JqGrid check to see if the row is selected - javascript

Hi im trying to check to see if a row is selected in jqGrid and if it is then toggle the selection.
I know i can deselect the current row using
`.jqGrid('setSelection', rowid, false);`
applys this to every row in the grid. But i need to check if the row is already selected before i deselect it.
But what i need to do is an if statement that checks if the selected row is selected and if so do some code but i don't know how to get the true or false value from the row. I've tried using and alert to see what the setSelection reruns but it just displays [object object]. Thank you for any help.

You can use .jqGrid("getGridParam", "selrow") and .jqGrid("getGridParam", "selarrrow") (be carefull in the strange name of the option) to get internal options which hold the last selected rowid and the array of rowids of selected rows. So, if you need to check whether the row with the rowId is selected and you use multiselect: true option, then you can use the following code template
var selRowIds = $("#grid").jqGrid("getGridParam", "selarrrow");
if ($.inArray(rowId, selRowIds) >= 0) {
// the row having rowId is selected


datatables dropdown combobox

Im using Datatables from https://datatables.net.
One of the columns on the datatable has a dropdown combobox as cell data.
When I push a button, I need to get the selected value of the combobox inside the selected row.
$.each($("#prize_selector tr.selected"), function () {
var row = prizes_table.row(this).data();
but no success. How can I access the DOM select inside the cell, without traversing all the input selects on the table? (there are a lot).
edit the console throws row[3].$ is not a function
I assume you're using Select extension to select rows.
Below is a correct way to access select element for each selected row:
table.rows({ selected: true }).every(function(){
var $select = table.$('select', this.node());
var $option = table.$('select option:selected', this.node());
console.log($select.val(), $option);
See this example for code and demonstration.

the combo box editor in cell editing grid does not deselect after choosing a value

I am having an editor grid with four columns and i am trying to implement a sql builder. The where statement will have four fields namely "condition1" "operator" "condition2" "and/or".
I am using a combo box to select between and/or/none and there is a delete button as row action. when I delete a row and if that row is the last,the value of and/or combo in the previous row will be set as "none". I am able to achieve that but the problem is , when the combo box is selected in the previous row and i delete the row next to it, the value changes in the store but not in the view. the value changes in the view when the combo box is not selected in the previous row.
my code is :
if(rowIndex == grid.all.endIndex)
//get the previous record and set the vale to none
var previousRowRecord = grid.store.getAt(rowIndex-1);
//delete the current record
How to deselect a combo box once the value is selected ? i think this can be a work around
Not sure if I understood you correctly (a screenshot would help out a lot here), but it may sound like the combo box is still in the edit state when you are deleting the row below. If so, try the following:
First make sure the grid editor plugin has an id:
plugins: [{
ptype: 'cellediting',
pluginId: 'celleditplugin'
Then, before deleting the row, do the following:

Delete Dropdown values using jquery

I have a situation here,
Using JQuery I'm appending some values in drop down list.. Even it is one or two value that appended in drop down list..
For Add,
tableui+='<option value="">'+resourceadd+'</option>';
When the page reloads automatically the value stored in db.
For example 4 values added in dropdown list (Values are not stored in db), I want to delete last value. I'm using,
$("#resourcess :last-child").remove();
The same condition, I want to delete middle of two values, How to do it??
Assuming you know the value of the option you want to remove, you could use filter:
$('#resources option').filter(function() {
return this.value == 'foo'; // insert your value here.
Or an attribute selector:
$('#resources option[value="foo"]').remove();
If you don't know the value, but do know the position of the option within the select, you could remove it by index using eq():
$('#resources option').eq(1).remove(); // remove the 2nd option

jqgrid current row selected

i am using this method me return last selected row and i want current selected row.
$.subscribe('cellselect', function(event, data) {
var sel_id = jQuery("#gridtable").jqGrid('getGridParam', 'selrow');
//JQgrid event
In the Documentation says: "selrow: string This option is readonly. It contains the id of the last selected row". here
The selrow option will retrieve the currently selected row in the grid. Are you running into trouble when using this option in your application code?
For what it's worth, if you did want to get the ID of the previously selected row then you would have to add additional code to your application.
selrow will return the currently selected row index if you are not using paging. If paging is used it will return null.
See this link for more information.

jqGrid: Expected Behavior for Checkboxes in Table Formatting

I am working with jqGrid to display a list of data. Each row has a checkbox on the leftmost side, with the top row acting as a column header. The checkbox on the leftmost side of the column header acts as a "Select All" button for all of the rows being displayed. In this scenario, if a user manually selects all of the checkboxes for each row, should the "Select All" checkbox automatically select itself?
See attached image for the checkbox in question.
Not necessary. It would be nice though.
You can do this way:-
var ids = grid.getDataIDs();
for (var i=0, il=ids.length; i < il; i++) {
grid.jqGrid('setSelection',ids[i], true);
This example is taken from here.
In my point(and my customer's request also) of view, It is necessary. The main reason I want to make sure the header checkbox gets selected in my grids is so the user can subconsciously determine that yes, all the rows in the grid are definitely selected right now. If you consider, many rows in the jqgrid (some row are not visible) , how can i make sure all rows are selected (?).

