Creating and minifying JavaScript dynamically in ASP.NET MVC server-side code - javascript

I am using a ASP.NET route (to intercept the call to the .js) and controller to generate some JS I want to use on my client. The reason I'm doing this is so as to not have to duplicate id's or constants on the client. Here's the output of my JS:
app.serviceRootURL = 'http://localhost:65211/'; // set in my web.config
app.ajaxResponseStatuses = [
{ "status":"Success", "id":0 }, // set in my C# DTO
{ "status":"Failure", "id":1 },
First of all, I am not sure if this is the best approach, so other suggestions to doing this would be beneficial.
More importantly though, I'm wondering how I can bundle and minify this. As I understand it, even if I could minify the JS at compile or run-time, minification will change the names of my variables. So in the above JS, app.ajaxResponseStatuses could get changed to a.bc, and then in the actual JS files where I'm trying to access that variable, they could be looking for x.yz.
Can I minify this code and get it to the server?
Will I still be able to use the above properties in other minified files?
(bonus points) Is this a good aproach to pass server-side-only values to be used on the client?

Part 1
If you are generating the js at runtime, bundling isn't possible (at least not efficiently). You would have to create a new bundle for every request which isn't terribly quick. Plus, you wouldn't be able to cache the regular, constant script bundle.
EDIT: While bundling server-generated js isn't practical, rendering the values into a script tag in the page can achieve the same benefit of bundling, fewer HTTP calls. See the edit in Part 3 for more.
Minifying the server generated js however, is totally possible. This question should have the answer you're looking for. However, I'd recommend you cache this on the server if possible, as the minification process itself could take longer than simply sending down the extra bits.
Part 2
In most minifiers, global variables (those accessible on the window object) are skipped during the name mangling. With the same respect, variables that are accessed in other files that are not defined within that file are not renamed.
For example, if you have the following file...
// outside of a closure, so globally accessible
var foo = 1;
function bar() {
// within a closure, and defined with `var`, not globally accessible
var bar;
// reference to variable declared in another file
baz = null;
it would be minified as follows (with whitespace included for readability
var foo = 1;
function bar() {
var b;
baz = null;
This is one reason it is important to always declare your variables using the var keyword, otherwise they are assumed to be references to global variables and will not be minified.
Also, JSON (not Javascript object literals!!!) will never be distorted by minifiers, because it consists of string literals for all keys, and all values that aren't of another literal type.
Part 3
Not a bad way, and at my job we do use this approach. For small files though, or simple config values, we have transitioned to rendering server values in a script tag using ASP.NET in the actual view. i.e.
<script> window.globals = <%= JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new AppGlobals(currentUser)) %>; </script>
We rip this out into a code behind, but the premise is the same.
Server-Generated JS (at it's own uri)
Cacheable by browser (if fresh values aren't needed on every request)
Extra round trip
Use when:
Your generated files are large, but rarely change or are the same for multiple users. These scripts can be treated the same as other static assets. To give an example, we serve a js file containing all the text in our app for localization purposes. We can serve a different js file based on the language set in the user's settings, but these values only change once at most with every release, so we can set aggressive cache headers and use a hash in the uri, along with a query string for the locale, to leverage browser caching and download each language file only once per client. Plus, if this file is going to be the same for every user accessing the same uri, you can cache it at the web server (IIS, Apache, etc.).
Ex: /api/language.v1-0-0.js?locale=en
Your js is independent from the rest of your app and not having it won't delay rendering. In this case, you can add the async attribute to your script tag, and this file will be downloaded asynchronously and executed when it is received without preventing the execution of other javascript.
Server-Rendered JS (within the page in a script tag)
No extra HTTP calls
Can add extra weight to your HTML, which may not be cacheable or minified depending on your circumstances
Use when:
Your values change often. The weight added to the page should be negligible unless you have a huge number of values (in that case, you might consider splitting them up and adding API endpoints for these values, and only getting them when you need them). With this, you can cut out the extra HTTP call as the js is injected into a script tag on a page the user would already have to retrieve.
Don't waste too much time worrying about it. The differences in these two approaches is almost always negligible. If it becomes a problem, try both and use the better option for your case.


How to attach large amounts of data with tampermonkey script?

My script adds some annotations to each page on a site, and it needs a few MBs of static JSON data to know what kind of annotations to put where.
Right now I'm including it with just var data = { ... } as part of the script but that's really awkward to maintain and edit.
Are there any better ways to do it?
I can only think of two choices:
Keep it embedded in your script, but to keep maintainable(few megabytes means your editor might not like it much), you put it in another file. And add a compilation step to your workflow to concatenate it. Since you are adding a compilation you can also uglify your script so it might be slightly faster to download for the first time.
Get it dynamically using jsonp. Put it on your webserver, amazon s3 or even better, a CDN. Make sure it will be server cachable and gzipped so it won't slow down the client network by getting downloaded on every page! This solution will work better if you want to update your data regularly, but not your script(I think tampermonkey doesn't support auto updates).
My bet would would definetly be to use special storage functions provided by tampermonkey: GM_getValue, GM_setValue, GM_deleteValue. You can store your objects there as long as needed.
Just download the data from your server once at the first run. If its just for your own use - you can even simply insert all the data directly to a variable from console or use temporary textarea, and have script save that value by GM_setValue.
This way you can even optimize the speed of your script by having unrelated objects stored in different GM variables.

Breeze js - how to create an entity from a JSON string and import it into the breeze cache

I am working on a mobile single page site that uses breeze js, angular js, web API, entity framework, etc.
To optimize the site, I included the breeze metadata in a bundled JavaScript that contains all the other JavaScript the site needs. Ideally, all I would like the browser to request is index.html, which should contain everything the app needs to run including bundled and minified inline styles and JavaScript.
However, just as the breeze metadata is very important for the site to function and is therefore embedded in the bundled JavaScript, there is also a required complex entity (with some deep navigation properties to some other entities) that must also be present for the site to be fully functional. I would like to embed this entity and all the entities it references in the bundled JavaScript as well. How can I do this?
I can always create a JSON string that represents this entity and all the entities it references. Then embed that JSON string in the bundled JavaScript along with the rest. However, how can I easily import this complex entity into the breeze entity system using the entity JSON string I have embedded in JavaScript? Or is there a better solution to preload the breeze entity system with a complex entity without having to make a request for that entity from the server?
I would also like to avoid writing server code to spit out JavaScript that creates the entity on the client.
Simplest approach would be to use the "initializer" argument to the EntityManager.createEntity call.
See and
This call looks this.
myEntityManager.createEntity("Employee", { lastName: Smith", firstName: "John" });
So in your case you could try:
var initialValues = JSON.parse(json);
myEntityManager.createEntity("Employee", initialValues);
Depending on your use case you may want to also set the 'entityState' of this newly created entity as well.
Here's a technique I often use to create entity data for automated tests:
prime an EntityManager with the entities (and entity graphs) that you want available at launch.
export as a string with var exported = manager.exportEntities();. The exported string has the metadata embedded in it so you won't have to bring that down separately. Two-for-one!
capture the contents of exported to a JavaScript file that you load as script in index.html. My "capture" process is usually just to display in the console and scrape it.
Now when you need it:
load that JavaScript metadata+data file.
create a new EntityManager (remember to target the same dataservice endpoint).
import the entities you captured in your script: manager.importEntities(launchData);.
And you are good to go.
Read up on the EntityManager exportEntities and importEntities methods.
One place you can see a variation on this technique is in the test directory of the "Zza-Node-Mongo".
I personally do not combine the data with the metadata so I export using the "no metadata" option. I put the metadata in one script and the data-to-load-on-launch (lookups usually) in a separate script and load both in index.html.
You say
to optimize the site, I included the breeze metadata in a bundled JavaScript that contains all the other JavaScript the site needs. Ideally, all I would like the browser to request is index.html, which should contain everything the app needs to run including bundled and minified inline styles and JavaScript.
Beware of premature optimization
I rather doubt that you will measurably improve the launch time of the app by embedding metadata and launch date in script files. Maybe some of the time if the browser caches these scripts. But that comes with its own risks and isn't a reliable strategy.
The data you want has to come over the wire to the client one way or another. It isn't self-evident that loading a script file - even a minimized script file - is any faster than pulling the metadata and launch data (both gzipped) down from the server via a web api AJAX call.
The techniques I described do speed up testing because I have to recreate metadata and the launch data before each test. I can measure the performance gain from avoiding repeated trips to the server. I gain nothing for the first trip ... which is the equivalent of your application launch.
Be mentally prepared to discover that your hard earned optimization efforts did not improve launch times ... and might even make them worse for some users.

Django: render staticfiles through template engine at deploy-time

I want to render some static files (*.js in particularly) using Django template variables. I believe this is a common use-case, especially when doing anything AJAX-y; I don't want to hardcode AJAX urls in my .js files any more than I want to hardcode them in my .html files. Buuuut of course I don't want those static files to have to run through the template engine at every client request because this will be slow. I am referring to things like URLs (which do not change after compile/deploy) or static (non-db) model attributes. (I suppose there are use cases where these things might be changed at run-time - this is Python, after all- but I think they are uncommon). For some possible template variables (e.g. model fields), of course the file must be rendered at the time of the client request, but this is not what I'm talking about.
So wouldn't it make sense to render some of my static files through the template engine, for a subset of possible template variables, perhaps at the same time as collectstatic?
As far as I can tell this is not currently the case. To be clear, what I am looking for is a solution to render static files through the template engine at compile/deploy-time so that at "client-request-time" they are in fact plain old static files.
Such an approach would avoid these hacks:
DRY URLs in Django Javascript
Using the Django URL Tag in an AJAX Call
Yes I know there are template engines out there for javascript (mustache, handlebars, prototype, etc). Why should I add another template engine to the stack when Django already has one? Plus the syntax collides! That seems silly.
This looks like it takes a crack at it, but it's complicated and not fully implemented.
Is there a solution out there that I am missing?
If not, is there a way to hook into collectstatic (like a pre-collectstatic hook) that would allow one to render certain static files through the template engine before "collecting" them?
No responses this a really dumb question, and I'm missing something obvious? If so...go ahead and let me know...
There are several frameworks for Django for same purpose: django-pipeline, django-assets, and etc. which integrates different static files processing strategies, with varying degrees of difficulty configuring.
I use an external tool - Grunt (it requires node.js) - for asset post-processing after collectstatic. It is easier and has a lots of plugins for any purpose (source validation, css/js/images minification, merging, testing and etc.).
It is possible to hook in collectstatic by a custom static files storage with overrided post_process method.
STATIC_ROOT = 'assets'
import os
from import StaticFilesStorage
from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
from django.template import Template, Context
class MyStaticFilesStorage(StaticFilesStorage):
def post_process(self, paths, dry_run=False, **options):
# don't even dare to process the files if we're in dry run mode
if dry_run:
js_template_data = {'foo': 'bar'} # template variables
js_template_extension = '.jst'
js_extension = '.js'
for original_name, (storage, path) in paths.items():
processed = False
saved_name = original_name
original_path, original_extension = os.path.splitext(original_name)
if original_extension == js_template_extension:
with as original_file:
saved_name = original_path + js_extension
if hasattr(original_file, 'seek'):
original_source =
c = Context(js_template_data)
saved_source = Template(original_source).render(c)
self._save(saved_name, ContentFile(saved_source))
processed = True
yield original_name, saved_name, processed
A completely different way to approach the problem would be to ask if you really need to get those URLs in javascript--instead, can the Javascript get the URLs from things like data attributes in your HTML?
In other words, you might have wanted:
<div id="pop-up-modal">pop me up</div>
$("#pop-up-modal").click(function {
$.ajax("{% url 'some-class-name %}")
When it can often be more straightforward to do something like:
<div id="pop-up-modal" data-popurl="{% url 'some-class-name' %}">pop me up</div>
$("#pop-up-modal").click(function {
I think that django-medusa would suit your needs.
By setting up a renderer and using the disk based backend, generating the static files would be as easy as: staticsitegen
You aren't crazy. I was frustrated by this as well and found myself hacking something together for each new Django project I tackled. I think the reason for the lack of direct solutions is that this is mega-drought bone DRY. Its super easy to just hard code these things and call it day. This and the two most common use cases for this involve generating code in one language from code in another which tends to be viewed as suspect.
I've recently published a new Django package django-render-static that solves this problem generically. It piggy-backs on Django's existing template engine infrastructure. A management command called render_static should be run before collectstatic. This command will look for templates registered in settings (or passed as arguments) and render them to your static file location on disk. They're then available for whatever normal static file packaging pipeline you have configured.
I'm sure there are more use cases, but the two most common I've found are providing a reverse utility in static JavaScript thats equivalent to Django's and auto-translating define-like python structures (i.e. choice fields) into JavaScript. The app provides template tags that do both.
The JavaScript url reversal code is guaranteed to be functionally equivalent to Django's reverse function. I won't bother plopping example code down here because it's been well documented.

MVC .NET 3 - Maintainable, Refactor-Friendly Javascript Files

I currently have page-specific javascript files that look something like:
$(document).ready(function ()
namespace.home.list = {};
namespace.home.list.Update = function ()
var element = $(namespace.ElementIds.LIST);
//some code that pulls a list from the server and dumps the data into our element
By my own convention, this .js file is meant to belong to Controller Home/List (and correspondingly the View Home/List.cshtml).
Furthermore, namespace.ElementIds has a list of Ids that are manually kept in sync with a (nearly) identical .cs file, so that server-generated html creates elements with the same Ids that I reference in my js files.
I am unhappy with this as a solution for keeping my elementId and js namespaces refactor-friendly. Is there a better way?
Currently my javascript is loaded via script tags with src attributes, but I've considered having them in .cshtml files that have nothing but a script tag with some razor markup that would let me define namespaces + elementIds using only my C# classes. I have a feeling this is not a good idea, but I don't actually know why. It would increase my ability to refactor and link my server code to my client code, but what are the drawbacks? Lack of caching? Decreased performance?
Generally you do not want to have that many javascript files linked to your document. Each uses up a round trip's worth of time and overhead in the HTTP Protocol.
What you should do is build/use a system that collects all your JS files in your project and crunches them into one minified js file (or 2-3 if you need lighter loads in places). This will make sure they load quickly and in one go.
Then you link the one file in your document and it doesn't matter what you rename the original js file to. Or where it lives.
As for namespacing, something you should note:
You should probably wrap up most of your modules in a scope to keep from polluting your global namespace, this has the addded benefit of giving you a shortcut for your namespacing mechanism:
;(function($, $namespace) {
var $module = $namespace.list = {};
$module.Update = function ()
var element = $($namespace.ElementIds.LIST);
//some code that pulls a list from the server and dumps the data into our element
})(jQuery, namespace.home);
This allows you to have private helper functions with useful (generic) names. Since they're only accessible from within that scope and won't conflict with other modules. Additionally this makes sure your jQuery never conflicts with another js library that may take the $ identifier in the global namespace.

Best-practice for javascript configuration on new web project

I would like to ask a question about a new and large scale web project's javascript requirements. We will use lot of javascript, ajax requests, jquery, json objects & jquery plugins in our project. We planning to store global variables and lot of default values in a global site configuration file with php class and ini file on server-side.
But we need to read, use and sometimes override some variables and configuration values on client-side with javascript - jquery.
This javascript based configuration file must have following properties;
Won't have all server-side config values. Only we need.
Must be a single file that will be call on html head section.
Must define a global variable or json or javasctipt object or array (I don't know which is best)
This values must reachable by other javascript functions and objects.
Will store booleans, strings, integers maybe a some little initialization methods for 5-6 different pages (ex.: we don't need main page's config values on product detail page's and we don't need product detail page's some initialization methods and values on main page etc.)
We need to reach some values of this configuration object on every page like debugMode=true or false etc..
We need to know in other javascript objects to running platform via this config file for images and other resource paths (Developer-Test-Stage-Production)
Also we can completely generate this file on server side or generate a static .js file and after a PHP request, set some user-page-specific or language specific values, than we must be put (override) some of this server-side generated values in Js object.
What is best-practices for this solution? Any suggestions?
Must define a global variable or json
or javasctipt object or array (I don't
know which is best)
JSON is basically an object literal, so it can do both. Go for it. Think of JSON as a serialized javascript object.
This values must
reachable by other javascript
functions and objects.
As soon as you run the JSON it will be available in your code.
Will store
booleans, strings, integers maybe a
some little initialization methods for
5-6 different pages (ex.: we don't
need main page's config values on
product detail page's and we don't
need product detail page's some
initialization methods and values on
main page etc.)
Again, JSON can do all of that.
So I would suggest a JSON file, that is included via script tag on the client side. JSON is easy to generate, read and manipulate on the server side (eg.: json_encode, json_decode in php).
It SHOULD BE a static js file, as it stresses the server the least. Also, Gzip compression can help to keep the bandwidth cost low.

