumber" />
There are additional fields within the form that the user will enter data, I just chose not to display the code. But so far, everything works. There is a submit button that then sends the form data to PHP variables. There is a mysql INSERT statement that then updates the necessary table.
Here is the PHP code (within the modal window):
$bol = $_POST['bolNumber'];
$container = $_POST['containerNumber'];
$to = $_POST['toNumber'];
$bol = mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($bol));
$container = mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($container));
$to = mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($to));
$sql_query_string =
"INSERT INTO myTable (bol, container_num, to_num)
VALUES ('$bol', '$container', '$to')
echo ("<script language='javascript'>
echo ("<script language='javascript'>
window.alert('Not Saved')
All of this works. The user checks a checkbox, the modal window opens, the user fills out additional form fields, hits save, and as long as there are no issues, the appropriate window will pop and say "Saved."
Here is the issue: when the user checks MULTIPLE checkboxes, the modal does indeed retrieve multiple container numbers and I can display it. They seem to be already separated by a comma.
The problem comes when the PHP variables are holding multiple container numbers (or bol numbers). The container numbers need to be separated, and I guess there has to be a way the PHP can automatically create multiple INSERT statements for each container number.
I know the variables need to be placed in an array somehow. And then there has to be a FOR loop that will read each container and separate them if there is a comma.
I just don't know how to do this.
When you send array values over HTTP as with [], they will already be arrays in PHP, so you can already iterate over them:
foreach ($_POST['bol'] as $bol) {
"INSERT INTO bol VALUES ('$bol')";
Your queries are vulnerable to injection. You should be using properly parameterized queries with PDO/mysqli
Assuming the *_NUMBER variables as keys directly below are integers, use:
echo '<tr><td><input type="checkbox" value="'.json_encode(array('CONTAINER_NUMBER' => $Row[CONTAINER_NUMBER], 'BOL_NUMBER' => $Row[BOL_NUMBER], 'TO_NUMBER' => $Row[TO_NUMBER])).'" name="checkMr[]" /></td>';
$('a#specifyAnchor').click(function() {
var selectedCollection = [];
$(':checkbox[name="checkMr[]"]:checked').each(function() {
$(".modal-body #checkboxCollections").val( selectedCollection );
<form action="" method="POST" name="modalForm">
<input type="hidden" name="checkboxCollections" id="checkboxCollections" />
$cc = $_POST['checkboxCollections'];
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
foreach ($cc as $v) {
$arr = json_decode($v);
$query = sprintf("INSERT INTO myTable (bol, container_num, to_num) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s')", $arr['BOL_NUMBER'], $arr['CONTAINER_NUMBER'], $arr['TO_NUMBER']);
// If query fails, do this...
// Else...
Some caveats:
Notice the selector I used for your previous $('a').click() function. Do this so your form updates only when a specific link is clicked.
I removed your mysql_real_escape_string functions due to laziness. Make sure your data can be inserted into the table correctly.
Make sure you protect yourself against SQL injection vulnerabilities.
Be sure to test my code. You may have to change some things but understand the big picture here.

